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Scatter Shot Range


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-As we all know rangers skill scatter shot is best for pushing n running away from your enemy

-but it suck when your hp is too low that u can die in one shot at this time scatter shot suck cuz of its noob range of two yards

-why we use scatter shot>to push n run away from our enemy right?

-But when i use scatter shot my ranger goes in front of my enemy then pushes him -_-

-Andd boooooom i die

-So please increase the usage range of skill scatter shot


-If u aggre > TY

-If u disaggre > please tell why.

Thank you! :)

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you are a ranger, you attack from distance with a HUGE ammount of damage. specially with new expert skill.

you have trap to keep enemies at distance.


in my opnion you shouldnt even have this scatter shot.


so i disagree with this.



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you are a ranger, you attack from distance with a HUGE ammount of damage. specially with new expert skill.

you have trap to keep enemies at distance.


in my opnion you shouldnt even have this scatter shot.


so i disagree with this.



Scattershot use to be more reliable than trap, due to the extensive bugged positioning that many experience with traps. So no, scattershot is needed.

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Scattershot use to be more reliable than trap, due to the extensive bugged positioning that many experience with traps. So no, scattershot is needed.


bugged unsyncronized position gets us all, i still think rangers shouldnt have scattershot, is just my opinion cause he is a damage dealer.


ranger goes blessing, normal, power attack, expert skill, ur hp goes f*ked before you reach him, n when you are about to, scatter shot  :wacko: so you are dead without touching ranger.  :facepalm:

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bugged unsyncronized position gets us all, i still think rangers shouldnt have scattershot, is just my opinion cause he is a damage dealer.


ranger goes blessing, normal, power attack, expert skill, ur hp goes f*ked before you reach him, n when you are about to, scatter shot  :wacko: so you are dead without touching ranger.  :facepalm:


THIS! Basically.
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The fact that Scattershot was nerfed from 4-5 yards to 2 yards proves that Scatter was OP when it had big range and thus it will not be buffed more.


Scatter is a great skill now too. ducks up my roge every goddamn time  :'(

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well, if you complaining about a not really necessary skill of the OP ranger, imagine me who enjoy playing as a DK but he is totally f*cked at his supposed best skill to beat ranger/casters...thread of darkness.

Rangers are beasting now and you still want to make it better.  :facepalm:

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Ranger OP damage agreed.

*But Not Everyone*

Some rangers like me need to run.and in some situation(Especially at low hp) i hate to go near my enemy close as 2 yards and then my enemy gives me a *Death Kiss* :/

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So if scattershot got nerfed down to 2 spaces at max level, what on earth does increasing the skills level do now?



Anyone going to bother answering this?

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lv1 - 1 yard scatter

lv2 - 2 yard scatter



lv5- 5 yard scatter



they are complaining about the range in which we can use scatter shot, it used to be the same range we could use power shot. now its been nerfed to ONLY be used with the same range as a bladedancers hamstring  :facepalm:  (2 yard range)


but after scatters been used (within a 2 yard range only) it pushes their opponent back a certain amount of yards based on scatter shot's level



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what on earth does increasing the skills level do now?


Increasing lvl might increase timeof bein scattered


He was looking for "Nothing." ;D .
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I Was looking for a legitimate answer lol


Helps to increase your attack skills/ways.
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Or add splash damage to scatter shot?8)



Add a health penalization for every step you take closer to the ranger. The closer you are, the higher the penalization.

Add also a 2x bonus against melees, and casters too.

Add as well a scatter effect always when you target the ranger.

And a 1.5x multiplier for damage return, meaning that you will receive your damage plus half of it back to you whenever you damage the ranger.

Ye. I think that it is good. Covers everything. What do you think guysssssssssss?


:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

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Add a health penalization for every step you take closer to the ranger. The closer you are, the higher the penalization.

Add also a 2x bonus against melees, and casters too.

Add as well a scatter effect always when you target the ranger.

And a 1.5x multiplier for damage return, meaning that you will receive your damage plus half of it back to you whenever you damage the ranger.

Ye. I think that it is good. Covers everything. What do you think guysssssssssss?


:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:


That's still not enough. Rangers must have 20% higher run speed and must be invuberable to all enemy attacks and also bows damage should be increased by 300%.

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Care to word it more clearly? Increase's attack skill/ways? Makes zero sense to me.


Hes a  :bomb:  kid :facepalm:  kill him  :blush: :bomb:
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Hes a  :bomb:  kid :facepalm:  kill him  :blush: :bomb:



There is nothing wrong with X, just a little hard to understand sometimes.

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i explained it perfectly and was ignored



so figure it out by yourself



Ah yes, i see it now. Got missed with the transition of a new page.

So skill activation distance got nerfed. Meh it does make sense now, the skill is not suppose to be used to keep enemies away, rather it is suppose to be used to to move melee players out of reach. Subtle difference, but makes sense.

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