Gladiator 1202 Posted May 27, 2020 Share Posted May 27, 2020 I know it's gonna be a bit of a controversial opinion, but I don't think it's unreasonable to consider so I'll put it out there with the explanation: Paladin should be able to use Sacred Shield on himself now. And since Devs are not planning to fix the new passive Inner Force, I think it would be only fair for Paladin to be able to use shield on himself, even if it's a bit weaker version (If used on himself) or for some sort of penalty, maybe only being able to use shield on himself if using shield + 1handed, since 2handed builds have a good amount of support and heal, and the shield build is more about tanking. Explanation: With all these debuffs and buffs Like Druid's and Shaman's new skills, and Warlock's/Necromancer's increased crowd control, the ability of Mage to remove and reduce duration of all buffs (Including Sacred Shield BTW), and increased damage for many classes like Barbarians with high attack speed, and now ability of Rogue to stun with already insane dodge, not to mention the ability of Barbarians, Mages, and Bladedancers to completely ignore debuffs. I think that the meta will shift towards pure damage vs defense/heal, Paladin's control skills will less effective than ever, and don't forget that Paladin's only advantage over all of these aforementioned classes is crowd controls and support, which is becoming less and less effective as explained. Truth of the matter is: In Arena and Team situations, it would be obviously disadvantageous for Paladins to use shield only for them, so it would only be helpful in 1v1 situations, but 1v1 situations are a big part of Arena, and in most situations, if a class is bad in 1v1, then it's also not great in Arena. In many Arena fights there will be a 1v1 battle at the end, and if the devs don't see that, they clearly don't play the game. And when the Paladin's allies are dead, there is nothing that the Paladin can do but eat up all the damage and die. On the other hand you have classes that have the potential to kill 2 players 1v2. What this change will do is instead of the Paladin dying in 10 seconds, he will die in 30 seconds, which to me it sounds like it goes towards balance. Like, Paladin will never be able to kill ranged characters that have insane damage, heal or control just because of this change, but it will at least give a chance, it will make it more balanced against melees (but still not overpowering, considering the other advantages other classes have). If I see comments about this game is not about 1v1, you clearly don't understand the game. 1v1 is a huge part of the game especially Arena whether you like it or not. And I don't think there should be 100% balance between classes in 1v1. Like I'm not saying that every classes needs the same amount of stuns, heals, and damage. But there should be some way to make 1v1 encounters more reasonable for all classes. Also if the game isn't about 1v1 and if making this change would make Paladin OP in 1v1, then what's your problem? By that logic, there should be also no reason not to give Paladins the abilty to use the shield on themselves. Checkmate 🙂 xenovski, lallouss, Fortuno and 4 others 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zaverk 2 Posted May 27, 2020 Share Posted May 27, 2020 Cool idea, but it's a utopia. Do not even hope Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GOD 3 Posted May 28, 2020 Share Posted May 28, 2020 (edited) Thank you for this very well explanation, i dont know how they cannt really see how bad paladins are alone. I also use sacred shield, on arena its very effective and as everyone i also like PVP then i keep use always book cause like you said, i cannt use sacred shield on myself. I really hope THEY!!!!!! are going to fix it, i really dont get what thought when THEY were !!! made paladins (the most incomprehensible classes) The first and only one Tank class that cannt even tank themself and always need to rush at others players to use a skill of their own. We should be as good as barbarian or Death Knight in tank then i want to Devs to do something about that. If others paladins that are as much as frustrated than me can also tell how they feel, its would be also nice. Always keep acting as every is well wont help us. Edited May 28, 2020 by GOD f4348357, lallouss and Speedom 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
f4348357 12 Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 or other way,make a new expert skill for pala that summon a unit😫 Khrone and Speedom 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lallouss 854 Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 bump i agree even tho i didnt read your essay glad xD >>>>new pala expert skill is shit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
f4348357 12 Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 i think it more efficient by post topic in Russian forums.there r even child-forums in their paladin class.and there r also lots of ppls show same opinions with us. however i dont know Russian,only read by translate software Khrone 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lore 319 Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 idk maybe make the paladin able to summon a squire? so it will be able to use sacred shield evvrywhere Speedom and Khrone 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma 369 Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 I find it feasible and very interesting to leave the sacred shield as it was before, and let's face the inner forces is not an interesting skill, and a paladin uses it 4/4 sincerely does not have much experience with the class. honestly in the middle of this schedule of events the paladin was forgotten somewhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luiz Carlos 6 Posted June 5, 2020 Share Posted June 5, 2020 On 27/05/2020 at 13:04, Gladiator said: Eu sei que será uma opinião um pouco controversa, mas não acho razoável considerar isso, então eu a divulgarei com a explicação : Paladin deve poder usar o Sacred Shield em si mesmo agora. E como os Devs não planejam consertar a nova Força Interna passiva, acho que seria justo Paladin poder usar escudo em si mesmo, mesmo que seja uma versão um pouco mais fraca (se usada em si mesmo) ou para algum tipo de penalidade, talvez apenas seja capaz de usar escudo consigo mesmo se usar escudo + 1 mão, já que construções com 2 mãos têm uma boa quantidade de apoio e cura, e a construção de escudo é mais sobre tanques. Explicação: Com todos esses debuffs e buffs, como as novas habilidades de Druid e Shaman, e o maior controle de multidões de Warlock / Necromancer, a capacidade de Mage remover e reduzir a duração de todos os buffs (incluindo o Sacred Shield BTW) e aumentar o dano para muitas classes, como bárbaros com alta velocidade de ataque, e agora a habilidade de Vampira de atordoar com esquiva já insana, sem mencionar a capacidade de bárbaros, magos e dançarinos de lâminas de ignorar completamente debuffs. Eu acho que a meta mudará para dano puro vs defesa / cura, as habilidades de controle de Paladin serão menos eficazes do que nunca, e não se esqueça que a única vantagem de Paladin sobre todas essas classes mencionadas é o controle e apoio de multidões, que está se tornando cada vez menor. menos eficaz, conforme explicado. A verdade é que: em situações de Arena e de Equipe, seria obviamente desvantajoso para os Paladins usar escudo apenas para eles; portanto, seria útil apenas em situações 1v1, mas as situações 1v1 são uma grande parte da Arena, e na maioria das situações. , se uma classe é ruim em 1v1, também não é ótima na Arena. Em muitas lutas na Arena, haverá uma batalha 1x1 no final, e se os desenvolvedores não vêem isso, eles claramente não jogam o jogo. E quando os aliados do Paladin estão mortos, não há nada que o Paladin possa fazer além de consumir todo o dano e morrer. Por outro lado, você tem classes com potencial para matar 2 jogadores 1v2. O que essa mudança fará é que, em vez de o Paladin morrer em 10 segundos, ele morrerá em 30 segundos, o que para mim parece que vai em direção ao equilíbrio. Como, Paladin nunca será capaz de matar personagens de longo alcance que tenham dano insano, curar ou controlar apenas por causa dessa mudança, mas pelo menos dará uma chance, fará com que seja mais equilibrado contra melee (mas ainda não dominante, considerando o outras vantagens que outras classes têm). Se eu vir comentários sobre este jogo não sobre 1v1, você claramente não entende o jogo. 1v1 é uma grande parte do jogo, especialmente Arena, goste ou não. E eu não acho que deveria haver um equilíbrio de 100% entre as classes em 1v1. Como se eu não estivesse dizendo que todas as classes precisam da mesma quantidade de atordoamentos, curas e danos. Mas deve haver alguma maneira de tornar os encontros 1v1 mais razoáveis para todas as classes. Além disso, se o jogo não é sobre 1v1 e se essa alteração tornasse o Paladin OP em 1v1, então qual é o seu problema? Por essa lógica, também não deveria haver razão para não dar aos Paladins a capacidade de usar o escudo em si mesmos. Xeque-mate 🙂 Me sinto muito lesado pela empresa jogando como paladino... Mesmo com set Full arena diversas vezes sofro com charmer e hunter com set pve isso é ridículo.... Chamado 4/4 quase nunca funciona quando você acerta! Além do mais os servidores estão muito ruins e os personagens não estão no local onde parecem estar e isso torna pior... Paladino é mais frágil que mago... Mais frágil que BD.. rogue.. sk.. mais frágil que todas as classes... Não pode pegar muito bloqueio pq usa anéis de dano e toma todo o tipo de controle... Necessita urgentemente de um remake nas habilidades... Desde a atualização do natal isso se torna mais e mais intenso tornando impossível jogar PvP com paladino.. chega der estressante ao nível de eu não querer mais jogar o jogo.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luiz Carlos 6 Posted June 5, 2020 Share Posted June 5, 2020 O que a classe necessita de fato é um remake em suas habilidades e sinceramente torná-lo apenas físico e com habilidades físicas! Jaá que os desenvolvedores não conseguem balancear de fato as classes híbridas... O dk só é bom porque ele fica Full stun e se não fosse isso seria inútil também... Joguei diversos RPGs a vida inteira e esse aqui é o único que as classes não condizem com o que devem ser! Classes com características diferentes do que deveriam ser! É decepcionante por isso nessa att dei uma estrela na Google play a deficiência do entendimento do jogo por parte dos desenvolvedores é escandalosa chegando ao ponto do ridículo... Rogue Full esquiva agora Um ROGUE tem stun kk e ainda por cima cura... E é uma habilidade melhor que a dos paladinos afinal selo do sol nada mais que que uma habilidade de ligação com outras tirando isso poderia fácil ser removida.... Persoasao é inútil já que todas as outras classes suportam mais dano que o paladino então pra que essa habilidade? Pra que a defesa da luz? Ninguém usa.... BDs com passiva que aumentam 40% do dano kkk e adivinha fica ativa mesmo com o Hp deles no 100% e os palas não podem ter nem 5% de cd kk olha a situação tá feia e não venha colocar uma invocação para paladino pq é ridículo! Paladinos não invocam paladinos tem montarias seja num cavalo ou em um leão tanto faz paladinos nunca invocaram monstros e pelo amor não inventem de por isso para um paladino que seria algo ridículo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lallouss 854 Posted June 5, 2020 Share Posted June 5, 2020 Bump @Akasha @Holmes @Peony self casting sacred shield suggestion paladin getting weaker and weaker in crowd control situations Speedom 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anim 18 Posted August 22, 2020 Share Posted August 22, 2020 I play paladin and i would be really glad if i could use shield on myself or i could summon something to use shield. It would really helping me to tank. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 12, 2020 Share Posted September 12, 2020 (edited) You guys have got the best shield in the game, the only one who could potentially absorb up to 10k damage, available to be casted on both you and another character, if levelled enough. The only weak point for that skill is not having a partner to cast the shield on, and the only thing that makes imo 2 paladins not that immortal on arena. You're right about 1vs1 being a large part of the entire game, but this shall not be used as a point to make an already (allow me...) broken skill to be even more broken. Every class shall have a weak point, and I believe this one to be the paladin's. [For the more... hmm... absent-minded players] this comment above has been written for the sole purpose to find a mean to conversate and to eventually find more practical reasons for such changes. For those who know me, I always loved to search for opinions and to conversate peacefully, so I would warmly invite you to refrain from comments like: "ofccc u is mc player so u no want elf op, hahahaha!!!1!1!1" since they would just be provocative and would not add anything useful to this topic. thank you in advance. Edited September 12, 2020 by Higgings Added and Removed some parts TheCaster and Ogull 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ogull 427 Posted September 13, 2020 Share Posted September 13, 2020 (edited) 4 hours ago, Higgings said: [For the more... hmm... absent-minded players] this comment above has been written for the sole purpose to find a mean to conversate and to eventually find more practical reasons for such changes. For those who know me, I always loved to search for opinions and to conversate peacefully, so I would warmly invite you to refrain from comments like: "ofccc u is mc player so u no want elf op, hahahaha!!!1!1!1" since they would just be provocative and would not add anything useful to this topic. thank you in advance. i love this i'd like to add that whenever their is a suggestion to improve a skill, and i am talking about any class in any faction (not hating on this one specifically) , they always bring up "1v1", "arena" and "war" and i start to question wither i am playing an mmorpg or a battle royale i get it! arena is important to the game but like... their is another half of the game that is not target toward PvP, and they have to find a middle ground between how the skill work there and in PvP, i can only imagine how a skill of that caliber would work, has it been made otherwise than what it do now. i get what the devs are trying to go with in pala, they giving him a aura that amp healing, healing skill, shield that work on allies, and buff that increase whole party armor... i don't know where i am going with this, but just writing my thoughts. on a side note, pala inner force is garbage fix that one! Edited September 13, 2020 by FakeUser Higgings 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khrone 652 Posted September 13, 2020 Share Posted September 13, 2020 13 hours ago, Higgings said: You guys have got the best shield in the game, the only one who could potentially absorb up to 10k damage, available to be casted on both you and another character, if levelled enough. The only weak point for that skill is not having a partner to cast the shield on, and the only thing that makes imo 2 paladins not that immortal on arena. You're right about 1vs1 being a large part of the entire game, but this shall not be used as a point to make an already (allow me...) broken skill to be even more broken. Every class shall have a weak point, and I believe this one to be the paladin's. [For the more... hmm... absent-minded players] this comment above has been written for the sole purpose to find a mean to conversate and to eventually find more practical reasons for such changes. For those who know me, I always loved to search for opinions and to conversate peacefully, so I would warmly invite you to refrain from comments like: "ofccc u is mc player so u no want elf op, hahahaha!!!1!1!1" since they would just be provocative and would not add anything useful to this topic. thank you in advance. The Shield could absorb less damage if used on himself Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 13, 2020 Share Posted September 13, 2020 34 minutes ago, Khrone said: The Shield could absorb less damage if used on himself It's not about that. It's about why making an already strong skill even stronger. And let's suppose: 10k hp paladin casting himself a shield. Even if the effect was halved, you still could absorb 5k Damage; no other shield in the game can do that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khrone 652 Posted September 13, 2020 Share Posted September 13, 2020 7 hours ago, Higgings said: It's not about that. It's about why making an already strong skill even stronger. And let's suppose: 10k hp paladin casting himself a shield. Even if the effect was halved, you still could absorb 5k Damage; no other shield in the game can do that. What about 25% HP on Paladin and 50% HP on ally? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 13, 2020 Share Posted September 13, 2020 33 minutes ago, Khrone said: What about 25% HP on Paladin and 50% HP on ally? To me it stays still unnecessary for the above mentioned reasons. Paladins are not weak. If they haven't got shield, they have got like 3 more back up skills useful on 1vs1. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma 369 Posted September 13, 2020 Share Posted September 13, 2020 22 hours ago, Higgings said: You guys have got the best shield in the game, the only one who could potentially absorb up to 10k damage, available to be casted on both you and another character, if levelled enough. The only weak point for that skill is not having a partner to cast the shield on, and the only thing that makes imo 2 paladins not that immortal on arena. You're right about 1vs1 being a large part of the entire game, but this shall not be used as a point to make an already (allow me...) broken skill to be even more broken. Every class shall have a weak point, and I believe this one to be the paladin's. but the paladin has no survival skills compared to other tanks the ability that would save the paladin’s tank the inner forces is a ridiculous ability that after being reformed became even more rubbish as a paladin I think that simply using the sacred shield with an ally it is ridiculous, it would be better for the sacred shield to be used on a single target the paladin. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 13, 2020 Share Posted September 13, 2020 23 minutes ago, Shoujo said: but the paladin has no survival skills compared to other tanks the ability that would save the paladin’s tank the inner forces is a ridiculous ability that after being reformed became even more rubbish as a paladin I think that simply using the sacred shield with an ally it is ridiculous, it would be better for the sacred shield to be used on a single target the paladin. Paladins have got healing skills (almost more than a Shaman, lol) disabling skills which would make them buy time and elusive skills which allow them to run far enough from the target and heal themselves. Another unbreakable shield with the possibility to be casted on its own is the last thing you guys need, really. Don't also forget that you guys are tanks, so studied to have a high defense already. Honestly, giving this ability to the class would buff it unnecessarily. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lore 319 Posted September 14, 2020 Share Posted September 14, 2020 10 hours ago, Shoujo said: but the paladin has no survival skills compared to other tanks the ability that would save the paladin’s tank the inner forces is a ridiculous ability that after being reformed became even more rubbish as a paladin I think that simply using the sacred shield with an ally it is ridiculous, it would be better for the sacred shield to be used on a single target the paladin. you know the paladin's healings are supposed to also be survival skills right? (if we ignore the fetters, decreases enemy attack but dosent work on boss, thier aura that increases healing recived, thier party deffence boost, the passive even if weak) and if the selfcast should be made avaible, its power must be weakened from the godshield u know as now to a normal shield also u can always trust your own armor (because i could only trust on that and roar when i did tp hard on my barbarian before stoneskin got the amazing rework) u still can have the idea to go with 1 tank paladin and 1 magic/support paladin for simply have one of the most insane combination u can get, u have the basic possibility to get a 10k ,wich is strong even in pve scenario, shield evry 15 secs if u coordinate well, out of having in dangerous situation the chance to heal 40% or more of health all at once i want to remind u that this game also have pve and not only arena and pvp stuff like it Speedom, TheCaster and Higgings 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedom 281 Posted September 14, 2020 Share Posted September 14, 2020 I love my paladin as a healer tank because I'm a pve pala. The passive is the only issue I'm having. However, I just move on and deal with it even though 40k is a bite to my ass. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anim 18 Posted September 20, 2020 Share Posted September 20, 2020 Honestli, yes, it absorb enormous damage, but paladin have not enough tank skills. Also, cd of skill is long, so I think it's ok to have it on himself Speedom 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 20, 2020 Share Posted September 20, 2020 7 minutes ago, Darkcaller said: Honestli, yes, it absorb enormous damage, but paladin have not enough tank skills. Also, cd of skill is long, so I think it's ok to have it on himself Not long enough. And for instance, at the current situation, Paladins have got way higher survivability than classes like Death Knights. The long CD neither justifies nor makes it a strong point to buff an already strong skill. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anim 18 Posted September 20, 2020 Share Posted September 20, 2020 24 minutes ago, Higgings said: Not long enough. And for instance, at the current situation, Paladins have got way higher survivability than classes like Death Knights. The long CD neither justifies nor makes it a strong point to buff an already strong skill. Okay, honestly, I play DK, charmer and wd, so well, I'm just sharing my thoughts xDDD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 20, 2020 Share Posted September 20, 2020 35 minutes ago, Darkcaller said: Okay, honestly, I play DK, charmer and wd, so well, I'm just sharing my thoughts xDDD So am I. I don't mean any personal attack, I just think this buff is unnecessary. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedom 281 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 Ehhhh, I like DK survivability kit better than paladins tbh. In this game, damage reduction trumps over increasing defensive. Paladins Aura with a healer gives them a good survivability in aggro situation. Other than that, without a good amount of cooldown, Paladins survivability skills are countdowns to stare at. That's where you're counting on luck for that block or parry. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 2 hours ago, Speedom said: Ehhhh, I like DK survivability kit better than paladins tbh. In this game, damage reduction trumps over increasing defensive. Paladins Aura with a healer gives them a good survivability in aggro situation. Other than that, without a good amount of cooldown, Paladins survivability skills are countdowns to stare at. That's where you're counting on luck for that block or parry. The "survivability" kit of Death Knights highly depends on different statistical builds; in other words, we have got several skills that won't work unless you create a specific build for that skill. You can't create a build which include all of the statistics necessary in order to make these skill work, without creating an amalgama of useless stats which will end up with none of your skills actually working. The situation is different with Paladins, where a build made up with HPs and magic damage can make several supporting skills trigger successfully. Ogull 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedom 281 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 57 minutes ago, Higgings said: The "survivability" kit of Death Knights highly depends on different statistical builds; in other words, we have got several skills that won't work unless you create a specific build for that skill. You can't create a build which include all of the statistics necessary in order to make these skill work, without creating an amalgama of useless stats which will end up with none of your skills actually working. The situation is different with Paladins, where a build made up with HPs and magic damage can make several supporting skills trigger successfully. Every skills has it's pros and cons. I just, in my opinion, like DK's kit better because of how powerful it is. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 21 minutes ago, Speedom said: Every skills has it's pros and cons. I just, in my opinion, like DK's kit better because of how powerful it is More than powerful, expert players have found a way to cope with that, triggering it when it is necessary to do so. But this is a whole different story that, if you want to deepen, might be discussed in a different topic. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedom 281 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 3 minutes ago, Higgings said: More than powerful, expert players have found a way to cope with that, triggering it when it is necessary to do so. But this is a whole different story that, if you want to deepen, might be discussed in a different topic. Agree Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gladiator 1202 Posted September 21, 2020 Author Share Posted September 21, 2020 Anyway, I don't know why we're talking about Deathknight here, I almost thought I posted in the wrong section. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 1 hour ago, Higgings said: But this is a whole different story that, if you want to deepen, might be discussed in a different topic. ^^ @Gladiator Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Speedom 281 Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 3 hours ago, Gladiator said: Anyway, I don't know why we're talking about Deathknight here, I almost thought I posted in the wrong section. You right. Scared shield should be self cast. xenovski 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Railson Almeida 39 Posted October 11, 2020 Share Posted October 11, 2020 the paladin really needs the ability to use the shield on himself without even needing an ally nearby or a lowland minion and probe to purchase a minion that the rival faction is killed and another the skin aura should reduce the physical and magic resistance of mob and of the demonic or dark type, I am not used to players, but to show and an almost useless skill nowadays or leave it as passive at all times, the lackey should have the ability to revive after death. I know that this topic about the paladin is not lackey but all classes use lackey and if they could take this punishment of dies and the equipment asks for durability and that speaks the low that is already so scared by inflation that and some servers like mine that is BR kkk and lastly the paladin needs a skill to revive a unique target ally even if it is not with full health but a paladin without revive is not a paladin. usei o Google tradutor realmente o paladino precisa da capacidade de usa o escudo em sim mesmo sem precisa ter um aliado por perto ou um lacaio os low e probe para compra lacaio que a facção rival vive matado e outra a skin aura deveria reduzi a resistência física e mágica de mob e do tipo demoníaco ou sombrio não tou dizedo em jogadores e sim em mostro e uma habilidade quase inútil atualmente ou deixa ela como passiva de vez outra coisa os lacaio deveria ter a capacidade de revive apos a morte sei que esse e tópico sobre o paladino não lacaio mas todas as classes usa lacaio e se pudesse tirem essa punição de morre e o equipamento pede a durabilidade e isso fale os low que ja tão na meda pela inflação que e alguns servidores como o meu que e o BR kkk e por último o paladino precisa de uma habilidade de revive um aliado alvo unico mesmo que não seja com a vida total mas um paladino sem revive não e um paladino. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Railson Almeida 39 Posted October 11, 2020 Share Posted October 11, 2020 On 6/5/2020 at 7:59 AM, Luiz Carlos said: O que a classe necessita de fato é um remake em suas habilidades e sinceramente torná-lo apenas físico e com habilidades físicas! Jaá que os desenvolvedores não conseguem balancear de fato as classes híbridas... O dk só é bom porque ele fica Full stun e se não fosse isso seria inútil também... Joguei diversos RPGs a vida inteira e esse aqui é o único que as classes não condizem com o que devem ser! Classes com características diferentes do que deveriam ser! É decepcionante por isso nessa att dei uma estrela na Google play a deficiência do entendimento do jogo por parte dos desenvolvedores é escandalosa chegando ao ponto do ridículo... Rogue Full esquiva agora Um ROGUE tem stun kk e ainda por cima cura... E é uma habilidade melhor que a dos paladinos afinal selo do sol nada mais que que uma habilidade de ligação com outras tirando isso poderia fácil ser removida.... Persoasao é inútil já que todas as outras classes suportam mais dano que o paladino então pra que essa habilidade? Pra que a defesa da luz? Ninguém usa.... BDs com passiva que aumentam 40% do dano kkk e adivinha fica ativa mesmo com o Hp deles no 100% e os palas não podem ter nem 5% de cd kk olha a situação tá feia e não venha colocar uma invocação para paladino pq é ridículo! Paladinos não invocam paladinos tem montarias seja num cavalo ou em um leão tanto faz paladinos nunca invocaram monstros e pelo amor não inventem de por isso para um paladino que seria algo ridículo Cara para de reclama do paladino so falta melhora o escudo sagrado para fufa nele mesmo caso não tenha um aliado por perto e um skin de revive e que disse que paladino não pode invocar eles pode invocar uma arma sagrada normalmente uma espada ou anjos normalmente querubim e termina com a morte do paladino Boa parte das veses ou eles podem simplesmente adquirir umas asas sagradas parecendo uma anjo (Mas se virado 1 ) o que eu paladino precisa e ajeita o escudo sagrado melhora a aura para causa debuf em mobs ( não jogadores mobs ) Ou bota era como habilidade passiva de vez habilidade quase inútil e uma skil de revive paladino sem skil de revive não e um paladino Desculpa se meu comentário onfede e perdoa meus erros de português Khrone 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted October 11, 2020 Share Posted October 11, 2020 1 hour ago, Railson Almeida said: lastly the paladin needs a skill to revive a unique target ally even if it is not with full health but a paladin without revive is not a paladin. Excuse me... what? You can't be serious about this part. TheCaster, Speedom, Sigma and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Railson Almeida 39 Posted October 11, 2020 Share Posted October 11, 2020 32 minutes ago, Higgings said: Excuse me... what? You can't be serious about this part. I am you playing another rpg like World Warcraft (WoW) you use it as an example in it the paladin can revive an ally but only with 10% of the total hp while a sacedoter class can revive without any penalty normally in the paladin rpg has Buf, healing , and revives here only an ability to revive allies with a certain penalty paladin is missing and practically a gifted priest focused more on Batalha than on support but still knows how to surpote for allies tou summed up to the maximum and used Google translator from Portuguese to English Khrone 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lore 319 Posted October 11, 2020 Share Posted October 11, 2020 1 hour ago, Railson Almeida said: lastly the paladin needs a skill to revive a unique target ally even if it is not with full health but a paladin without revive is not a paladin. priests: i am a joke to you? Sigma, Khrone and Higgings 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1871 Posted October 11, 2020 Share Posted October 11, 2020 18 minutes ago, Railson Almeida said: I am you playing another rpg like World Warcraft (WoW) you use it as an example in it the paladin can revive an ally but only with 10% of the total hp while a sacedoter class can revive without any penalty normally in the paladin rpg has Buf, healing , and revives here only an ability to revive allies with a certain penalty paladin is missing and practically a gifted priest focused more on Batalha than on support but still knows how to surpote for allies tou summed up to the maximum and used Google translator from Portuguese to English You are giving this class skills basing on another game... it makes sense now why of this reasonament of yours. A little advice: base your ideas and reasonments in this existing game, and not from other skills on other games. Khrone 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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