Hey master,
I'm apologize to say but I think the new expert skill (Blood Protection) for Death Knight need an improvement. I'm a DK for almost 8 years, I never feel enough tanky to tank with our skills. Let's say Exhalation of Darkness or Threads of Darkness, what's the function of those skill exactly? People could avoid Exhalation of Darkness because it takes long time to cast, and bosses could resist Exha and Threads of Darkness.
Meanwhile, our expert skills are also weak. Death Call need high magic damage to deal some decent damage. Steel Hurricane works if enemies are nearby the DK (1-3 yd) and sometimes with desync of the game, Steel Hurricane doesn't deal damage even if enemy looks like nearby the DK.
Sharp Shadow? Secret Reserve nerf? Blow of Silence that people could have from relic? Blood Protection that only 8 secs protection and need mana to use? Saturation which spend HP too much to gain lifesteal (if you could deal damage to your enemy)?
Can we compare with Warden which can heal without doing anything, without waste their mana. I'm sure other DKs want too. Thanks for your attention.