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Seeker Guide 10.2


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1.  Introduction

2.  Skills

       2.1   Complete statistics of each skill

       2.2   Skill build for leveling and first expert skills

       2.3   Pve

       2.4   Pvp

       2.5   Hybrid

       2.6   Relics

3. Gears/equipment

       3.1   Which stats to focus on

       3.2   Daggers or 2h?

       3.3   Leveling up

       3.4   Pve gears

       3.5   Pve Weapons

       3.6   Pvp gears


1.  Why should you play Seeker?


Seeker is one of the best damage dealing classes in the game, if not the best. What they might lack in defensive skills, they make up for with their high offensive abilities. Now they are highly underrated simply because of the lack of knowledge many people have with them.


In pvp, Seeker can be good with the right build, but they still struggle against most ranged classes. Seeker is not the best choice for pvp.


Note: Seekers are very expensive to make. You will need high amped weapons and lifesteal accessories, which can be very expensive.

(Also, all opinions are mine and you may disagree with some of them. This guide is not perfect)


2. Skills

2.1 Complete statistics of each skill



2.2 Skill build for leveling up and which expert skills to buy first.


Levels 1-18


splitting.png Splitting 1/5

Harad's Shield.png Harad’s shield 5/5

inspiration.png Inspiration 1/5

Disappearance.png Disappearance 5/5

exacerbation.png Exacerbation 3/5


Most of the time when you are leveling up and doing quests, you are either running from place to place or waiting for your health to regen back. Seeker has two perfect skills to make things easier for you. You should level up both Disappearance and Harad’s shield. Disappearance will make questing much easier and shield will give you much more damage and it will protect you quite a lot.

In case you feel like you don’t need the extra running speed from Disappearance, you can use those points in splitting. Remaining points you should use in Exacerbation. (this skill uses a lot of energy, make sure you have good energy regen)


Level 18


Now that you have access to expert skills, we could talk about which skill to buy first. Before you buy any skills, you should know that most of the seeker expert skills are quite bad compared to the basic skills. But of course, there are some exceptions:


bloodthirst.png Bloodthirst

This skill should be the first skill you buy. It deals good amount of damage and if you later buy Splitting blow it will also heal you when combined. I personally don’t use the healing effect of this skill too often.


attraction.png Attraction

This skill is the only way for seeker to catch enemies that are far away from you. It is a must for pvp, but it is useful for pve also. For example, you can pull a single enemy from a group of mobs and thus saving your time and health when not having to deal with the other ones.


solar power.png Solar Power

One of the best pve expert skills for seeker. Increase critical hit chance and critical hit damage. This skill should only be used when studied to max. When this skill is on, you will take increased damage from every hit. At 4/4, incoming damage is only increased by 10%, which is not too bad. This skill uses a lot of energy. You will need 80+ energy regen if you want to use other skills while using this.



attackinstinct.PNG Attack Instinct

Useful skill in dungeons with many mobs. Also great in some arena modes like Crucible and Seals if you have lifesteal.

The skill does dmg in 3x3 area around the target you are hitting. It wont hit enemies that are behind you. 




 My thoughts about the other not so useful expert skills:


dangerousblow.png Dangerous Blow

Doesn't do that much damage even at 4/4. Bleeding isn't that good either. It's a nice skill to have but not necessary at all. I rarely use it.


sun nets.png Sun Nets

Must have for pvp. Few uses in pve. You should get this skill at some point.


splittingblow.png Splitting Blow

Damage from this skill is bad. Only use it to activate bloodthirst healing. Using any skill will delay your next basic attack for short time. If you have good lifesteal, your basic attack will heal you just as much as Bloothirst heal making this quite useless skill in pve at least. In the gif, see how much the next auto attack is delayed after I use any other attack skill.



inner rage.png Inner Rage

In pve, you are almost always full hp. If you happen to go below 30%, you will either die immediately or heal it back with one hit. Waste of gold, buy it for pvp if you want but it won't make a huge difference.


exhaustiveblow.png Exhaustive Blow

Not useful in pve at all. I thought about using it in pvp but this skill can be dodged/parried/blocked/resisted. Very unreliable, Sun Net is better for pvp.


Now into the actual skill builds..


2.3 Pve skill builds.


These skill builds are meant for level 30+ players. 

These builds are meant for pure damage dealing. (Leave any skill not mentioned to lvl1)


Build 1

Basics skills:


Harad's Shield.png Harad’s shield 5/5

inspiration.png Inspiration 5/5

exacerbation.png Exacerbation 5/5


Expert skills:


solar power.png Solar Power 4/4

attackinstinct.PNG.7f2d4f2e15b660e88e3616827dea4e45.PNG Attack Instinct 4/4


Good build for dungeons. Note that some high level dungeons like Sea Tramps don't have too many mobs so Attack Instinct might not get that much use.


Build 2

Basics skills:


Harad's Shield.png Harad’s shield 5/5

inspiration.png Inspiration 5/5

exacerbation.png Exacerbation 5/5


Expert skills:


solar power.png Solar Power 4/4

bloodthirst.png Bloodthirst 4/4


Good dmg with auto attacks. Combo with splitting blow to get healing from bloodthirst.




2.4 Pvp skill builds



Basics skills:


Harad's Shield.png Harad’s shield 5/5

inspiration.png Inspiration 4/5 or 5/5

Disappearance.png Disappearance 5/5 or 4/5

exacerbation.png Exacerbation 5/5


Expert skills:


exhaustiveblow.png.b86aec24f481c1ae9ec75a13931bca10.png Exhaustive Blow 4/4




2.5 Hybrid skill build


Basics skills:

Harad's Shield.png Harad’s shield 5/5

inspiration.png Inspiration 4/5 or 5/5

Disappearance.png Disappearance 5/5 or 4/5

exacerbation.png Exacerbation 5/5


Expert skills:


solar power.png Solar Power 4/4


Good build for pve and some pvp. Disappearance is very useful in pve also and when questing in the Underwater Territory of Ayvondil, you wish you had this skill on every character.





2.6 Relics

I will only talk about the empowering relics. There aren’t any “best” offensive and defensive relics and you should choose those to fit your play style.


splitting.png Splitting

For this skill there are few options:


crit.png Great Relic of Indomitable Blow (Critical hit damage is increased by 20%)

 This relic is good for pve, but it doesn’t help you in pvp. It is also cheapest relic of these three.


dmg.png Great Relic of Punishing Ability (Skill damage is increased by 12%)

This relic is good for pve and pvp. This relic can be quite expensive.


hpattack.pngMagic Relic of Deadly Health (When an enemy, which is equal or higher level than you is killed by this skill, 50% of your health is restored)

This relic is my favorite, but it is quite rare. Note that you should stay at lvl30 or lower if you want the best benefit from this relic.



Harad's Shield.png Harad’s Shield

Continuous.png Great Relic of Continuous Effect (Increase time of a skill effect by 40%)

This relic will increase the duration of your shield as well as increase the duration of the damage buffs.



inspiration.png Inspiration

energyeff.png Great Relic of Energy Efficiency (Reduces energy consumption when using a skill by 40%)

This skill will be on all the time thus there is no need to use Relic of Continuous Effect on it. Seeker needs all the help it can get with energy, so this relic is the best choice. It is also cheap.



Disappearance.png Disappearance

Continuous.pngGreat Relic of Continuous Effect (Increase time of a skill effect by 40%)

Speaks for itself.



exacerbation.png Exacerbation

energystab.png Great Relic of Energy Stability (Reduces energy consumption of the skill by 50%)

This is a must. There is no other logical choice for this skill.




3. Gears

3.1 Good stats for seeker


Seeker should focus on getting offensive stats as high as possible, without forgetting lifesteal.


crit.png Critical hit,

speed.png Attack speed,

pene.png Penetration and

accu.png Accuracy


are main offensive stats that you need to focus on.

Ideally you will want your crit to be between 40-50%. (50% is the maximum value for crit) The higher % of crit you have the less difference it will make. 

Your attack speed should be as high as possible.

Same as attack speed, try get your penetration as high as possible.

Accuracy is one of the most important stats for seeker and its often neglected. Missing a hit and not getting lifesteal could mean that you are dead. Accuracy should be above 20%. Ideally, closer to 30% (Accuracy negates enemies Dodge stat. If enemy has 30% dodge and you have 20% accuracy, the enemy has 10% chance to dodge your hit. Accuracy doesn't work against parry or block)


vamp.png Lifesteal


You will need around 25% lifesteal if you want to solo bosses at high level. 



3.2 Daggers or 2h weapon


Short answer: daggers.

Long answer: Seeker is all about dealing damage. While you will reach higher base damage with a 2-handed weapon, daggers will still do more damage overtime. 2-handed weapons are great for killing small hp monsters in one or two hits, but since most high-level monsters have high hp, daggers are a better choice. 

I did some calculations using different weapons and stats. You can see those in part 3.5.


3.3 Weapons and armors for leveling.


(There is calculator that has all equipment in the game, use that to find gear builds)


For the most part, use the weapons and armors that you get from quests. It’s better to save your gold for expert skills and high-level gears.

I just said that daggers are better than 2-handed weapons, but for leveling up it’s different. Killing bunch of low hp monsters is faster with 2-handed weapon.


When you reach lvl13 you could buy items with “none” parameter. You can use these items and sell them back when you are done with them. This isn’t by any means necessary; quest items will do just fine.


At lvl17 you should buy Desert Wanderers/Star Pilgrim’s armors and lvl17 cape with energy regen. You should also buy lvl17 rings and use energy crystals on those. Lvl17 armors shouldn’t cost too much and they have useful stats for seeker. I would use those armors until lvl26.


See calculator


You could buy weapons every few levels. 2-handed weapons are usually very cheap.

I wouldn’t amp any gears past +1 until you have the gears that you’re going to use for a while.


3.4 Pve armors


These following equipment are for players who have made it to at least lvl26.



Seekers don’t have too many defensive skills so lifesteal is a must for them. They are quite expensive but there really isn’t other choices. If you can’t afford the lifesteal accessories with the best stats, you should sill try buy some accessories with maybe worse stats since they will still help you a lot.



Any damage lifesteal cape with attack speed.



Any damage lifesteal cape with attack speed or penetration.



Damage lifesteal rings with accuracy.


Armor sets.

Here are few armor builds that I consider to be good. There are many more armor builds and these may not be the best for everything. (Use the calculator to try more builds)



Helmet, armor and gloves can chance quite a bit between builds, but the boots are almost always the same. Seeker needs boots with energy regen. There are 3 options currently:



I highly recommend boots with speed.


Belts also have few options. You should either get belt with crit and accuracy from Snowy event or get belt with speed. (lvl29 speed belts are very expensive)




Runes and crystals to use in each item:

Cape: crit, vamp

Amulet: crit/accu, vamp

Rings: energy regen, vamp

Head piece: accu, def

Chest piece: speed, def

Gloves: speed/pene, def

Boots: speed, def

Belt: energy regen, hp/solidity (solidity increases your chance to avoid critical hits and reduces critical hit damage from monsters)


3.5 Weapons for pve

There are many good daggers for pve and here are some information to help you decide between them.


First some stats that can be found in some of the weapons.


piercing.png Piercing (Allows the character to ignore physical and magical defense of the enemy with a specified chance during an auto attack.)

This stat may sound to be exactly like penetration, but it is not. Piercing doesn't work with every hit while pene does. Piercing has % chance to ignore all enemy defense, while pene ignores some defense with every hit.


attackstrength.png Attack Strength (Increases damage dealt by your character's auto attack by the specified percentage.)

This is a good stat for every seeker since most of our damage comes from auto attacks.


Now which weapon to choose. If you want weapon with Attack Strength, there are two choices.


The damage from these daggers is basically the same on higher levels where mobs have high defense. The other has 3,3% more penetration while other has 2,5% more Attack Strength. Only difference between them is the Attack Speed and crit.

If you can get 70% Attack speed(maximum value), with the double pene daggers, they are better. Otherwise the Attack Strength daggers are better.

(See calculations below)


Here are the stats that I used. Tried to use stats that would be normal for high level seeker. (These are without having a weapon equipped)



These are the stats with weapons equipped.



Here are the stats when hitting enemy with 50% defense. Critical hit change is calculated into the final dps.

Daggers with Attack Strength and speed have by far the best dps with these stats.

(With the "dps with crit" I mean that the chance of some hits being crits is included)



Here are calculations when your attack speed is 70%, other stats are the same. (You can get max speed with buffs)



So if you can get 70% attack speed somehow, double pene daggers are the best.


I also calculated dps for few 2-handed weapons.To get the following base damage I used all lvl30 dmg accessories and all weapons were +10. Link to calculator for base damage




extras: How time between attacks is calculated:


Weapon base speed X (daggers have base speed of 1.7)

Attack Speed = Y%

Time between attacks =  X*(1-Y%)  (this is for any weapon)


When you use 2 weapons the time between attacks is 1,5x higher.


For example using one dagger with 40% speed: (Use this for 2 handed weapons as well)

1.7*(1-0.40 )= 1.02 sec


Two daggers with 40% speed:

(1.02+1.02)/1.5 = 1.36



There are few other good daggers aswell.


Both of these daggers have Attack Speed and crit. Piercing is good, but it doesn't work on every hit like pene. Lifesteal daggers can be useful for soloing stuff, but they won't make your damage output higher.




The craft dagger has the highest base damage of any dagger. The stats are not bad either, but in my opinion the other daggers are better.


You should use parry runes in your weapons. Dodge is negated by accuracy and thus doesn't work that often. Damage reflect could be good choice also, but sometimes it messes up your Sun Net and Invisibility. Not a big problem in pve tho.


3.6 Pvp armors

Not much to say here, get resilience armors. They will increase your defense in pvp drastically.

You can also use craft belt for extra penetration and a bit more hp. 

For weapon you should buy at least one dagger and use ferocity crystal on it. This will increase your damage in pvp while also being quite cheap, although getting enough arena points for one can be quite tedious.

Edited by Zurp
Added link to skill topic
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Bro you forgot the depth fury dagger damage in underwater, I'm a seeker user, trust me I think 40% depths fury start + 4/4 solar power + 5/5 excaberation + 5/5 inspiration will do INSANELY OP damage 🤪🤪 .... Check it out and Add that too

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1 hour ago, coldeher said:

Bro you forgot the depth fury dagger damage in underwater, I'm a seeker user, trust me I think 40% depths fury start + 4/4 solar power + 5/5 excaberation + 5/5 inspiration will do INSANELY OP damage 🤪🤪 .... Check it out and Add that too

Yes, I know. But you will need other daggers too. Getting sea daggers takes a while and  you need a good guild for that aswell.

@Akasha Can you move this to topic to Seeker section? Would be easier to find:piggy:

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6 minutes ago, Zurp said:

Can you move this to topic to Seeker section? Would be easier to find

Yes, all winner guides will be moved and pinned soon. Just give me a moment, I'm writing the results for Latin american players right now. :smile:

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55 minutes ago, Akasha said:

Yes, all winner guides will be moved and pinned soon. Just give me a moment, I'm writing the results for Latin american players right now. :smile:


Tried to help with that while you were busy on crearing the Topic on the latin section. All of the topics have been pinned as planned. 🙂

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Just now, Higgings said:

Tried to help with that while you were busy on crearing the Topic on the latin section. All of the topics have been pinned as planned. 🙂

Perfect! Thank you 😇

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Great Guide!!! Funny how we use the same build. And you're right, Seekers are underrated and expensive, sadly. Honestly, the reason why I rarely play. I Dumped made money and still incomplete. Glad you made this for new Seeker players. 

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3 hours ago, Speedom said:

Errgg I forgot to test it but have anyone tried the new skill with stun enchant stats? Might be an op idea.


yea its decent:panda4:


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39 minutes ago, Zurp said:

Updated skill builds for 8.4

They might change in the future if I one day get the new armor set.

Good luck. I know them sets gonna be the price of a non class skill book. High level guild with have it before selling it.

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I have a question: in what order should I start maximizing skills. I want to do the PJ only PvP and go up season after season. For example at lv 6 should Harad’s shield or Exacerbation be maximized?


Edited by Higgings
Just a little adjustment
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1 hour ago, Darkchrome said:

I have a question: in what order should I start maximizing skills. I want to do the PJ only PvP and go up season after season. For example at lv 6 should Harad’s shield or Exacerbation be maximized?


At low lvl, I recommend shield. Exacerbation will just drain your mana, especially being at a low lvl.

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  • Zurp changed the title to Seeker Guide 9.0
  • 4 months later...
  • Zurp changed the title to Seeker Guide 10.2
  • 11 months later...
22 minutes ago, adywijaya said:

How to reach maximum attack speed with seeker? Since they don't have expert skill for attack speed like rogue and hunter. 

Basic skill Inspiration gives speed and penetration.

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