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Posts posted by Lucstriker

  1. On 8/19/2023 at 7:16 AM, Arthas said:


    Лето подходит к концу, а мы еще даже не получили вторую часть превью обновления. Я хотел бы знать, есть ли какой-либо прогноз, потому что я лидер гильдии, и у меня есть много друзей, которые перестали играть, потому что они обескуражены текущим содержанием игры.


    Это очень странно, как работает эта компания, каждая игра, в которую я играл, выполняет огромную работу по рекламе для новых игроков и ажиотажу для постоянных или возвращающихся игроков перед большим обновлением, есть месяцы подсказок, постов, создания ажиотажа, попыток привлечь в игру новых игроков, а WARSPEAR ничего не делает, буквально ничего.

    Мы просто остаемся в неведении с одним постом годовалой давности, который практически не дает нам информации.

    Должны быть еженедельные посты со «спойлерами» и как минимум реклама в каждом медиа-профиле Warspear.

    Нам нужно больше людей, почему компания почти не работает над тем, чтобы использовать обновление в качестве аргумента в пользу продажи?

    Есть много людей, которые отказались от игры за последние несколько месяцев из-за того, насколько повторяющейся стала игра (конечно, из-за отсутствия каких-либо крупных обновлений контента в течение многих лет), а также из-за того, что на самом деле не предоставляя контент, намеки на то, чего ожидать и искать.

    Я не могу быть единственным, кто замечает эту закономерность и видит в ней огромную проблему.

    @Holmes @Hedfuc @snorlax 

    2022.07.29] Em desenvolvimento: Almahad, a Ilha da Liga Sem-Correntes.  Parte I - Notícias e Anúncios - Warspear Online official forum

    Or we need it too


  2. I see it in other games and I think it would look perfect on the map that will come in the next update.

    Implement a "Task" system, what would a "task" be? It's a system of killing mobs and from killing X mobs, you accumulate points so that in the end, you get a mission to go to a specific location and kill a boss. It usually takes several mobs, from the lowest rank to the highest rank.

    Normal class creatures (Kill 100000) = 5 "Task" points

    Strong class creatures (Kill 10000) = 10 points

    Elite class creatures (Kill 1000) = 15 points

    And at the end of each mission, you accumulate an amount of points and at the end the boss costs about 100 "Task" points so that you can kill him.

    Remembering that you will have 7 days to complete the kills from the moment you get the mission.

    The boss of the task is in an area that you can only access with the mission "Kill the boss".

    Could you put the npc that does this and that sells buffs too, like in the spring event (x points for a certain buff)

    The reward system can be expert skills, new items, pots, scrolls, bars, classless book.

    Usually the drop goes from 3 items per dead boss and has a special drop characteristic of the boss (Your skin) all within the specific percentage of the drop and its rarity.

    A positive point is having several options for "kills" and several bosses spread across the map, but depending on the mob kill and the result of accumulated points.


    I hope it is possible to implement a system similar to this and improving it.

  3. Eu vejo em outros jogos e acho que ficaria perfeito no mapa que virá na próxima atualização. 

    Implementar um sistema de "Task", o que seria uma "task"? É um sistema de matar mobs e a partir de matar X mobs, você acumula pontos para que no final, você pegue uma missão de ir até um local especifico e mate um chefe. Geralmente são necessários vários mobs, do mais baixo escalão até o alto escalão.

    Criaturas de classe Normal (Mate 100000) = 5 pontos de "Task"

    Criaturas  de classe Forte (Mate 10000) = 10 pontos

    Criaturas de classe Elite (Mate 1000) = 15 pontos

    E no final de cada uma missão, você acumula uma quantidade de pontos e no final o boss custe uns 100 pontos de "Task" para que você possa ir mata-lo.

    Lembrando que você terá 7 dias para completar as kills a partir do momento que pegar a missão.

    O boss da task fica numa área que só poderá ter acesso com a missão "Mate o chefe".

    Poderiam colocar o npc que faça isso e que venda buffs também, igual no evento primavera (x pontos por determinado buff)

    O sistema de recompensas pode ser habilidades de especialistas, itens novos, pots, pergaminhos, barras, book sem classe.

    Geralmente o drop passa de 3 itens por boss morto e tem um drop especial característico do boss (Sua skin) tudo dentro da porcentagem especifica do drop e sua raridade.

    Um ponto positivo é ter várias opções de "kills" e vários bosses espalhados pelo mapa, mas dependendo do abate dos mobs e o resultado de pontos acumulados.


    Espero que seja possível implementar um sistema parecido com isso e indo aperfeiçoando.

  4. 8 hours ago, Nolan said:



    Caros jogadores!


    Observe que amanhã, 19/07/2023, às 04:30 BRT, a nova versão do cliente 11.4.2 estará disponível. As seguintes alterações serão feitas após esta atualização:    

    • corrigido um bug, onde jogadores com classificações de "Líder" e "Mão direita" não podiam se definir como Comandantes de Guilda;
    • corrigido um bug onde o registro do armazém da guilda poderia carregar infinitamente se outro jogador naquele momento estivesse interagindo com o armazém; 
    • melhorada a qualidade de exibição de sorrisos com a opção "Pequena interface" habilitada;
    • aumentado o tamanho do “Menu de Sorrisos” com a opção "Pequena interface" habilitada.

    O jogo ficará indisponível por aproximadamente  1 hora .


    Lembre-se de que todas as alterações estarão disponíveis apenas na nova versão do cliente 11.4.2, portanto, não se esqueça de atualizar assim que possível! Lembre-se, que a nova versão do cliente para diferentes plataformas pode sair com atraso. 

    Além disso, não se esqueça que os elixires e lacaios usados serão pausados e o vigor do explorador será restaurado se o jogador estiver na masmorra no momento do reinício.


    Pedimos gentilmente que não planeje nada importante durante este período e pedimos desculpas por qualquer inconveniente que isso possa causar.



    Essa reinicialização vai corrigir os "spam" que ficam aparecendo um atrás do outro, mesmo depois de sair do chat? (spam de mensagem da guild, spam de pots, cards produzidos nos castelos. Spam de itens desmontados, de crafts produzidos, Skills atrasadas, etc. Todos com atrasos e aparecendo na tela infinitamente quase. Um botão poderia ser adicionado, para ocultar esses spams. @Nolan

  5. Olá, sou apenas um jogador que começou a jogar warspear em 2013, onde não havia muito conteúdo e nenhum tipo de disputa tão acirrada igual temos hoje ou tínhamos.
    Com as novas atualizações, vem não só novos conteúdos, mas também uma serie de fatores positivos e negativos. Gostaria de deixar aqui, um fator muito importante, pelo menos em nosso servidor BR-Tourmaline, a nossa competitividade em grandes batalhas (GvG, War, Raid bosses) e pedir que vocês voltem com os GvGs como eram antes, onde havia uma disputa por pontos, território e rank de classificação por pontos (#1 a #10). Entendo que no atual jogo, o gvg disponibiliza uma ideia boa para os jogadores mais fracos de conseguirem o seu farm free, mas, essa ideia acaba com os ânimos dos jogadores que estão competindo e assim os fazem até mesmo desistirem do jogo (Eu sou um deles). Se for para deixar os GvGs passivos assim nos próximos eventos, creio que uma grande quantidade de jogadores desanimarão e isso não seria bom para ambas as partes. Espero que o halloween traga um GvG e eventos competitivos e não passivos. Se for para continuarem colocando GvGs onde possa ter vantagens para as guildas mais fracas conseguirem o "free" na dg, que os GvGs sejam iguais ao GvG dos Homens-peixes, onde haverá uma disputa e será pareado de acordo com o seu nível da guilda.
    Vou deixar um vídeo, onde foi o auge do GvG atual em nadir e, infelizmente não é mais assim!

    Não acabem com a nossa diversão, deixem os GvGs como eram antes e ouçam mais a comunidade brasileira! 


  6. On 12/13/2021 at 7:22 AM, Nolan said:


    icon_skill_illumination.png Illuminação

    • O dano do poder mágico da habilidade foi reduzido: de 110 \ 120 \ 130 \ 140%, para 70 \ 80 \ 90 \ 100%.


    On 12/13/2021 at 7:22 AM, Nolan said:

    icon_skill_steel_hurricane.png Furacão de Aço

    • Aumento no dano mágico da habilidade: 75 \ 90 \ 115 \ 145% do poder mágico, para 90 \ 115 \ 145 \ 190% do poder mágico.



    Qual é o sentido nerfarem a Iluminação e Buffarem o Furacão de Aço ? Sendo que furacão é baseado no poder maior do DK (magico ou fisico). Acho justo colocarem o mesmo sentido na Iluminação do paladino ou devolverem o dano da iluminação, pois dk causa o mesmo dano ou agora causará muito mais dano.... Sem nenhum sentido esse balanceamento de vocês. @Nolan @Carlos Eduardo Oliveira Figueredo Barroso


  7. 19 hours ago, King Death said:

    Nos posts relacionados a classe, no discord e mesmo depoimentos de jogadores no jogo, todos falam sobre o dano da classe está inferior diante das outras, e agora recebe um nerf no potencial de "boom proc" da classe. Eu realmente não entendo. O bônus de tiro duplo não é nada comparado a força de ataque de 25%, 30% ou o dano crítico como as outras classes receberam. 

    Todos os últimos "balanceamento" só vieram nerf atrás de nerf nessa habilidade, além do nerf nas armas. Estão por descaracterizar a classe por não cumprir o que seria a proposta principal demonstrada inclusive na criação do personagem como "maior DPS do jogo". @Nolan não deixe essa classe morrer, se atente as queixas do jogadores.

    De resto, mudanças necessárias, ainda que tenham esquecidos algumas mudanças igualmente necessárias dessa e de outras classes.

    Isso aqui eles acham justo? 11seg sendo low em... Carrega rápido e bate 80% do dmg. Se podem nerfar a skill do ranger que quase nunca pega, essa aqui que usa quase insta, podem nerfar? @Nolan


  8. 51 minutes ago, Arthas said:




    Adeus meu bom amigo.

    Foi bom enquanto durou.


    R.I.P. Barbaro






    Brincadeiras a parte ,espero que o server teste traga algumas mudanças pra minha classe. Nerf na pele é algo compreensivel, mas tem que ocorrer com mudanças em outras skills pra entrarem como substitutos mesmo que mais fracos.

    F Brb dmg........


    58 minutes ago, King Death said:

    Nos posts relacionados a classe, no discord e mesmo depoimentos de jogadores no jogo, todos falam sobre o dano da classe está inferior diante das outras, e agora recebe um nerf no potencial de "boom proc" da classe. Eu realmente não entendo. O bônus de tiro duplo não é nada comparado a força de ataque de 25%, 30% ou o dano crítico como as outras classes receberam. 

    Todos os últimos "balanceamento" só vieram nerf atrás de nerf nessa habilidade, além do nerf nas armas. Estão por descaracterizar a classe por não cumprir o que seria a proposta principal demonstrada inclusive na criação do personagem como "maior DPS do jogo". @Nolan não deixe essa classe morrer, se atente as queixas do jogadores.

    De resto, mudanças necessárias, ainda que tenham esquecidos algumas mudanças igualmente necessárias dessa e de outras classes.

    Acho que é apenas um anuncio e "poderá ser mudado"... Realmente a skill não ativava muito, mas reduzir mais da metade do dano em algo que nem sempre pegava, é ruim para a classe... Enquanto o Hunter está um fuzileiro naval de tanto dano e controle, o ranger está só a decadência... Bora ver no test-server, grande maioria dos russos jogam de ranger, capaz de serem mais notados falando sobre o ranger no fórum russo.

  9. On 12/10/2021 at 7:35 AM, Jcbreff said:

    I still haven't quite understood the point of this topic, is it that attack speed is op stat

    The topic was just a feedback, a suggestion, like everyone who came here to say what they wanted. I think it's worth a revamping of "melee speed" and I even think it's fair with the other classes. I don't focus on 1v1 but on the whole and the game has shown that. Now it's up to the DEVs to decide what will be fairer to their game, as the way it is, it's not fair at all. Anyway, everyone has their opinion and I respect that.

  10. 4 hours ago, Higgings said:


    Both can reach 70% speed. I don't know what you're on about.


    1 hour ago, Arthas said:

    And have already advantage just by being able to attack from a distance.

    Both also have High Burst Damage and complete stunlock combos.


    If you took attack speed from Melees it would just make it even harder to combo anyone down before they can kite.

    I understand you see 1v1, but as a team it gets very surreal and sooner or later the DEVs will change that. Increasingly higher level and stronger weapons, soon we will have the news.

  11. 16 hours ago, Higgings said:

    This way classes who cannot reach such ammount of speed will be extremely penalized. 

    They didn't think about it when they did it with the Ranger/Hunter. (bow and Cbow)

    16 hours ago, Raislin said:

    I cant remember what speed bows and xbows were originally set at but regardless these numbers seem really harsh. And like Higgs said, unlike rangers and hunters, melee weapons share many classes and many of them dont have skills that increase speed.

    All classes that use 2 weapons, they have skills to gain attack speed

    And as I mentioned (But of course it depends on the opinion of the DEVs.) It was just an example and suggestion.

  12. 3 hours ago, Kyrai said:

    Dagger to mace! :pin3:

    Ok but that depends because damage classes are nerfed and is really hard kills some classes like tank healers in pvp and decrease speed attack is rip pve

    and there are classes that use axes and those do not have speed, that affects the damage a lot because it forces itself to use daggers and its damage is low

    also 1 second is too much difference for those who do not use attack speed like tanks, imagine hitting every 3.2 seconds :vp-looking:

    They did this in bow and cbow and Hunter/Ranger continues to kill many healers and tanks. Even though daggers being 2.5 with 70% speed hits really fast... Anyway, it was a suggestion and I think it's necessary.

  13. 3 hours ago, Arthas said:

    I did not understand this part , it was probably lost in translation.

    But i assume you meant i said BRB = BD which is absolutely not true.

    But they are both Tank/Dps as a core of both classes/skillsets.


    Anyways , let us all hope for the best.


    I just laughed at your bd comparison. As much as BD uses heavy items, he is rather a dps (has no class tank skills). The barbarian is a tank with high damage. With the ease of reaching 70% attack speed, many are using these items from dps in barbarian, even in warden it would be cool... But as I said, it doesn't make sense for class tank to be "full dmg" like you want. If you need me, I'll be here.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Arthas said:


    It isn’t a buff at all.

    Its a Rework


    But anyways , this post along with a few others that were voted on Discord have already been sent to the Developers to further analysis.


    Hopefully they will bring good changes to all classes.



    As Nolan made clear, it was just feedback. Certainly the developers are working as best as possible and not 1v1. Let's expect another wonderful work from the team.
    Having notion and coherence is the least to be expected... Bd = a brb, it's killing anyone to laugh. 

  15. 18 minutes ago, Arthas said:

    You really should do some testing with BRB if you think 2handed are good. 
    I’m sorry , but you are incorrect.

    2-handed at this moment is useless.


    As i’ve stated above.

    The burst damage increase does not make up for the loss in so many more aspects.


    You’d lose 90% of your defensive power , because you wont be able to rely on stone skin.

    Last Wish activages for 8 seconds every 90 seconds, It is incredibly situational

    2-handed has no combo, because Shield Strike is linked to a shield.

    No stun = no combo

    No combo = you deal a burst damage , dealing maybe 1.7-2k damage if the player isnt as geared as you are.

    They will stun you and walk.


    1-handed =
    More defensive power

    More damage ( a lot more consistent )

    Has a combo


    I’m sorry , but you have no idea of what you are talking about.

    Exactly because barbarian is a tank and not full damage... It's a well balanced class in terms of damage... I've already left the opinion and chieftain came to show that it's full damage and full support at the same time... I think that by itself, could already reduce the barbarian's defenses a little and leave the damage the way it is. I know you are asking this for playing barbarian, I also play and I do not agree with such a "buff" requested by you.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Arthas said:

    I don’t think you even tried to imagine the changes ive suggested.


    Changing Shield Strike would incentivize 2 handed weapons , thats the only change.

    Using 2 handed weapons is automatically a 90% defensive power nerf because we would lose Stone Skin which is our strongest skill.


    Changing Last Wish would create a substitute to stone skin but WAY WEAKER then stone skin.


    A Barbarian would go from

    10/10 defense

    4/10 damage



    7/10 defense

    7/10 damage



    It would open a realm of possibilities to what a player can create with their character.

    Today every Barbarian is forced to play the same cookie-cutter Stone Skin build.

    It's not hard to imagine, it's hard to agree with you. It's not personal or to nerf the barbarian class, but to keep what it is and just reduce its absorptions a little. Two-handed Barbarian is very good at PvP/PvE. I really don't think they're exploiting the great potential of the barbarian. If they do what you're asking, surely in the near future it will get "nerfed" and it's more of a problem for the game. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, Arthas said:

    Its not the potential of the class.


    The potential of any class is tripled when in possession of those books.


    The whole suggestion is to decrease defensive power and increase offensive power.

    Classes are not BOUND to anything.

    Just look at Blade Dancers.

    A class in its core designed to be a Tank/Dps and Barbarian is absolutely the same.


    Look at Barbarians skills. And you’ll realize it can most certainly be less focused in defense and be a viable dmg dealer if a few changes are put in place.


    Every class should have options.


    Do you see BD as a tank? Does the class have 80% stone skin? "Last Wish" absorbing 75%? See bd with shield and mace? So it's not the same... Currently bd is only for 1v1 and arenas... Barbarian is "full tank" and even though they will lower their defenses, it's not necessary to raise more damage for barbarian. I think you are wrong to try to equate bd with barbarian.

  18. 26 minutes ago, Arthas said:

    They are incredibly tanky.

    But they dont have a considerable Damage at all.


    Do tests with normal accounts. Not with characters that are at the TOP of class potential, as no other character will reach that strength , and no Developer in their right mind will change 500 people’s account to nerf 1 specific character.



    Thats how class balancing is done.



    A +8 Barbarian can take a lot of hits , but cannot kill anything that has self sustain.

    And who said to nerfing 1 player?
    I just showed the potential of the class, and with the ease of today, it's quite likely that they have more barbarians like that... A little more time and investment, anything is possible. Now to give more damage to a class that is a tank, it doesn't make sense! I think they are not exploiting the potential of the right class. I have a barbarian and I know what I'm talking about. Luckily I played in several classes and I still play.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Arthas said:

    oh boy , here we go again

    You say like theres unlimited skill points.

    As said before , the suggestion is to decrease defensive power , and compensate the change in “Stone Skin” by making Last Wish a more frequent activation skill and changing Shield Strike to another skill that isn’t locked to having a shield.


    Barbarians are forced to 4/4 Stoke Skin

    As thats where 90% of our defensive power comes from

    Forced to 4/4 Berserker
    If they wanna deal atleast a little bit of decent damage (otherwise its impossible to get 70% speed)

    And forced to 4/4 shield strike

    Or they wont have a stun.


    How exactly do you think any Barbarian can use points in Barbarian Nature?



    The video you are showing here isn’t proof of anything at all unfortunately.

    Classes are not balanced around 1 character , and specially not around a player that has Both Orcinus and Orctopus books as the Barbarian shown above.


    If that Paladin had the same power/books that fight would have gone in a totally different direction.


    Classes are balanced around normal players.

    Normal Barbarian players :

    Dont have 70% speed

    Are not full +10. 
    Dont Stack 2 Mermen Auras

    Do not have Octopus and Orcinus books



    Normal Barbarians have really good defensive power , and really bad damage.

    But anyways , you’ll keep thinking that you understand more of people’s classes then themselves , lets just let the Developers do all the tests that are needed and change what they see fit.




    I sure know how they are... But barbarian is a tank and already has considerable "damage" for a class that serves to withstand the maximum damage received. Even though his defenses are reduced, the barbarian remains a "super tank" like a rock.

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