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  1. @Dr StrangeWanted to ask something, have you been considering to add some features into these 3 island events such as "hidden treasuries, missions". For example, randomly some portals spawn in some places of the islands and they teleport u into unknown places. Like there are some hidden stuff to explore etc. Maybe some kind of nuance additions in the different places of islands etc.
  2. Gotcha, but you should also consider that his words are in purpose, just spoiling the topic and take the nice level of discussion into his imaginary world. He doesn't even play Warlock, just here to complain and complain over and over again like he does in discord. I won't be answering to him anyway anymore, waste of words.
  3. I'm not gonna discuss further with someone who has 0 clue about the game and reality. The guy who has never played warlock talks about it and says "free to talk", funny.
  4. I don't know what you live in ur brain yet it is not the discord chat area that you can talk nonsense, and who is asking for Warlock to be the best? LOL. Just go read the first text back, you are just here to complain like you always and everywhere do. How a warlock can counter priest or druid, or templars, that's a big joke. You are clueless what you been talking. Ayo what????????? You heal urself 1 tap to max, and complain about stone skill??? Bro what cannabis you are using? It is not just counters, they just 2 shot warlocks. BDs can kill a caster with their 0.5 combo, not even 1 !!!! Now you happy with what you done? You have spoiled in my page with your limitless complainments.
  5. This is a topic created to say that Warlock is weaker than any dmg classes and the stun is useless, besides there is no defensive skill or relic for them. Simply we are being 2 shotted by BDs or Rangers. With buff let's say you have reached to 3k dmg, then why don't you tell about other classes, they can reach to 5k dmg with buffs. This is not the main idea I am trying to tell, people who has warlock experience already aware of how vulnerable and uneffective they are.
  6. That is pure distorted and false information, there is only 1-2 good warlocks in EU server with books, one is Hades, and even he is not capable of hitting 3k on a maxed priest without using castle buff/pot/scrolls. Please have some experience before making comments. And for second, I invite you to try that second branch, since there are bracelets now and dmg of warlock nerfed hugely, its impossible to play with that branch to be useful.
  7. I would appreciate, I don't know much abt how to use the website efficiently, I just wanted to post here because the last nerf came on spring, so maybe a fix could come in spring again, atleast on fear skill for "3 yard" thing.
  8. @Dr StrangeI want to talk a bit about Warlock before the update comes. 1 ) Mana CAP Problem: Absolutely 1 year ago, Warlocks got huge and unfair nerf of "Mana cap", which mainly was about limiting the damage increase from the maximum mana a character has. It is nearly 300~ for PvP and 500~ PvE. As I have shown the characteristics of some of the classes from Mountain Clans, especially in terms of PvP, with the addition of new "Bracelets", Warlocks has been weakened so much that they can't deal some serious damage to their enemies even if they are fully damage branch talented. For instance, the other classes down there can hit 3k+ to enemies with the strongest skill of they got. However, it is not valid for a Warlock to hit more than 2k~ to a maxed enemy anymore. With the new damage boosts of all DPS characters, a ranger/hunter can get to 4k damage from an instant damage skill and which applies a debuff. I may get some answers such as "Warlock is a great group enemy controller class, you can't deny that.", indeed it is, but in the top level of fighting, it is seen as a joke... Because most top level players are aware of and has 30%+ base resistance parameters with a great instants damages. Therefore, either warlocks should rely on the other 7/10 stunning chance and to kill a strong player warlock generally needs to make a 1.5-2 combo which means 6-7 stun skills used. (7/10)^6 = 0.11. So, either rely on 11% chance to kill an enemy after spamming numerous stuns, or get killed by 2-3 instant huge dmg skills. 2) Fear Skill Problem I really want to know what is the reason of a control skill being 3 yards while all of them are generally 5 yards. The skill I am talking about is "Fear". It looks quite funny and useless. Imagine you are fighting against any class and you are planning to stun him at first and use "Dark Circle" skill, but sadly it got "Resisted", so to not let it to hit you, the first alternative is to use fear and start your combo. (We generally must use stuns because as I have said in the 1) section, almost all damage classes which are either shown as having lower dmg characteristics, they hit much higher and much harder. ) Back to our topic, till you get 3 yard closer to an enemy already, it can spam all the skills on you and you will be dead already. 3) The Lack of Defensive Skills or Relics Through the years, rogues/hunters/rangers has earned some defensive abilities like "Dodge" to increase their survivability. I won't mention how tanks/healers got defensive skills to survive in a battle. Even mages, besides their shields they earned a little healing combo-skill. However, when we come into warlocks, there isn't either useful or passive defensive skills to work during combat. A.) What we got is a stone skill... A skill that disables the character to atk an enemy, and after going out, literally vulnerable of anything coming next. B.) Haven't finished yet, another skill which is also nerfed and it brings more burden than it helps in a battle cause it only works when you "Deal" damage. C.) A "defensive" skill that can be "Resisted" and works just a little bit within few conditions managed. 4-) Conclusion Warlocks have lost their popularity and effectiveness since the huge nerfs on them in the past year and afterwards. > When it comes to damage, it doesn't deal sufficient damage to scare his enemy and not persist on him to "think" to counter, while other DPS classes hits really high with their "ulti" skills. > When it comes to support/control, it has not much difference from many other classes anymore as an advantage. Most classes has aoe stun/silence skills. > When it comes to Survivability, there is not much passive skills that can help or defensive relics to be actived to increase a Warlock's capability of staying alive and pursue fighting. Maybe @Horimiyamigth want to add something about these, but I doubt if he is interested in mass figths and PvP, rather than PvE :') Thanks
  9. @Holmes, @Dr Strange May I ask if it is possible for battle in irselnort. Enemy guild use unity 1 map away from Legion, then use bless and come inside to the flag. Then after bless done there won't be a Globe for defence, so the flag HP will go down very quickly. And second/third flags are the same ways going down. If in any case those skills be free for the other maps, then it will just make it even worse for battles. The solution would be the ban of all these skills, otherwise there won't be much tactic to go over.
  10. we opened tons of topics tons of articles and replies for this skills. Unfortunately they don’t care us. They do what they wants. On my server mc side almost completely left from game because of unbalanced class design. They re buffs who cries much. Today if elves population %85 rest of play mc. Most of them thinks to left
  11. This game has the most disgraceful drop system of MMO features ever. When you go 1000+ runs for nothing, someone takes a book from a dungeon he entered only once. Do your daily activities already enough for this game.
  12. Imagine you make talent for book users. Other can continue to cry with %0.000000001 book drop rates
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