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    • 2.5)     In my opinion that game really doesn't need longer controls... especially not crow controls... same goes for warlock talent...     In my opinion the game doesn't need more unkillable tanks either... although paladin might not be the worse of all...     Seems incredibly broken to me... a tank pala can easily reach 15k hp with heavy mermen gears... that's 300 healing every 3 second. That would already be a lot for the paladin himself, all healing being very strong considering the damage reduction. But to 8 ppl ??? what is that ??? At least it is way stronger than other new talents. Close to a full extra skill.   2.6)     Guaranteed parry every 4sec when below 50%, with max counter attack and +4% hp heal seems pretty toxic against melee classes   2.7)     Lol... with the randomness u need an average of 16 dodges (hahaha) to stack the 4% extra dmg. And its so useless for rangers who don't take the right branch... it s a joke   2.8)     Removing a dot effect when alrdy below 20% hp seems pretty useless to me... except to help the tank in dg maybe, that can be useful ? *sometimes*   2.9)     With the guaranteed dodge that seems pretty sexy. A sweet bunch of damage to the opponent (and some healing from vamp with it). Too op even maybe, i don't know. But making it less than 40% dmg would make it feel like retribution... would feel so sad... My take : why not make it even more than 40% actually, but with significantly higher reload time ?   2.10)     Seems potentially extremely strong... maybe not as much as pala but still... The fact that it got no reload time... imagine healing 4% for every stun etc you take in mass battle. Huge healing... might be too strong, careful with that one   2.11)     That seems very strong ngl. Too strong ?   2.12)     The rate increase is very weak (4.4s at 25% total party's health ?). But still healing all party members for 3% of (their, I assume) max hp every 5s is huge. A bit weaker than the paladin imo but still way stronger than some of the talents displayed here (ranger and druid assassin talents, for isntance)   3) Final word   What about balancing the current skills right now and not wait for january ??   PS : Not the topic but please buff cloth mermen gears : - make the crit dmg buff stackable from non-targeted dmg skills or/and self-used buff skills. Cuz for some classes (mage walking in dg mostly using time warp and shattered stones) it can take so long to stack them, while they don't last very long - or/and make the magic power buff last longer ???  
    • Так же новая рела, с каждой обновой чистые навыки контроля стают все более ущербные....  
    • Lots of things to say here... Sadly from my experience I doubt saying them will have any effect whatsoever... but anyways.   1. General remarks   1.1 ) I don't like the fact that the talent grind goes further and further, because it makes it way harder for newer players to catch up (or for old players to enjoy new classes). I think its a lesser problem when the talents are specific to an area, like underwater or almahad : it leaves the possibility to just focus on main knowledge tree and still enjoy some myth dgs or holydays dgs. I think it is a terrible area to make almahad talent affect arinar-wide gameplay. Newer or less active players will feel even more powerless compared to those who can play hours a day. Nevertheless, I like that we are getting new talents to make the almahad experience more enjoyable, I just whish they were a bit more like underwater ones (particularly thinking about petrify/hypnotise/stun/sun nets removal)   1.2) The crit damage is getting way too much out of control. I really advocate for smoother damage profiles. That is : with less crit dmg and more power elsewhere. Like for instance allowing the crit chance to reach further than 53%, why not 100% ?? Would be completely fine if crit damage was nerfed accordingly. Doing 30k crits is fun for a while, but seriously its so painful to have 3k normal hits for that. Doesn't matter if u hit the mob 20, 30 or 50k if it dies instantly. In my opinion its way more enjoyable to have more speed/cd/reliable crits than just random humongous crits.   1.3) For the new talents, im not against some randomness, but double randomness (random effect on random condition, etc) might make it hard to balance...   1.4) I hate that the chosen "non-playable guild" has to affect the character's direction in all of Arinar (cuz of the class talents at the end) and not just Almahad. Why can't we possibly like to perform better in tombs but enjoy the assassin special class talent, or the opposite ??? Why ??? Its just disheartening to need to grind a whole non-playable guild again because thats where the talent that we need is. It will take an insane amount of time (most players, even among those playing several hours everyday, still have a fairly long way to completing ONE non-playable guild branch) and it would be a shame to have to use lesser talents not fitting what we enjoy to do. PLEASE don't make special class arinar-wide talents tied to one or another non-playable guild.   1.5) For the sake of the following paragraph's analysis I will assume naively that you are trying to give each classes the same level of power from new talents. Because the game must be rather balanced right *sarcasm* ? If the game isn't balanced then we should have balance updates way more frequently right ? RIGHT ?   2. Specific remarks   2.1)   It requires a huge amount of cooldown to get stone shards or time warp below 8s cd... the Nature Synthesis (ok theres potentially frostbolt and overload for that one..) and Arcane Synthesis (only time warp) will have almost no effect. But at least it should be possible to trigger so Elemental Power buff by using one of each category successively so there is that.   2.2)     Could you detail what attack attributes please ? If it is only speed/crit/accu/pen then it should be fine (bit less than 4.5% dmg buff for most high lvl seekers). But if it includes cd, attack strength, piercing, rage, sand, underwater, stun, crit dmg, subjugation... then it would quickly become completely out of hand.   2.3)     That is such a sad talent on so many levels... - even in the best case scenario its not that strong (5% or 6% dmg on the skills) and I assume it won't affect bleed, fire etc, which makes a big part of the ranger's dmg profile - you can't be at the same time at 5 and 6 yards of ranger lol... it will be so messy. I guess most of the time you will be at 4-5 yards, getting 2% dmg buff on some skills, 5% on the others... and rip damage over time and auto attacks. - being more than 3 yards away from your teamates suck as it will prevent castle relics interactions - It makes the damage profile even more inequal... more big hits, and still shitty normal hits... so annoying - What about auto-attacks oriented rangers ???   2.4)     So sad as well : - again even more inequal damage profile - best case scenario is against full hp targets, 10% chance to increase the critical hit damage by 50%. That's an extra 5% critical hit damage on average, in the ideal scenario with only full hp targets, and it doesn't affect DoT dmg or auto attacks... both talents are super weak compared to what other classes get... - What about auto-attacks based rangers ????   Why not something like the rogue ? Or if you want to make it different : like 2% crit dmg for every 10% remaining health (20% crit dmg at maximum health, 10% crit dmg bonus on average). Something along those lines... and please think about auto attacks and DoT dmg...   Edit : just saw hunter talent : 1% for every 10% remaining health, but affects auto attacks too, and gains 5% extra pen if full health. Why not making it somewhat similar but with a tweak ???   Apparently I reached maximum message length or something... to be continued
    • Во время тестирования будет произведена корректировка значений в талантах. Талант Варвара и другие схожие таланты определенно требуют внимания, так что остается только дождаться новости с изменениями 
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