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Hero from Nowhere I

Hero from Nowhere I (4/27)



  1. i cant get to play the game i reinstall it n shit same thing... guess ill just go play another one... :facepalm:
  2. maybe u need to upgrade windows :rofl:
  3. i will soon need tht quest
  4. My internet connection is GPRS and i always get disconnection problems but in 2.10 i dont always get it... And i observed that when its 12o'clock in the night it dont really diaconnected so i guess maybe ir need better net.... Sux why they do tht?
  5. Lol tht songs not too bad u all tryin... But to me it seems boring no offense... All i want to play is forsaken...
  6. if i cud of play to reach so far i might of been able to tell u :facepalm: i jus keep getin disconnected... server bug maybe :facepalm:
  7. wondering how long will it take to jus fix a bug tht lets u not get disconnected and make the game stop crash
  8. u know what?! :shout: i love this post! nice understanding lets drink to tht one :drinks:
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