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NOOBITA clan book


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A small group of firstborn, togheter for a long time,

Built friendship and trust each other

And decide to make a clan "NOOBITA clan"

We still small but very active at hunt and war


list of member :


Leader : Sherilda

Vice leader : Dukuncilik


members :







5. Upin

  6. Jaw

7. Excallibur




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1. Sherilda

2. Hotkid

3. Valda

4. Jawkenss

5. Aegis

  6. Exoduz

7. Rebellionz

8. Dhie

9. Dinalt

10. Juztnewbie

11. Quency

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3. Dhiez

4. Dukuncilik

5. Shinning

6. Popuri

7. Brow

8. Rerey  ;D

9. Setankober  :lol:


for other member i ll edit later

for new member pm our leader for join


lets yell IDUPPPP NOOBBB..... :yahoo:  :yahoo:  :yahoo:

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;D clan paling ngocol  :good:

This is Noobita clan and soon will be Doraemon clan  8)


Beers for yall  :drinks:

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Ckckck acar acar.... bru nemu nie gw pos lo, untung post lo di lempar ma devs ksni.. klo g mana liat wa  :lol:

Btw kok sher yang leader, kan dah stuju kalo si ucil leadny.. sher mah cocokny jd seksi sibuk ja ma yg nyebarin gossip.. cucok banget  :bomb: ;D


We still searching member, n we focus to find player who want sacrifice to become mascot of our clan... just pm our leader  ;D


" Noob-Iiiita never dies " Merdeka  :lol:



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Ckckck acar acar.... bru nemu nie gw pos lo, untung post lo di lempar ma devs ksni.. klo g mana liat wa  :lol:

Btw kok sher yang leader, kan dah stuju kalo si ucil leadny.. sher mah cocokny jd seksi sibuk ja ma yg nyebarin gossip.. cucok banget  :bomb: ;D


We still searching member, n we focus to find player who want sacrifice to become mascot of our clan... just pm our leader  ;D


" Noob-Iiiita never dies " Merdeka  :lol:


jah tante ;D


pd ga da yg mw jd leadna  ;D



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Today nooby farm at mc laby  8)


not so lucky  ;D,  before got killed by mobs  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



G da gw sich  O:-) ;D

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ACAR !!!!!!! WHERES MEEE !!!!!!!!

:bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..........................


Ga brani aq dad  ;D


daddy kn leadna jc  ;D

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Ckckck acar acar.... bru nemu nie gw pos lo, untung post lo di lempar ma devs ksni.. klo g mana liat wa  :lol:

Btw kok sher yang leader, kan dah stuju kalo si ucil leadny.. sher mah cocokny jd seksi sibuk ja ma yg nyebarin gossip.. cucok banget  :bomb: ;D


We still searching member, n we focus to find player who want sacrifice to become mascot of our clan... just pm our leader  ;D


" Noob-Iiiita never dies " Merdeka  :lol:


waduw..kok jd ucil?? :fool:

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Yesterday,  nooby meet weirdest rogue at herald

he still lv 1 but can reach herald alone  :wacko:


our leader kill him without mercy  : :rofl:  :rofl:


then, omg he can area chat with us  :shok: with red name  :shok:


his name snrlx

we complain our exe,  n unactive shadow bg set bonuses


hope any change  :drinks:

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Yesterday,  nooby meet weirdest rogue at herald

he still lv 1 but can reach herald alone  :wacko:


our leader kill him without mercy  : :rofl: :rofl:


then, omg he can area chat with us  :shok: with red name  :shok:


his name snrlx

we complain our exe,  n unactive shadow bg set bonuses


hope any change  :drinks:


that could be Snorlax  :tease:

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Yesterday,  nooby meet weirdest rogue at herald

he still lv 1 but can reach herald alone  :wacko:


our leader kill him without mercy  : :rofl:  :rofl:


then, omg he can area chat with us  :shok: with red name  :shok:


his name snrlx

we complain our exe,  n unactive shadow bg set bonuses


hope any change  :drinks:



This is just noobist move n noob never say sorry for all they done :lol:


Iduuup noobita  8)



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Idup dooraemonnnnnn.. ;D


делать ....

опасность ....

hahha ....

поэтому Рождество



wkwkwkkw silahkan terjemahkan

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ribut aje

nh tante ga prna ol tp forum aktif

yg pasti2 ajo

IDUP NOOBITA !!!! :lol:


wawaaaaaaaa lead nooby go to forum  :yahoo:  :give_rose:  :friends:

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wkwkwkwk ... w ga ikut'' ,kaburrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

mampus lu car


ikud ga ikud

ttp aj

acar ud sibuk am ehem2 baru jaw

maka na jrg ol  :'(

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