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4.0 IDEAS!!!


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Me and a friend were talking about some cool 4.0 ideas we came up with. We were thinking of having the devs add 2 more factions, the pirates and the tribes (change name if neeeded). The pirates and the tribe will be at an alliance with eachother just like fb and chosen, mc and forsaken. But for this to happeneen u will have to expand the 2nd island the accomidate for the 2 factions. We were thinkikg of expanding it north of nadir and they have their own gateway to enter nadir from the north. We even have the classes and some of their skills.




SWORDSMAN, has one sword that he/she can use and is very powerful.(maybe add a new weapon scimitar or rapier)

KNIFE THROWER,this character can throw knifes from a distance, add in the new weapon "throwing knifes.

Skill- throw 3 knifes at three DIFFERENT targets infront of the players. You CONNOT throw all three at one opponent.

MUSKETEER, uses a very powerful, but slow, gun at lond ranges.

Skill-increase fire rate of the rifleman(speed)

**The pirates should be a LITTLE bit more powerfull than the rest of the factions becuase they do not have a healer.




DART SHOOTER, blows darts through a tube at a target, add in the new weapon "dart"

Skill-dip the next dart in poision, weakening the target over time

SPEAR THROWER, can throw spears at a distance. (Either add "throwing spears" or use the spears the deathknight uses.

WITCH DOCTOR, a range atacker that does atral dmg and heals with sun(or moon). Can heal friendlies.

Skill-drain targets mana(amiut drained depened on the level)

**we thaught it would be cool to have an all-range faction.

We have also decided on wat their starting points should look like, the pirates should not have one giant island, but spread out small island that u have to travel by boat to get to each. And the tribes starting point should be within a thick forest.

THANKS! :good:



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Me and a friend were talking about some cool 4.0 ideas we came up with. We were thinking of having the devs add 2 more factions, the pirates and the tribes (change name if neeeded). The pirates and the tribe will be at an alliance with eachother just like fb and chosen, mc and forsaken. But for this to happeneen u will have to expand the 2nd island the accomidate for the 2 factions. We were thinkikg of expanding it north of nadir and they have their own gateway to enter nadir from the north. We even have the classes and some of their skills.




SWORDSMAN, has one sword that he/she can use and is very powerful.(maybe add a new weapon scimitar or rapier)

KNIFE THROWER,this character can throw knifes from a distance, add in the new weapon "throwing knifes.

Skill- throw 3 knifes at three DIFFERENT targets infront of the players. You CONNOT throw all three at one opponent.

MUSKETEER, uses a very powerful, but slow, gun at lond ranges.

Skill-increase fire rate of the rifleman(speed)

**The pirates should be a LITTLE bit more powerfull than the rest of the factions becuase they do not have a healer.




DART SHOOTER, blows darts through a tube at a target, add in the new weapon "dart"

Skill-dip the next dart in poision, weakening the target over time

SPEAR THROWER, can throw spears at a distance. (Either add "throwing spears" or use the spears the deathknight uses.

WITCH DOCTOR, a range atacker that does atral dmg and heals with sun(or moon). Can heal friendlies.

Skill-drain targets mana(amiut drained depened on the level)

**we thaught it would be cool to have an all-range faction.

We have also decided on wat their starting points should look like, the pirates should not have one giant island, but spread out small island that u have to travel by boat to get to each. And the tribes starting point should be within a thick forest.

THANKS! :good:


maybe a bug again ... but anyway ..

its nice suggest ..


can u put picture sample ?? ;D

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Lol tht songs not too bad u all tryin... But to me it seems boring no offense... All i want to play is forsaken...


yeah you were on Firstborn now you turned to FORSAKEN!!

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