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[2023.12.13] Update Warspear Online 12.2. Announcement. Part I


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Fairy winter celebrations are nigh! In just a little while, the whole of Arinar is to see the festive magic taking its jolly foothold at every near and distant reach. As ever before, the majestic Snowy Bound will soon open its grand doors for every warrior from across Arinar, its beauty lying sparking in the winter sunlight. Yet while the icy valleys and fluffy snowbanks of the Snowy Bound remain undisturbed as the snow elves are all wrapped up in their festive preparations, we seize a chance to announce the upcoming skills’ rebalance.


Arinar is home to 20 different classes, so we strive to make sure that each hero can enjoy their adventure across the unique and diverse world of Warspear Online. That is why we try to take a fresh perspective at existing features to revamp them over time, as we pay our mind to the current statistics, along with your feedback and suggestions. 


We’re looking forward to rebalancing the skills in a way that will redefine specific mechanics and provide for a smoother experience, yet our ultimate goal is to unleash new ways of gameplay. This year, though, we’ve also focused on redesigning class talents to quite an extent. Please note, though, that any changes you’ll see at the test server may still be revised in the update.


Shield Damage Calculation


The mechanics of calculating the amount of damage absorbed by the shield have been changed: now the damage amount depends on the attack and defense stats of a target that reduce incoming damage, as well as on any effects and influences affecting the incoming damage. 


Previously, shield damage did not take into account character parameters or effects that increase or decrease damage. Since the overall effectiveness of shields has increased, the durability values of all shields have been reworked. The application of the new calculation mechanics (now shield damage is calculated similarly to character health) has increased the total amount of damage that shields can absorb. The new mechanics apply to effects obtained from all sources: character skills, guild skills, talents, and items.


Rework of Stun parameter


Now, the effects of skills, talents, and items that influence control, affect Stun parameter. The new mechanic applies to skills, talents, and items:

  • Redemption (Priest)
  • Unwavering Will (Reaper)
  • Spirit of Resistance (Blade Dancer)
  • Thirst for Life basic set skill 
  • Stunning Deliverance event talent 
  • items with Resistance bonus
  • items with Subjugation bonus


Invisibility detection


Adjusted the mechanics of detecting invisibility: now, invisibility is deactivated when the target receives a control effect or damage (previously, it was deactivated upon receiving any negative effect or damage).


избранные.png Chosen 


паладин.png Paladin

очищение.png Purifying

  • Now when the skill deals DOT-damage, it interrupts a target.

оковы правосудия.png Fetters of Justice

  • Adjusted the skill area: now the skill is applied to all enemies within a radius of 2 yards around the character. 
  • Fixed a bug due to which the skill applies on one PvP target beyond the fixed limit.

небесн свет.png Heavenly Light

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 13 sec. to 12 sec.
  • Now the chance of critical healing from the skill is increased by 3 \ 6 \ 9 \ 12 \ 15%.
  • Adjusted the amount of healing from the character's magical power: from 105 \ 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 130%, to 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140%.

иллюминация.png Illumination

  • The skill no longer deals magical damage to targets.
  • Adjusted the skill area: now the skill is applied to all targets within a radius of 3 yards around the character.
  • Additionally the skill now moves all enemies 1 yard closer to the character.
  • The skill now also casts Scorch debuff for 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 sec., which reduces healing received by targets by 5 \ 12 \ 20 \ 30%.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the PvP-target limit on Aggression debuff from working.

аура света.png Light Aura

  • Adjusted the skill area: from 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 yards to 7 yards.

знамя харада.png Harad's Banner

  • The basic period for Banner dealing damage has been adjusted: it was every 2 sec., now every 1 sec.
  • Now the damage period of the Banner increases for each attack by 15% for each unique skill target, but not more than 6 times. The more targets, the slower the Banner attacks.
  • The skill no longer deals increased damage to targets under Sun Seal debuff.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the animation was not displayed at the moment of dealing damage to the target.
  • Now the skill damage does not stop PvP targets.

 молитва паладина НОВАЯ.png Paladin's Prayer

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 32 sec. to 16 sec.
  • Reduced energy cost: was 20 \ 24 \ 28 \ 30 units, now is 12 \ 16 \ 20 \ 24 units.
  • Changed the type of skill from active with target selection to active without target selection.
  • Change in skill mechanics: now the skill casts Paladin's Prayer buff to the character and group members within a radius of 9 yards for 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec., or with a chance of the Critical Hit, a Paladin's Retribution buff for 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec. The next successful auto-attack with instant damage under Paladin's Prayer buff will deal additional magical damage equal to 100 \ 110 \ 125 \ 140% of the character's magical power. The next successful auto-attack with instant damage under Paladin's Retribution buff will deal additional magical damage equal to 120 \ 140 \ 160 \ 180% of the character's magical power. The cooldown time of the skill increases by 1.5 sec. for each group member.

сакрал щит.png Sacred Shield

  • Adjusted shield durability: was 40 \ 55 \ 65 \ 80%, now is 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 30% of the character's maximum health.

солнеч печать.png Sun Seal  

  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's magical power: from 130 \ 135 \ 145 \ 160%, to 135 \ 145 \ 160 \ 180%.
  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's physical power: from 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140%, to 120 \ 130 \ 140 \ 155%.
  • Adjusted skill debuff duration: was 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25 sec., now is 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15 sec.

внутренние силы.png Inner Forces 

  • Adjusted the amount of missing health from the maximum for the skill effect to trigger: was every 12 \ 10 \ 8 \ 6%, now is every 10 \ 8,5 \ 6,5 \ 4,5%.
  • Adjusted the strength of the effect that reduces the damage received from monsters: was 3%, now it is 2.5%, depending on the missing health.


сакрал щит+.png “Paladin's Prayer+” replaced with “Sacred Shield+” (2nd branch “Holy Warrior”)

  • Increases the strength of buff by 1 \ 1,5 \ 2%.
  • Adjusted the bonus to the effect strength of the skill: it was 2 \ 4 \ 6%, now it is 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

покровит света.png Patronage of Light

  • Now the buff from Light Defense skill additionally increases the maximum health by 5% (previously, it increased the maximum energy by 15%).

неугас свеча.png Everburning Candle

  • Adjusted the amount of transferred healing: was 8%, now 30%.
  • Now the amount of transferred healing is reduced by 4% for each group member.

сосред гнева.png Focused Anger

  • Adjusted the bonus to the damage of Harad's Banner skill: was 15%, now 10%.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the interaction of the talent with Harad's Banner skill changed the radius of the skill.

воздаян верой.png Faith Reckoning

  • Now the talent increases the character's magical power by 15%.
  • Adjusted the size of periodic damage: was 20% of the character's magical power, now 25% of the character's magical power.
  • Adjusted the chance of applying the talent effect that deals periodic damage: was 15%, now 20%.

заступничество.png Intercession

  • Adjusted the healing activation period from the talent: was every 1 sec., now every 2 sec.

божеств светоч.png Divine Lightbringer

  • Adjusted the amount of healing transferred to allies: was 10%, now 15%.


маг.png Mage

иллюзор цепи.png Illusory Chains

  • Now Illusory Chains debuff additionally reduces Skill Cooldown of targets by 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30%.

солнечн броня.png Sun Armor

  • Solar Armor buff no longer increases the character's physical defense. 
  • Change in skill mechanics: now the skill increases the character’s magical defense by 20 \ 25 \ 35 \ 40 \ 50% and reduces the physical damage received by 8 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20 \25% of the character’s magical defense.

аура огня.png Aura of Fire

  • Now the damage dealing period increases for each attack by 20% for each unique skill target, but no more than 6 times.
  • Adjusted the basic attack period of the skill: was every 2.3 sec., now every 1 sec.

яростное пламя.png Roaring Flame

  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's magical power: from 110 \ 120 \ 135 \ 150%, to 100 \ 110 \ 120 \ 135%.

волшебн запрет.png Magic Ban

  • Adjusted the strength of the skill effect that reduces the duration of buffs on a target: was 20 \ 35 \ 50 \ 65%, now 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50%.


колд поток.png Witchcraft Flow

  • Now every 1 sec. the effectiveness of Ennoblement skill decreases by 10%, to a minimum of 20%.
  • Adjusted the rate of reduction for the bonus to Resistance from the skill: was every 2 sec., now every 1 sec.

избыт энергия.png Excess Energy

  • Adjusted the effect strength that increases damage from skills: was 15%, now 12%.
  • Now Dragon Eye skill, when the talent is active, does not increase the cost of the skills used.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the talent effect did not increase DOT-damage from skills.

сноп молний.png Sheaf of Lightning

  • Change in talent mechanics: now there is no longer an explosion around the character during auto-attack. Now Overload skill additionally restores the character's health by 65% of the damage dealt. The number of effects required to activate Overload buff on the character has been reduced by 1.


жрец.png Priest 

слезы Харада.png Harad's Tears

  • Fixed a bug with searching for targets for an additional attack: now the search for targets will occur around the main target of the skill, not around the character or allies.

священ щит.png Holy Shield

  • Now the shield absorbs damage to the skill's target in the amount of 30 \ 60 \ 90 \ 120 \ 150 units and 50 \ 60 \ 85 \ 100 \ 120% of the character's magical power.

перемирие.png Truce

  • Now under Truce debuff an enemy can attack the character, but with reduced damage by 50 \ 55 \ 65 \ 75 \ 85%, and the character can attack an enemy, but with reduced damage by 50%.
  • Now, when using a skill, an enemy loses a target of the attack, but Priest does not lose a target of the attack.

изнуряющ бремя.png Exhausting Burden

  • Skill cooldown increased from 12 sec. to 14 sec.

слово силы.png Word of Power

  • Adjusted the effect strength that increases the target's energy costs for using skills: was 45 \ 55 \ 65 \ 80 \ 100%, now 55 \ 65 \ 80 \ 100 \ 125%.

неулов угроза.png Elusive Threat

  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's magical power: from 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40%, to 25 \ 30 \ 40 \ 65%.

помощь богов.png Gods' Help

  • Adjusted the bonus to Critical Hit: was 4 \ 7 \ 10 \ 15%, now 4 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10%.
  • Adjusted the bonus to Attack Speed: was 4 \ 7 \ 10 \ 15%, now 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 12%.

расплата.png Payback

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 30 sec. to 26 sec.


иллюз спасения.png Illusion of Salvation

  • Change in talent mechanics: now if a target under Elusive Threat skill does not move for 1.5 sec., the talent casts Stun debuff for 2 sec.

наказ болью.png Punishment by Pain

  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's magical power: from 20%, to 30%.


искатель.png Seeker

воодушевл.png Inspiration

  • Now the skill increases Attack Speed for the character for each equipped dagger by 2.5 \ 3.5 \ 4.5 \ 6 \ 7.5%, and Skill Cooldown if the character is equipped with a two-handed weapon by 15 \ 22 \ 28 \ 32 \ 40%.

щит Харада.png Harad's Shield

  • Now the shield absorbs damage to the skill's target in the amount of 50 \ 80 \ 120 \ 150 \ 200 units and 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20% of the character's maximum health.

ожесточение.png Exacerbation

  • Now the skill effect that reduces movement speed will be casted to a target only if it don't already have this effect.

исчезновение.png Disappearance

  • Now using Attraction skill from invisibility additionally casts Stun debuff on a target for 1.5 \ 1.7 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 sec.

опасный удар.png Dangerous Blow

  • Skill cooldown increased from 16 sec. to 22 sec.
  • Now the skill's attack guaranteed casts Bleeding debuff to a target. 
  • Now the damage of Bleeding debuff increases by 10 \ 13 \ 16 \ 20% with the chance of the character's Critical Hit. 
  • Now when the skill deals DOT-damage, it interrupts a target.
  • Adjusted the DOT damage of the skill: it was 55 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80%, now it is 45 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70% of the character’s physical power.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the skill would not apply DOT damage if the attack deals zero damage (for example, when attacking a shield).

дробящ удар.png Splitting Blow

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 14 sec. to 12 sec.
  • Adjusted all skill effects duration: was 12 sec., now 8 sec.
  • Adjusted the period of inflicting DOT-damage from the skill: was every 3 sec., now every 2 sec.
  • Adjusted the amount of DOT-damage from the character's physical power: from 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 55%, to 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 50%.
  • Now when the skill deals DOT-damage, it interrupts a target.

жажда крови.png Bloodthirst

  • Now if the enemy is under Bleeding debuff, the character additionally restores 2 \ 2.5 \ 3.5 \ 4% of their maximum health for each applied debuff, but no more than 10 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20% for one application.

истощающ удар.png Exhaustive Blow    

  • The attack no longer reduces the Dodge of the enemy.
  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's physical power: from 95 \ 100 \ 105 \ 115%, to 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125%.

инстинкт атаки.png Attack Instinct

  • Now if the skill is active, Bloodlust skill is additionally applied to all targets within a 1 yard radius of the target with damage reduced by 80 \ 75 \ 65 \ 50%.
  • Adjusted the duration of Attack Instinct buff: was 16 \ 18 \ 20 \ 22 sec., now 12 \ 14 \ 16 \ 18 sec. 
  • Adjusted the effect strength inflicting additional damage from auto-attacks: was 20 \ 25 \ 35 \ 50%, now 15 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40%. 
  • Adjusted the effect strength inflicting additional damage from skills: was 80 \ 75 \ 65 \ 50%, now 80 \ 75 \ 65 \ 50%.

притяжение.png Attraction

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 20 sec. to 16 sec.


воодушевл.png Inspiration+ (1st branch “Steel Storm”)

  • Adjusted the bonus to Attack Speed: was 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%, now 0.5 \ 0.75 \ 1%.

жажда крови.png Bloodthirst+ (2nd branch “Ruthlessness”)

  • Now the talent increases the skill damage by 9% of the character's physical power.

алый клинок.png Scarlet Blade

  • Adjusted the chance of applying DOT-effect: was 20%, now 25%.

крова буйст тал.png Bloody Rampage

  • Change in talent mechanics: now the damage of Bloodlust skill is additionally increased by 5% for each Bleeding debuff applied to a target, but no more than 25%. The skill cooldown is reduced by 0.5 sec. for each Bleeding debuff on a target, up to a maximum of 2.5 sec.

обратн гравитация тал.png Reverse Gravity

  • Now the talent additionally increases the range of Attraction skill by 1 yard.

боев потенциал.png Battle Potential

  • Adjusted the number of non-critical attacks required for the effect to trigger on players: was 6, now 7.
  • Now every 7 non-critical auto-attack deals double damage when attacking PvP targets.
  • Now every 5 non-critical auto-attack deals double damage when attacking PvE targets. 

поддержка харад.png Harad's Support

  • Now the talent increases the duration of the effect from Harad's Shield skill, reducing incoming damage to the character, by 1 sec., when the character loses 15% of maximum health, but no more than 4 sec.

одурман боль.png Stupefying Pain

  • Change in talent mechanics: now if the character has Inner Rage skill, the talent reduces the character's maximum health by 70%. At the same time, the character receives 55% less damage from all attacks, and also receives 50% less healing from skills and Health Steal parameter. The talent now reduces the size of all received shields by 55%The effect of Inner Rage skill works regardless of the character's health level.

внутр гармония тал.png Inner Harmony

  • Now the talent guaranteed reduces the energy costs for using skills and guaranteed casts Inner Harmony buff to the character when using a skill.
  • Adjusted the bonus strength that reduces energy costs when using skills: was 100%, now 65%.
  • Adjusted the talent effects duration: was 8 sec., now 10 sec.
  • Adjusted the maximum bonus to Skill Cooldown: was 30%, now 40%.

храмовник.png Templar

порицание.png Blame

  • Now the monster summoned by Particle of Life skill in priority attacking a target enemy on which Blame skill has been applied.
  • Fixed a bug due to which Stun debuff was not casted to a target if a target was under Touch of Truth skill effect, applied by another Templar.

боевая поддержка.png Combat Support

  • Adjusted the size of the shield based on the sum of the character's physical and magical power: it was 120 \ 160 \ 210 \ 245 \ 275%, now 100 \ 120 \ 135 \ 155 \ 180%.

вихрь покаян.png Whirlwind of Repentance

  • Adjusted the chance of triggering Quicksand debuff: was 40 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80%, now 60 \ 70 \ 80 \ 90 \ 100%.

учения харада.png Harad's Teachings

  • Adjusted the amount of healing for the character from the skill: was 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80%, now 40 \ 45 \ 55 \ 65%.
  • Adjusted the amount of healing for the ally from the skill: was 25 \ 35 \ 45 \ 55%, now 20 \ 25 \ 35 \ 45%.

статуя божест.png Deity Statue

  • Now the statue first absorbs a portion of the damage dealt by group members, then by guild members, and finally by other players.
  • If an enemy deals instant damage to the statue, the statue now applies Divine Retribution debuff for 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 sec. The effect reduces Attack Speed by 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 30%.

солнеч клеймо.png Branded by the Sun

  • Now the skill healing triggers with each successful auto-attack or attack by skill of instant damage on a target with Stigma debuff.

благодать.png Grace

  • Now using the skill will not break the character's invisibility.

частиц жизни.png Particle of Life

  • Now the damage type of the skill is determined by the prevailing physical or magical power of the character: 90 \ 100 \ 115 \ 130% of the character's magical power if magical power prevails, and 120 \ 125 \ 135 \ 150% of the character's physical power if physical power prevails.


боевая поддержка +.png Combat Support+

  • Adjusted the bonus to the strength of the skill effect: was 25%, now 15%.

озарение истиной.png Insight into the Truth

  • Now the talent does not reduce the duration of the skill effect.

инверсия силы.png Power Inversion

  • Now Reverse Flow skill activates less frequently by 60%, but with an increased duration of Stun effect by 10%.


перворожд.png Firstborn


раз клинок.png Blade Dancer

подрезать сухож.png Hamstring

  • Now when the skill deals DOT-damage, it interrupts a target.

ошеломление.png Sap

  • Skill cooldown increased from 15 sec. to 18 sec.
  • Adjusted debuff duration: was 7 \ 8 \ 9 \ 10 \ 13 sec., now 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec.
  • Adjusted the effect strength that reduces the physical and magical power of a target: was 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40%, now 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50%.

лезвие вихря.png Vortex Blade

  • Skill cooldown increased from 14 sec. to 15 sec.
  • Adjusted the skill damage: was 105 \ 110 \ 115 \ 125 \ 135% of the character's physical power, now 90 \ 95 \ 100 \ 110 \ 120%.

стремит бросок.png Rush

  • Skill cooldown increased from 14 sec. to 18 sec.
  • The skill no longer casts Aggression debuff to enemies. 
  • Now, the skill teleports the character to the specified area if the character fails to move there within 0.5 sec. after receiving increased movement speed. 
  • Fixed a bug due to which the skill's effect to be canceled if a new destination point was specified for the character.

звуков удар.png Sonic Boom

  • Now when the skill deals DOT-damage, it interrupts a target.

контратака.png Counterattack

  • The skill type has been changed from active to passive. Upon receiving instant damage, it deals physical damage to an enemy equal to 25 \ 32 \ 40 \ 50% of its physical power with a chance equal to Parry or guaranteed upon parrying an attack if an enemy is within a radius of 4 yards around the character. The skill works no more often than once every 1 sec. from player attacks. There are no restrictions for monster attacks. Now, when parrying an attack, the character receives Concentration buff for 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10 sec. The effect increases the counterattack chance by 4 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10%.

маг преобраз.png Magic Transformation

  • Changed the formula for calculating the shield size: now the shield absorbs damage equal to 80 \ 90 \ 105 \ 120% of the character's physical power. 
  • Now the shield size increases by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5 \ 2% for every 5% of missing health from the maximum health of the character.

мощь клинков.png Blades' Power

  • Adjusted the bonus to physical power from the skill: it was 3 \ 6 \ 10 \12.5%, now it is 3 \ 6 \ 9 \ 11% for each equipped axe.

просветление.png Enlightenment

  • Now the skill increases Attack Speed by 3.5 \ 4.5 \ 6 \ 7.5% and Accuracy by 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6% for each equipped dagger, Attack Speed by 3.5 \ 4.5 \ 6 \ 7.5% and Skill Cooldown by 4.5 \ 7.5 \ 11 \ 15% for each equipped sword, Skill Cooldown by 4.5 \ 7.5 \ 11 \ 15% and Accuracy by 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6% for each equipped ax.
  • The bonus to the Penetration remains unchanged.

ураган ударов.png Strike Hurricane

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 30 sec. to 22 sec.
  • Change in skill mechanics: now the skill is applied to a specified target. The skill allows performing a series of 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 attacks on an enemy, each attack deals physical damage equal to 40 \ 40 \ 45 \ 45% of the character's physical strength. Additionally, it applies Slowdown debuff to the enemy for 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 sec. upon a successful attack. The effect reduces movement speed by 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25%. For each successful attack in the series, the effect strength is additionally increased by 5%.


маг преобраз.png Magic Transformation+

  • Adjusted the bonus to the effect strength: was 2 \ 4 \ 6%, now 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

просветление.png Enlightenment+ (1st branch “Dancer on the Wind”)

  • Now the talent increases the effect strength of a skill, that increases the character’s Attack Speed by 0.5%.

контратака.png Strike Hurricane+ changed to Counterattack+ (1st branch “Dancer on the Wind”)

  • Now the talent increases the skill strength gain from the character's physical damage by 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5%.

бастион предков.png Bastion of Ancestors

  • Adjusted the strength of the talent effect from the character's maximum health: was 20%, now 10%.

размаш удар.png Sweeping Blow

  • Now the talent also triggers from skills with instant damage (Flash Strike, Counterattack, Strike Hurricane, Vortex Blade skills).

заостр лезвия НОВАЯ.png Sharpened Blades

  • Now the talent interacts with Enlightenment skill (formerly Strike Hurricane skill). Enlightenment skill additionally increases Critical Hit by 6% and Critical Damage by 15%.

удар напор.png Strike Onslaught

  • Fixed a bug due to which the effect of the talent worked from classless and special skills that were on cooldown.


рейнджер.png Ranger

дезор выстрел.png Scatter Shot

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 17 sec. to 16 sec.
  • Adjusted debuff duration: was 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 sec., now 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 sec.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the skill effect was not applied to a target if it was under immobilization effects.

благословл рейн.png Ranger's Blessing

  • Adjusted the skill damage: was 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45% of the character's physical power, now 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40%.

зверин капкан.png Beast Trap

  • The skill now places an invisible trap in a 1 yard radius area.
  • Adjusted debuff duration: was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 sec., now 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec.
  • Adjusted the maximum number of traps that can be installed: was 1 \ 1 \ 2 \ 2 \ 3, now 1 \ 2 \ 2 \ 3 \ 3.

огнен стрелы.png Fire Arrows

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 5 yards, now 6 yards.
  • Adjusted the periodic damage of the skill: was 45 \ 50 \ 55 \ 65% of the character's physical power, now 35 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60%. 
  • Adjusted the instant damage of the skill: was 55 \ 60 \ 65 \ 70% of the character's physical power, now 35 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60%.

удар луком.png Bow Strike

  • Adjusted the skill damage: was 115 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140% of the character's physical power, now 80 \ 90 \ 105 \ 120%.
  • Adjusted skill effect duration: was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 sec., now 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 sec.

град стрел.png Hail of Arrows

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 4 yards, now 6 yards.
  • Now it is possible to dodge the skill's attack. 
  • Adjusted the amount of physical damage dealt to all enemies within a radius of 1 yard: was 50% of the physical damage to the main target, now 45 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70%.

охот клетка.png Hunter's Cage

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 5 yards, now 4 yards.
  • Now, if an enemy loses 30 \ 25 \ 20 \ 15% of their maximum health during Hunter's Cage debuff, an additional Stun debuff is applied to them for 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4.5 sec. The effect prevents movement, attacks, and the use of skills.

пронзающ гнев.png Piercing Anger

  • Now Curbed Rage buff additionally increases the character's Critical Strike by 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4%.

мстит выстрел.png Vengeful Shot

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 5 yards, now 6 yards.
  • Adjusted the duration of periodic damage from the skill: was 12 sec., now 10 sec.
  • The skill no longer applies Stun debuff to a target for 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 sec. if it is under the effect of Hunter's Cage skill.

озлобленн.png Bitterness

  • Now Bitterness buff will not be reset upon taking damage. 
  • The effect of the skill no longer increases the character's Critical Hit.


благословл рейн.png Ranger's Blessing+

  • Adjusted the effect strength of the skill: was 2 \ 4 \ 6%, now 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

острокон штурм.png Spearhead Onslaught

  • Now, a critical attack doubles the talent bonus to the character's Attack Strength. 
  • Instead of removing Spearhead Onslaught effect when using the skills Powerful Shot, Fire Arrows, Hail of Arrows, Bow Strike or Vengeful Shot the bonus to tAttack Strength from the talent will decrease by 6%.

неуловим.png Elusiveness

  • The character no longer receives an additional effect from Bitterness skill when dodging enemy attacks. 
  • Now, the talent reduces the cooldown of Evasion skill by 1 sec. when dodging enemy attacks, but no more frequently than once every 2 sec.

огненный залп.png Fire Volley

  • Change in talent mechanics: now Hail of Arrows skill does not deal damage to nearby targets. The damage of the skill increases by 10% for each yard of distance between the character and a target of the skill.

тяж артиллерия.png Heavy Artillery

  • Adjusted the amount of the reduced Attack Speed: was 50%, now 30%. 
  • Adjusted the amount of Skills Cooldown, which increases in place of the reduced Attack Speed: was 1.5%, now 2%. 
  • Now skill damage increases by 2% for every 3% loss of Attack Speed (previously, it was 3% for every 5% loss of Attack Speed).


друид.png Druid

смерч.png Tornado

  • Change in skill mechanics: now the skill creates a zone in the specified area with a radius of 2 \ 2 \ 2 \ 3 yards for 6 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10 sec. The zone deals magical damage equal to 30 \ 40 \ 50 \ 60% of the character's magical power every 2 sec. and reduces movement speed by 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 40%. Maximum number of PvP targets: 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6, limit on the number of PvE targets: 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14.

сила воды.png Power of Water

  • Adjusted skill effect duration: was 3 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 sec., now 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec.
  • Now Water curse debuff reduces the enemy’s energy regeneration rate by 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40%.

карающ корни.png Punitive Roots

  • The skill type has been changed from active to passive: now, with a 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 35% chance, upon receiving instant damage, it casts Punitive Roots and Weakness debuffs to the enemy within a radius of 6 yards around the character for 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3.5 sec. The effect Punitive Roots immobilizes an enemy. The effect Weakness reduces physical and magical power by 35 \ 45 \ 55 \ 70% until the next attack or the effect's duration expires. The effect can trigger no more than once every 4 sec.

лечебный барьер.png Healing Barrier

  • The shield size is now calculated at 115 \ 130 \ 150 \ 180% of the character's magical power.


рой насекомых.png Insect Swarm+

  • Adjusted the bonus to the effect duration that reduces an enemy’s attack speed: was 3 sec., now 2 sec.

лечебный барьер.png Healing Barrier+ (1st branch “Forest Generosity”)

  • Adjusted the bonus to the effect strength of the skill: was 6%, now 9%.

карающ корни.png Punitive Roots+

  • Now the talent increases the chance of the skill's effect triggering: 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

раскат грома.png Thunder Roar

  • Additional attacks from Lightning Bolt skill now hit enemies affected by Power of Water skill with priority.

буря НОВАЯ.png New talent Storm (instead of Angry deepness)

  • Tornado skill deals increased damage by 15% to all enemies in the whirlwind area every 2.5 sec. and casts Stun debuff for 1 sec. If an enemy is under Power of Water debuff, the duration of Stun debuff is increased by 0.4 sec.

тернов куст.png Thorn Bush

  • Now the negative effect from the talent will not be applied again to a target if a target is already under the effect.

озарение дру.png Insight

  • Adjusted the penalty to the duration of the effect of Secret Link skill: was 6 sec., now 4 sec.

мириады леса.png Myriads of the Forest

  • Adjusted the bonus strength to physical and magical power for every 2 active positive effects applied by the character to group members: was 1.5%, now 2.5%.


страж.png Warden

дух стража.png Warden's Spirit

  • Now Protective Field buff absorbs 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 50% of the damage received by the character under Guardian Spirit  buff.
  • Adjusted the maximum shield size: was 500% of the character's maximum health, now 75%.
  • Reduced the duration Guardian Spirit buff: it was 15 sec., now it is 10 sec.

мощн выпад.png Powerful Lunge

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 3 yards, now 2 yards.
  • Now, the skill deals physical damage to a target, amounting to 125 \ 145 \ 165 \ 190% of the character's physical power. The damage from the skill is evenly distributed among 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 targets within a 1 yard radius around the main target. The skill damage increases by 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% for each target.

мастер блока.png Block Master

  • The skill has been changed from passive to active, with a cooldown time of 12 sec. Change in skill mechanics: now, if the character is under the effect of Fortification skill, each blocked attack will cast Battle Thrill buff to the character for 30 sec. The effect reduces all damage taken by the character from monsters by 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5% and from players by 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4%. The maximum number of effects is 5. Upon using the skill, the character restores health by 2 \ 4 \ 6 \ 8% of the maximum and additionally heals for 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4% of the maximum health for each Battle Thrill buff. The effects are then removed.

гнев стража.png Guard's Fury

  • The skill now moves enemies within 3 yards of the character 1 yard closer to the character.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the PvP target limit for Aggression debuff did not work.

бросок щита.png Shield Throw

  • Adjusted Stun debuff duration: was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 sec., now 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 sec.

подмена.png Switcheroo

  • Adjusted the slowdown duration: was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec., now 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 8 sec.
  • Adjusted the slowdown strength: was 15 \ 30 \ 45 \ 60%, now 40 \ 50 \ 65 \ 80%.

кража силы.png Stealing Power

  • Adjusted the amount of the effect that reduces the physical and magical power of the target: was 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 40%, now 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30%. 
  • Adjusted the amount of the effect that increases Attack Strength for the character: was 10 \ 15 \ 25 \ 40%, now 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 35%.

защита стража.png Warden’s Protection

  • Fixed a bug due to which DOT-effects and negative effects were transferred to Warden.


мастер блока.png Block Master+ (1st branch “Unbridled Will”)

  • Now the talent increases the power of basic healing from the skill by 0.3%.

мастер блока.png Block Master+ (3rd branch “Scorching Fury”)

  • Increases the power of additional healing from the skill by 2%.

мощн выпад.png Powerful Lunge+

  • Increased the effect strength of the talent depending on the character’s physical power: was 2 \ 4 \ 6%, now 3 \ 6 \ 9%.

стягивание.png Constriction

  • Now the talent will only immobilize enemies.
  • Adjusted immobilization duration: was 3 sec., now 4 sec.

боевое лечение.png Combat Healing

  • Adjusted the damage of the talent: was 25% of the healing received by the character, now 40%.
  • Adjusted the amount of the maximum damage: was 15% of the character’s maximum health, now 25%.

воодушевл толпы.png Crowd Inspiration

  • Now Protective Field buff absorbs 20% of the damage received by allies under the effect of Warden's Spirit skill.
  • Now the talent is first applied to group members, then to guild members, and then to other players.

ослабл покров.png Weakening Cover

  • Adjusted talent effect duration: was 3 sec., now 4.5 sec.
  • Adjusted the effect strength reducing enemy's Penetration: was 3.5%, now 4.5%.
  • Adjusted the effect strength reducing enemy's movement speed: was 10%, now 15%.
  • Now the negative effect from the talent will not be re-applied to a target if it’s already under the influence of the effect.


ловчий.png Beastmaster

аура леса.png Aura of the Forest

  • Adjusted the damage of the skill: it was 55 \ 65 \ 80 \100%, now it is 35 \ 45 \ 60 \80% of the character’s magical power.

близ к прир.png Proximity to Nature

  • Adjusted the target limit: from 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 to 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 allied targets.
  • Adjusted the amount of healing: it was 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45%, now it is 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40%.

близость к природе.png Proximity to Nature +

  • Adjusted the bonus to skill healing from talent: it was 2 \ 4 \ 6%, now it is 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

симбиоз.png Symbiosis

  • Talent damage can't no longer stun an enemy from the Stun parameter.

искусн исцеле.png Art of Healing

  • Fixed a bug due to which the talent effect was not casted to the character if he was under the effect of Proximity to Nature skill.


горные кланы.png Mountain Clans


варвар.png Barbarian

рубящ удар.png Chop

  • Now when the skill deals DOT-damage, it interrupts a target.

яростн крик.png Scream of Fury

  • Change in skill mechanics: now the skill moves all targets within a 2 yard radius around the character to 1 yard closer and casts Slowdown debuff for 3 sec. and Burst Ears debuff for 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 sec. Slowdown debuff reduces movement speed by 40 \ 55 \ 70 \ 85%. Burst Ears debuff decreases Penetration by 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20%. The maximum number of PvP targets is 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6.

боев неистовство.png Combat Fury

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 25 sec. to 20 sec.
  • Adjusted the effect duration, that increased Accuracy: was 24 \ 26 \ 28 \ 30 sec., now 12 \ 14 \ 16 \ 20 sec.

боев клич.png Warcry

  • Now the skill reduces the cooldown time of Last Wish skill by 0.5 \ 0.8 \ 1.2 \ 1.5 sec. for each target.
  • Adjusted the bonus to physical and magical defense: was 19 \ 26 \ 33 \ 40%, now 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 55%.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the PvP-target limit on Aggression debuff from working.

последнее желание.png Last Wish

  • Now the skill additionally increases the healing received by the character by 10 \ 25 \ 35 \ 50% for the duration of the buff.
  • While the skill is on cooldown, the damage from monsters received by the character is reduced by 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20%.

камен кожа.png Stone Skin

  • Change in skill mechanics: now upon receiving damage, the character gets Stone Skin buff for 8 sec. The buff reduces all incoming damage by 15 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40%. The buff cannot trigger more often than once every 14 sec.
  • When the character blocks an attack, the cooldown of the buff activation is reduced by 1 \ 1 \ 1.5 \ 1.5 sec.


боев неистовство.png Combat Fury+

  • Adjusted the bonus to instant healing: was 1 \ 2 \ 3%, now 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

камен кожа.png Stone Skin+ (3rd branch “Reinforcement”)

  • Adjusted the bonus to skill strength: was 7%, now 3%.

яростн крик.png Scream of Fury+ (3rd branch “Reinforcement”)

  • Now the talent increases the effect strength that reduces Penetration of enemies by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

стойкий отпор.png Persistent Resistance

  • The accumulation period of the buff from Stone Skin skill is now reduced by 1.5 sec. upon successfully parrying an attack.

бешенство.png Fury

  • Now Berserker Power skill additionally increases the incoming damage to the character by 5%.

кровопрол.png Bloodshed

  • Now when the skill deals DOT-damage, it interrupts a target.
  • Added checks for the Block and Dodge for the talent damage.


разбойник.png Rogue

толчок в спину.png Kick in the Back

  • Adjusted the skill debuff duration: was 3 \ 7 \ 9 \ 12 \ 15 sec., now 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 15 sec.

рикошет.png Ricochet

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 4 yards, now 3 yards.

неуловим прыжок.png Elusive Jump

  • Corrected the incorrect skill description: now the damage of the skill increases by 5 \ 10 \ 20 \ 40% if the enemy is under the effect of Poisonous Blades skill.

абсолют рефлек.png Absolute Reflexes

  • Change in skill mechanics: now upon receiving damage equal to 18 \ 16 \ 14 \ 10% of maximum health for 4 sec., the character gets Absolute Reflexes buff for 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10 sec. The buff guarantees successful dodging from the next incoming auto-attack or instant damage skill. The buff persists on the character for 0.4 \ 0.5 \ 0.6 \ 0.7 sec. The buff can occur no more frequently than once every 4 sec.

ядовит клинки.png Poisonous Blades

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 22 sec. to 19 sec.
  • Adjusted Poisoning debuff duration: was 6 sec., now 12 sec.
  • Adjusted the damage period: it was every 2 sec., now every 3 sec.


абсолют рефлек.png Absolute Reflexes+ (2nd branch “Deadliness”)

  • The talent now increases the skill effect duration by 0.1 sec.

серия приемов.png Move Series

  • Added an indicator for receiving the maximum damage bonus from the talent.

неутомимо НОВАЯ.png Tirelessness

  • Change in talent mechanics: now the talent reduces the accuracy of all incoming attacks on the character by 5%, if the character does not have Absolute Reflexes buff.

двойная угроза.png Double Threat

  • Now non-critical auto-attacks have a 25% chance to deal double damage to PvP targets and a 55% chance - to PvE targets.

устранение.png Elimination

  • Now attacks performed under Stealth skill cannot be dodged, blocked, or parried.


шаман.png Shaman

рука предков.png Ancestors' Hand 

  • The shield size calculation has been adjusted: it now absorbs damage in the amount of 130 \ 150 \ 170 \ 200% of the character's magical power.
  • Fixed a bug due to which, when moving, an ally would appear in front of the character, and not behind him.

сила земли.png Power of the Earth 

  • The skill type has been changed from active to passive: now, upon using any skill, it applies Power of the Earth buff to the character for 18 sec. The buff increases Critical Hit by 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4%. The maximum number of buffs is 5. Placing a totem consumes 5 Power of the Earth buffs, thereby extending the duration of the next used totem by 2 \ 2 \ 4 \ 4 sec.

шаманское очищение.png Shamanic Cleansing

  • Now the skill does not remove DOT-effects from a target.

исцел тотем.png Healing Totem

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 40 sec. to 34 sec.
  • Adjusted the duration of the totem: it was 9 \ 12 \ 15 \ 15 sec., now it is 8 \ 10 \ 12 \14 sec.
  • Adjusted the healing period for the totem: it was every 3 sec., now every 2 sec.
  • Adjusted the amount of totem healing: it was 55 \ 60 \ 65 \ 75%, now it is 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 45% of the character’s magical power.
  • Totem healing can now be critical.


шаманское очищение.png Shamanic Cleansing+

  • Adjusted the amount of talent bonus: was 5%, now 4%.

наэлектр.png Electrification

  • Adjusted the chance of triggering talent effect: was 15%, now 20%.
  • Adjusted the maximum chance of dealing damage: was 45%, now 60%.
  • Now the damage from the talent triggers from auto-attacks or the use of any skill.
  • Adjusted the damage application period: it was not more often than once every 3 sec., now - not more often than once every 1 sec. 
  • Adjusted the amount of damage from character’s magical power: was 30%, now 40%.
  • The talent's damage can now be critical.

вязк панцир.png Viscous Shell

  • Now the talent debuff will not be reapplied to a target if a target is already under the debuff.

обряд исцел.png Healing Rite

  • Now the talent increases healing power by 1% for every 10% lost health from the maximum health of each group member located with the character in the same location.

исцел тотем.png Healing Totem +

  • Adjusted the skill power bonus from 4% to 2%.

благоскл духов.png Favor of the Spirits

  • Adjusted the target's health level for the triggering of talent effect: was 30% of maximum health, now 20%.


охотник.png Hunter

оглуш выстрел.png Stunning Shot

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 17 sec. to 15 sec.

метка охотника.png Hunter’s Mark

  • Now with every auto-attack or the use of the skill dealing instant damage, it casts Hunter's Mark debuff on a target and casts Alert Hunter buff on the character for 10 \ 14 \ 18 \ 20 sec. Hunter's Mark debuff will not be cast again to a target if it is already under its influence. The check for the Resistance has been removed for the Hunter's Mark debuff. For each Alert Hunter buff, the character's damage increases by 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5% to targets with the Hunter's Mark debuff.

стрела следопыта.png Pathfinder’s Arrow

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 25 sec. to 22 sec.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the maximum limit of PvE targets did not trigger.

ошеломит выстрел.png Sapping Shot

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 4 yards, now 5 yards.
  • Skill cooldown increased from 18 sec. to 21 sec.

благосл гор.png Blessing of the Mountains

  • The skill type has been changed from active to passive: now, if the character's health level is above 90 \ 80 \ 70 \ 60% of the maximum, all attacks on the character undergo the Dodge check twice, after which the best result is chosen.


благосл гор.png Blessing of the Mountains+ (2nd branch “Self-Propelled Artillery”)

  • Now the talent reduces the health threshold for triggering of the skill effect by 4%.

ядовит шашка.png Blessing of the Mountains+ (3rd branch “Ancestor Spirit”) changed to Poisonous Saber+

  • Now the talent increases the skill power growth from the character's physical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

снайпер подготовка.png Sniper Training

  • Now Hunter's Mark skill casts Hunter's Mark debuff to a target, and Alert Hunter buff to the character only on auto attacks, while critical auto attacks cast 2 buffs at once. Now Alert Hunter buff only increases damage from the character's auto attacks. The maximum number of Alert Hunter buffs is 8.

самоочищ.png Self-Cleansing

  • Now if the character has less than 50% health of the maximum, the talent will first remove control effects from them.

абсолют точность.png Absolute Accuracy

  • The talent no longer reduces Accuracy of the character.
  • Now a successful auto-attack casts Battle Fury buff to the character for 12 sec. Under the buff the damage of every 3 successful auto-attacks is increased by 50%, and also allows to ignore the physical and magical defense of the enemy. When using Fatal Shot, Poisoned Arrow, Poisonous Saber, Sapping Shot, Pathfinder’s Arrow and Forester's Trap skills, Battle Fury buff is removed from the character.

обтекаем выстрел.png Streamlined Shot

  • Fixed a bug due to which with the active talent, the damage from Pathfinder’s Arrow skill could not be critical.

отравлен наконечник.png Poisoned Tip

  • Fixed a bug due to which the talent did not trigger when dealing zero damage to a target.

верткость.png Agility

  • Change in talent mechanics: now the talent reduces the health threshold by 10% for Blessing of the Mountains buff. It also decreases the cooldown duration of Hunter's Agility skill by 1 sec. when dodging, but no more often than once every 2 sec.

укус кобр.png Cobra Bite

  • Adjusted the amount of damage from character’s physical power: was 15%, now 20%.


вождь.png Chieftain

удар духов.png Blow of the Spirits

  • Now the damage type of the skill is determined by the prevailing physical or magical power of the character: 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 units and 130 \ 140 \ 150 \ 165 \ 175% of the character's magical power if magical power prevails, and 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 units and 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's physical power if physical power prevails.

волч прыть.png Wolf's Alacrity 

  • Now upon a successful auto-attack, the skill casts Bleeding debuff on a target for 8 sec., dealing physical damage equal to 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40% of the character's physical power every 2 sec.
  • The duration of Bleeding debuff increases by 2 sec. for every remaining 6 sec. of Wolf's Alacrity buff.

взбучка.png Thrashing

  • Now the skill will be applied in an area around the specified target (previously applied to a specified area).
  • Adjusted the effect strength reducing Attack Speed for enemies: was 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50%, now 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40%.
  • Adjusted the effect strength reducing physical and magical power for enemies: was 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50%, now 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 35%.
  • Adjusted the skill range: was 4 yards, now 5 yards.

медвеж выносл.png Bear's Stamina

  • Adjusted the healing from the skill based on missing health of maximum health: was 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 10 \ 12%, now 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 8%.
  • Adjusted the healing from the skill based on the character’s magical power: was 100 \ 110 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140%, now 105 \ 115 \ 125 \ 135 \ 150%.

зверин гнев.png Bestial Wrath

  • Change in talent mechanics: the skill now increases the character’s Penetration for each equipped cloth armor and Attack Speed for each equipped light armor.

взгляд орла.png Eagle's Eye

  • Now the damage from Eagle's Eye buff cannot be blocked.
  • Now Eagle's Eye buff deals DOT-damage instead of instant damage.
  • Now the damage from Bleeding debuff does not interrupt PvP targets.
  • Now the damage dealt by Eagle's Gaze buff interrupts PvP targets.
  • Adjusted the duration of Eagle's Eye buff: it was 5 \ 5 \ 7.5 \ 7.5 \ 10, now it is 4 \ 4 \ 6 \ 6 \ 8 sec.
  • Adjusted the damage period for Eagle's Eye buff: it was every 2.5 sec., now every 2 sec.

помощь кланов.png Clans' Help

  • Now the presence of a clan buff on the character does not prevent the accumulation of buffs from the corresponding clans when using skills.

чумное проклятие.png Curse of the Plague

  • Change in skill mechanics: now the skill summons a monster for 8 \ 9 \ 10 \ 12 sec. and sends it to the specified area. The monster deals physical damage to all targets within a radius of 1 yard, amounting to 14 \ 16 \ 18 \ 20% of the character's physical power every 1 sec. Additionally, it casts Curse of the Plague debuff to targets for 4 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10 sec. The effect reduces Accuracy by 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25%.

поддержка стаи.png Support of the Pack

  • Now Fortitude buff allows the character to ignore debuffs, including control effects (previously increased Resistance).
  • Now the skill removes all debuffs, including control effects, from a target and increases the duration of the buff by 0.5 sec. for each removed debuff, but no more than 3 sec.
  • Adjusted the basic skill duration: was 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec., now 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 \ 5 sec.

прочн шкура.png Rugged Hide

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 30 sec. to 24 sec.
  • Adjusted the strength of the bonus reducing the damage taken by the target: it was 15 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40%, now 8 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20%.

остервен.png Frenzy

  • Skill cooldown increased from 20 sec. to 22 sec.


разъяренность.png Enragement

  • Now Bestial Wrath skill increases Attack Speed and Penetration, regardless of the type of equipped armor.

волчья прыть.png Wolf's Alacrity+ (1st branch “Rat Horde”)

  • Adjusted the bonus to the damage, depending on character’s physical power: was 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%, now 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

кровав дождь.png Bloody Rain

  • Adjusted the bonus to the chance of applying Bleeding debuff: was 20%, now 15%.

затяжной вой.png Prolonged Howl

  • Adjusted the rate of decrease for the bonus to Resistance from the skill: it was every 2 sec., now it is every 1 sec., reaching a minimum of 20%.

хитрость зверя.png Cunning of the Beast

  • Now the character teleports to the final point of the path of the monster summoned by Curse of the Plague skill.
  • Instead of dealing damage after teleportation, the talent now casts Stun debuff to all targets within a radius of 2 yards around the character.


проклятые.png Forsaken


рыцарь смерти.png Death Knight

темный щит.png Dark Shield

  • Now the skill additionally reduces the character's received periodic damage by 0.2 \ 0.3 \ 0.5 \ 0.7 \ 0.9% of the character's physical defense from monster attacks and by 0.1 \ 0.2 \ 0.3 \ 0.5 \ 0.7% of the character's physical defense from player attacks.
  • Adjusted reduction in damage from auto attacks and skills, dealing instant damage from player attacks: was 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5% of the character's physical defense, now 1 \ 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3%.

выдох мрака.png Exhalation of Darkness

  • Skill cooldown increased from 10 sec. to 14 sec.
  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's magical power: from 105 \ 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 130% to 110 \ 120 \ 130 \ 145 \ 160%.

нити тьмы.png Threads of Darkness

  • Adjusted Immobilization debuff duration: was 2 sec., now 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 \ 4 sec.
  • Adjusted Absorption by Darkness debuff duration: was 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 \ 8 sec., now 5 \ 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 10 sec.
  • Adjusted the strength of the increase in incoming damage to a target under Absorption by Darkness debuff: was 4 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12%, now 7 \ 9 \ 11 \ 13 \ 16%.

зов смерти.png Death Call

  • The skill no longer deals magical damage.
  • Now the skill casts Stun debuff for 0,3 \ 0.35 \ 0.4 \ 0.5 sec. to all enemies within a radius of 3 yards around the character every 1.5 sec.
  • Now the skill reduces the cooldown duration of Secret Reserves skill by 0,3 \ 0.4 \ 0.5 \ 0.6 sec. for each Stun debuff applied to enemies.

ураган Стали.png Steel Hurricane

  • Now the skill additionally teleports all enemies within a 2 yards radius 1 yard closer to the character, and then deals damage to all enemies.

острая тень.png Sharp Shadow

  • Skill cooldown increased from 16 sec. to 20 sec.
  • Now the skill deals magical damage to a target equal to the sum of 125 \ 135 \ 145 \ 160% of the character's magical power and 55 \ 65 \ 75 \ 90% of the character's physical power.
  • Adjusted Stun debuff duration: was 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 3.5 sec., now 2 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 sec.
  • Adjusted the amount of healing from the skill: was 10 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20%, now 8 \ 10 \ 13 \ 16%.

удар безмолвия.png Blow of the Silence

  • Skill cooldown increased from 14 sec. to 18 sec.
  • Adjusted Mute debuff duration: was 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 sec., now 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec.


выдох мрака.png Exhalation of Darkness+  (1st branch “Face of Death”)

  • Adjusted the strength of the bonus that increases skill damage: was 2 \ 4 \ 6% from character’s magical power, now 3 \ 5.5 \ 8%.

эхо проклятых.png Echo of the Forsaken

  • Now the damage amount dealt by the cursed zone is calculated once at the moment of skill activation and is applied to calculate the damage from all zones that appear during the skill's duration.

наслажд кровью.png Enjoying Blood

  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the talent: was 15%, now 25%.
  • Adjusted the amount of healing from the talent: was 100% of dealt damage, now 60%.


чернокнижник.png Warlock

вытягивание жизни.png Draining Life

  • Adjusted the amount of health restored: was 45 \ 55 \ 65 \ 75 \ 85% of dealt damage, now 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 85 \ 100%.

страх.png Fear

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 4 yards, now 3 yards.
  • Adjusted skill debuff duration: was 1.5 \ 2.1 \ 2.7 \ 3.3 \ 3.9 sec., now 2.4 \ 2.8 \ 3.4 \ 4 \ 4.8 sec.

темный круг.png Dark Circle

  • Now, Fetters of Darkness debuff is casted to enemies once upon entering the zone for the remaining duration of the zone.
  • The skill is now casted only once to each unique target. If the effect of the skill was ignored or removed, the zone will not trigger again on the same target.

зона слабости.png Zone of Weakness

  • Now, the zone becomes entirely ineffective against an enemy if its effect has been ignored.

гримуар.png Grimoire

  • Adjusted the amount of additional healing from Draining Life skill: was 100 \ 115 \ 130 \ 150%, now 85 \ 95 \ 105 \ 120%.

теневая сфера.png Shadow Sphere

  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's magical power: from 145 \ 160 \ 180 \ 200% to 135 \ 150 \ 165 \ 185%.
  • Adjusted the amount of restored energy: was 10 \ 14 \ 16 \ 20%, now 6 \ 8 \ 11 \ 14%.

кровавая дань.png Bloody Tribute

  • Adjusted Bloody Tribute debuff duration: was 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 sec., now 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec.
  • Adjusted the amount of borrowed energy from an enemy: was 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25%, now 10 \ 15 \ 25 \ 35%.
  • Fixed a bug due to which healing from a skill could work after the character’s death.
  • Now healing from a skill cannot be more than 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45% of the character's maximum health.

каменное тело.png Stone Body

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 35 sec. to 30 sec.

темная печать.png Dark Seal

  • Adjusted the effect strength reducing the target's healing: was 45 \ 55 \ 70 \ 90%, now 35 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75%.
  • Adjusted Dark Seal debuff duration: was 10 sec., now 8 \ 9 \ 10 \ 12 sec.


энергет барьер.png Energy Barrier

  • Adjusted the amount of absorbed damage: was 25% of the damage received by the character, now 20%. 
  • Adjusted the amount of expended energy: was 4 units, now 6 units.
  • Adjusted the energy level for automatically disabling the talent effect: it was 30%, now it is 20% of the maximum.


некромант.png Necromancer

смерт взгляд.png Deathly Eye

  • Now Deathly Eye debuff reduces the maximum health of a target from 5% to 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30%. The effect strength depends on the difference between the character's maximum health and the target's maximum health. The greater the character's health relative to a target's health, the stronger the effect.

костяной щит.png Bone Shield

  • Now the shield absorbs damage to the skill's target in the amount of 30 \ 60 \ 90 \ 120 \ 150 units and 50 \ 60 \ 85 \ 100 \ 120% of the character's magical power.

роков связь.png Fateful Connection

  • Added an animation when using the skill.

заражение.png Infection

  • Fixed a bug due to which the skill triggered an additional time on targets under Fateful Connection debuff, if the skill effect was ignored.

ядов щит.png Poisonous Shield

  • Skill cooldown increased from 15 sec. to 18 sec.
  • Adjusted the skill range: was 2 yards, now 1 yard.
  • Adjusted the skill damage: was 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character's magical power, now 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40%.
  • Adjusted the amount of skill healing in combination with Dark Forces skill: was 90 \ 100 \ 110 \ 125% of the damage dealt, now 80 \ 90 \ 100 \ 110%.

кисло ливень.png Acid Rain

  • Adjusted the duration of the acid rain effect: was 4.8 sec., now 4 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 sec. 
  • Adjusted the skill damage: was 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35% of the character's magical power, now 30 \ 35 \ 40 \ 45%. 
  • Now the rain reduces the movement speed of all enemies in the skill area by 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50%. 
  • Adjusted the period of damage from the acid rain and Poisoning debuff: it was once every 0.8 sec., now it is once every 1 sec. 
  • Adjusted the duration of Poisoning debuff: was 3.2 sec., now 3 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 sec.
  •  Now the skill damage does not stop PvP targets.
  • Adjusted the skill range: was an area with a radius of 1 yard, now an area with a radius of 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 2 yard(s).

мертвый солдат.png Dead Soldier

  • Adjusted the totem's lifespan: was 12 \ 16 \ 20 \ 24 sec., now 11 \ 16 \ 21 \ 26 sec.
  • Now the totem summons a monster to a random point within a radius of 3 yards around the totem every 5 sec. The first monster is summoned 0.5 sec. after placing the totem (previously, it was summoned if a killed character or monster was within 3 yards of the totem).

кошмар сны.png Nightmares

  • Now Sleep debuff absorbs damage equal to 5 \ 8 \ 12 \ 16 \ 20% of the target's maximum health. 
  • The Sleep debuff will now only be interrupted by receiving non-zero damage or when the duration expires.
  • Added maximum shield size: 5000 units.

паника!.png Panic

  • Health cost when using the skill has been removed. 
  • Adjusted the PvP target limit: was 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7, now 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6. 
  • Adjusted the duration of the skill effect: was 1 \ 2.5 \ 3 \ 4 sec., now 1.5 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4.5 sec.

мент яма.png Mental Pit

  • Skill cooldown decreased from 30 sec. to 24 sec.
  • Adjusted the duration of the skill effect: was 10 sec., now 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec.
  • Adjusted the strength of reducing the target's physical and magical power: was 15 \ 30 \ 45 \ 55%, now 25 \ 35 \ 45 \ 60%.
  • Adjusted the strength of reducing a target's Skill Cooldown: was 30 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100%, now 30 \ 50 \ 70 \ 100%.


смерт взгляд.png Deathly Eye+

  • Now the talent increases the maximum effect strength from the skill that reduces the enemy's health by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

наслажд болью.png Pleasure of Pain

  • Adjusted the amount of damage from the character's magical power: it was 20%, now it is 30%.

мор.png Pestilence

  • Now Slowdown debuff is casted to a target with the effect of Infection skill (previously applied after dealing damage).

эхо ужаса.png Echoes of Horror

  • Change in talent mechanics: now, if the character's health drops below 30% of the maximum, the effect of Panic skill will be applied to an enemy who reduced the health to this mark, if an enemy is within a radius of 7 yards from the character, and also to all enemies within a radius of 2 yards around the character. The talent works no more often than once every 30 sec.

окутыв холод.png Engulfing Cold

  • Adjusted the area of the talent effect: it was in a radius of 4 yards, now in a radius of 3 yards.


заклинатель.png Charmer

темная призма.png Dark Prism

  • Now, the type of skill damage depends on the prevailing physical or magical power of the character: 30 \ 55 \ 80 \ 105 \ 130 units and 110 \ 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130% of the character's magical power if magical power prevails,  and 20 \ 40 \ 60 \ 80 \ 100 units and 115 \ 120 \ 125 \ 130 \ 135% of the character's physical power if physical power prevails.

вызов.png Call

  • Adjusted the amount of damage caused by summoned monsters: was 48 \ 54 \ 66 \ 78 \ 90% of the character’s physical power, now 45 \ 55 \ 65 \ 75 \ 85%.
  • Increased the amount of health of summoned monsters, depending on the character's level.

подстрекат.png Goading

  • Now instead of Slowdown debuff the skill casts Heavy Load debuff which reduces movement speed by 20 \ 24 \ 28 \ 32% and decreases healing received by enemies by 5 \ 12 \ 20 \ 30% from any source. 
  • Fixed a bug due to which the PvP-target limit on Aggression debuff was not functioning.

помощь хаоса.png Help of Chaos

  • Adjusted the period for the monster to use the healing skill: it was every 5 sec., now every 6 sec.

камен проклят.png Stone Curse

  • Now Petrification debuff additionally reduces the duration of all buffs on an enemy by 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40%.

маст призыват.png Summoner Skill

  • Adjusted the effect strength that increases the damage of summoned monsters: was 25 \ 35 \ 45 \ 55%, now 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50%.

объятия тьмы НОВАЯ.png Embrace of the Darkness

  • Adjusted the additional stun time from the skill: from 1 sec. to 3 sec.


демон знание.png Demonic Knowledge

  • Now, the talent bonus works regardless of the equipped weapon.

лик смерти НОВАЯ.png Face of Death

  • Now the talent works with Weakness skill (previously - with Knowledge of the Dead Man skill). 
  • Additionally the effect from Weakness skill now increases the critical damage, received by a target by 12%.

объятия тьмы НОВАЯ.png Embrace of the Darkness

  • Change in talent mechanics: now the talent works with Otherworldly Fire skill (previously - with Goading skill). Now Otherworldly Fire skill performs only one attack in an area increased by 1 yard with an 80% increased damage, a guaranteed application of Stun debuff, and an increased duration of Stun debuff by 3 sec.

высокий зов НОВАЯ.png High Summoning

  • The talent now works with Eye of the Darkness skill (previously - with Summoner Skill skill).
  • Now Eye of the Darkness skill additionally casts High Call buff to all monsters of the character summoned by Call and Help of Chaos skills.

чум присп.png Plagued Minion

  • Adjusted the damage of the talent from the character's magical power: was 20%, now 25%.
  • Adjusted the damage of the talent from the character's physical power: was 10%, now 15%.

сила стаи.png Pack Power

  • Adjusted the bonus to the physical and magical defense of summoned monsters: was 5%, now 12%.


жнец.png Reaper

черная метка.png Black Mark

  • Adjusted the skill range: was 4 yards, now 5 yards.


частич метаморф.png Partial Metamorphosis

  • Now the character's auto-attacks under Partial Metamorphosis buff can deal double damage with a 40% chance when attacking monsters and a 30% chance when attacking players. 
  • Adjusted the period of triggering double damage from the talent: was once every 2 sec., now once every 1.5 sec.

ненасытн.png Voracity

  • Adjusted the period of accumulating hatred: was every 2 sec., now every 1 sec.

жажд ненависти.png Hate Thirst 

  • Adjusted the period of increasing the hatred consumption in demonic form: was every 8 sec., now every 13 sec.


This year, we've reworked a significant number of skills and talents, aiming to diversify the gameplay and rediscover the abilities of the heroes. The improvement of game mechanics is ongoing, and in one of the upcoming updates, you can expect changes to talents. One of such innovations will be the ability to disable any key talents of your hero, providing a more flexible way to leverage your character's strengths based on the in-game situation. We'll share more details about other changes later, and for now it's time to prepare for testing!


During the test server, with your help we will once again check the correctness of the work of all changed skills. Based on the results of testing, additional changes may be made based on the collected data. We will be grateful for the feedback and active participation in testing!


See you!

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Surely that new truce description is a mistake? Leveling it would literally do nothing else but make you do less damage, while the enemy does same on every level

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Truce is literally a joke, as well as shields. Devs should really consider every aspect of the game BEFORE CHANGING BASIC SKILL, bcs this game is not only for HIGH LVL. Priest is a weak class, and now you take away truce which was the only thing that helps priest survive in 2v2 against BM and Charmer. Now what? It gave shit, enemy can attack with 50% damage? While our damage gets cut to only 25%? 

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Truce is literally a joke, as well as shields. Devs should really consider every aspect of the game BEFORE CHANGING BASIC SKILL, bcs this game is not only for HIGH LVL. Priest is a weak class, and now you take away truce which was the only thing that helps priest survive in 2v2 against BM and Charmer. Now what? It gave shit, 

Its better to just delete this class so that i can laugh it off

Edited by Jollier
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I have to point out seriously that if Block Master ends up changing to this effect, even the best warden in Warspear will not be able to tank in myth temple. (You know that it is very hard for healers to be alive in that dg.)

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On 12/9/2023 at 2:27 PM, LeeLoo said:
  • The skill no longer deals magical damage.
  • Now the skill casts Stun debuff for 0.2 \ 0.3 \ 0.4 \ 0.5 sec. to all enemies within a radius of 3 yards around the character every 1.5 sec.
  • Now the skill reduces the cooldown duration of Secret Reserves skill by 0.2 \ 0.3 \ 0.4 \ 0.5 sec. for each Stun debuff applied to enemies.


This implies a considerable nerf in PvE even... we didn't really need to be able to stun our enemies further, rather to survive enough to maybe being able to stun them. Cool the interaction with secret reserves; clearly you want us to use that also in PvE. If only runes could be used somewhere else (and not replacing vamp runes which are infinitely more useful for this class)... 

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What about templar? I think templar should get more stat conversion to their minions(particle of life). I have tested and penetration, stun, attack speed and many more stats dont apply to the minion. Besides the poor conversion of stats, the minion should get more health points as well. I believe its 3.8k health points...which is too low. Considering the cooldown of particle of life is also absurdly high, i think something of particle of life needs to be adjusted.


For the healthpoints, I would suggest it scales with the health points of the templar itself.

Edited by borisdekleer
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I wonder if the guys who do the balancing ever played the Barbarian class. AoE for barb rejected. This doesn't make sense... 

On 12/9/2023 at 5:27 AM, LeeLoo said:

кровопрол.png Bloodshed

  • Now when the skill deals DOT-damage, it interrupts a target.
  • Added checks for the Block and Dodge for the talent damage.


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On 12/9/2023 at 2:27 PM, LeeLoo said:

оковы правосудия.png Fetters of Justice

  • Adjusted the skill area: now the skill is applied to all enemies within a radius of 2 yards around the character. 

иллюминация.png Illumination

  • Adjusted the skill area: now the skill is applied to all targets within a radius of 3 yards around the character.

I'm pretty sure those skills already have this radius? Unless you mean it's no longer a diamond shaped radius and now it's a 5x5 square and 7x7 square around the character, respectively.

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Ok who was smoking what when they decided this was good idea? Only effective pve keytalent mages had is not only lower dmg now but also doesnt do what dragon eye is supposed to thats just going to make ppl run 1/4 eye with this talent and spam manapots, sure they will remove the 10%total mana cost of skills from this cos if they wont you can cast 3 skills before u run out of mana


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Changing the block master from passive to active is not a good idea. This is the only means of recovery for the warden as a tank, and once controlled, there will be no recovery skills. Warden do not have possess immune control like barbarians, nor do they possess both active and passive recovery skills like dks

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On 12/9/2023 at 6:57 PM, LeeLoo said:

абсолют рефлек.png Absolute Reflexes

  • Change in skill mechanics: now upon receiving damage equal to 18 \ 16 \ 14 \ 10% of maximum health for 4 sec., the character gets Absolute Reflexes buff for 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10 sec. The buff guarantees successful dodging from the next incoming auto-attack or instant damage skill. The buff persists on the character for 0.4 \ 0.5 \ 0.6 \ 0.7 sec. The buff can occur no more frequently than once every 
    On 12/9/2023 at 6:57 PM, LeeLoo said:

    абсолют рефлек.png Absolute Reflexes

    • Change in skill mechanics: now upon receiving damage equal to 18 \ 16 \ 14 \ 10% of maximum health for 4 sec., the character gets Absolute Reflexes buff for 5 \ 6 \ 8 \ 10 sec. The buff guarantees successful dodging from the next incoming auto-attack or instant damage skill. The buff persists on the character for 0.4 \ 0.5 \ 0.6 \ 0.7 sec. The buff can occur no more frequently than once every 4 sec.


🥴So Rogues have no attack speed buff now? That's rich! 


Edited by Ismaeel
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On 12/9/2023 at 2:27 PM, LeeLoo said:

слезы Харада.png Harad's Tears

  • Fixed a bug with searching for targets for an additional attack: now the search for targets will occur around the main target of the skill, not around the character or allies.

so, can the % chance of hitting multiple targets be gone as well? since you only hit people near you now.

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Wow, yet again, you nerf MC, and buff elf side.. All those analytics and server imbalance due to these constant buffs to elf side make no difference to you clearly. Warlock is almost unusable now, only the top 5% warlock can play. I wonder if you would consider firing your analytics team. Servers like US and EU are dying and heavily tilted towards the elf side..I wonder why.

Edited by puremc
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On 12/9/2023 at 6:57 PM, LeeLoo said:

Now the skill will be applied in an area around the specified target (previously applied to a specified area).

Reading this i understand that it has become like paladin  fetter 1 tap area use  but why no silence effect same as fetter ? Lvl 3 or above . Either give silence to thrashing as you make  it same like paladin skill or remove silence from paladin fetter. @Dr Strange

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On 12/9/2023 at 2:27 PM, LeeLoo said:

частич метаморф.png Partial Metamorphosis

  • Now the character's auto-attacks under Partial Metamorphosis buff can deal double damage with a 40% chance when attacking monsters and a 30% chance when attacking players. 
  • Adjusted the period of triggering double damage from the talent: was once every 2 sec., now once every 1.5 sec.

@Holmes @Dr Strangeplease consider adding the resist buffs and hp gain back to this, maybe take away the cd switch but right now this is really weak, the whole mechanics of this class revolve around demon form and to not get an actual advantage while studying talents is not really worth it, I have asked everyone that plays reaper even from RU servers and EU and nobody likes this talent branch especially for that reason, would be nice to get a small change. Thanks! 

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On 09/12/2023 at 10:27, LeeLoo disse:

избыт энергия.png Excess Energy

  • Adjusted the effect strength that increases damage from skills: was 15%, now 12%.
  • Now Dragon Eye skill does not restore the character's energy when the talent is active. The energy cost for all applied skills under the talent effect is increased by 30%. 
  • Fixed a bug due to which the talent effect did not increase DOT-damage from skills.

It is already impossible to maintain mana regeneration during medium combats using this talent, now simply not having the effect that makes this talent usable will be very disappointing

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Lol, ElfSpear this update will make the game more unbalanced and make the game dieing... IDK what the balanced team is doing but just buff elf overall ? IF SOME SERVERS HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SIDE BALANCE WHY NOT MAKE A TEMPORARY BUFF(ADD STAT OR BONUS SOMETHING TO COUNTER THE DOMINANT SIDE) FOR THE WEAKER SIDE(LOWER ACTIVE PLAYER SIDE 30/70) AND NO TEMPORARY BUFF WHEN IT HAS A BALANCED ACTIVE PLAYER SIDE ?????????????

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