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Why does this happen? How is it possible that the match maker thinks that 20,18,17 is the same as 20,20,21? You just cant do anything in this kind of arena. Even when I managed to kill one of them by myself, he just instantly respawned with life seal and it was over for me.... AIGRIND please fix....if anyone relevant will even read this..


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matchmaker don't find match based on player level or amplification, matchmaker only find match based on player win-lose ratio


the only purpose of that big level difference is to make match become easier to find



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In 2x2 and 5x5 you can meet players 3 levels below or above your own level. Depends on your pts lowest or highest level player.  In seals(3x3) it is 4 levels below or above your level. 

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Special for seal arena, you can meet 4lvls below or 4lvls above u, for example if u are lv24, u can meet lv28.

But yea, it's weird that a lv17 can meet lv22

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