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There should be some guild warehouse space assigned for heirs. So that explorers can't withdraw from those slots.

It will help guild leaders to keep their expensive items safe from scammers like unity pots,stamina etc. Not much but only 5-10 slots or it can also depend upon leader that how many slot he want to keep for heirs in warehouse.


As a part of warehouse scam I will say that scammers mainly joins any good guild by saying that he is XYZ and it is his other char and some one finally invites him. After getting invite he finally asks for rank change and finally he withdraws expensive items and leaves guild.


I hope it will help a bit.


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Option: make all explorers newbies.

Your problem is solved.


That's not always an option. If u are toure and the member are supposed to do gp, but no heir is online, they can't withdraw unity pots... Warehouse scamming is quite annoying... I think a sort of option like that would help ver much.. maybe the leader can deposit some items, for example unity pots, and then can make it like, every player can withdraw x of this item every day or so.

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Just dont put expensive items in WH...


That's not always an option. If u are toure and the member are supposed to do gp, but no heir is online, they can't withdraw unity pots... Warehouse scamming is quite annoying... I think a sort of option like that would help ver much.. maybe the leader can deposit some items, for example unity pots, and then can make it like, every player can withdraw x of this item every day or so.

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Option: make all explorers newbies.

Your problem is solved.

Thats a kind of joke


Just dont put expensive items in WH...

Ya but wh is made to keep items. Scammers dont see that its worth 1k or 100k, if they will see any item they will scam.


Or devs should add a bank where you can store your stuffs etc.

I dont think that they gonna do it.

Edited by rachit
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