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Everything posted by Ogull

  1. Entity Code: 1-135 in relation to Subject Name: Zahra Description: 1-135 resembles a humanoid figure with a rose for a head and one hand made entirely of vines, with a giant rose flower sprouting from the chest, thorny rose vines are spreading from the back and legs. Observations: After long observation, 1-135 has been noticed to roam a field of roses in its general area. Our team concluded that the entity is unable to leave the field of roses and is otherwise bound to it, Some members of our team have theories that the field of roses is the real 1-135 and the body we see is its last victim... fascinating as it may sound i prefer not to think about it... 1-135 has been deemed extremely hostiles. ANY and ALL! attempt to approach 1-135 would result in immediate harm, [caution is advised] Emitting from its rose like head is pollen like substance, that when exposed to will make the recipient walk uncontrollably to the 1-135 at which then they will be promptly killed and eaten. Subject 1-135 does not need to eat to survive and had be observed to survive without anything for months... Conclusion: Further research is required to understand 1-135 nature and true capabilities. original size x4 size
  2. Bol can suck my Bol *mods if u see this please dont delete im being very supportive, thanks *
  3. why stop with costumes? I want my hair style to give 3% attack speed and the red hair dye to give me 2% health steal I want the skins on my weapon and shield to give 1.5% Stun and 1.5% Rage as well. should everything provide attributes to the player? and if yes, can i not wear the costumes i like because it gonna put me in a disadvantage? are they "vanity" at this point to make the character you play "your own" and represent you? or are we gonna see every hunter/range in game using sam hain costumes because its the best "stats wise" for said classes let us have some fun in the damn game, not everything must give stats
  4. I'm confused. are you complaining about secret reserve or the new talent?
  5. @Dr Strange does death call have player/monster limit? if it does can it be added to description. after the new changes to the skill they were removed this is still not fixed thank you for listening
  6. can the guide include these numbers? @Dr Strange also what does it mean by "the effect is triggered no more often than once every 5% sec."?
  7. dark shield is one of the skills dk have for defense, you can't except it to tank everything for you, specially considering that its a basic skill. as well as you... as a dk you are not excepted to tank everything solo, or at least shouldn't be. a healer could remove some bleeds or heal you and shield you among other things secret reserve heals you for its duration then gives you 20% damage reductions for its cooldown. sharp shadow gives you 20% of ur max health as heal each time you use it with saturation try investing some in defensive stats like parry, resist and block if you have mermen special skill life would be much, much better for you don't relay on 1 skill or 2, use every sliver of death knight you have in you
  8. ^ this suggestions seems for what you like and/or want for your dk. baptism by darkness from the face of death path should be used for 2 handed maces with magical damage as primary attribute (not spears like you mentioned), and the talent main point is to make use of the secondary physical damage that a dk have. more often than you think do we see knights with 1k magical damage and 600 physical damage.
  9. how about a totem that randomly spawn one of the three totems the shaman has for few seconds
  10. well done my undead friend
  11. all of this is great and all but hopefully it will be reflected ingame with updated skill description to all skills instead of the current vague description
  12. regardless whether all elf chars have aoe stun or not, it is a fact that around 10 warlocks and 10 shamans with healing totems and some chieftains can clean any amount of elfs thrown at them. besides most classes nowadays have some form of resistance so i dont know whats the "aoe stun" is about...
  13. i always thought templar were the equivalent of mc charmer. warlock are one of the best classes for GvGs and large scale PvPs, go check the guild description of every major guild in mc side in eu. i bet most, if not all have "recruit warlocks" as their descriptions, the class used to be weak sure but after small buffs over the years and talents, it became a really great class, same as magical damage death knight. besides while mantra does heals the templar, it also make it useless and 1 less target to worry about, the exact same as stone body albeit able to walk slowly. all this said is from the perspective of a GvG/large scale PvP player. idk about arena but i don't think its any different
  14. Ogull

    Who's still here?

    the forum is quieter than before for sure
  15. Ogull

    Visual bug

    yes, steam version and the website version. this video was recorded today
  16. Ogull

    Visual bug

    this visual bug happen to me when i play reaper and only reaper, another visual bug that sometimes happens is that text wont show when checking dropped loot ezgif.com-gif-maker (1).mp4
  17. that's one fine dk. good job my friend so you replaced ferocity and resilience for octo and cd book🤔 quite nice, do you have other arrangement for PvP? or using the same
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