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Lord of Knowledge
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  1. Thanks
    Zurp got a reaction from Som in Inner rage   
    When you are down certain % from your max health it boosts your dmg. Dont buy it, it sucks.  
  2. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from Dioksis in Power of the Blades vs Exacerbation   
    Still, seeker is dmg class, bd is a tank..
    Also most seekers expert skills are just garbage.
  3. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from Counciler in Power of the Blades vs Exacerbation   
    Still, seeker is dmg class, bd is a tank..
    Also most seekers expert skills are just garbage.
  4. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in [2019.02.22] Winners of Best Costume Contest 2019   
    Ayyyy!! Gz to all!
  5. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from EpikDen in [2019.02.22] Winners of Best Costume Contest 2019   
    Ayyyy!! Gz to all!
  6. Like
    Zurp reacted to Wewereallnoobs in [2019.02.22] Winners of Best Costume Contest 2019   
    Gratz to winners  
    I dnt like it either, but sadly we re not jury :D 
  7. Thanks
    Zurp got a reaction from Speedom in Im thinking that Druid need to get Nerf   
    Nerf the pot not the class. Druid is already useless in pve.
  8. Like
    Zurp reacted to Kaleidoscope in Mischievous Raccoon   
    (I hope I'm not late for this....)
    Hello everyone! I'd like to present my costume to you all.
    Mischievous Raccoon!

    The costume was created as a depicition of a folklore tale about a 
    raccoon that caused mischief during valentines day. Unlike cupid
    who would shoot his arrows of love at people that needed just a little
    push to confess to their beloved one, this raccoon would shoot his arrows at random targets, causing a very chaotic valentines day!
    Noone ever knew how he got his paws onto the arrows in the first
    materials used for the costume:
    For the clothing some silk and leather for the belts. Also of course
    fur! - but do not worry - its not actual fur taken from a real poor
    raccoon. It's imitated fur. But its still very comfy and realistic looking,
    some fine stuff from the Chainless League merchants.
    He also has a bag of arrows on his back. Also made from leather.
    I hope you like my costume, thanks for reading if you did! :)
    character name: Raezer
    server: EU-Emerald
  9. Like
    Zurp reacted to Missprite in Wasp Queen   
    Long time ago, druids nurture bioluminescent wasps for they are Arinar’s greatest source of light during night time. These wasps also gives off a life energy that help any kinds of plant to grow fast and and the reason of the abundance of harvest in Arinar. Wasps can only be controll and summon by druids.
    During the great war, wasps were used by druids to blind and slow the enemies pace which leads the enemy to scatter from their formation. The scattering of enemy were the sign of sentinel to lunch attack.
    The bioluminesence of wasp makes it differ from an ordinary wasp for it luminates blue ligjt. Its also secretes bluish fluids that melt any kinds of heavy metals. Its bluish light radiates healing effects to sentinels but pain to Legions.
    The bioluminescent Wasp Queen only stays at their colony to lay eggs and takes care of them. The queen has 4 arms; 2 small and 2 large, she used its bigger arm for standing and waliking in small distance while the small as hand. When the queen went out from its colony, it radiates light equivalent to moon’s light and makes all plants go bloom. When that happens, the queen is ready to transfer its throne to another deserving to be a Wasp Queen by stinging.
    The legendary queen still haven’t went out from her colony and pass its throne for she doesn’t found yet its inheritor.
    Is the new queen isn’t born yet ?
    (PS.: im tired of creepy description so I think gentle description will do 😄 )
  10. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from Fynn in New skill ideas   
    How about passive stealth. Only visible while in combat
  11. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from Speedom in New skill ideas   
    How about passive stealth. Only visible while in combat
  12. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from feri in Leviathan   
    Ancient monster from the depths of the ocean has risen to tear Arinar apart! Scales so thick and durable even the sharpest spear struggles to penetrate them. Crystals in the armor makes it even stronger. Cyan fire in the eyes makes enemies flee in terror.

  13. Like
    Zurp reacted to EpikDen in Steel Castaway   
    Hello! Finally finished my costume! It was very fun and interesting to work on it. I reviewed all other submissions and I wanna say that you did a great job guys! 
    Good luck 😀 Now, let me present you the Steel Castaway Costume!
    Steel Castaway
    "Old, rusty, mechanical cowboy wandering around the flying isles. His loyal horse, Steel-Antler Avanor, is his only friend. Many say that this castaway once was a sheriff watching over the Bluefaced but it's just an old rumor."
    The costume consists of several parts: 
    wide edge hat face wrap orange scarf leather shoulders (on the back, narrow leather cape attached to them) green coat (a golden chain hanging on the left side) cowboy shoes  
    General look of the costume:
    He is a fully mechanical humanoid. Mostly made out of steel which is very rusty. Some parts of steel are exposed, such as small area on the face and hands. Has a mechanical watch attached to his left hand, the other hand is bare. Eyes and the watch glows in blue. Under the green coat all the mechanical parts are hidden. But some are visible, such as blue power core (a gem perhaps). Right under the power core you can see his shiny copper belt and high shoes.  
    1:1 scale

    1:3 scale

    Made using Photoshop
    Thanx for reviewing!
  14. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from EpikDen in Leviathan   
    Ancient monster from the depths of the ocean has risen to tear Arinar apart! Scales so thick and durable even the sharpest spear struggles to penetrate them. Crystals in the armor makes it even stronger. Cyan fire in the eyes makes enemies flee in terror.

  15. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from Omercix in Leviathan   
    Ancient monster from the depths of the ocean has risen to tear Arinar apart! Scales so thick and durable even the sharpest spear struggles to penetrate them. Crystals in the armor makes it even stronger. Cyan fire in the eyes makes enemies flee in terror.

  16. Like
    Zurp reacted to AnyaOlsen in Йеннифэр Де`Рейн   
    История Йеннифэр.
    Йенни, так ее звали друзья... Обладала исключительной красотой и ясностью разума. С ранних лет обучалась в школе высшей магии, у самых известных маго и колдунов всего Аринара. Уже к 18 годам , Йеннифэр освоила все заклинания, которые можно было освоить в школе магии. Защита людей, для нее всегда был важен мир и процветание людей, помощь бедным и тем, кто попал в беду, поэтому она отправилась в путешествие, в самые дальние уголки Аринара.... В ее красоту влюблялись сотни и тысячи войнов, одним взглядом она могла воодушевить человека на подвиг, придать сил и даже вылечить раны.... Её шикарные изгибы тела, сводили сума королей и графов, колдунов и убийц. Никто не мог поднять руку на нее. Такова она была, излучала доброту и свет, всем, кто в этом нуждался. Но однажды ей на пути попался человек, который излучал такое сияние души , которое она излучала. Она влюбилась в этого мужчина с первого взгляда, не думая о том, кто он , откуда и какие цели преследует... Целый год она провела с ним, путешествуя и помогая бедным путникам и войнам. Однажды они с её возлюбленным, остановились у телеги на дороге, рядом с которой еле дышал старик... Иеннифэр наклонилась к старцу и замерла от ужаса. Старцем оказался, ей так полюбившийся мужчина, который секунду назад сидел рядом с ней в колеснице.... *Старец* улыбнулся и в тот же миг, в спину девушки вонзился кинжал... Затем еще и еще... Пока хрупкая девушка не упала на землю... С ее шеи выдернули драгоценный кулон, который являлся так же и ключом от банковского сейфа девушки. Кинув в след последний свой прекрасный взгляд, она увидела того, кто ударил ее в спину... Возлюбленный, который был, целый год с ней одним целым, оказался великолепным иллюзионистом... Обманщиком и вором. Разбив сердце Иеннифэр, в буквальном и переносном смысле, иллюзионист исчез. Девушка лежала в крови на земле, по среди дороги... По её щекам начали течь слёзы, она плакала не от боли, которую причинил кинжал, а от боли, созданной предательством... Это был первый раз, когда Йенни, проронила слезу. Как только капля упала на землю с ее уже синеющих щечек, так тут же с небес спустился силуэт... Свечение которого слепило девушку, и она не могла разглядеть лицо незнакомца... Рука света коснулась щеки девушки, и ее раны в миг затянулись, она даже встала на ноги.... *Ты нужна Аринару* После этих слов, на ней словно начали вырастать доспехи, ослепительной красоты, с драгоценными камнями и металлами... Затем силуэт протянул маску Йеннифер и произнес : *Открой свою красоту, лишь только тем, кто снова сможет залечить тебе сердце* после этого силуэт взвыл в небо и исчез, а Йеннифэр Де`Рейн надев маску, к своим великолепным по красоте доспехам отправилась в очередное путешествие.... Так она стала ангелом хранителем для тех, кто не мог за себя постоять, для тех , кто был на грани жизни и смерти, для тех кто потерял надежду в добро... Но сердце Йенни, так и не зажило, ведь до сих пор маска с её лица не была снята....
    Костюм. Доспехи Йеннифер Де`Рейн , выполнены из неизвестного материала, скорее из какой-то высшей магии света. (Ник - Priestlord , Ru-Ruby)  

  17. Like
    Zurp reacted to Zerfiya in Стейхор   
    Ужасные опыты творили про́клятые алхимики.. Их опыты повлекли к многим мучениям живых существ, но один эксперимент стал лучшим достижением. Они ухитрились объединить разрушительных элементалей: огня и воды, в одном темнейшем злом призраке пойманном на празднике самого Сема Хейна. И породилось существо с безмерной силой и безграничным гневом к всему миру аринара. Стейхор, так прозвали свое творение темные алхимики, поглотил элементалей заполучив всю их силу.. Опыты продолжались. Стейхор был объектом  испытаний в колизее с другими ужасными тварями.. Именно в этих боях он научился полному контролю своей невероятной силы. С каждым днем его чернейшая душа обретала все большее желание уничтожить мир аринара и вот на очередном испытании он осуществил свой план побега создав темное пространство, которым он мог управлять, оно поглотило всех алхимиков.. Так Стейхор выбрался на свободу впервые за 6 лет... Говорят он обитает в землях проклятых и вселяет страх и ужас на новых героев своим колдовством..

    Описание: Маска темного призрака, часть огненного элементаля, часть водяного элементаля, когти, костюм левитирует. 

    P.S.  Если разные руки не подходят по стандартам игры, приложила 2 файлы с одинаковыми руками на выбор администрации)
    Efirka - Ru-Amber

    исходный рисунок костюма:
  18. Like
    Zurp reacted to Autocrata in Achievements Change   
    Some of the achievements seem to have a rather unfair value, considering the difficulty it takes to actually achieve them.
    Crafts should be Mythic, it is atm at lvl 20 cap, which is really a lot of work to reach , and its probably the achievement that takes the most work in the game atm.
    100 wars should also be mythic, or atleast heroic, it takes a huge amount of time to get that.
    The achiements to get all tier of materials by dismantling itens should be Heroic, considering the difficulty to get those.
    Reaching 5k rep should be heroic.
    T2 for example,  takes a month of daily doing quests to reach 5k.
    With the update that is coming, aigrind should not only give us new achievements, but revamp old ones aswell.
    Achievements are a really fun mechanic of the game, and should receive more love 
    Ps: please be a cool outfit with 500
  19. Like
    Zurp reacted to Reivenorik in [2019.01.17] Arinar goes beyond its limits   
    Warspear Online is not just a game. It’s a wide universe with neverending battles, countless stories, but most importantly – with you, heroes of Arinar. It’s a project that became an important part of company and its employees’ lives. And we have a lot more exciting things ahead of us!
    In the meantime, our studio is growing: we evolve, strengthen our team with talented specialists, set ambitious goals and tasks. And it’s time for us to take a step forward and share good news with you.
    While we are busy with implementing our grand plans for conquering underwater territories, our second team is working on expanding world of Arinar even further and making a new story that unfolds in parallel with events in Warspear Online. That’s why we decided to invite you, our most passionate critics, to participate in the testing of new mobile MMORPG Skylore before everyone else!
    Skylore is our new project with its unique story, different combat modes, dynamic leveling up system, and vivid open world.
    The game will be available only in Russian language on the first few stages of closed testing.
    So russian-speaking users, who live in Russia and CIS countries, will be able to participate in the testing.
    Residents of other regions will be able to join the next stages of testing.
    To take part in closed testing, fill in an application form on our official site.
    You can find more detailed information about how the testing will be carried out here.
    Also join our VK and Facebook groups – the most recent news about project and information on further stages of testing will be there.
    AIGRIND Team
  20. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from Peony in [2019.01.16] Results   
    Gz! Right people won
  21. Like
    Zurp reacted to Higgings in Druid's Invigorating Stream   
    May I advance a suggestion? Why don't you guys do such kind of changes a bit more often? I mean, twice a year would also increase the interest on creating new builds and studying new ways to learn about our characters both in PvP and PvE aspect. 
  22. Like
    Zurp reacted to Morgana in Druid's Invigorating Stream   
    3-4 years ago there used to be an awesome skill called 'Invigorating Stream'. Well, there still is a skill called like this... but it's not awesome anymore
    In fact, it's so useless that hardly anyone uses it. 
    Let's compare the differences:
    When the skill was invented, it had a push effect which pushed enemy players or mobs only one yard away (it didn't even stun) and it had a small amount of aoe heal. It was really small... Somewhere between 200-300hp per person (only one tick, not like the Totem). 
    The skill cooldown was also pretty high (~40s? Correct me if I'm wrong lol).
    Because Druids used to have a lot of stun skills back then, people complained that it was too op. 
    Let's take a look at how it works after a trillion of nerfs. 
    It heals one single person at probably about the same amount as back then and it doesn't push anyone or anything. But at least the cooldown was decreased to 12s or so.
    Now, we shall take a look at how all other skills of Druid changed during the past few years. 
    -Forest Song got nerfed in area effect and chance of stunning (which is okay though, it was pretty op)
    -Tornado got a massive nerf in area effect (the circle has gotten decreased a lot), it also doesn't stun anymore 
    -Secret Link can't crit anymore c:
    I guess those were the three major changes which made Druids a lot weaker in comparison to before.
    I'm not saying they are a weak class!!!! Just saying they are a lot weaker than they used to be.
    We can also admit that most of the people who complained about Druids being op are people who weren't able to beat them in pvps. It's true, Druids were extremely strong because of their stuns but like all of them except for Roots have been nerfed or removed.
    What I want to say by this is that Invigorating Stream was never the problem which made the Druids so strong. In fact, Invigorating Stream was a very useful pve skill which got a major nerf because of the Druid's stun dominance in pvp aspects of Warspear. But since those op skills all got nerfed, I don't see a reason why Invigorating Stream shouldn't go back the way it used to be. To make it optional for pve usage it could have the ability to (at least) push away mobs and aoe heal party members, no outsiders. It technically wouldn't have any effect on pvp or arena matters then...
    Please think about it and take it into consideration! There are very few people who would take Druid players for dungeon runs or harder quests because except for Forrest Song, which doesn't always work and can stun only a limited number of adds, and Secret Link, Druid has no decent support skill.
    Priests have Redemption, Resurrection, they can increase damage of all party members and deal aoe damage. I can't tell much about Shaman and Necro in this matter.
  23. Like
    Zurp got a reaction from Morgana in Druid's Invigorating Stream   
    And because of screenbugs is hard to even be at the right place
  24. Haha
    Zurp reacted to Raislin in Druid's Invigorating Stream   
  25. Thanks
    Zurp reacted to Akasha in Daily chest III   
    I think we could have a counter for every consecutive daily chest open and after "x" chests, the player get a special reward! 💃 .. 
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