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Everything posted by Higgings

  1. I'm sorry for the late reply. I can guarantee however that the middle branch is very strong for those DKs who invest on HP regen. I reached tremendous ammounts of HP regen with that branch. I believe it will be the first one I will max out actually.
  2. This implies a considerable nerf in PvE even... we didn't really need to be able to stun our enemies further, rather to survive enough to maybe being able to stun them. Cool the interaction with secret reserves; clearly you want us to use that even in PvE. If only runes could be used somewhere else (and not replacing vamp runes which are infinitely more useful for this class)...
  3. Hmm no... no it won't make ppl join just because it's a brand new server. I don't know you, but I wouldn't want to leave a server where I have worked several years on for a decent character just because there's a new server available. It's necessary for you to keep in mind something: opening a new server is an investiment the company does. If this investiment is not repaid in a way or another then it won't be taken into account. Or it won't last too much. I don't see the pros because... let's be real, there aren't that many. The entirety of the reasons are based around the fact that you can't reach a power level you desire because many players (who already reached this state) won't allow you to do the same (e.g. Undoable arena, people who do not help you for quests...). A new server won't sort this out, because it's not the server the problem, if even there is a problem. There are already some which aren't full. I suggest you to join these ones if you want a less challenging environment.
  4. Have you tried to ask on the world chat for help? It's more simple (and definitely cheaper) than creating a brand new server from 0, you know Many players would need a reason to join this new server. We have got already some which are not even close to be full, and for a new server to come you would need the old ones to be filled.
  5. I don't understand the difficulties you're describing. In which way would a new server sort the problems you said? Moreover, I remind you the game you're in is a MMORPG: you can't really pretend to play alone here, for you would have to stop at a certain moment of your journey cause you'll lack of some currencies.
  6. And the game won't be balanced in accordance to any 1vs1 scenario; it has never been balanced this way.
  7. First of all: you need players for a new server. Second, you need to maintain these new servers, which means either new ppl buying coins or increasing the coins' cost to maintain the new server. It's far easier for you to completely switch server rather than joining a brand new one. It would make no difference for you since you're ready for the step anyway. Besides, what would make this hypothetical new server not identical to the old ones? It would just be a matter of time for this situation to also be present in this new server, don't you think?
  8. You described a heaven. Ahh... how cozy and warm *wakes up*
  9. You can't find anything else on forum these past days which isn't about nerfing chiefs (with proper points ofc), when it comes to nerfs proposed to the MC side. So yes, y'all on about nerfing chief and only nerfing chief, because none of our pathetic classes represents a proper threat to the elf side. Unlike elf side, our pathetic classes have to work together to achieve something; your side struggles to find a proper purpose to healers even, since almost every class can do anything. Elf side reached a point where there's little to no difference between a damager, a tank or a healer, because every class but very few exceptions can do pretty much anything without the aid of another class; long story short, what you all have been going through this year, MC side has witnessed it since the beginning of its existence. Devs didn't help much in this sense. I pray for your words to be heard by them and not to have ppl who advise you to use pots or buffs against a class and pretend to call it a solution. You all should start consider to give BMs some books then, because if we are really here speaking of how dangerous a reaper can be to a BM, then there's a lot of gaps which require to be filled. The only reasons why I'm not able to find anything is because the class is new, and you need someone rich or lucky enough to get an Orci book for a BM.
  10. The system has seen this interaction as suspicious; this is usually a restriction done to those suspected of having bought in game currencies with real money, for example. There's little we can do in forum. You will have to wait for more days, I'm afraid. Make also sure to check the spam folder of your email account. I bid you luck!
  11. Feel free to try. Let me know if you manage to achieve even 30 seconds against an elven party. I'd be glad to hear your experience in that case The DK died. Idk what you're on about by saying that it never dies.
  12. In none of my words you might get that you are low amped or such. From my words you might get (maybe) that I am assumig you're trolling; In which planet would someone request a nerf for a class you can already kill duo, exactly as the game requires? Besides, if you state that you can kill Wardens and BDs easily and that you had more troubles vs a class incapable of counting on any defensive stat besides the ones given from the equipment, allow me to say that you haven't faced very good Wardens or BDs (but mainly Wardens).
  13. Beastmaster, Warden. DKs die even with Orci, unlike Wardens. True, but let's not forget It's the only class out of the entire MC side which consistently competes with the elf side. Nerfing it means having the necessity of buffing all of the other classes to the point y'all might desire to nerf the entire side. That's at least in the current scenario.
  14. Yea, definitely an invincible class. Definitely deserving a nerf since you couldn't kill it in 2 minutes; you had to fight for (brace yourselves) 3 more intense minutes where that DK just stood doing nothing but eating your stuns. Clearly the fact that he might have invested tons of money and gold (not to count time) for that kind of equip just to survive 3 more minutes against 2 CC classes is irrelevant, isn't it?
  15. And this is the reason why nobody would reasonably stack those pots if not for many kind of scenarios, such as Resist potions and such. You don't because we all are allowed to use such buffs (which is wrong in environments such as Arena, imo). Balancements should not be made taking into account buffs and potions someone might use. And the same goes when it comes to counter a class. So you are also aware that this is a pretty situational statistic. And as such you all persist with the nonsense of stacking as many items of that kind as possible vs 1 single class.
  16. I'm glorifying that 55% damage on top of everything else Seekers can count in while having that talent on. And again, the answer was making up a build (let it be even relics - those count on builds) for a single class. And you're also comparing the purchase of Resist items/pots (needed cause every single class on elf side stuns, in a way or another) with the purchase of pots useful only vs Seekers (other "heavy hitters" heal. Which means the pot is useless). What can I say? Don't forget to also stack some when you'll face Chiefs.
  17. The statement was that I could actually even damage a seeker with the sole help of retribution, which is not the case. As you stated, the result was a mere negation of Life Steal, which is surely helpful but not in a way that makes a buff request made from ppl legitimate imho. If you want something else, then just buff the other talents as it was suggested several times, but if you opt for a glass cannon build, then - by definition - you gotta be glass and seekers currently aren't - at least in arena. So far, the answer has been to wait for Xmas / Anniversary to stack enough potions so that people could finally have a chance vs Seekers. This way, Seekers will surely be "a joke", just to die soon after vs any class capable of stunning. If you don't find anything wrong with this sentence, then I am afraid that there's little to be said more.
  18. I did. And as a tank, they didn't die. It's the very reason I'm commenting.
  19. Seeker doesn't even need to be healed when the very purpose of this build is to be a glass cannon. You don't have the material time to kill this class in arena, let alone if it has got back up classes (which means every single class in elf side but Ranger maybe). And no, retribution doesn't make their life impossible. Just harder.
  20. Magic globe is not a better option, nor is it accessible to every player.
  21. This is not entirely correct though. Other classes have surely got their direct buffs with no trade off, but those classes do not have such skills permanently active. Besides, your low HP based books (Power of Vampirism, the Spring Def ones etc) will be also running; on top of that, you got 55% of permanent damage reduction on a class which is supposed to deal damage and not to be tanky. That's the very point of it: your class is a damage dealing class and there is no logical sense in halving the damaged received permanently if you're not a tank. You may then understand that it sounds incredible to me to read a request of also reducing HP based damage sources, when they are the only way to counter this skill of yours. I'm speaking in a mere PvP scenario; PvE is unknown to me when it comes to Seekers. If this part of the skill gets indeed buffed as you say, you will be capable of one shotting our casters with no measures of Counterattacks aside resist stat. I agree on the parts where you ask for reworks on other branches though.
  22. Just few dudes who started the game as DKs and Quit it playing DKs; seeing in the meanwhile other tanks getting noticeable buffs while they had to wait for years just to see Saturation being a Permanent Skill. Let's make a test: I give you a damage dealing skill which heals you in certain situations; a damage dealing skill which also deals AoE damage all around an area 3x3 wide; I give you a branch talent which increases for free your magic dmg basing it on the ammount of your physical damage. On the other hand, I give you a 4 sec 20% damage reduction transferable on allies, a Skill which triggers if you're under a certain ammount of MAX hp which is based on the most outdated statistic the game has to offer and which goes in complete contrast with the very purpose of this class (which, I remind you, is tanking via LS) and a basic defensive skill which got discretely good which requires however a relic in order to be maximized. Now tell me: what's more appealing or even more useful? Being a punch bag which takes a bit more than 10 seconds to die or a class which could even help dealing some damage but dies in the very moment a damager aims it? Because this is what we are talking about, in the end of the story. I would like to talk about this on a different topic though
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