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Everything posted by Travifive

  1. So, an astral arena body+gloves will give you about 4.5% more resilience for the lvl 17 equips. Would healers have to much of an advantage if they add astral arena equips?
  2. I found an old lvl 14 screenshot too. Good memories. :) And, here is some recent ones from the last couple days too.
  3. Do you think the arena tournaments should have awards? Is this even a tournament? Are you really killing your own afk guild members for guild points? to win the tournaments? AoA I like you for your strong fighters, almost legendary status, the amount of money you pump into this game so that we can have updates and dream about higher level caps and new skills.... Hassn, you are innovative, I will give you that. Man..... but at what cost? I'm not casting stones, I don't know everything, but can anyone explain to me what I am seeing? Im kinda blown.... Funding enemy factions for... Exploiting gp... Whats next?
  4. Wow, a picture is worth a thousand words.
  5. Gratz AoA! You worked hard for it. I hope to still see you in arena!
  6. I help for free. But then if anyone asks me for gold I always say no, that's my balance.
  7. Resilience should only reduce Critical chance and damage, in my opinion. -It should not add to physical defense %- or...... Change Resilience % to all defences both physical and magical Both options would help melee classes
  8. I am still waiting for a GM to message me to become the EU Elf/Chosen Chat Mod. I got this.
  9. Make all mobs hostile to all players and widen the stairs east of the Caravans to be 3-4 spaces. Problem solved.
  10. I am totally slacking on my Priest. :sorry: I kinda raided half the gt set for my Mage and I use the Priest for storage... It is kinda sad really. Get me motivated and I will fix the him.
  11. Yes sun armor and chains should be maxed. :-D
  12. I would second Juniorcel. I really like the timewarp skill. It is just under fireball in damage, plus it is aoe. Secondly, it is a great skill to get yourself out of trouble.
  13. When this skill is cast it brings everything that is currently around you to a new target area 4 yards away right. Would the fetters skill activate before the Paladin teleports so that the target 4 yards away is unaffected? Or, will you grab those creatures around you, teleport, then cast fetters?
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHA Ok Where do I apply for this position!?
  15. It is a great idea! Finally a weakness to those dark circles!
  16. I agree. I see so many mages looking for this cape and I think they are to the point of paying over 500k for a cape lol. Its only a cape!
  17. Buying Ruberius Bright Cape EU-Emerald Chosen/Elf Travisious/Travifive
  18. 139 signs to get from +9 to +10 Night Prince Rod. Meanwhile my girlfriend is on 800 signs and still cant amp her xbow to 10. Yea she was pissed and wouldn't talk to me. FML If I win i still lose
  19. I may know whats going on. I have several +10 things on several characters. I believe Azebu and the random generator. Except I dont think it is affected by the time of day, places, or any buffs. I think it has something to do with the number of spheres and signs in your inventory, this is my experience... To get from +9- +10 after I get my b-day/Christmas money.... -250 signs and spheres on my character, all fail no amp. -500 signs and spheres , all fail. Yet when Im poor and manage to bearly get 15 stacks from sign day from sellers.. 100 signs fail... 50 signs.... Success on the 39th one ----------------------------- This was just recent for my Night Prince Rod. But thinking back on many items it seems that when I don't think i have a chance to get that one more amp, because I didn't get many signs, I seem to. And when I think I am going to because I feel like I have hundreds of stacks I give up before my account is dry. Idk I could be wrong. But I would recommend amping with about 5 stacks at a time. I could be right, it could be coincidence.
  20. I noticed in some games that pets would have the ability to pick up drops. Why not have that as an option for minions here. Right now minions are practically useless to me but if they could gather items I would consider actually buying them.
  21. Get better at using your classes.
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