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Arthas got a reaction from Hossein in Overall changes a lot of players would like to see!
Overall changes that would help the game (imo)
I consider my self to be a player that likes to "do it all" in game and try to overcome any content possible as a personal challenge , but unfortunately in the last years , the game has come to a state that as long as you and your party are well geared and have medium-high amp all PVE content will become trivial , which to me atleast , is really sad.
Don't get me wrong , i understand that having AMP + Gear matter in difficulty makes total sense as it is a huge flow of revenue to the company , and it needs revenue to keep working , BUT , what i think should happen is everytime we have a great boost in gear power there should be content that also gets harder , to keep all players having something to work for.
Theres also other changes that i would like to see :
(First i'd like to start by thanking the company for the recent changes to multiple builds , multiple relics, that had such a huge positive impact in the community and is something that we have been asking for a long time , really , it was amazing and huge step in the right direction)
1) More diverse content
2) Harder Endgame PVE content
3) More challenging Raid Bosses
4) Vampirism Nerf
5) Less Guild vs Guild events
6) Faction WAR Rework
Just to make clear , i love the game and think it is by far the best MMORPG mobile game available right now. Still , it does have a lot to improve to grab new players and retain the ones that are already in.
I'm waiting for feedback and new ideas that i might've not heard before , see you all in Arinar !!
@Higgings @Jcbreff @Nolan @Holmes
Arthas got a reaction from Filipe Ramon in Overall changes a lot of players would like to see!
Overall changes that would help the game (imo)
I consider my self to be a player that likes to "do it all" in game and try to overcome any content possible as a personal challenge , but unfortunately in the last years , the game has come to a state that as long as you and your party are well geared and have medium-high amp all PVE content will become trivial , which to me atleast , is really sad.
Don't get me wrong , i understand that having AMP + Gear matter in difficulty makes total sense as it is a huge flow of revenue to the company , and it needs revenue to keep working , BUT , what i think should happen is everytime we have a great boost in gear power there should be content that also gets harder , to keep all players having something to work for.
Theres also other changes that i would like to see :
(First i'd like to start by thanking the company for the recent changes to multiple builds , multiple relics, that had such a huge positive impact in the community and is something that we have been asking for a long time , really , it was amazing and huge step in the right direction)
1) More diverse content
2) Harder Endgame PVE content
3) More challenging Raid Bosses
4) Vampirism Nerf
5) Less Guild vs Guild events
6) Faction WAR Rework
Just to make clear , i love the game and think it is by far the best MMORPG mobile game available right now. Still , it does have a lot to improve to grab new players and retain the ones that are already in.
I'm waiting for feedback and new ideas that i might've not heard before , see you all in Arinar !!
@Higgings @Jcbreff @Nolan @Holmes
Arthas got a reaction from Lustz in Overall changes a lot of players would like to see!
Overall changes that would help the game (imo)
I consider my self to be a player that likes to "do it all" in game and try to overcome any content possible as a personal challenge , but unfortunately in the last years , the game has come to a state that as long as you and your party are well geared and have medium-high amp all PVE content will become trivial , which to me atleast , is really sad.
Don't get me wrong , i understand that having AMP + Gear matter in difficulty makes total sense as it is a huge flow of revenue to the company , and it needs revenue to keep working , BUT , what i think should happen is everytime we have a great boost in gear power there should be content that also gets harder , to keep all players having something to work for.
Theres also other changes that i would like to see :
(First i'd like to start by thanking the company for the recent changes to multiple builds , multiple relics, that had such a huge positive impact in the community and is something that we have been asking for a long time , really , it was amazing and huge step in the right direction)
1) More diverse content
2) Harder Endgame PVE content
3) More challenging Raid Bosses
4) Vampirism Nerf
5) Less Guild vs Guild events
6) Faction WAR Rework
Just to make clear , i love the game and think it is by far the best MMORPG mobile game available right now. Still , it does have a lot to improve to grab new players and retain the ones that are already in.
I'm waiting for feedback and new ideas that i might've not heard before , see you all in Arinar !!
@Higgings @Jcbreff @Nolan @Holmes
Arthas got a reaction from Salazam in Vaga aberta para Moderador do Fórum: Brasil / America Latina (PT/ES)
Mentira , tem sim , Moderador do meu coração
Arthas got a reaction from Filipe Ramon in Classe Hunter com stun infinito
Esses números que você está falando são impressionantes mesmo.
Por favor acho que seria interessante você logar personagens Legionários e gravar eles realizando números tão altos e feitos tão impressionantes e enviar aqui , seria mais válido do que só falar.
Quem sabe os próprios desenvolvedores passam a saber que as classes necessitam ser modificadas baseado nos seus testes.
Também gostaria de ver qual Xamã sola 5 oponentes do mesmo nível de força dele.
Arthas got a reaction from Danfake in Danfake - BR-Tourmaline, Set wedding costume + Stick Mount
Boa @Danfake ficou bem legal. Boludo de estimação da KINGDOM
Arthas reacted to Samuel Icaro in Danfake - BR-Tourmaline, Set wedding costume + Stick Mount
Lindo, minha mãe sonha com um genro desse todo dia 😍
Arthas reacted to Wnovato in O quê vocês acharam dessa Obra de Arte
Fiz essa Estátua em argila, falta pintar ainda e terminar os acabamentos. mas fiquei tão empolgado quê vim compartilhar com vocês aqui do Foram.🤩
I made this statue in clay, still need to paint and finish the finishes. but I was so excited that I came to share it with you here at Foram.
Arthas got a reaction from Salazam in Problemas com os lacaios do encantador nas masmorras do castelo.
Obrigado por reportar os bugs @Rhaast!
Serão corrigidos em breve
Arthas reacted to Salazam in Problemas com os lacaios do encantador nas masmorras do castelo.
@Nolan tem alguma problemas com o passaro do charmer e o boss da tw castelo da t4 e da t1.
Sobre o passaro e o boss da TW castelo t4. O boss também pode prender o passaro na gaiola, mas o mob que ele evoca fica andando livremente pela sala, e pode atacar qualquer jogador que atacar ele, fazendo com que os players tomem HK da mecânica na hora de matar esse mob.
Sobre o boss da tw castelo t1, quando ele usa o escudo, os pets continuam batendo nele, fazendo com que ele sempre cure bastante. Infelizmente não tem como fazer os pets parar de bater no boss, então dificulta muito pra uma PT com charmers.
Arthas got a reaction from just Ryan in when can we expect a change to rogues?
It really depends on how hard is it for "X" guild to get 100 people inside a GvG, if you can get that many people , then its not worth it wasting slots on rogues.
If "X" guild can't , then any class will do.
And i say that as a ex-rogue , Full +10 Greatness that left my character Inactive because of how little use it has on GvGs , and i'm a guild Leader, so thats the most important content ingame for me.
Arthas got a reaction from Fabr in Craft lvl 32
Atualizações de novidades de craft geralmente acontecem no evento da primavera.
Está próximo
Arthas got a reaction from Salazam in New skill for charmer: Otherworldly Shield
Looks pretty interesting .
Would be nice to see something like this in a test server , to get the feel of the applications it would have in large scale PvP.
Arthas reacted to Vera_Z in Brass Regalia [Verauel, EU-Emerald]
Yet another floating costume.
I couldn't design good legs, so.. Heh.
Costume Details:
It didn't look like my initial concept, but I like how it turned out.
The costume consists of ceremonial helmet and pauldrons, breastplate akin to ribs, gauntlets and a purple robe. No legs because I'm really a fan of animated panoplies.. or maybe I'm just lazy.
Description of the Costume:
The ceremonial thingies are made of brass. I tried, but it kinda looked like gold in the end. But it's brass, trust me. Same goes with the breastplate down to gauntlets, then the robe is made out of velvet. Wait, was it's silk, or satin maybe? Anyway, how this thing can move around is..
I dunno, Power of Friendship, I guess.
Possibility of Implementation in the Game:
It isn't Spring themed, so I doubt I'll win. I wrote a bit of lore below the topic though, but who reads lore anyway. Ehe.
Originality of the Work:
If ever this costume I designed is exactly like anything that's already existing, I apologize. But I believe every art is inspired by something. Also, it's most likely just a coincidence because I started from scratch. Especially that damn legs.. really made me scratch.
My inspirations for this are Death from Symphony of the Night, Gwyndolin from Dark Souls, Isidora from Blasphemous, Faceless, Bone Lord and my dear Nocturna from Warspear.
"Once worn by the Battle Choir from one of the many Orders that serve Harad, their chorus reverberated in battlefields and was rumored to rival Firstborn's lullabies. When they succumbed to Garahan's curse, warriors who lost their faith from the agony never made their way back to the Sun God's side. Their souls and voices haunted the things that once held meaning to them, animating the armors that used to symbolize their Order. Adventurers said that nothing is amusing with encountering these tragic beings, as one can hear depressing melodies stating torment and anguish in their verses."
Arthas got a reaction from Filipe Ramon in Warspear e o Mercado NFT
Seria interessante se a empresa desenvolvesse uma nova versão do jogo com NFT em mente.
Já que jogos com retorno financeiro para o jogador são o futuro do mercado de jogos.
Não custa nada sonharmos.
Arthas reacted to Kyrai in Best class Sentinel side 2021 [Poll]
Happy new year everyone!, we already started 2022, but I think we should close the year with a survey of which was the best class of the year from the Sentinel side.
The vote is free, and you must be sincere, it is not only supporting the main character that you use or only trolling.
You should also vote for the class which you consider to have performed well in game events, upgrades, PvE, PvP, arenas and GvG.
I think this would help a lot for new players of a future who want to start playing the game.
Poll for Legion side:
Arthas got a reaction from Alone Zzzz in [2021.12.29] O mundo precisa conhecer seus Heróis: recompensando os membros da comunidade 2021
É sempre um prazer ajudar em todo o possível pra melhorar a experiência dos players de um jogo tão querido no coração da maioria como WARSPEAR.
Espero que ainda estejamos aqui por vários anos
Arthas got a reaction from ThiagoWanted in [2021.12.29] O mundo precisa conhecer seus Heróis: recompensando os membros da comunidade 2021
É sempre um prazer ajudar em todo o possível pra melhorar a experiência dos players de um jogo tão querido no coração da maioria como WARSPEAR.
Espero que ainda estejamos aqui por vários anos
Arthas got a reaction from Nolan in [2021.12.29] O mundo precisa conhecer seus Heróis: recompensando os membros da comunidade 2021
É sempre um prazer ajudar em todo o possível pra melhorar a experiência dos players de um jogo tão querido no coração da maioria como WARSPEAR.
Espero que ainda estejamos aqui por vários anos
Arthas reacted to ThiagoWanted in [2021.12.29] O mundo precisa conhecer seus Heróis: recompensando os membros da comunidade 2021
Para min é uma honra, poder ajudar a comunidade de alguma forma.
Que 2022 seja melhor que 2021 🙏.
Feliz Ano Novo a todos !!!
Arthas reacted to quenster in [2021.12.29] O mundo precisa conhecer seus Heróis: recompensando os membros da comunidade 2021
Parabéns a todos os homenageados. Uma honra fazer parte dessa relação e poder contribuir e engajar com a comunidade de guerreiros de Arinar aqui no Fórum. Que venha 2022 com muito mais ;)
Arthas reacted to Alone Zzzz in [2021.12.29] O mundo precisa conhecer seus Heróis: recompensando os membros da comunidade 2021
@Rhaast @Arthas parabéns pelas premiações e aos outros também ^^