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How i think current skills should be balanced


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Everything is just my opinion, please give your suggestions and questions below.

P.S Not trying to nerf one side so that the side i play would win

P.S.S [-] means everything is fine and nothing shoud be changed


Lightning Bolt: -

Healing Dev: -

Barkskin: Should give more armor at all ranks

Entangling Roots: -

Insect Swarm: - Should do less damage and add an effect that would reduce healing power (The target will be healed less by a certain percentage)




Flash Strike: -

Aggresion: -

Parry: The percentage to parry the ability gives should be increased at lower ranks

Sap: Damage the skill reduces should be increased by 5-10%, attack speed reduction removed

Hamstring: -




Powerful Shot: -

Scatter Shot: Target affected by Scatter Shot should move in random directions not in a straight line

Evasion: The percent to dodge the ability gives should be increased at lower ranks

Ranger Blessing: The additional damage the ability gives should be reduced

Beast Trap: - Cooldown decreased at lower ranks




Strong Blow: -

Roar: The incoming damage reduced by ability should be increased at lower ranks, casting time removed

Taunt: -

Chop: - Should have an effect that would reduce the healing power (Target will be healed less by a certain percentage)

Charge: - Should always stun




Kick in the Back: Should lover the accuracy of the target for some time, not for certain amount of hits

Merciless Strike: -

Dodging: The percentage to dodge the ability gives should be increased at lower ranks

Gouge: -

Stealh: -




Ball Lightning: -

Healing Spirit: -

Earth Protection: Should give more armor at all ranks

Lightning Blast: Duration of the effect should be slightly reduced

Earthquake: The ability should not be able to crit




Purifying: -

Fetters of Justice: - Damage reduction should be reduced

Light Aura: -

Persuasion: -

Heavenly Light: -




Harad's Tears: Chance that Harad will start crying while the ally is attacked should be reduced

Word Power:- Should reduce the current energy, not the maximum energy

Armistice: -

Holy Shield: -

Healing Touch: -




Fire Ball: -Should have an effect that would damage the player over the period of time

Time Warp: -

Stone Shatters: - Damage should be reduced

Illusory Chains: -

Sun Armor: -




Poison Spittle: -

Deathly Eye: -

Nightmares: - The duration should be reduced at lower ranks

Bone Shield: -

Ancient Seal: The amount of energy the ability consumes should be reduced




Arrow of Darkness: -

Life Exhaust: The ability should be removed ( but the warlocks would have only 4 skills so it's not fair)

Dark Circle: Stun duration should be reduces at higher ranks

Plash of Darkness: Make it look like a circle of some kind of dark matter, not water

Fear: -



Death Knight

Thorn of Death: -

Exhalation of Darkness: The damage that ability increases should be reduced

Provocation: -

Threads of Darkness: -

Dark Shield: -











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Lower damage on stone shatters of mage? Thats the most ridiculous thing ive read for some time.


Lv1 warp 360

Lv5 shatters 384

This is my damage and even though, lv5 shatters is close to lv1 warp, how much more less do you want shatters to be?


Fireball dot? Thatd be quite overpowered


All mage needs is wider warp area, 3*3 is small, bring up the 5*5 xd

Joke aside, all it needs is chains to stop skills and movements. Enough said.

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Amazing suggestion => Remove all skill

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XD we back to old ws (v0.7.0), just 2 skill in old ws

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i disagree, all skills are well balanced:



Lightning Bolt: -

Healing Dev: -

Barkskin: Should give more armor at all ranks [makes druid tank and i dont like]

Entangling Roots: -

Insect Swarm: - Should do less damage and add an effect that would reduce healing power (The target will be healed less by a certain percentage)




Flash Strike: -

Aggresion: -

Parry: The percentage to parry the ability gives should be increased at lower ranks [1% parry/skill lvl is gd no need up it cuz parry unique]

Sap: Damage the skill reduces should be increased by 5-10%, attack speed reduction removed [sap already is the best dmg reduction u wana make it more op?]

Hamstring: -




Powerful Shot: -

Scatter Shot: Target affected by Scatter Shot should move in random directions not in a straight line [scatter is moving target away not blinding him]

Evasion: The percent to dodge the ability gives should be increased at lower ranks

Ranger Blessing: The additional damage the ability gives should be reduced

Beast Trap: - Cooldown decreased at lower ranks [the cd is 10sec  :facepalm: wht u want it 1sec?]




Strong Blow: -

Roar: The incoming damage reduced by ability should be increased at lower ranks, casting time removed [no cd? :crazy: great barb 100% roar machine]

Taunt: -

Chop: - Should have an effect that would reduce the healing power (Target will be healed less by a certain percentage)

Charge: - Should always stun [if 100% stun than there is no difference between lvl1 and lvl5 charge]




Kick in the Back: Should lover the accuracy of the target for some time, not for certain amount of hits

Merciless Strike: -

Dodging: The percentage to dodge the ability gives should be increased at lower ranks [rogue already getting 39%dodge u want him to get more? :facepalm: this is the badest suggestion i saw.. my maximum acc is 21% u want rogue op dodger?]

Gouge: -

Stealh: -




Ball Lightning: -

Healing Spirit: -

Earth Protection: Should give more armor at all ranks [same as druid, healers arent tankers]

Lightning Blast: Duration of the effect should be slightly reduced

Earthquake: The ability should not be able to crit




Purifying: -

Fetters of Justice: - Damage reduction should be reduced [fetter doesnt reduces dmg much, u want it to be lowered?  :shok: ]

Light Aura: -

Persuasion: -

Heavenly Light: -




Harad's Tears: Chance that Harad will start crying while the ally is attacked should be reduced [ :lol: sry but i couldnt stop myself]

Word Power:- Should reduce the current energy, not the maximum energy

Armistice: -

Holy Shield: -

Healing Touch: -




Fire Ball: -Should have an effect that would damage the player over the period of time

Time Warp: -

Stone Shatters: - Damage should be reduced

Illusory Chains: -

Sun Armor: -




Poison Spittle: -

Deathly Eye: -

Nightmares: - The duration should be reduced at lower ranks

Bone Shield: -

Ancient Seal: The amount of energy the ability consumes should be reduced




Arrow of Darkness: -

Life Exhaust: The ability should be removed ( but the warlocks would have only 4 skills so it's not fair)

Dark Circle: Stun duration should be reduces at higher ranks

Plash of Darkness: Make it look like a circle of some kind of dark matter, not water

Fear: -



Death Knight

Thorn of Death: -

Exhalation of Darkness: The damage that ability increases should be reduced

Provocation: -

Threads of Darkness: -

Dark Shield: -






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What i meant with Roar is removing the casting time not cooldown. When you cast Roar you stoo for a second. I mean when you cast Heavenly light, why dont you stop then. Barkskin gives you suoer low defense, you wont become a tank. Rogue dodge doesnt give him much, i personally have barb with 21 acc and miss 1 in 50 hits

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What i meant with Roar is removing the casting time not cooldown. When you cast Roar you stoo for a second. I mean when you cast Heavenly light, why dont you stop then. Barkskin gives you suoer low defense, you wont become a tank. Rogue dodge doesnt give him much, i personally have barb with 21 acc and miss 1 in 50 hits


all spells has casting delays same period of time but u dont see it for some skills, try running threw adds and just when the adds stop hiting u, cast any kind of spell and ull see the add attacking u again, thats becuz of the casting time for all spells its the same ;)

and for the rogue i think becuz u didnt meet some high dodge rogues, try some in ur server and ull see ur gona miss 50% of u r attacks


:friends: ik u worked hard on them so good job :good:

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Only hard thing was backing out and typing because i did this on the phone. If you dont agree its fine, these are just MY suggestions, maybe you have any to add here  ::)

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totally this game is incomplate,

max level = level 50

level 50 = 25+5 = 30 skill poin => I think max skill = 8-9 skill

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XD we back to old ws (v0.7.0), just 2 skill in old ws



Melee was never good. Shaman was the best those days...

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