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Time to open tower


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Dear admin :give_rose: ,


first i proved to announce that Dominators guild reached to lvl 2 :yahoo: . Now we want to lvl up but the problem is dat we cant achieve 663k GP with noob quests of Isrelnort and lab and swamps.. :facepalm:

i kindly request you to open the tower so we can achieve da required GP to lvl up.





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It ain't time to open yet.


2 questions, if you don't mind.



Will the next update or the one after it provide more ways to earn Guild points?





If not, How long must we wait?

I mean you don't expect us to do quests designed for mid levels everyday just to get that 662900 guild points, that would take forever. Took us a week for 72000 guild points but we all worked 24/7 doing daily quests and using unity potions, imagine doing that for 1 whole month, too much if you ask me.

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Berengar tower :blush: , it was create long time ago by rich shaman from m.clan, when motherland of montain clan/iresnort released



In the heart of Irselnort amongst Grey Mountains is standing greatly secured stronghold. It was built by Berengar, the best sorcerer of his era, many centuries ago. The rich history of Mountain Clans started there, united by Berengar’s power.

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2 questions, if you don't mind.



Will the next update or the one after it provide more ways to earn Guild points?





If not, How long must we wait?

I mean you don't expect us to do quests designed for mid levels everyday just to get that 662900 guild points, that would take forever. Took us a week for 72000 guild points but we all worked 24/7 doing daily quests and using unity potions, imagine doing that for 1 whole month, too much if you ask me.


Yes we get more gp from tower quests

U cant even achieve in a month i u do all quests with potion

I try dat. But lost patiance i need more quests dan what we hav

If i do with same quests i need 3 months r more to lvl up



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Nice pic snorlax,

Comng to point i no da is closed as iam checking tower everyday.

I want u to open da tower..r tell us when u r gonna open it

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