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Bigger friendlist limit


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Everyone probably needs this and alot of people have been asking


So can you PLEASE extend the friendlist limit for Christ's sake...


How am I suppose to keep check of 29 members of my guild + their alts and my other friends who aren't in my guild  :facepalm:


FFS, atleast give a reply Devs.

Tell us why you can't add a very simple yet VERY USEFUL thing in the game?

It's not like it's going to be abused or give an advantage we are just asking to extend the list that shows us if our FRIENDS are ONLINE.

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Has been suggested many times and neglected as much. Aigrind loves telling you how many friends your allowed to have by restricting the friends list.

Pathetic really.

Their only motivation is money. Perhaps they will add it in the future at a cost. >.>



That's amateur game developers for you though. No idea on what is more important.

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Or at least make guild member list to work like if they were in friend list. This way members are automatically "friends" and you can see when they come online.

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Any reply from a Dev?

I don't get what's so wrong with this and why you should not add it.

I don't really give a shit, make it 100 mc per 1 extra slot or whatever, as long as we get to have all of our friends and their alts in our friendlist for a reasonable price even though it should be free.

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  • Developer

Everyone probably needs this and alot of people have been asking


So can you PLEASE extend the friendlist limit for Christ's sake...


How am I suppose to keep check of 29 members of my guild + their alts and my other friends who aren't in my guild  :facepalm:


FFS, atleast give a reply Devs.

Tell us why you can't add a very simple yet VERY USEFUL thing in the game?

It's not like it's going to be abused or give an advantage we are just asking to extend the list that shows us if our FRIENDS are ONLINE.


Yeah, true.

[me=snorlax] is taking notes[/me]


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Yeah, true.

[me=snorlax] is taking notes[/me]



And add a option to view the guild list and friend's list by rank, alphabetical, and custom order.

And custom order for bag related items. :*

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  • 1 month later...
  • Developer

OH MY GOD! Finally! I justly looking this. AIGRIND PLEASSE!!! Enlarge the "fuc**k*ing" friend list!!!!


Forwarded this to our gamedesigner for consideration.

Please, do not use * symbols to cover that kind of words, that's rules violation.

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Please, do not use * symbols to




Sorry, I amend and thanks.

I take this opportunity to invite you to look really violated rules.

I invite you to take a little time for translate this trash and take steps as you did with me.



haber, cuál será ese día. ..cuándo posean algo sentido común,no estaria mal un poco de madurez al fin y al cabo aclaremos regalar algo no es hacerte el amigo,nadie me compra ok..además esa deuda fue cancelada...una amistad no se ofrece, la amistad se hace por más peleas y discuciones al final del día esas personas se ríen por que será! !!amigos son los amigos...un amigo no es la persona que te llevas bien todo el tiempo. .. si lo es quien esta contigo en buenas y en las malas...apesar de todas las peleas que tengan seguiran estando juntas.. laques ( Diego) tu nunca fuiste un amigo tampoco me interesaría hacer amistad con un desconocido de otra provincia si te respondía en algún momento era para reirme un rato con repeto a la gorda de arriba tranqui...de vos ni me acuerdo pensar que senti lastima por vos cuándo me dijeron que te habías muerto ojala hubiera sido verdad asi mi opion de usted no hubiera cambiado tanto..Ah ya que hablamos de psicología espero wassy que hayas dejado las charlas en solitario con tu hermanó el descansa en paz vale. ..oh felicidades creo que ya has superado tus tentativas de suicidio solo te queda superar tu gordura esos rollitos no se iran solos jajajaja antes de hablar fijate en tus defectos esto te lo pongo para que sepas esto el juego se termino aquí.... posdata:  que tengáis un muy buen día. toda la gente de vuestro clan!!..cuidado no terminaran comiendose unos a los otros en el futuro la historia suele repetirse........oh valla no esta wanda cuando no wassy con sus chiste y el perrito de diego que le sigue el juego buen trabajo una manzana podrida pudre. a. las demasFIRMA:  COLLEN YANETH HAIDES pero para mis. amigos y mi familia soy vico ;)  chau chau. ......

Needless to add more, greetings and thanks  ;)


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