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Small But Useful Addition To Inspection


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since the ideas of blocking inspections or removing the idea even having this in the game are gone, might aswell help make it better.


One small idea i have is to view a player's attributes to add on top of inspection.


so basically: menu>interact>inspect>[player]>menu>view attributes


views the attributes of the player you are inspecting, just like menu>character>all attributes


since the current one only shows us an equipment view and no one can be bothered calculating(personally xD) this would be a nifty feature!



put your ideas of other suggestions you may have to improve/modify the new inspection feature...

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Good:) now i want to give you my opinion.

The function is fine, I don't want people to know that I have 39 mana regen and only 12,5% crit ;D

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I like it and I would like to have it, but I think some people would just be not able to join pts more than before. But my answer is "Yes" :) ;).

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  • 2 months later...

Na minha opinião não deveria ter a opção de inspecionar os itens dos jogadores. Porque o legal do jogo é ninguem saber os itens que esta usando. e agora qualquer um pode saber os itens que voce usa. Porque foi feito esta opção?


In my opinion should not have the option to inspect the items of the players. Because the game is cool anyone know the items you are using. and now anyone can find the items that you use. Because it was made this option? :diablo: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Agree... But viewing attributes is a very sharp 2-bladed sword.


In the end we have to decide what is better:


- being invited into pts

- discrimated because of this




- not having to calculate everything >->

- "brag" with your stats

- full transparancy on this

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Why are people so hung up and worried about others seeing their gears? Inspection is here and its here to stay, its not going away, might as well improve it for the best.


In the end, all their seeing is your attributes not your goddamn nudes -_-

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You can relate attributes to the length of yer d* or cup size....


If they are low, people dont really like you.


Inspecting is surely enough ^^

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