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[2019.04.19] Happy Easter!! Fun & gifts during the holidays!


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22-3d-rabbit-garden-background-flowers-by-sze-jones 4.jpg




To express our love and gratitude during the festive weekend, our team joined efforts to make your celebration even more delightful! 


This year, there was no time to decorate multicolored Easter eggs or prepare special delicacies, our best craftsmen got too busy with so many special jobs and resources to collect from dungeons in the Blissful Isle. In the meantime, even the best bakers in Arinar could barely handle the sudden demands of Admiral Octopus after the arrival of all those pirates! Yet, we worked on something nice and hope you like it: Easter presents to our community with Miracle Coins inside!!


We will choose 3 winners of the most creative Easter greeting cards - 2019 to receive 1.000 Miracle Coins each - there could also be additional encouraging prizes. Here is all you have to do:

  • Take an in-game screenshot with a bunny in it - they are everywhere! 
  • Decorate it as you like (text, emojies, stickers...etc)
  • Inform your nickname + server 
  • Upload your art down below - by 22.04 at 00:00 CET

Don't forget to congratulate other users of our forum on Easter! We also prepared a special offer on Facebook - view

Results will be announced on Monday, 22.04.2019 at 15:00 CET


May these holidays bring you beauty of spring colours, a large basket of chocolate eggs and a plenty of joy! 


Edited by Akasha
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Where should I upload the art? On a separate place in forum or even here's good? 


EDIT: "Upload your art below"


Okies! Doesn't matter


Edited by Higgings
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Okay then, I'm starting with my own art!




Name: Higgings

Server: EU-Emerald. 


A happy easter to every member! I wish you all a wonderful weekend! 😊

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25 minutes ago, Higgings said:

Where should I upload the art? On a separate place in forum or even here's good? EDIT: "Upload your art below" Okies! Doesn't matter

yup, right here! 

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On Russian servers also know how to draw! Why such discrimination?:diablo:
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4 минуты назад, Akasha сказал:

You can post your art here :love-you-crazy-rabbit-emoticon: everyone is welcome

Thank you for the offer, but I, like every Russian, first of all worry about the team.:unknw:

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Is there still time????

Name: Prometheus


ws card.jpg

Edited by Blazeferno
forgot to add name and server
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54 минуты назад, Blazeferno сказал:

Is there still time????


Central European Time 17:36

В 20.04.2019 в 14:36, Akasha сказал:

 by 22.04 at 00:00 CET

Edited by акм
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2 minutes ago, Clarohd said:

Desejo uma Feliz Páscoa para todos ! Que a alegria , o amor e a harmonia estejam presentes nessa celebração.

esqueceu de informar nick e servidor :happy:

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26 minutes ago, Wewereallnoobs said:

am i late?

Monday, April 22, 2019 (GMT+2)
Current time in Andalusia, Spain

On 4/20/2019 at 2:36 PM, Akasha said:

Upload your art down below - by 22.04 at 00:00 CET


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