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Everything posted by Grimoire

  1. OHohoho Counterstrike!!! Lol warden sucks to be you😁
  2. go 2x2, might get higher chance to defeat them. HOHo :crazy:
  3. Never ever seen such thing :search:
  4. seem more fit with forsaken casters. I would love seeing it as an ingame costume
  5. Hey hey hey, I really like this costume :yahoo:
  6. Poor guy , he might have lost all his equips :'(
  7. Cant remember but I think I have seen this guy somewhere :search:
  8. Why dont everyone start playing a same class, then there wont be any unbalance, huh? :facepalm:
  9. wow 100 battles a week and thats too for lvl 10 arenas with 100% win Thats quite a feat.
  10. Do swamp quest, just 10-15min online a day is enough.No need of wasting your whole day in doing iselnort quests. :good:
  11. Thats what they call it "THe BLINDSPOT" :dirol:
  12. just testing my connection ;D
  13. Both sides r played by same person :facepalm:
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