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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/18 in all areas

  1. Воины! Предлагаем объединить усилия и превратить накопленные в течение 10 лет знания в эпический гайд по дропу! Так мы поможем новым и старым друзьям добиться целей и сэкономить усилия. Материал подготовлен на основе тем форума и личного опыта. Спасибо всем воинам, которые делятся своими наблюдениями, и модераторам международного форума Blossoms, Higgings и Morgana. Все приглашаются к обсуждению и обновлению гайда! Оригинал на английском языке Где дропают реликвии и требования к уровню можно найти в этом посте: Фантастический дроп и Места его обитания. Путеводитель фармера Фракционные острова: Мелвендил, Лангасард, Морактар, Годгорат Ирсельнорт - Берег Пепла Норлантские Топи Астральный Лабиринт Лабиринт Кронуса Айвондил - Предвечный Лес Зона I: Малиат Зона ll: Тласко Зона lll: Мара’кош и Анзу-ири Зона lV: Пилион и Том-Лугу
    2 points
  2. Hello all. I would like to suggest the devs to show the skills of the minions in their profile. The BIG reason for this is that with events, whenever new minions are introduced which are pretty rare and expensive, the only way to know their skills is by using and testing them. Rich and lucky players use them but not all are willing to share their skills. It would really help if the minion profiles showed the skills they used along with the level of the skills. Thanks all. Hope you like this suggestion. Support it if you like it.
    2 points
  3. Hello, I wanted to create this thread to discuss how the castle relics work. I will share the screen shots of all the castle relics. Lets discuss how each one works so that the players can make a good investment in these very expensive relics. 1. Relic of Exclusive Attack Does not give any buff to the relic user. All the basic skills that do any sorts of damage are buffed by 10% this relic when you get the buff on your character. For eg: If your Mage Fireball does 800 dmg on a dummy, then with this relic's buff it will do 880 dmg. For any dot skills, as long as you use the skill before the relic buff expires on you, it will still do the buffed up dmg even after you lose the relic buff. eg: Swarm of bees, pool of darkness, etc. Skills confirmed: Mage(Fireball, Time Warp, Shattered Stones), Ranger(Powerful shot, Blessing). *Will update more soon* 2. Relic of Exclusive Defence Does not give any buff to the relic user. BD parry: Increases the parry % at that level by 20%. Say 1/5 = +1% parry, then with this relic you will get +1.2% parry. Mage Sun Shield: Increases the defence % at that level by 20%. Say 3/5 = +35% defence, then with this relic you will get +42% defence. Druid Barkskin: Increases the defence % at that level by 20%. Say 5/5 = +50% defence, then with this relic you will get +60% defence. Warden Spirit: Increases the defence % at that level by 20%. Say 5/5 = protects 80% of the dmg caused, then with this relic you will get 96% buff. *Will update more soon* 3. Relic of Exclusive Healing Does not give any buff to the relic user. All the healing skills are buffed by 20% this relic when you get the buff on your character. For eg: If your Druid heals 400 normally each tick, with this relic's buff you will heal 480 each tick. Skills confirmed: Priest(Healing touch) *Will update more soon* 4. Relic of United Attack 5. Relic of United Control Increases the skill duration time by 25-40% depending on the number of party members within a 3yd range from the relic user. Eg: If your armistice lasts about 7s on a normal target, with this relic's say 40% buff, now the armistice will last about 9.8s. Skills confirmed: Priest (Armistice) 6. Relic of United Extermination 7. Relic of United Punishment Increases the skills power by 25-40%. For eg: If your Bladedancer sap reduces enemy damage and speed by 20% (at lv5), then with this relic's say 40% buff, now the sap will reduce enemy damage and speed by 28%. Skills confirmed: Bladedancer (Sap) Credits: Myself (Psyborg US-SA), Pecleb US-SA, Hatchling US-SA, Higgings
    1 point
  4. Mercurry

    The point we came to

    I cant kill him cuz he heals too much with block and he cant kill me cuz my heals so we just stand there. Nice
    1 point
  5. Newzealand

    Here to help newbies

    Hey guys. Hope youre enjoying the game. If youre just starting and need help questing add me to your friends list. I dont play too much these days but when i do im helping people where I can. My chars on elf side are xnzx, nwzealand and Newzealand. And Xnz on the mc side. So here to help when i can 😉 also have a lv 4 guild if you're keen to join:)
    1 point
  6. По заголовку можно сразу понять о чем идет речь. Все мы знаем что Сад, Терм, Дерево - довольно мертвые инсты. Предлагаю сделать такие же ежедневные квесты на прохождение каждого этажа этих инстов, как это сделано с Технополисом (Номарх первого, двух, трех, четырех ярусов) Думаю идея нормальная) Ибо не только орать придется Техно по кв+страж, хотелось бы и Дерево по кв с лайта по геру+Кто-то Предложение вроде не бредовое. Пишите что думаете) А в награду можно также за эти дэйлы сундучки и голд)
    1 point
  7. хотелось бы увидеть в будущем книги: Улучшенное блокирование Улучшенное парирование Увеличенный вампиризм Увеличенная скорость регенерации маны
    1 point
  8. Ну после этого я перестал удивляться тому, почему не банят игроков которые одного перса по 100500 раз перепродают. Там походу политика такая, донишь не будешь забанен, нет так лети в бан.
    1 point
  9. Mrakoriz


    Конечно, у меня ги 4 лвла туры бомбит как дикая
    1 point
  10. Сам щит и бафф от щита
    1 point
  11. надежность самый бесполезный стат, апнуть эго нужно, почему то ввели бижу с надежностью. Для кого ввели? Я предлагаю что бы надежность срезала урон от мобов(только от мобов, всех мобов, пве стат), так же как сейчас работает устой.
    1 point
  12. можно добавить тот стат который в свитке из сундуков был в ивенте весны , снижает урон от ближнего удара на 2-3% на кольцах а на плаще и амулете от дальнего удара , вот было бы хорошо и все бросили колизей и бегали тх5 за этой бижой пока не убрали .
    1 point
  13. Also another question was with Exclusive relic of Defence. What does it mean by increases effect of the defence skill by 20%. For eg: BD parry, up by 20%?! or 20% of the current level. what about the time? What about warden's spirit? does it increase the time or damage % consumed and protected back? What about any Charmer's defensive skills? Is aggression a defensive skill? Since the basic skills work in so many different ways, "increases effect of the defence skill by 20%" isnt really a good way to define the buff. Can any mods or devs elaborate this?
    1 point
  14. Betasmile

    Warspear online wiki

    The old one was created by 2 Ukrainians and 1 Russian too =)
    1 point
  15. Ага. ток вот там теперь демонолог ходит. Усложняет задачу)
    1 point
  16. Vito

    Бан игрока

    Передача акка, щас и твоего вара забанят😂
    1 point
  17. Сардина


    Спасибо! Хвала поиску по форуму :D
    1 point
  18. Кое-что оно всё-таки значит. Например то, что человек любит поиграть на публику и то, что он не ценит своего времени, потраченного на прокачку персонажей.
    1 point
  19. Маг Властитель горящих пуканов Барьер. После каждого слива со стороны гор, маг взрывается со словами "аллах акбар", убивая всех в радиусе 7х7, потом бежит на форум писать о том что вар и закл имба и надо фикс Пламенеющая земля. Температура огня увеличивается за счёт комбо с горящим пуканом, заставляя врагов почувствовать ад на земле Ослепляющий огонь. Маг травмирует варвара, навсегда понижая его точность и координацию, лишая будущего Вторую не придумал
    1 point
  20. Hey community! I'd like to make sure that you understand that when I ask to be tagged in I'm not being rude or underestimating any of you. You're an amazing community with lot of knowledge and different skills with a terrific potential, if only we focus in helping everyone and accepting each other's differences - after all, that's what makes each of us special and unreplaceble. 🙂 Portuguese/Spanish translation is terribly broken and some quests aren't as intuitive as it seems, sometimes many times I have to go though them myself, not to mention the bugs every now and then. So if you have even 0.01% doubt on how the quest goes or if the translation isn't very clear. I'm willing to step in and take the responsability, as I might be more helpful in this situations. Always remember: no one is better than anybody here and I will always tag you guys and ask for help whenever I need help and think you can make any relevant addition to a subject. I know most of you a lot better than you know me because I'm here every single day reading dozeons of topics. I have indicated players for previous closed test server sections and even the moderator chair - some who may or not become one someday. I do notice and appreciate you, as some years ago I was a forum member with no intentions other than help and learn and someday in the future It will be time to move on and one of you might guard my position. I feel like I should let you know that I realize that. Whoever bothers about anything I say or the way I say it, for God sake..message me an I will surely clarify the situation or, in worst case, our administrator. Moderators have no power or right to undo other moderator's actions, add titles or call them names in public - in addition not to clarifying the situation, it creates opportunity for more misunderstanding once you will never know what I actually answered to him/her and also an immeasurable abyss of lack of reliability between us. 👍 If you're here to learn, share and discuss about Warspear Online or any other topic in a nice way. I will be aways your best friend. Take care.
    1 point
  21. If that dialog was in english we could understand it
    1 point
  22. Higgings

    A possible change

    Mmm good point. Right!
    1 point
  23. Jcbref

    A possible change

    Just one question, why is this in the suggestion section
    1 point
  24. Morgana


    If you share your account info and if you are scammed, it's your own fault and responsibility. There is a reason why account sharing is forbidden and sometimes it makes actually sense to stick to rules :) Such problems shouldn't appear on the forum, especially when they happened by a violation of the EULA. Try to solve it in game where it happened in first place. P.S. there are a million different passwords, guessing one is impossible.
    1 point
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