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When active stun option


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I love stun option(Halloween)
But idk when activate stun :(
Apply Only nomal atk or include all skills?
I want to know

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Sry my bad English :(

I want to know when active stun (Halloween weapon)

It activates at 25:00 NDT (Nerd day time). Jk

He's asking when stun weapon activates, it activates with normal attack or skills too?

I had a stun axe but I don't remember, I think normal attack only.

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It activated with both skills and normal atk

Funny thing I have 1h Axe and I used to have 1 expert skill only and stun hit was rare af

Then I got a second skill and now it hits a lot

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Depends on the level of the weapon and the % of stun chance which ranges between >5 atm.

So using level cap stun weaps(21) you're bound to get 1 out of 20 hits or so as stun at an approximate. And lower the level the lower the chance of stun.

Yes any skill that hits your opponent can activate said stun

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Depends on the level of the weapon and the % of stun chance which ranges between >5 atm.

So using level cap stun weaps(21) you're bound to get 1 out of 20 hits or so as stun at an approximate. And lower the level the lower the chance of stun.

Yes any skill that hits your opponent can activate said stun


All stun percentage is 5%


I dont know xd

Who know this!

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All stun percentage is 5%


I dont know xd

Who know this!

Skill is counted as a hit , so if you have 5% on you , there is a 5% chance the other/mob is stunned :3 what don't you understand .. 

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Ok i undersood.

Than, it activate to DOT skills?

ex) lock's [Plash of Darkness], Rogue's [Poisonous Blades,Flurry of Steel,Ricochet] etc.


Ty all :give_rose:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stun works in all types of hits n skills, except DoT. AAAnd the lvl does NOT effect the chance of stun, but only the percentage does.


The same thing for Rage I suppose.

Edited by gladiator
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pff lel first you say stun depends on wpn lvl and now you say that DoT does stun.. Bring reasonable evidences or stop talking bs.

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It's a skill, besides the point of the topic and you call it bs, queer...

It does depend on the level of the weapon since the stun stat is proportional to the level of the weapon.

And besides I'd rather keep it the only dot skill in game that stuns... Before you call someone out stop being an arse yourself.

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It's a skill, besides the point of the topic and you call it bs, queer...

It does depend on the level of the weapon since the stun stat is proportional to the level of the weapon.

And besides I'd rather keep it the only dot skill in game that stuns... Before you call someone out stop being an arse yourself.


Stun rate doesn't depend on level at all. Also stun has a chance to activate on normal attacks or any skill that can cause direct single damage. The only exception is totem which some may consider damage over time but it can trigger rage and stun.

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Stun rate doesn't depend on level at all. Also stun has a chance to activate on normal attacks or any skill that can cause direct single damage. The only exception is totem which some may consider damage over time but it can trigger rage and stun.

Totem and banner doesnt trigger stun, devs said so when stun stat came years ago, ill search thread and post it here :)



Here we go i found the old stun news thread:


Quote dev: But the main goal for many players will be new unique weapons with new bonus «Stunning»! With this bonus every attack (using the skill, or auto) can stun the enemy for a short period of time. Stunning is not caused by DoT skills and skills based on placing objects (banners, totems, etc.)



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Totem and banner doesnt trigger stun, devs said so when stun stat came years ago, ill search thread and post it here :)



Here we go i found the old stun news thread:


Quote dev: But the main goal for many players will be new unique weapons with new bonus «Stunning»! With this bonus every attack (using the skill, or auto) can stun the enemy for a short period of time. Stunning is not caused by DoT skills and skills based on placing objects (banners, totems, etc.)




they might have changed then, because deaath once told me his totem was activating rage. anyway it's a good thing they don't activate anymore.

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they might have changed then, because deaath once told me his totem was activating rage. anyway it's a good thing they don't activate anymore.

rage isnt stun

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It's a skill, besides the point of the topic and you call it bs, queer...

It does depend on the level of the weapon since the stun stat is proportional to the level of the weapon.

And besides I'd rather keep it the only dot skill in game that stuns... Before you call someone out stop being an arse yourself.

Neglecting that you are still emphasizing that stun is affected by weapons level. I don't know how is it "proportional", when both lvl5 and lvl21 crossbows have 5% stun.

I will leave you with this, and if you're not convinced then you are probably a retard. Normally, people would believe if there is a clear clue of what is being said.. Now pls argue more about your "secret" DoT skill..

Totem and banner doesnt trigger stun, devs said so when stun stat came years ago, ill search thread and post it here :)



Here we go i found the old stun news thread:


Quote dev: But the main goal for many players will be new unique weapons with new bonus «Stunning»! With this bonus every attack (using the skill, or auto) can stun the enemy for a short period of time. Stunning is not caused by DoT skills and skills based on placing objects (banners, totems, etc.)




Edited by gladiator
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Ah, must've been mistaken.

Weird considering its a stat that doesn't decreass/increase based on level... Mistake on my part.

There is a dot skill that activates the stun stat.. Bug or not.. There is a skill xD

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But doesn't the Crystal of Stuns % depend on the level of the weapon being enchanted, like other Mcoin Crystals?


Not exactly the same as a weapons stun %, but still relevant I guess.

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