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  1. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Nolan in Littletiko - EU-Emerald - Vampire 🧛‍♀️   
    "A vampire, like a lady, never reveals her true age" 🧛🏻‍♀️

    Gave it a try to the animal blood but just wasn't as good as the real one 🤭🩸

  2. Like
    TikolinaPat reacted to Mrsatan in Mrsatan, Server: Us-Sapphire   
    Name: Mrsatan
    Server: Us-Sapphire
    Name costume : The cursed vampire
    ¡The demons of the night of horror are thirsty for blood, watch your back! To die for a vampire it takes only seconds!

  3. Like
    TikolinaPat reacted to Cookiex in Loshirai/US-Sapphire/Vampira   
    Demons are like obedient dogs they come when they are called🖤

  4. Wow
    TikolinaPat reacted to Dr Strange in «Horror Contest - 2022»   
    Horrible news!
    The holiday of Median Night is about to begin and we haven't seen your costumes yet! Hurry up and share your images by participating in the annual photo contest “Horror Contest - 2022”! The creators of the most incomparable works will receive all-Arinar fame and precious prizes!
    How to participate?
    Make a photo of yourself especially for the contest: you can use any means for transformation - outfits, cosmetics, entourage, etc.;
    Your photo must contain the “Warspear Online” logo: drawn on paper, open on the screen of your device or in any other way, but not applied to the photo using a graphic editor;
    Create a special topic in THIS section of the forum and publish your contest work in it. The topic title should include your nickname, game server of your character, and the name of the costume.
    Terms of the contest:
    The photo must be taken specifically for the competition and not earlier;
    One participant can provide only one work;
    Any clothing and items are allowed, except for those that are contrary to ethical and moral standards;
    Group photos or photos of other people are not allowed;
    It is forbidden to use graphic editors to overlay non-existent objects and effects on a photo. Only minor photo correction is allowed (alignment of brightness, contrast, etc.);
    The jury reserves the right to decide any controversial issues arising from the contest at its own discretion.
    What will be assessed?
    Transformation. The main goal of this competition is to create a truly stunning image.
    Subject. Your work should directly intersect with the theme of the Halloween holiday;
    Creativity. Experiment with outfits, choose interesting angles, in short - stand out!
    Photo quality. It is very hard to evaluate works where it is difficult to see anything due to the poor quality of the image.
    What will be the nominations?
    Mister and Miss Median Night is a nomination, the main criterion of which will be compliance with the theme of the holiday of Median Night in this year.
    King and Queen of Fear is a nomination for participants, whose work will be able to scare our jury.
    Mister and Miss Originality is a nomination for the most creative participants with a non-standard approach to work.
    Pumpkin King and Queen is a nomination, the main criterion of which will be the carving of a pumpkin as the main decoration of your photo (but do not forget that you must also be present in the frame). 

    Attention! Gold, silver and bronze winners are possible in each nomination!
    Prize description:
    Gold winners: 20.000 Miracle Coins + any costume of the Horror Circus for choose + unique gold forum badge;
    Silver winners: 15.000 Miracle Coins + any set of decorative skins of the Horror Circus for choose (for one character) + unique silver forum badge;
    Bronze winners: 10.000 Miracle Coins + any collections of smileys of the Horror Circus for choose + unique bronze forum badge.
    Your photos are accepted until November 02 inclusive. After that, within a week, until November 09, the jury will determine the winners and we will publish the results.
    We wish you terrible luck in the contest!
  5. Cool Story
    TikolinaPat reacted to US Evil in How to fix death knight   
    BD, Barb, Reaper, Warden all have resist buff. 
    Dk need too. Its very important point.
    So bloodprotect must include resist buff or remove debuff.
    Like shaman cleansing skill
  6. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Drakoslayd in Shiny and dripping with wealth   
    Ill totally love to have those  I understand getting drops from raids its not something that should be easy to obtain but the relics they drop... they usually just end either on npc or at guild's warehouse; so getting a skin from raids could be something cooler to get in between easy to get relics/craft item and something as amazing as books/costumes.
    Love this idea! 
  7. Thanks
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from PureSix in Shiny and dripping with wealth   
    Ill totally love to have those  I understand getting drops from raids its not something that should be easy to obtain but the relics they drop... they usually just end either on npc or at guild's warehouse; so getting a skin from raids could be something cooler to get in between easy to get relics/craft item and something as amazing as books/costumes.
    Love this idea! 
  8. Cool Story
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from White17 in Shiny and dripping with wealth   
    Ill totally love to have those  I understand getting drops from raids its not something that should be easy to obtain but the relics they drop... they usually just end either on npc or at guild's warehouse; so getting a skin from raids could be something cooler to get in between easy to get relics/craft item and something as amazing as books/costumes.
    Love this idea! 
  9. Wow
    TikolinaPat reacted to PureSix in Shiny and dripping with wealth   
    Hello Warriors!
    today I would like to introduce my beloved community, an idea.
    It is associated with something that everyone loves, golden cloaks, sinister masks, captured trophies of wild animals, it is an inseparable element of every brave warrior - decorative elements.
    I would like to present concepts of modernizing both small and large bosses, adding an element to them that will flicker in the eye of every wanderer and will cause a greater desire to kill such monsters - skins
    I attach graphics (of course, it should be adapted to the capabilities and style of warspear) that would be added as a loot from the Capitan Giant Octopus raid boss.  Such decorative elements are an inseparable part of the game, after all, everyone wants to look powerful, everyone wants to give the impression of an invincible hero, it would significantly diversify the achievements of such bosses, obtaining rare powerful books is extremely rare, and the relics that are often obtained do not arouse much interest and excitement, such skins could be something in between. 
    Let me know what you think about this idea, I encourage you to discuss it

  10. Wow
    TikolinaPat reacted to Dr Strange in [2022.08.10] The story contest “What’s in my pocket?”   
    Dear friends!
    During 14 years of confrontation in Arinar many of you managed to collect amazing items! In this regard, we are pleased to announce the launch of the story contest “What’s in my pocket?”!
    How to participate?
    Your task is to write a short essay about any item from your bag. It could be the story of how you heroically obtained a costume from a bloodthirsty monster. Perhaps you want to write a poem about who and how created the Book of Oblivion and why it has miraculous properties? Or maybe write a story from the point of view of the subject: about his travels before he got into your bag. You can write about the subject whatever and however you like - the main thing is that it should be interesting to read!
    Create a separate topic in THIS section of the forum and publish your work in it. The topic title should include your nickname, your character's server, and the name of the story.
    What will be evaluated?
    Originality of the idea.
    Structure and availability of expressive means.
    Conditions of the competition:
    Try to fit your story in 2000-3000 characters. Less is possible, more is not recommended. But if inspiration has woken up for you, and your story needs more space, then you are welcome, this will not affect the result in any way.
    It is forbidden to use in the text:
    Obscene expressions, even in a veiled form;
    Discussion of political and national topics;
    Description of sexual activity;
    Insults of non-fictional characters (players, other people);
    And remember: 1 person - 1 story!
    Works that violate any of these points will not be admitted to the competition.
    What will be the prizes?
    The jury will award the highest titles to the participants who have created worthy works:
    Masters of I level will receive: 30,000 Miracle Coins + Battle Pass of 11th Season of activities + Gold forum badge;
    Masters of II level will receive: 20,000 Miracle Coins + Battle Pass of 11th Season of activities + Silver forum badge;
    Masters of III level will receive: 15,000 Miracle Coins + Battle Pass of 11th Season of activities + Bronze forum badge;
    Masters of the preparatory level will receive: 5.000 Miracle Coins.
    Stories are accepted until August 24 inclusive. After the specified date, it will no longer be possible to publish a topic in the contest section. Over the next week, or rather no later than August 31, we will publish the results of the competition and award the winners.
    We wish you inspiration and good luck!
  11. Wow
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Mooh in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  12. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Dentik in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  13. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Slap in [2022.06.28] Photo contest “Maestro of Disguise - 2022”. Results.   
    Yeihh thank youuu so muchh 
  14. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Jaan in [2022.06.28] Photo contest “Maestro of Disguise - 2022”. Results.   
    Yeihh thank youuu so muchh 
  15. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Deprecated in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  16. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Ohikochan in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  17. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Sigma in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  18. Wow
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from vegeta in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  19. Wow
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Ahmedic in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  20. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Ogull in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  21. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Evilnite in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  22. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Salamander in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  23. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Laevateinn in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  24. Like
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from Enot in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

  25. Wow
    TikolinaPat got a reaction from w4n7_50m3_c0ff33¿ in Coquette - Tikolina (Us-Sapphire) 🎀   
    Hello 🤗 here my entry trying to look as much as I could to my char using coquette which is actually one of my favs 🤭
    To make it I used some stuff I already had and modify it a bit so it looks just as the costume! The hat I made it myself with some boxes I had (shopping online boxes finally helped a bit 😅) 
    Hope you like it! 

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