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Luicson Lima

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  1. Junto com isso vem o nerf nos drops kkkk, mais foi boa a mudança
  2. As we see here the reaper does not have the possibility to make a use of this relic so good, if the reaper was made to be paired with the dancer of the blades, it is very necessary to use this relic in the reaper, mainly because the character already loses all interactions of improvement of skills with the demonic form using the branch of talents of demonism, where the character stops transforming to gain attack strength and become a damage class by automatic attack.
  3. Gostei, principalmente das de defesa, e as de castelo podem se manter a mesma, apenas alterando o esquema com qual ela dá o buff aos aliados, ao invés de ser apenas quando ativa a skill, pode ser uma vez a cada 10 segundos ou 5 tanto faz.
  4. Que maravilha 🤤🤤🤤❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ GZZZZZ MCSSSSSSSSS
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