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  1. Wow
    Lustz reacted to Marcelo-TU in Fluxo Reverso - Reformulação   
    Primeiramente ela está funcionando da forma em que foi feita para funcionar, mas os números de alvos atingidos estão altos demais. 

         Venho aqui falar de forma simples e detalhada sobre a habilidade Fluxo Reverso do templário que atualmente em batalhas massivas está sendo um grande problema, pois basta uma quantidade muito baixa de templários para fazer o caos em uma Guerra ou GxG com uma única habilidade.

         Começaremos pela descrição da habilidade:

    Relíquias que ajudam na duração do tempo e da eficiência dele;

         Ela dura 7 segundos sem qualquer modificação como relíquias de Controle Unido de castelos, que aumenta de 25% a 40% dependendo da formação do grupo para fazer o efeito dela.
         O fluxo upado no 5/5 já pega uma quantidade muito alta de 6 Jogadores a cada segundo oque resulta em: (6x7 = 42) alvos PvP sem contar com a Grã-Relíquia De Feitiços Múltiplos e a de Controle Unido que fazem aumentar a duração do fluxo no chão e o número de alvos. Com a Grã-Relíquia de Feitiços Múltiplos o valor de alvos base sobe para 9 (9x7 = 63) sem a influência da Controle Unido. 

    Sem contar que o fluxo ignora quem já está preso por correntes (Mago), grilhões (Paladino), raízes (Druida e Invocador) e busca sempre novos alvos que não estejam sobre nenhum efeito desses listados anteriormente, oque faz que ele seja muito mais eficaz mesmo tendo outros controladores ao arredor de si.

         Segue abaixo alguns vídeos demonstrativo do que apenas um fluxo de 7 segundos e com a relíquia de feitiços múltiplos é capaz de fazer:

    Primeiro Fluxo.mp4     Com apenas um fluxo, ele conseguiu empurrar todos presentes ali para outro lugar, exceto quem resistiu, empurraria mais, porém neste teste contamos com aproximadamente a presença de uns 31 players em média.      Agora para ficar mais claro de ver a quantia de players veremos de outro ângulo:

    Redondo.mp4     Novamente empurra todos da área do centro aonde o fluxo foi jogado, de 9 Alvos com relíquias passa para um número muito maior quando se trata de Alvos PvP oque é um número absurdo em grandes batalhas massivas como a Guerra e alguns GxG.
         Agora veremos em uma tentativa de passar sobre o fluxo:

    Tentando Passar.mp4       Com apenas Dois templários revezando fluxo entre si já serão capazes de bloquear totalmente um ponto de acesso como por exemplo a passagem da escada da T4 até a T3 Sentinela, que é apenas um único pixel para todos passar.                                                                           = 

    A reformulação dele seria simples

    Bastaria sempre que o limite de alvos indicados na descrição fosse atingido o fluxo empurraria somente 1 vez todos, porém a duração do efeito seria aumentada para 4s - 4.5s igual ao circulo sombrio do bruxo, só que ele empurraria apenas uma vez com o efeito do atordoamento aumentado para ficar o mais justo possível, por que não existe outra habilidade de qualquer classe que chegue a um número tão exorbitante de alvos PvP.

         Obrigado, o intuito deste post é apenas para mostrar o quão forte está o fluxo no quesito de pegar players, e apenas buscar uma solução para o mesmo.

  2. Like
    Lustz reacted to Easymeow in Жнец... или нет?   
    Решил сделать микротему про некоторые проблемы жнеца в различных аспектах игры и возможно получить ответы на некоторые вопросы. Это скорее проблемы "сырости" отдельных навыков, нежели самой концепции класса.
    • PVE
    Итак, что можно сказать о данном персонаже в пве? Пианино из 3 кнопок. В форме демона у вас в ротации 3 скила: Аннигиляция>Потрошение>Длань преисподней>Потрошение>Аннигиляция. И так пока не закончится рага (ненависть). По спаду формы тоже в принципе жмем 3 навыка: Снисхождение хаоса, Приближение безумия, Потрошение. Иногда можно нажать Взрыв хаоса, но в целом в этом почти нет необходимости. В целом приятный персонаж после игры на охотнике.
    Единственный навык который вызывает вопросы это:
    Чёрная метка. К первой части баффа вопросов в целом нет, условно полезная вещь, хотя качать этот навык никто в здравом уме никогда не будет. Почему? Потому что помимо точности сюда зачем то добавили абсолютно бесполезный бафф защиты. Почему бесполезный? Давайте разберемся.
    Навык дает каждому персонажу в пати помимо жнеца 5/9/12.5/17.5% к физической и магической защите, жнец получает полный бонус (х2). Для примера возьмем абсолютно средних персонажей и посчитаем что же это даст.
    Ткань: в среднем имеем 4700 чистой защиты при +8 шмоте и без руны в голове. В гильдии у нас будет 4700*(1+0.15(пассивка гильдии на 15%))=5405 или 45,4%. Жнец использует свой скил, наша защита становится 4700*(1+0.15+0.05(те самые 5% которые нам дал жнец))=5640 или 46,5%. Думаю комментарии по приросту излишни. Далее кратко.
    2 уровень навыка. 5828 или 47,3%. Бафф на 1.9% реальной защиты.
    3 уровень навыка. 5993 или 48%. Бафф на 2.6% реальной защиты.
    4 уровень навыка. 6228 или 48,9%. Бафф на 3.5% реальной защиты.
    Тяж (кожу опустим, там что-то среднее между тканью и тяжем): средний танк +9, чистый деф 7700, с бонусом от щита и гильдии 10010 или 60,6%.
    1 уровень навыка. 10395 или 61,5%. Бафф на 0.9% реальной защиты.
    2 уровень навыка. 10703 или 62.2%. Бафф на 1.6% реальной защиты.
    3 уровень навыка. 10972 или 62.8%. Бафф на 2.2% реальной защиты.
    4 уровень навыка. 11357 или 63.6%. Бафф на 3% реальной защиты.
    Как видите чем сильнее ваш персонаж, тем меньше эффективность от такого "полезного" эффекта. Без каких либо изменений этот навык так и останется чисто техническим. Те у кого есть средства на адекватный шмот (тритоны) вообще не будут его использовать, поскольку надобность закрывать кап точности отпадет.
    • PVP
    Первое о чем хотелось бы сказать, крайне слабая инициация. Её можно сказать вообще нет. Если вам дали начать бой так как вам хочется - поставьте свечку за здоровье оппонента(-ов). Проблемы со входом в форму, нет вариантов накопить рагу кроме как БИТЬ, чего не позволяет абсолютно любой рдд. Проблемы с выживаемостью, отложенная смерть это не -80% урона по персонажу как многие почему-то подумали, а лишь растягивание этого урона на  время. И поскольку у жнеца больше нет защитных скилов/хилки то и законтрить этот урон мы можем лишь одним способом. БИТЬ! Но как помните, с битьем у нас возникают некоторые проблемы.
    Что касается достоинств, так это хороший урон. Если ваш противник допустил ошибку (или уснул во время боя) и при условии что вы попали оба раза по противнику станом, этот стан не ушел полностью в абсорб - жнец практически за 3 скила хоронит многих. Особенно это касается ребят с 40% устоя и 3 пве шмотками. Кроме урона есть неплохая мобильность, когда блинк был 4 ярда было заметно хуже, но эту мобильность сложно реализовать из-за посредственного антика.
    Перейдем к навыкам которые вызывают вопросы.
    1. Приближение безумия. Мы тратим 3 поинта просто чтобы накапливать больше ненависти. Всё, больше тут ничего не меняется. 

    Что можно было бы сделать с навыком чтобы он позволил все таки подышать против тех же рдд?
     Приближение безумия (активный)
    Время перезарядки: 40 сек.
    Мгновенно накапливает 3\4\5\6 ненависти  и накладывает на персонажа положительный эффект "Безумие крови" на 10 сек. Эффект увеличивает количество ненависти, которую персонаж накапливает при атаке навыком "Потрошение" на 1. По истечении времени действия эффекта накапливает 1 единицу ненависти за каждые полученные 2500/2100/1700/1300 урона. 
    В демоническом обличии навык недоступен для использования.
    Что дает такое изменение:
    1) Появляется стимул качать навык.
    2) Появляется возможность накапливать рагу не только нанося урон, что делает персонажа не таким беспомощным в некоторых ситуациях.
    2. Отмщение. Абсолютно неюзабельный навык. Зачем вообще возвращать старое отражение в игру? Сначала урон режется о ваши защитные характеристики, зачем о защитные характеристики противника. Очень полезный скилл (нет). Плюс идет распределение между целями и качая навык вы делаете его слабее (!!!) в ряде ситуаций. Выхода тут может быть два.
    1) Завысить урон до значений в 100+%, чтобы хоть он что-то начал бить.
    2) Сделать игнорирование защиты отраженного урона как это сделано с нынешним отражением.
    3. Длань преисподней. Смущает собственно вот эта часть "если обе атаки нанесли урон". То есть помимо шанса на уклонение/блок/парир мы получаем шанс не застанить вообще если на цели висит щиток (преимущественно паладина). Слабая инициация наше всё, видимо.
    • GVG 
    Со стороны персонаж выглядит вполне годным для массовых сражений. Смущает лишь одно. Без формы вы никто, хуже чем разбойник. Даже ключевой (!) талант требует форму чтобы дать аое стан. Блинк требует форму чтобы повесть аое урон. Цепи требуют форму чтобы дать аое рут.
    То есть сейчас, чтобы сделать хоть что-то на гвг нужно:
    1) Нажать приближение безумия, получить 7+1 раги.
    2) Нажать в кого-то потрошение при этом желательно не получить контроль (на гвг то). У нас 11 раги.
    3) Если вы получили контроль раньше чем дали первый скил - стоим афк или бьем в кого-то кто рядом если это были оковы.
    4) И вот спустя 3 (если очень повезло) или 10+ если очень не повезло секунд боя ваш персонаж становится боеспособным. На целых 14 секунд. Потом порочный круг повторяется.
    Собственно тут только 1 пожелание, отвяжите что-нибудь одно из вышеперечисленного от формы. Даже просто наносить всегда урон кровотоком уже будет лучше чем молиться чтобы вас не убили до формы.
    Хотелось бы увидеть какую-то реакцию по конкретным навыкам от @Holmes @Hedfuc. Будут ли меняться механики ДО выхода классов или нам осталось ждать правок лишь в циферках? 
  3. Like
    Lustz reacted to Marcelo-TU in Bug guild totem in buildings   
    Hello everyone, I come here to report a bug and ask for its correction, during wars, it is being very annoying and impossible to deal with, because we have no way to defend ourselves from it.
         I refer to the Guild Totem, which after the periodic damage update managed to affect buildings and flags in war, it started to cause flag damage in a very annoying and discouraging way with those who are on defense.
         Totem cooldown is very low, so they are always taking turns totem until the first one comes back and stays in this cycle.
    Being 10 minutes to return, they are only taking 10 guilds that have totem up and using it to take turns in the war, thus always taking a lot of life from it. And this is being a problem.
         Follow some videos of him acting and the damage done to the flag:
    First they start the war like this, at the exact moment it starts they release the first totem to make the cycle. 

          My suggestion to resolve this is:
    1º Completely remove damage from him dealt to buildings like other classes abilities.
    2º Increase their time from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, thus preventing them from doing this easy damage to the flag.

    2.1º Why supponse that each totem takes 7.000 life points from the flag, in a interval of 10 minutes using each one followeb by another, it will have taken 70.000 in just 10 minutes of war. (Amount of damage is just an exemple).
         It's been a very annoying bug to deal with and, I'm not saying that only one side is using it, it works for both, we ask for it to be correct as soon as possible because it's discouraging.

    Thanks for listening.

  4. Thanks
    Lustz reacted to LeeLoo in [2022.08.29] Evento da semana “Força das Guildas” e Festa da Temporada!   
    Bravos guerreiros!
    Ora, parece que os últimos dias do verão serão bastante quentes! Somente esta semana, você terá a chance de aumentar significativamente a força e o poder da sua guilda, além de ganhar várias recompensas valiosas!
    50% de desconto ao subir o nível de uma Guilda, de 1 a 11 níveis (menos pontos de guilda e ouro necessários); 50% de desconto no aprendizado de todas as habilidades passivas da guilda para todos os níveis (menos pontos de guilda e ouro necessários); 50% de desconto no aprendizado de todas as habilidades ativas da guilda para todos os níveis (menos pontos de guilda e ouro necessários); 50% de desconto na renomeação de uma guilda; O dobro de pontos de guilda ao concluir todas as masmorras. Durante esta semana, qualquer membro da guilda pode visitar livremente todos os níveis de dificuldade da masmorra de guilda “Coliseu dos Campeões” com a própria guilda! Além disso, os requisitos adicionais para o nível da guilda serão removidos para a entrada! Recompensas especiais também foram adicionadas nas masmorras só durante o evento:
    traje exclusivo "Heavy-handed Jabbar" foi adicionado à Masmorra "Coliseu dos Campeões" (a chance de obtenção de itens aumenta com o nível da masmorra); 2 recompensas ao concluir o nível de dificuldade fácil, normal, difícil e heroico da masmorra “Coliseu dos Campeões”; 3 recompensas ao concluir o nível de dificuldade mítico da masmorra “Coliseu dos Campeões”. Não perca 20 lugares de prêmios no evento de torneio de guilda "Invasão do Caos" (conta para a conquista Senhores do Caos). Os vencedores receberão como recompensas o auxílio “Tesouro do Caos”, “Fúria Absoluta” e a reputação “Tritões das Profundezas”. Você também receberá ainda mais pontos de reputação:
    o dobro de pontos de reputação com a facção “Tritões das Profundezas” para participação no evento de torneio de guilda “Invasão do Caos”; o dobro de pontos de reputação com a facção “Tritões das Profundezas” para participação no evento de torneio da Guilda “Testes dos Tritões”. E não se esqueça dos 15 lugares de prêmios no Torneio de Guildas (vale para a conquista “Non-fading Glory”):
    Lugares 1-3: o triplo de coríndons carmesins por vencer o Torneio de Guildas, e todos os membros da guilda receberão um Cofre de Ouro.
    Lugares 4-10: todos os membros da Guilda receberão coríndons carmesins e um Cofre de Prata.
    Lugares 11-15: todos os membros da Guilda receberão coríndons carmesins e um Cofre de Bronze.
    Horário do evento e do torneio: 29.08 às 08.00 BRT - 05.09 07.00 BRT
    E não acaba por aí! Um fim agradável para o verão será a Festa da Temporada, que acontecerá do dia 28 de agosto às 19.00 BRT a 4 de setembro às 19.00 BRT. O número de pontos de temporada por concluir todas as missões diárias e semanais será triplicado! Corra para ganhar o máximo possível de pontos de temporada e ganhar aquela recompensa cobiçada!
    A gente se vê no jogo!
  5. Thanks
    Lustz reacted to Nolan in GUILD BLESSING still bugged.   
    Devs are aware of the issue and been working on a fix since then (this one in particular is not as easy as it seems)
    Unfortunately this skill is more problematic than we thought, therefore, in order to make it work the way it's meant to, we ask a bit more of patience until we find a final solution.
  6. Like
    Lustz reacted to Arthas in GUILD BLESSING still bugged.   
    This has to be corrected , it also greatly affects Faction War as guilds approach enemy's flag using Guild Blessing and start spamming Reverse Flow , making it a lot harder to protect the Flag.

    In these 2 examples we can see Reverse Flow being used by players during the effect of Guild Blessing , that way players from the opposing guild are pushed away from their formation , turning into way easier targets , easily killed the second Guild Blessing is over.
    I'd like to see all skills to be completely unusable during the effect of Guild Blessing.

    As you can see here , the player is unable to even run down to his formation , because Reverse Flow will not allow it.
    Please fix this.
    @Holmes @Nolan 
  7. Like
    Lustz reacted to Arthas in Overall changes a lot of players would like to see!   
    Overall changes that would help the game (imo)
    I consider my self to be a player that likes to "do it all" in  game and try to overcome any content possible as a personal challenge , but unfortunately in the last years , the game has come to a state that as long as you and your party are well geared and have medium-high amp all PVE content will become trivial , which to me atleast , is really sad.
    Don't get me wrong , i understand that having AMP + Gear matter in difficulty makes total sense as it is a huge flow of revenue to the company , and it needs revenue to keep working , BUT , what i think should happen is everytime we have a great boost in gear power there should be content that also gets harder , to keep all players having something to work for.
    Theres also other changes that i would like to see :
    (First i'd like to start by thanking the company for the recent changes to multiple builds , multiple relics, that had such a huge positive impact in the community and is something that we have been asking for a long time , really , it was amazing and huge step in the right direction)
    1) More diverse content
    2) Harder Endgame PVE content
    3) More challenging Raid Bosses
    4) Vampirism Nerf
    5) Less Guild vs Guild events
    6) Faction WAR Rework
    Just to make clear , i love the game and think it is by far the best MMORPG mobile game available right now. Still , it does have a lot to improve to grab new players and retain the ones that are already in.
    I'm waiting for feedback and new ideas that i might've not heard before , see you all in Arinar !!  
    @Higgings @Jcbreff @Nolan @Holmes 
  8. Like
    Lustz reacted to TheCaster in [2022.06.03] Update Warspear Online 10.4. Time of discoveries. Preview   
    The numbers from this talent really needs to be looked into.

    Let's say I have 200 energy.  Not too low, not too high.
    70% of that is 140 energy.

    140/ 5 = 28 times.
    So I can absorb upto (28 x 60) = 1680 in 5s before regen happens. The number itself is low considering the enormous buff to dmgers in game. Now this is the ideal situation for a lock standing perfectly still but lock is a class that spam skills constantly and relax has one of the high mana consumptions in game. This talent is guaranteed to stop working in almost all situations of the game very quickly: in arena, in PVE for sure, in GvGs too.

    Again the concept is good, finally providing some survivability to locks but the numbers really need to be adjusted. Mainly the 5 energy cost for 60dmg.
    I recommend 2 or 3 energy per 60dmg to keep the talent functional.

    Hat's off to the dev team. Very elaborate update. New content too. 
  9. Like
    Lustz reacted to Konditer in [2022.06.03] Обновление Warspear Online 10.4. Время открытий. Анонс   
    - контроль + контроль классика
    добротная пве годнота ладно
    в прошлом ребалансе же вроде апнули выживаемость куда еще та...
    па факту юзлес помойка через которую 70% маны будет сгорать от одной тычки рея +10, годна годна
  10. Haha
  11. Like
    Lustz reacted to Marginale in Пару ошибок в скиллах Храмовника   
    Добрый день, сразу к делу.
    1) Навык Обратный поток Храмовника имеет ограничение на число целей-игроков в PvP (так написано). На самом же деле скилл раскидывает и станит неограниченное число целей:
    Навык очень сильный и противный в любых масс замесах, особенно на переходах, где 2-3 храмовника одним скиллом контролят 70-80 человек онлайна гильдии. Надо ли говорить, что делает этот скилл, поставленный даже одним храмовником на Штандарт на битве?
    Сделайте, пожалуйста, с этим что-нибудь.

    Нужно чтобы скилл работал правильно - "запоминал" те цели, которые он откидывает, и воздействовал только на них при достижении лимита целей-игроков.
    2) Мантра исцеления.
    Пофиксите, пожалуйста, применение этого навыка на игрока, который держит корону на Тритонах. На текущий момент этот скилл дает неуязвимость и хилит героя с короной, что делает почти невозможным забрать её у ушей на их базе при равном онлайне даже под сферой. Учитывая то количество кд, которое бафают себе Храмовники (не забываем про +12% кд под водой с собы "Спуск в грот"), мантры кидаются в корону просто без кулдауна, и выиграть борьбу в условиях постоянного реса и наплыва противников становится нереально.
    Даже рука Шамана не давала столь существенного преимущества, как полная неуязвимость к урону, так почему тогда руку быстро пофиксили, а мантра Храмовника работает подобным образом?
    Ждём фикса.
  12. Like
    Lustz reacted to w4n7_50m3_c0ff33¿ in Пару ошибок в скиллах Храмовника   
    Надо как минимум кд купола поднять до кд круга чк.
  13. Confused
    Lustz got a reaction from nilozero in Change the skill , Reverse Flow   
  14. Like
    Lustz reacted to Salazam in Suggestion for new class: BLOOD KNIGHT   
    I think the balance would be quite possible with the proper commitment of the devs.
    it is a class with few ranged skills, no ability to do atk speed, no damage reductions (it has a passive shield that you need to accumulate), it takes damage using skills, and depending on the situation the healing you will have will not be enough to make up for the damage taken.
  15. Like
    Lustz got a reaction from Salazam in Suggestion for new class: BLOOD KNIGHT   
    this class would be very unbalanced but the theme is fun
  16. Like
    Lustz reacted to Jaan in Knowledge Guide - Jaan, Eu-Emerald   
    Knowledge Guide

    Collecting Knowledge seems hard for some people, in this guide I'm trying to show you how I have done my Legendary achievement, the easiest way how to finish Knowledge talents, how to get Knowledge the fastest, how much Knowledge you can get in a single day and way more.
    First of all, What is Knowledge?
    Knowledge is a ressource you need to level up the Class Talent. Each class is divided into a category, for example, there are 4 Categories. Each Category has their own Special Talents:
     Damage Dealing
    -Blade-Dancer, Ranger, Seeker, Mage, Hunter, Rogue, Chieftain & Warlock
    -Warden, Barbarian, Paladin & Deathknight
     Templar & Charmer
    Druid, Shaman, Priest & Necromancer
     Class Talentes are splitten into 3 different Sections. ( Offensive, Defensive and Auxiliary)
    Since we spoke about the talents, lets speak about, what you need to do to get Knowledge, how to gain Knowledge & where to get Knowledge.
    You can get Knowledge from :
    - Dungeon (900 limit daily)
    - Dynamics in Underwater Map                                                                                           
    - Raid Bosses 
    - Quests (900 Limit daily)
    - Guild Events
    - Daily Login Awards
    - Battlepass
    You can get Knowledge from dungeons. The higher the difficulty of the dg, the more Knowledge you get. 
    In my opinion the easiest and fastest way to get Knowledge in dg is Easy Tree. The Dungeon is located at Marakosh(t3).
    The dg takes 2 minutes solo as damager, in a party of 3 people, it  takes less than 90 seconds to finish this dg.
    8 runs needed to finish the daily limit of Knowledge in Easy tree. That way, it will only take you around 10mins to finish the daily dg.
    - Easy         120 Knowledge  each run.
    - Normal    135 Knowledge  each run.
    - Hard        150 Knowledge  each run.
    - Heroic      165 Knowledge each run.
    - Mythical   180 Knowledge each run. 

    Dynamics in Underwater map:
    There are 6 dynamics daily, every single one of them gives Knowledge. The upper ones are easier than the down ones.
    You are only able to do them if they are activated. How to activate them? How to finish the dynamics? Dynamics 1-4 has no cooldown to activate. Dynamic 5-6 do have a cooldown of 3h. Once it's activated, you got 90 minutes to finish the dynamic.
    You can receive 450 Knowledge daily from Dynamic.
    - 1.  Blowfish Monster.   Reward 75 Knowledge 
          - Kill 6 Elite Mobs at the upper part to activate this dynamic.
          - Kill 20 Horros of the Deep.
          - Kill Blowfish Melanodon.
    - 2.   Infamy of the White Sharks. Reward 75 Knowledge
          - Kill 5 Pirate Baits to activate this Dynamic. 
          - Kill 15 Pirates
          - Kill Captain Thomas the White Shark. (300k Boss)
    - 3.  Will of the Swashbuckler of the deep. Reward 75 Knowledge
          - Kill 12 Sea Baits in down part of Underwater Section to activate this Dynamic.
          - Kill 15 Gladiators
          - Kill Arsinus the Swachbuckler of the Deep.
    - 4. Oath of the Crimson Waters . Reward 75 Knowledge.
         - Kill 10 Elite mobs in bottom row to activate this Dynamic.
         - Kill 20 Crused Octopus.
         - Kill Mytion Purplewater.
    - 5. Airless Frigate.  Reward: 75 Knowledge. 
        - Kill the Diver in the location to activate the event. 
        - Kill 10 Coral Nauplius.
        - Collect Cage with small fish at the barrels near the mobs.
        - Place the bait.
        - Enter the Lower Deck, Touch the shark and swim to the Ruby.
    - 6. Merchant's Treasures. Reward 75 Knowledge
        - Kill the Diver in the location to activate the event.
        - Kill 10 Creepy Ampullaria.
        - Kill Crustacean Mutant
        - Collect Faceless’ Amulet, Eastern Coin and Golden Turban. (Down left, up right and up left.)
    Raid Bosses:
    This is the hardest thing to keep track on. Every Raid Boss gives Knowledge.
    The Raid Bosses die pretty fast, so you have to be prepared to get to them in time.
    You don't have to attack the raid boss or do anything. You'll receive Knowledge just by standing there.
    Max Knowledge you can get from Ayvondil Raid Bosses are 400 daily.
    The Black Elm
    - Located at Marakosh/Anzu-iri (T3)
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge after it's dead.
    - Located at Pelion/Tom-Lugu (T4)
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge after it's dead.
     Captain Giant Octopus
    - Located at the Underwater Map, up from Doom Island.
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge after it's dead.
    - Located at the Underwater Map, up from Lonely Island.
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge after it's dead.
      Event Raids
    - There are usually Event raids at Horror, Snow and Spring Event.
    - Each of them usually gives 60 Knowledge.
    Quests are the one of the easiest thing to get Knowledge from. Each town in Ayvondil gives different amount of Knowledge. The harder the town, the more Knowledge you get. For me, as mcoin user, the fastest way I finished quests was. Get Quest at Marakosh, (T3) Take the collecting quests and buy the items from the Miracle coins shop, after you've done that.. you only need to finish 5 more quests to gain the max Knowledge after that. Easiest way to finish Knowledge.. Finish Pelion (t4) quest.
    Kronus's Labyrinth/ Astral Labyrinth
    - 60 Knowledge each Quest
    Norlant Swamps
    - 60 Knowledge each Quest
    Maliat (T1)
    -  60 Knowledge each Quest
    Tlaskoe (T2)
    - 60 Knowledge each Quest
    Marakosh/Anzu-Iri (T3)
    - 70 Knowledge each Quest
    Pelion/Tom-Lugu (T4)
    - 70 Knowledge each Quest
    Albatross Harbor/Thunderbird Port (T5)
    - 80 Knowledge each Quest 
    Guild Events
    To be able to get Knowledge from Guild Events, you should try to join a higher level guild, the chances to get the max Knowledge daily is very high there. Being in a lower level guild, would make it more difficult to gain Knowledge, since higher level ones are more active. My guild has finished this event daily, So I was able to get 1400 Knowledge daily just from Events. (2x Music of Magic, Wild Hunt) 4 GP Events daily. How to do them?
    Wild Hunt
    - 12 Hours Cooldown, can be done twice a day.
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge after the event was completed, (200 Knowledge max a day)
    - Find Rottung in Castle's and kill it.
    Music of Magic
    - 12 Hours cooldown, can be done twice a day.
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge after the event was completed. (200 Knowledge max a day)
    - Kill Nocturna
    Filth's Dungeons (Maliat t1 Event)
    - 16 Hours cooldown, can be done twice a day. 
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge in the first stage, 150 Knowledge in second stage.
    - Creatures of the Gray Hollows (First Stage): Kill Hornets/Cavers 
    - Satraps Lair (Second Stage): Kill 8 Satraps (300k Bosses)
    - Max Knowledge each Event: 250 Knowledge
    Lord of the Depths (Tlaskoe T2 Event)
    - 16 Hours cooldown, can be done twice a day.
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge in the first stage, 150 Knowledge in the second stage.
    - Cave Predators (First Stage): Kill Ayotls and 2 Chupacabras. 
    - Pontifices Abode (Second Stage): kill 8 Pontifices (300k bosses). 
    - Max Knowledge: 250 Knowledge (500 if done twice a day)
    Grove of Black Elm (T3 Marakosh Event)
    - 16 Hours cooldown, can be done twice a day.
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge in the first stage, 150 Knowledge in the second stage.
    - Dangerous Plants (First Stage): Kill Faiding Flowers/Malefibloom
    - Putrid Lands (Second Stage): kill Mistress of the Swarm, Rotten-Bud Ashud, Five-mouthed Goose and Moon-Maned Shandon
    - Max Knowledge: 250 Knowledge (500 if done twice a day)
    Rusty Wastelands (T4 Pelion Event)
    - 16 Hours Cooldown, can be done twice a day.
    - You will receive 100 Knowledge in the first stage, 150 Knowledge in the second stage.
    - First stage: Kill 6-8 Baits. You don't need to kill different baits, even killing the same bait, will finish the Stage.
    - Second Stage: Kill 200k Bosses(Steam & Horse) and Petriks.
    - Max Knowledge: 250 Knowledge (500 if done twice a day)
    Special Event
    During the Spring Event, you can receive Knowledge from Magister Avaris(NPC). You must gain spring reputation to be able to buy Knowledge.
    You will receive 250 Knowledge for 400 Spring Reputation.
    Daily Log in Rewards:
    This Feature is pretty new. You have to log into the game to claim the awards daily. In 20 days, you can get 2000 Knowledge.
    Day 3:
    - 500 Knowledge
    Day 8:
    -500 Knowledge
    Day 13:
    -500 Knowledge
    Day 18:
    -500 Knowledge
    In the Battlepass, you get the most Knowledge at once, you will get around 9500 Knowledge from the Battlepass if you buy it, if you don't buy the Battlepass, you will only get 4500 Knowledge. After reaching 850 Points in the Battlepass, you are able to receive a Knowledge buff "Great Knowledge" which increases your gained Knowledge by 20%.  In my Opinion, the "Great Knowledge" buff is very needed. You should try to get it shortly.

    However, the maximum Knowledge you can get in a day is 5050 Knowledge without the Battlepass buff. You need around 500k Knowledge to finish all talents. However, to finish talents in a fast and not stressful way, you should find a very active guild. If you want try to finish Knowledge talents on your own, it will take way longer to finish. 
    Thanks for your attention, I hope this will help some people.
    Jaan, Eu-Emerald

  17. Like
    Lustz reacted to Salazam in Suggestion for new class: BLOOD KNIGHT   
    Concept: The ''BLOOD KNIGHT'' is a damage class, which can also take on an off tank role, just like the ''Blade Dancer''.
    The Blood Knight is a physical damage class focused on using skills, a physical damage caster, something we don't have in the game yet.
    It is made to be a class with high damage and resistance, medium control.
    It is a class that would serve as a front line in the legion's battles, something the legion currently needs.
    His abilities have a life-spending mechanic, and lifesteal of their own.
    WEAPONS: Two-Handed Axe, Two-Handed Sword.
    ARMOR: Heavy and Light Armor.
    this is an example of a possible pve assembly of the class: https://wsdb.xyz/calc/pt/74432
    this is an example of pvp assembly https://wsdb.xyz/calc/pt/74462
    1 - Reaper Blow
    TYPE: Active - dmg skill
    RANGE: Melee
    COOLDOWN: 8s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES: 1.5% of maximum life
    LIFE RECOVERY: 5% of damage dealt
    EFFECT: Deals increased physical damage to the target. 
    2 - Leakage Blood
    TYPE: Active - dmg/mobility skill
    RANGE: 5m
    COOLDOWN: 18s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES: 2% of maximum life
    LIFE RECOVERY: 5% of damage dealt
    EFFECT: The Blood Knight teleports to the selected location (3x3), dealing physical damage to enemies in the area.
    Damage is dealt both at the location the character was when using the skill, and at the location the character selected to go to.
    3 - Blood Chains
    TYPE: Active - control skill
    RANGE: 2m
    COOLDOWN: 20s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES: 1% of maximum life
    EFFECT: Traps nearby enemies (2m) in streams of blood, preventing them from moving. From skill level 4 onwards, the use of enemy skills will be blocked during the effect of this skill.
    4 - Blood aura
    TYPE: Active - permanently active skill
    RANGE: 1m
    COOLDOWN: 8s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES WHEN USING: 1% of maximum life
    LIFE RECOVERY: 2% of damage dealt
    EFFECT: Deals damage to nearby enemies (1m) every 2s. enemies that take damage from this ability receive a reduction in attack speed.
    5 - Blood bath
    TYPE: Active - buff
    COOLDOWN: 30s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES: 1.5% of maximum life
    EFFECT: Increases the Blood Knight's armor and magic resistance.
    1 - Blood lust
    TYPE: Passive
    EFFECT: Every 5% of lost health, increases ''Life Steal'' and ''Resistance'' parameters. 
    2 - Incitement
    TYPE: Active - Aggro skill
    RANGE: 2m
    COOLDOWN: 14s
    MANA: X
    EFFECT: Provokes nearby enemies (2m) to attack the Blood Knight. additionally increases the blood knight's ''Parry'' parameter. 
    3 - Dark blessing
    TYPE: Active - buff
    COOLDOWN: 75s
    DURATION: 15s - 30s - 45s - 60s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES: 1% of maximum life
    EFFECT: Increases the character's ''Penetration'' and ''Critical Damage'' parameters, the increase starts low, and increases over time. Resetting the skill also resets the bonuses.
    4 - Reap 
    TYPE: Active - dmg skill
    RANGE: melee
    COOLDOWN: 22s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES WHEN USING: 3.5% of maximum life
    LIFE RECOVERY: 10% of damage dealt
    EFFECT: Deals high physical damage to target, skill damage increases with enemy lost health.
    5 - Colossal fissure
    TYPE: Active - dmg skill
    RANGE: 2m
    COOLDOWN: 20s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES WHEN USING: 2.5% of maximum life
    LIFE RECOVERY: 7% of damage dealt
    EFFECT: Deals damage to nearby enemies and knocks back nearby enemies (2m). 
    6 - Blood Barrier
    TYPE: Passive
    EFFECT: a % of all damage dealt by the character is accumulated as a shield, the maximum value of the shield cannot exceed 35% of the player's maximum health.
    7- Steal the voice
    TYPE: Active - control skill
    RANGE: 4m
    COOLDOWN: 20s
    MANA: X
    EFFECT: silences the enemy player, and increases the Blood Knight's ''Ability Cooldown'' parameter
    8 - Amputate limb
    TYPE: Active - dmg skill
    RANGE: melee
    COOLDOWN: 18s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES WHEN USING: 2% of maximum life
    LIFE RECOVERY: 5% of damage dealt
    EFFECT: Deals moderate physical damage to the enemy, and with a chance equal to the character's ''Critical Hit'' adds a bleed to the enemy for 12s, if the enemy receives the bleed it will be slowed.
    9 - Garahan's Force
    TYPE: Active - buff
    COOLDOWN: 60s
    DURATION: 15s
    MANA: X
    LIFE EXPENSES WHEN USING: 5% of maximum life
    EFFECT: during the effect, whenever the character uses an ability, the cooldown of all other abilities will be reduced.

  18. Confused
    Lustz reacted to Daniel Pinheiro in Classe Hunter com stun infinito   
    GM são mc nunca vão balencear as classes como deveria
  19. Thanks
  20. Like
    Lustz reacted to vegeta in Templar - Reverse flow BUG!   
    @Nolan @snorlax @Holmes@Hedfucsince alot rebalances of skills n also damage reflections changes . Will we see this bug fix too in this update .been months with no changes  just for 1 bug . It's being abused at wars merman and other gvgs. Dk curse was fixed in just 1 week while Templar still abusing it ..they come under guild blessing n push people from middle spot ( it's not the mantra skill of Templar).post was made in July n it's December now . 5 months is alot of time I guess 
  21. Cool Story
    Lustz got a reaction from Invorial in [2021.12.22] Game servers restart. Welcome to the Snow Boundary!   
    May I ask a question, Holmes, are there any restrictions on the Tears of Harad player's goals?
  22. Like
    Lustz reacted to Nark in Звериный гнев   
    На данный момент мы имеем навык на 4\4 с данными параметрами

    Хотелось бы увидеть в навыке дополнительный параметр(второй) при экипированном одноручном оружии , так как на данный момент это единственный навык дающий скорость атаки но при этом не имеет второго вспомогательного параметра как у искателя, разящего клинка, охотника , рейнджера, разбойника и даже у шамана с жрецом присутствуют дополнительные параметры в схожих навыках.
    По моему мнению и некоторых других игроков самым оптимальным вариантом было бы добавить увеличение урона от критического удара , так как это ты никак не отразилось на пвп составляющей. 
    Данный навык качают исключительно физические вожди для пве составляющей в которой он помогает собрать желаемое количество скорости атаки 70% совместно с книгой или бафами  (без книги скорости и сторонних бафов невозможно собрать 70%). Хотелось бы что бы физическая ветка вождя могла конкурировать с другими классами.
    При экипировании двуручного оружия в идеале бы хотелось что бы навык увеличивал физический и магический урон персонажа, так как на данный момент двуручное оружие имеет меньшие показатели урона нежели когда экипированы 2 одноручные булавы и пробив с навыка их не перекрывает разницу в уроне.  И это бы помогло актуализовать двуручное оружие на вожде , так как оно не эффективно на данный момент. 
    Некоторые могут написать что я много хочу на вождя особенное люди играющие на хранителях , но вы как обычно забываете что у вас на фракции 2 самых сильных дамагера в игре искатель и разящий клинок и они имеют уникальные навыки дающие Силу атаки ( и Увеличение урона от критического удара у искателя) и при этом очень низкую задержку между автоатаками с кинжалами по сравнению с одноручными булавами. И на их фоне согласитесь вождь кажеться не таким сильным  в пве. И у гор появился бы впервые дамагер имеющий в своих навыках увеличение урона от критического удара и хоть как то смог бы составить конкуренцию охотнику и дамагерами хранителям(так как у легиона нету шансов переагрить босса на мирных локация даже после апа охотника).
    Насчёт урона вождя при том что он милишник (у них должен быть выше урон чем у дальников) на фоне разящего клинка и искателя он не такой уж и огромный выходит иза разницы в навыках которые дают им огромное преимущество в пве да и в пвп тоже. У вождя урон в общем завязан на касте навыков и скорости атаки, на автоатаках как разящий клинок и искатель он не сможет даже рогу конкурировать. 
    Данный ап направлен скорее  на физических вождей и актуализацию двуручных оружий на вожде , в большей степени  на пве составляющее . 
    @Holmes @Hedfuc Что думаете по этому поводу? В прошлый раз по поводу охотника вы ко мне прислушались , надеюсь на дальнейшее содействие
  23. Like
  24. Thanks
    Lustz got a reaction from Nolan in Conquistas de castelo: guia, programação   
    O buff cura t1 aumenta 10% da cura.
    T2 15%
    T3 20%
    T4 25%
    T5 30%
    Mas as informações aqui dizem 30% em qualquer um, o "ataque excepcional" também não é 15% em todos
  25. Sad
    Lustz reacted to TheCaster in Warlock Rebalance: The changes that we need but don't deserve!   
    Hello everyone,

    There have been numerous number of thoughts and opinion posts about all the class reworks around the entire forum. I noticed that there wasn't one about locks in the international forum so I have taken it upon myself to do an in-depth analysis and provide some suggestions that could benefit the class overall. Let's get started.

    "Developer commentary: The Warlock had problems with energy, which in a number of game situations did not allow it to fully realize the capabilities of the class. Reducing the energy cost of some abilities, as well as increasing defensive potential and survivability, compensate for the weakening of key control skills."
    Warlocks are controllers with very high survivability and one of the most easiest classes to play so it was really important to introduce some of these changes.

    Warlock commentary: The defining skill of the warlock that displayed too much efficiency especially in mass battles. Since the resist parameter doesn't exist in game, it was important to increase the cooldown. Adding onto the fact that, the other side does not have many aoe stun skills, the developers did really well in nerfing this skill.

    Suggested change: I personally feel that the cooldown of 20s is too low as this would still let the warlock use the skill every 15s or so. The cooldown of this skill should be increased to 40s since it's a really powerful skill that stuns so many as compared to Templar's reverse flow, paladin fetters and other sentinel AOE stun classes. This would greatly benefit the balance on both factions.

    Warlock commentary: As we're all aware, one of the most powerful skills of the warlock that silenced many enemies at a time while reducing their magic def, this skill was just asking for a nerf. Since one nerf of this skill wasn't good enough, it's only right it takes a hit another time. Again, locks don't have to worry because since we're losing key skills the developers have made sure there's a subsequent increase in other skills of the lock,

    Suggested change: Increase the duration of the skill back to 12s. But it shouldn't be used very often by locks, since warlocks never get stunned in GvGs so increase the cooldown from 30s to 50s. Reduce magic defense reduction from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 > 2 / 3 / 4 / 5. It's only fair as zero's at the wrong place could have drastic effects. It's also important to push all enemies in the zone out of it every 2s so they don't get silenced often.

    Warlock commentary: The best healing skill in game upto date. To be fair increasing the numbers on this skill by 10% on both sides is a bit too much in my opinion as this skill works brilliantly alone without any combinations of other skills. It's been known to heal warlocks from low hp to full hp instantly especially in arena battles and GvGs with just 1 click of a button. I have seen bladedancers attacking locks for over 10 mins but not able to outdmg this awesome heal skill.

    Suggested change: Decrease the range of the skill from 4 yards to 1 yard since healing so much in arena from so far is not ideal. Make a 3 skill combination of weakness zone, grimoire and exhaust. Now, the enemy must have both (zone + grimoire) debuff at the same time to activate the extra healing effect of this skill.
    Warlock commentary: The best talent on the warlock skill tree that's worth every grind in knowledge. I mean who doesn't want 2.5% damage reduction that stacks to 5 buffs almost instantly without depending on grimoire? It's good that there is a max number of stacks otherwise all locks would have accumulated this talent within seconds of its use making them extremely tanky with 12.5% damage reduction. It's almost a passive skill.

    Suggested change: Similar to exhaust change, this talent should not activate without a 3 skill combination.
    Warlock commentary: One of the key skills of warlock that everyone invests skill points in due to it's massive AOE damage. But still since warlock lost a little bit of their key controls, it's only fair they get compensated by 18% in this department. In PVE, this change might increase the pool damage from 240 per tick to 2400 per tick as we all know zero's work differently for locks. Not to mention in the PVP department, the skill might change from 50 to 5000 damage per tick with this increase creating a massive imbalance.

    Suggested changes: This skill should not just be resisted, when more than 2 enemies are in the affected area, Harad himself descends to erase this skill and increase it's base cooldown by 12 minutes.

    Warlock commentary: Some conspiracy theorists say that the enemy is feared so bad that they reach Mars.

    Suggested changes: Everytime a warlock clicks this skill, it should drain 50k mcoins. Since it always gets interrupted now, the developers should at least make some money from the nincompoops who even try to use the skill. If the player doesn't have 50k coins, the interruption chance should be increased to 100% directly.

    Warlock commentary: Best life saving skill. Period. There have been rumors that staring at a lock in stone body reduces the reaction time and IQ of the enemy player behind the character to perform repetitive tasks. One of the few skills that carry over it's effect to beyond the screen.

    Suggested changes: Pulls all enemies in a 5x5 radius around the warlock towards it. This effect cannot be resisted.. Alternatively, reduce the heal from 4/6/8/10 every 2s > 1/2/3/4 every 2s but increase duration of the skill to 2/ 3/ 4/ 5 MINUTES. This helps the player grab a glass of water or make a cup of coffee as we all know sometimes we need a break from the game and hey, why not right after stone body?
    Also suggest renaming this skill to "Coffee break".
    Warlock commentary:  Another relatively easy and practical skill combination of locks. One of the most popular skills that's been rightfully buffed. There have been cases were a lock has applied hex and the enemy has waited patiently for 8s as a sign of respect so locks could apply this skill and achieve high damage reduction.

    Suggested changes: This skill shouldn't work at all if power of relaxation is not on. Enough said.

    Warlock commentary: This 1 and 2 unit reductions in mana regen cost might help locks to switch out all regen crystal on accessories with pene ones. Might want to reconsider the numbers.

    Suggested changes: Since warlock playstyle is too simple, I propose to mix things up a bit. If any of these skills are used consecutively, then the warlock instantly loses 50% of his mana. This will encourage the use of complex analytical and statistical models by lock players thereby contributing to the field of science and mathematics which is something no other class can boast about.

    VISUAL CHANGES: The :troll: emoji is sometimes not readily available for free to play players. So I have a suggestion that might make it more accessible to everyone. Every time an enemy resists a warlock skill, the :troll: emoji should pop up.

    With this we come to the end of your comments and suggestions. I'd like to thank everyone who patiently reached all the way here. This post would not have been possible without our developers so a big thank you to them. 
    @Holmes I know you're flooded by tons of messages messages about the rebalance but if you could use google translate to include these suggestions too, the entire warlock community would be ever so greatful.

    @Nolan If this post doesn't reach the devs or other admins, please help us warlocks by making sure it reaches the concerned individuals.
    Last but not the least, I'd like to tag some people who I think would enjoy reading this. @Unkindled @Higgings @Jcbreff @Afatoldman @Lwn @Buuuu @LeeLoo @Revolt @Horimiya @Khrone
      P.S: I hope the russian members can understand through translator.
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