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Hello Everyone. I think or in my opinion This Templar Class need a lot of rework. since one Lowest class ever played in Game, because almost 98% templar user not statisfied about this class. Issues : - Mostly people wont or refuse to inviting this class to their Party for Dungeons; - This Class Survivability not good; - This Class not good for doin tank's/Supports Job / Healer / Dmg; But the First of all i want to discuss about the Basic skills. #BLAME : This skill using magical damage and make it almost useless for Physical damage templar, its way better to changed by automaticaly to Physical damage if the Templar got higher value of Physical attack, and will changed to magical if magical power of the character is higher. #Whirlwind of Repentance : This skill using Physical damage and make it almost useless for Magical damage templar, its way better to changed by automaticaly to Magical damage if the Templar got higher value of Magical attack, and will changed to Physical if Physical power of the character is higher. #Reverse FLow : This Skill only apllies stun 1 for second with 1/5 build and 1.8 second if 5/5 build, this skill need longer stun like 3 second on max skill build and this skill also reduce enemy movement speed and enemy attack speed. #Grace : This skill already good, but you should add more resist % while templar using this skill. #Combat Support : This skill effect is too low, this skill should have more % Dmg can Absorb and have longer duration of the shield, and this skill need to do some change of how the way this skill used. "This skill should work as Teleport like Mage's Teleport skill, but the different is when the Templar teleport to some spot, it applies Sun Barrier to the object or character max 3 yard from the spot of the Templar arrived." Now i will tell my Opinion about Templar's Expert Skills. #Forbidden Trick : This Skill need to reduce the cooldown, this skill Original Cooldown is 20 second, it will be way better if original cooldown skill is 14 second only, because this is one of the skill templar always use for stay alive in battle, but the orignal cooldown of the skill is too long to recharge the skill for next use. #Mantra of Healing : This Skill must be have Greater number of heal, and the cooldown time of the skill need to reduce, and this skill not reduce the movement speed when its used. #Deity Statue : This Statue only absorbing damage that taken by allies, this statue need to rework, the statue must absorb damage taken by allies and send it back to the attacker as much as statue has absorbed, and give longer time for statue alive from 16 to 20 second. #Touch of Truth : This skill give the silence effect, but its too long for applies the effect because need to finish the animation of the skill first, can be instant but need to use first talent and its alot of waste while we need statue talent for War/PVP. "This Skill need instant effect without talent and no need to finish skill animation first." #Particle of Life : "This summon must allowed to applies Stun as much as Templar's Stun % Parameters, and reduce the original cooldown of the skill so templar can summon more of this minion since the summon got low hp and easy to kil " #Branded by The Sun : This skill must be heal the Templar automatically when its used, no need to attack the object or enemies who affected by the Stigma anymore. Im a Templar Pilot from EU-Emerald Server. i think this class need more attention from Devs. Templar is fun to play and its a good class for real, but only need few change and it will be favorites class for a years Thankyou!!!
Currently the skill has many issues mostly coming from it being locked behind spesific builds and setup times that ruin any chances for templars to be proper damagers in pve spesificly. The current skill needs more mixed damage instead of locking half of the skill for spesific builds, the current talent Furious Protector is also in need of some changes as this talent locks templars even further in theyr build choices. Changes: Particle of Life: An attack that deals physical or magical damage to the enemy in the amount of P% of the character's physical or magical strength and summons a monster to the enemy for T sec. The monster deals physical or magical damage to the enemy in the amount of D units and A% of the character's physical or magical power. The damage chosen for this skill is based on the weapon the character is using, Physical damage if the character is using a mace and magical damage if the character is using a staff. The values of the skill would need to be changed a bit depending on the damage type, but this would allow templars more freedom of choice in theyr build while also not losing the use of half of the skill. Changes: Furious Protector Now the "Particle of Life" skill summons two monsters to the enemy (max 2 in the area at the same time) , and the range of its attack is increased by 2 yards. Instant skill damage reduced by 100%. The lifetime of the summoned monsters is reduced by 40%. The maximum health of the summoned monsters has been reduced by 15%. This change would help templars get a more consistant dps instead of being forced to wait the super long cooldown of the skill, this would also help with templars being forced into going full physical if they go to the "stronghold of fait" talent branch. Every other summoner type class has a way of getting more than 1 summon at the start of theyr skill trough talents. Templar alone is stuck getting only 1 of them so i think it would be fair to let templars do this too. Changes: Particle of Life +: Increases skill strength gain from character's physical damage by 5% and skill strength from character's magical damage by 5%. This should also be applied to both damages from the "particle of life skill" as it currently only gives physical damage to instant damage and magic damage to the minion damage (with the new change idea i have here" Templars are generally weak compared to every other class in the game, id even say theyr the weakest pve class currently in the game out of all the "damage" classes. Most low damage classes have a lot of healing or other support skills that they have instead of just damage so it makes up for theyr own low damage but templar has no pve support skills so they are stuck being full damagers for pve and not getting even close to any other damage class in terms of dmg. These changes to the Particle of Life skill and its talents would give templars a easier time keeping up with other damage classes. (Templars pve problems are so bad that people dont even build pve sets on them currently, since theres no point when a +8 of any other damage class can outdmg a +10 templar as long as that +8 class has talents. Current templar basicly has no pve talents to speak of so they are left very far behind every other class) Theres no real problems with this talent but it would be nice to see it changed into something that affects templars minion skill too since its in the "minion" branch, Every other class that has these types of minion skills have a whole branch fully dedicated to theyr minion skill while templars one is just 1 talent.
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Всем привет!🖐️ Кто я? Обычный рядовой игрок, в этой теме я рассуждаю в рамках того, что я видел и попробовал (34 уровень, Ru-Ruby), а также передаю свои ощущения от игры. Данная тема - мое скромное мнение на ребаланс класс в декабре 2023. Храмовник Порицание Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой отрицательный эффект “Оглушение” не накладывался на противника, если противник находился под действием эффекта от навыка “Касание истины”, наложенного другим Храмовником. Это хорошее исправление, теперь на арене можно не гадать, где чей сайленс, чтобы использовать комбинацию, а то часто было так, что комба не прокала, хотя и сайленс вешался (оказывается поверх твоего накладывался другой), но теперь играть станет удобнее. Нужно будет проверить остальные комбинации у других классов, сделать там аналогичные исправления, если понадобится. Теперь монстр, призванный навыком “Частица жизни”, в приоритете атакует противника, на которого применен навык “Порицание”. Прекрасная поправка, о которой просили уже пару лет, здорово, особенно сейчас, когда можно пробовать храмовника в маг дд. В тех же гробах после сливания большой слизи (элитки) пет рандомно выбирал зеленых монстров и, можно сказать, работал в пустоту, теперь будет иначе, играть станет удобнее, здорово! Боевая поддержка Скорректирован размер щита от суммы физической и магической силы персонажа: было 120 \ 160 \ 210 \ 245 \ 275%, стало 100 \ 120 \ 135 \ 155 \ 180%. На фоне того, что щиты изменили, по цели с высоким значением устойчивости и защиты щиток станет работать лучше, на целях с невысоким устоем/защитой щиты станут слабее. Довольно спорное изменение, так как помогает лучше раскрываться игрокам уже с сильными персонажами, а на слабых/средних персах щит станет чуть хуже. В пвп навык был хорошим, стал отличным, ожидаю через год его фикса:) В пве на хайлвл сейчас все решает только урон и мобильность, так что навык будет почти не востребован (даже не смотря на урон с щитка с талантом). Вихрь покаяния Скорректирован шанс срабатывания эффекта "Зыбучие пески": было 40 \ 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80%, стало 60 \ 70 \ 80 \ 90 \ 100%. Да данный момент самый слабый базовый навык Храмовника, который практически не качается и не нажимается, который использует...только Храмовник, который собирается исключительно в фул физ дд, при этом способность нужна исключительно для того, чтобы увеличить свой прокаст в инсте. Нужно ли так сильно в инсте замедление и срез точности у мобов? Думаю, что не особо. Маг Храмовник данную способность использует лишь в Храме и на рб в инсте, исключительно чтобы застакать релу на точность (у кого её не хватает). Гибриду лучше прокачать Боевую поддержку, больше урона выйдет. В пвп слишком много способностей гораздо интереснее (та же Боевая поддержка за счет двойного назначения - выживаемости и небольшого урона будет куда более востребованной, Обратный поток и Благословение тоже будут более приоритетными, а у Храмовника слишком хорошие экспы, чтобы тратить лишние очки на базовые навыки). Еще в пвп, при прокачке данной способности, Вы еще сильнее станете испытывать слабость против персонажей с антиками, с сопротивлением и бустами на сопру, с чем у Храмовника сейчас большие проблемы (таланта на игнорирование части сопротивления, как у чернокнижника не завесли же). Так что весьма сомнительная история с данным навыком, мне кажется, он устарел и не является актуальным в пору меты высокого сопротивления и большого урона, надо было бы больше ему уделить внимания, но уже поздно, еще год подождем:( Какие мои предложения? Сделать зависимость от преобладающего значения урона (магического или физического). Так как магического урона в целом собирается меньше, то немного поднять проценты именно для магии: Сейчас в инстах Храмовник в палку хорошо чувствует себя на рб, либо в одиночку, а в группе и на мобах за остальными (магами и жрецами) не успевает, особенно это было видно в инстах Балагана, особенно это ощущается в Храме на Альмахаде. Условно Храмовник с 15 книгами, полусетом Тритонов и 4/4 бижутериями на крит урон набивает стабильно меньше на 15-25% урона, чем жрецы и маги без полусетов/книг/бижутерии. Данное изменение повысит кпд Храмовника в инстах и сделает игру приятнее за класс. Данное изменение ведь можно сделать, сильно не упираясь в переработку навыка, @Holmes @Hedfuc @Dr Strange? А более глобальное изменение способности подождем еще тогда, то 2025 года.. Учения Харада Скорректировано количество лечения персонажа от навыка: было 50 \ 60 \ 70 \ 80%, стало 40 \ 45 \ 55 \ 65%. Скорректировано количество лечения союзника от навыка: было 25 \ 35 \ 45 \ 55%, стало 20 \ 25 \ 35 \ 45%. Помню в ребалансах прошлого иногда разработчики давали комментарии по классу, немного раскрывали ход своих мыслей, дескать мы видим, что слишком много живет данный класс, поэтому его пофиксим, было бы здорово вернуть эту традицию:) Данное изменение в пве по магическому храмовнику практически не ударит, по физическому тоже, по гибриду 50/50 тоже, а вот гибриду 75/25 будет не особо приятно, когда у тебя за просто так снимают почти четверть лечения, та за шо, не нада дядя! В пвп магические храмовники сейчас в основном обитают лишь где-то на гвг, где много петов, много целей, где хоть кто-нибудь, да забыл бустануть свиток на спору с замка и попадется в поток, постоит там 2-3 проверки. Я не самый рукастый, не самый сильный по сборке, но на арене в маг сборке (15 книг, фул+10, 59% устоя, куча хп, буст на сопру+жир) практически не появляюсь, не хватает выживаемости, тряпку легко заберстить даже под имбалансной статуей, а лечение слишком зависит от сопротивления противника. Мне многие говорят, ну а качни тогда ветку среднюю, там же целый тик лечения будет вне зависимости от сопры)) А много ли позволит тебе этот тик хила? Условно можно его разогнать до 3000 (крит до 7000), в вынешней мете это практически ничто. И почему моя ветка должна зависеть не от того, как я хочу играть, и как мне нужно играть, а лишь из-за одного таланта? Это к слову о том, что с лечением не все так гладко, хотя выглядит красиво, поэтому не особо понимаю почему разработчики решили сильно порезать лечение от данной способности, ничем это не компенсируя. Я понимаю, что контроль должен не работать против кого-то, понимаю, что против контроля есть бусты сопры. Но здесь мы имеем ситуацию, когда не только контроль, но и лечение не работает против вождя/вара/бд/мага/жнеца и буста сопры, а теперь если и сработает, то почти на четверть меньше, обидно. Даже если и оставлять данное изменение, то где-то следует добавить компенсацию.. Статуя божества Теперь статуя забирает часть нанесенного урона в первую очередь от членов группы, затем от членов гильдии, а затем - от остальных игроков. Прекрасная поправка, о которой просили уже пару лет, здорово. Теперь еще раз буду говорить своей гильдии, чтобы брали в пати по храму с талантом на статую! Теперь если противник наносит статуе моментальный урон, то статуя накладывает на него отрицательный эффект "Божественное воздаяние" на 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 сек. Эффект уменьшает параметр "Скорость атаки" на 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 30%. Данное изменение нужно разъяснить. Что такое моментальный урон? Например если Рейнджер или Маг массухами заденут статую, они получат дебаф? Очень сильно, как по мне, выглядит как дебаф скорости в толпу:) Солнечное клеймо Теперь лечение от навыка срабатывает при каждой успешной автоатаке или атаке навыком с моментальным уроном по противнику с эффектом "Стигмация". Обалденное изменение способности под пве и массовое сражение, но на арену, где против тебя сейчас сетапит персонажей, на кого ты не можешь накладывать дебафы, снова слабо. Снова сильная зависимость класса от сопры, проблема не в том, что контроль уходит в сопру, это как раз в балансе и так должно быть, а в том, что сопра снова мешает хилиться (без нанесения урона/контроля, бех отхила вампом). Благодать Теперь использование навыка не будет выводить персонажа из невидимости. Мне кажется это было недоразумение, так на остальных классах подобной проблемы не имелось, мелочь, а приятно! Частица жизни Теперь тип урона от навыка зависит от преобладающей физической или магической силы персонажа: 90 \ 100 \ 115 \ 130% от магической силы персонажа, если преобладает магическая сила и 120 \ 125 \ 135 \ 150% от физической силы персонажа, если преобладает физическая сила. Небольшое добавление прокаста в магию, это хорошо, приятно, лучше, чем ничего! Предлагаю такое же определение типа урона сделать и в вихре, уже писал об этом выше:) Боевая поддержка+ Скорректирован бонус к силе эффекта от навыка: было 25%, стало 15%. Разумное снижение процентов, так как на щит теперь приходит не чистый урон. Озарение истиной Скорректирован штраф к длительности действия эффекта от навыка: было 1.5 сек., стало 1 сек. Небольшое приятное дополнение, другими словами, сайленс под данным талантом будет работать не 2,5/3,5/4,5/5,5, а 3/4/5/6 секунд (в зависимости от подчинения/талантов и уровня прокачки). Станут ли в пве вместо "Ожога света" выбирать данный талант? Конечно нет. Станут ли на арене вместо "Прочности веры" выбирать данный талант (играя против вождей/варов/магов и большого количества сопры)? Конечно нет. Станут ли на гвг использовать данный талант? Думаю что нет, но уже не так категорично. Вроде и положительное изменение, вроде можно назвать апом..но бестолковым, это как статуэтка с Калининграда в шкафу у бабушки, вроде и есть, но пользы нет, лишь как память.. Инверсия силы Теперь навык “Обратный поток” срабатывает реже на 60%, но с увеличенной на 10% длительностью отрицательного эффекта "Оглушение". Хотелось бы разъяснения разработчиков по данному навыку, а то слиииишком много всяких микроталантов, больших талантов, ключевых талантов, финальных талантов и так далее:) Раз во сколько теперь будет срабатывать? А было? А с талантами? Сколько базовое оглушение будет висеть теперь? А было? А сколько с талантами? Пока что выглядит как здравая (по задумке, но не по исполнению) попытка уменьшить количество взаимодействий с реликвией апатии:) В целом будет меньше попыток поймать сопру у противника, что вроде как неплохо для класса в целом:) Запишем данное изменение в позитив. Если суммировать: Положительных изменений по классу больше, но они небольшие. Из негативного то, что сильнее усугубляется проблема с тем, что не только контроль, но и выживаемость класса и группы становится зависимой от сопротивления противника. Ключевая пробелма в пве - недостаток магического массового урона, пока остается. Класс не убили, не люто апнули, он остался на прежнем уровне.Большое спасибо за вашу работу и фидбек @Holmes @Hedfuc @Dr Strange.
Now that were nearing our yearly balance patch i would like to give out my ideas on changes i would like to see for templars. These are mostly focused on adding more benefits on templars pve and also allowing templar to be a "mixed damager" more efficiently as they are templars weak points. Current whirlwind of repentance: An attack that deals physical damage to all enemies in the amount of 20/40/60/80/100 units and 85%/95%/105%/115%/125% of the character's physical strength within 2 yards of the character and applies the Quicksand debuff to them with a 40%/50%/60%/70%/80% chance of success for 3/4/5/6/7 sec. The buff reduces the speed of movement of opponents by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%. When the skill is developed to level four or higher, the buff also reduces the opponents' Accuracy parameter by 17%/20%. The maximum number of player targets - 3/3/4/5/6, the number of monster targets - 6/8/10/12/14. As the skill develops, skill damage, chance of application, strength and effect duration of the buff, as well as the number of targets, increase. Changed: An attack that deals physical damage to all enemies in the amount of 20/40/60/80/100 units and 85%/95%/105%/115%/125% of the character's physical strength within 2 yards of the character and applies the Quicksand debuff to them with a 45%/55%/65%/85%/100% chance of success for 3/4/5/6/7 sec. The buff reduces the speed of movement of opponents by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%. When the skill is developed to level four or higher, the buff also reduces the opponents' Accuracy parameter by 17%/20%. The maximum number of player targets - 3/3/4/5/6, the number of monster targets - 6/8/10/12/14. As the skill develops, skill damage, chance of application, strength and effect duration of the buff, as well as the number of targets, increase. Current Force inversion talent (Tactician branch) Now the effect of the skill "Reverse Flow" moves enemies to the center of the vortex zone. Periodicity of skill trigger increased by 15%. Changed: Now the effect of the skill "Reverse Flow" moves enemies to the center of the vortex zone. Periodicity of skill trigger increased by 15%. Increases the cooldown of "Reverse Flow" by 4 seconds. Current grace: Increases physical and magical strength of the character by 10%/13%/15%/18%/22% for 22/24/26/28/30 sec. As the skill develops, the power of the effect and its duration also increase. Changed: Increases physical and magical strength of the character by 10%/13%/15%/18%/22% and skill critical damage strength by 3%/6%/9%/12%/15% for 22/24/26/28/30 sec, When the skill is developed to level five the skill also increases the value of the skill critical damage of the members of the characters group by 10%. As the skill develops, the power of the effect and its duration also increase. Current touch of truth: Creates a suppression zone around the character or ally that expands during 2 sec. After reaching the maximum size, the zone disappears and blocks the ability to use skills for all opponents who are inside of it for 4/5/6/7 sec. The maximum number of player targets - 3/4/5/6, the number of monster targets is unlimited. As the skill develops, the effect duration and the number of player targets increase. Changed: Creates a suppression zone around the character, ally or enemy that expands during 2 sec. After reaching the maximum size, the zone disappears and blocks the ability to use skills for all opponents who are inside of it for 4/5/6/7 sec. The maximum number of player targets - 3/4/5/6, the number of monster targets is unlimited. As the skill develops, the effect duration and the number of player targets increase. Insight into the Truth (key talent): The effect of the "A Touch of Truth" skill is triggered instantly. The duration of the negative effect is reduced by 1.5 sec. Changed: The effect of the "A Touch of Truth" skill is triggered instantly. (make it actualy trigger instantly instead of triggering after 1 second) Current onslaught: Moves the character to the enemy from a distance of at least two yards and deals physical damage to them in the amount of 115%/125%/140%/155% from the physical power of the character and applies Deceleration debuff to the enemies within the radius of 2 yards from the target for 5/6/7/8 sec. The effect slows down the enemies' movement speed by 15%/20%/25%/30%. The maximum number of player targets - 3/4/5/6, the number of monster targets is unlimited. As the skill develops, the effect duration and strength, the skill damage and the number of player targets increase. Changed: Moves the character to the specified area and deals mixed damage to them in the amount of 40%/50%/60%/70% from the physical power of the character and 25%/35%/45%/55% from the magical power of the character then applies Deceleration debuff to the enemies within the radius of 1 yards from the area for 5/6/7/8 sec. The effect slows down the enemies' movement speed by 15%/20%/25%/30%. The maximum number of player targets - 3/4/5/6, the number of monster targets is 6/8/10/12/14. As the skill develops, the effect duration and strength, the skill damage and the number of player targets increase. Current particle of life: An attack that deals physical damage to the enemy in the amount of 120%/125%/135%/150% of the character's physical strength and summons a monster to the enemy for 13/16/23/28 sec. The monster deals magical damage to the enemy in the amount of 55/80/105/130 units and 65%/75%/85%/100% of the character's magical power. As the skill develops, skill damage, monster parameters and lifetime increase. Changed: An attack that deals mixed damage to the enemy in the amount of 120%/125%/135%/150% of the character's physical strength and 20%/30%/40%/50% of the character's magical strength then summons a monster to the enemy for 13/16/23/28 sec. The monster deals mixed damage to the enemy in the amount of 55/80/105/130 units and 65%/75%/85%/100% of the character's magical power and 15%/25%/35%/45% of the character's physical power. As the skill develops, skill damage, monster parameters and lifetime increase. Current Furious protector talent (Stronghold of faith branch) Now the damage of the monster summoned by the "Particle of Life" skill is calculated from the physical strength of the character, and the range of its attack is increased by 2 yards. Instant skill damage reduced by 50%. Changed: Now the damage of the monster summoned by the "Particle of Life" skill is calculated from the physical strength of the character, and the range of its attack is increased by 2 yards, the critical damage of the monster is also increased by 30%. Instant skill damage reduced by 50%. Current forbidden trick: An attack that deals physical damage to an enemy in the amount of 150%/165%/180%/200% of the character's physical power, moves the enemy 3 yards behind the character's back, and applies the Stun debuff for 2/2/3/4 sec. As the skill develops, the skill damage and effect duration increase. Changed: An attack that deals mixed damage to an enemy in the amount of 150%/165%/180%/200% of the character's physical power and 50%/65%/80%/100% of the characters magical power, moves the enemy 3 yards behind the character's back, and applies the Stun debuff for 2/2/3/4 sec. As the skill develops, the skill damage and effect duration increase. For the current deity statue i just want to see a better priority system, for example always give first priority to the templar and theyr party members instead of it being fully random on who gets the buff. Branded by the Sun, I have a whole post about this skill HERE.
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Branded by the Sun: Applies the "Aggression" effects to all enemies for T sec., as well as the "Stigma" debuff to Y enemies within a radius of 3 yards from the character for R sec. Every successful auto attack on target with the "Stigma" debuff restores an amount of health equal to P% of the character’s magical power to the character or their ally, removing debuff from the target. Skill level 1 2 3 4 T 6 7 8 9 Y 3 4 5 6 R 6 8 10 12 P% 110% 120% 130% 140% Energy expense 12 14 16 18 Cooldown 14 ^ This is what the skill currently does (taken from Templar skills and talents post) I came up with a pretty decent idea based on how templars are currently played. Branded by the sun has 2 different states in this idea, one where ur using a shield and one where ur using a staff. When using a shield: The skill will keep the aggression effect as normal and apply the "Stigma" debuff as normal. But instead of healing with magic it would heal based on ur highest damage value. (more magic would add the normal 110%/120%/130%140% healing from magic and having more physical would add 50%/55%/60%/65% healing from physical) (i put in a temporary healing value for physical since i wouldnt know how to balance this without testing, but i do know physicals healing value should be lower thn magics) When using a staff: The skill would remove the aggression effect, and instead it would add a new debuff that increases enemy damage taken by a certain % (this damage bonus would be pve only similar to the "Light Burn" talent), for example 4%/6%/8%/10% more damage taken for 6/7/8/9 seconds for each level of the skill. This skill would also keep the "Stigma" debuff as normal having 110%/120%/130%/140% healing from magic I believe these changes to the skill would keep templars role better allowing shield templars to stay as sub tanks while also being able to support theyr team a bit better, while also allowing magic templars to play the supporting role better without having to kill themselfs to mobs. This change would also make the "Light Burn" key talent of templars more useful since currently its barely ever used as people dont bother with the entire skill. (Currently only physical templars can use the aggro without dying to large mob groups while not being able to use the healing part of the skill at all, and magic templars die to mobs if they spam aggro on them too much making them not able to use it properly either.)
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I made some changes to two Templar skills that based on my experience with the class would be much better Power of the Heaven change to common duration active skill Remove hp buff, increase penetration buff and block I suggest this change because the skill doesn't offer enough to offset the mana regeneration penalty on some different builds Altered image Grace Change skill to continuous mana reduction effect This ability on the other hand becomes more effective on any Templar build and the mana regeneration reduction penalty fits it better Altered image
(ps:Все сделано с переводчиком) Обратный поток - Тамплиеры Сначала он работает по назначению, но количество пораженных целей очень велико. Я пришел сюда, чтобы просто и подробно рассказать о мастерстве тамплиеров «Обратный поток», который в настоящее время является большой проблемой в массовых сражениях, потому что очень небольшого количества тамплиеров достаточно, чтобы создать хаос в Войне или GxG с одним навыком. Длится 7 секунд без каких-либо модификаций как Unified Castle Control Relics, который увеличивается на 25-40% в зависимости от формирования группы. Поток на 5/5 уже набирает очень большое количество 6 игроков каждую секунду, в результате чего: (6x7 = 42) PvP-мишени, не считая Multiple Spell Slight Grand и United Control Grand, которые увеличивают продолжительность наземного потока и количество целей. С несколькими целевыми значениями реликвий заклинаний Не говоря уже о том, что Поток игнорирует тех, кто уже попал в ловушку цепей (Маг), наручников (Паладин), укоренения (Друид и Призыватель) и всегда ищет новые цели, которые не находятся под каким-либо влиянием со стороны перечисленных ранее, что делает его гораздо более эффективным, даже если вокруг него есть другие контроллеры. Ниже приведены некоторые демонстрационные видео о том, что может сделать только 7-секундный поток и с некоторыми реликвиями заклинаний: 16334452_PrimeiroFluxo.mp4.a0b133d0318221f88b393d8151e67c47.mp4 Имея всего один стрим, он сумел толкнуть туда всех, кроме тех, кто сопротивлялся, он бы толкнул больше, но в этой гонке у нас в среднем около 31 игрока. Теперь, чтобы быть более ясным, чтобы увидеть количество игроков, мы увидим с другой стороны Redondo.mp4.a4111bf17cd6904f11043f6b335603f2.mp4 Снова толкает всех из центральной области, где был сыгран поток, от 9 целей с реликтами до гораздо большего числа, когда дело доходит до PvP-целей, что является абсурдным числом в массовых больших сражениях, таких как War и некоторые GxG. Теперь увидим в попытке пройти над потоком: 2086021943_TentandoPassar.mp4.5b546eeb6b51814dadc9d21342e2d1a2.mp4 Спасибо, цель этого поста - просто показать, насколько силен навык потока Когда Когда это управление игроком Так как ни одна другая группа контроля способности соперников против По эффективности, И чтобы сделать игру максимально справедливой, я надеюсь, что мы сможем найти Справедливое решение. @LeeLoo @Dr Strange @Holmes
Bom dia, boa tarde e talvez boa noite. Vim aqui pra sugerir uma reformulação para próximo balanceamento de classes, dentre eles o templário, mais precisamente a habilidade "fluxo reverso". Eu andei dando uma estudada nessa habilidade e cheguei a conclusão que ela é muito desproporcional para as batalhas em massa, além disso não havendo lógica em uma classe que utiliza equipamento pesado ter tanto stun, mas isso é conversa para outra história. Agora irei mostrar a forma mais equilibrada possível para essa habilidade. Tempo de recarga: 17 segundos 1/5: Cria uma zona de vórtice na área especificada por 5 segundos. A cada segundo, a zona lança todos os inimigos dentro dela a 2 metros de distância da borda e aplica atordoamento a eles por 1 segundo, Quando uma certa quantidade de inimigos é afetado, o fluxo se dissipa. Os inimigos não podem se mover nem usar habilidades, e causar dano a eles não remove o efeito. O número máximo de jogadores é 3, o numero alvos de monstros é ilimitado. À medida que a habilidade se desenvolve o tempo de recarga, a duração da habilidade, a duração do efeito e o número de jogadores alvos aumentam. Tempo de recarga: 18 segundos 2/5: Cria uma zona de vórtice na área especificada por 5 segundos. A cada segundo, a zona lança todos os inimigos dentro dela a 2 metros de distância da borda e aplica atordoamento a eles por 1,2 segundos, Quando uma certa quantidade de inimigos é afetado, o fluxo se dissipa. Os inimigos não podem se mover nem usar habilidades, e causar dano a eles não remove o efeito. O número máximo de jogadores é 4, o numero alvos de monstros é ilimitado. À medida que a habilidade se desenvolve o tempo de recarga, a duração da habilidade, a duração do efeito e o número de jogadores alvos aumentam. Tempo de recarga: 19 segundos 3/5: Cria uma zona de vórtice na área especificada por 6 segundos. A cada segundo, a zona lança todos os inimigos dentro dela a 2 metros de distância da borda e aplica atordoamento a eles por 1,3 segundos, Quando uma certa quantidade de inimigos é afetado, o fluxo se dissipa. Os inimigos não podem se mover nem usar habilidades, e causar dano a eles não remove o efeito. O número máximo de jogadores é 5, o numero alvos de monstros é ilimitado. À medida que a habilidade se desenvolve o tempo de recarga, a duração da habilidade, a duração do efeito e o número de jogadores alvos aumentam. Tempo de recarga: 20 segundos 4/5: Cria uma zona de vórtice na área especificada por 7 segundos. A cada segundo, a zona lança todos os inimigos dentro dela a 2 metros de distância da borda e aplica atordoamento a eles por 1,4 segundos, Quando uma certa quantidade de inimigos é afetado, o fluxo se dissipa. Os inimigos não podem se mover nem usar habilidades, e causar dano a eles não remove o efeito. O número máximo de jogadores é 6, o numero alvos de monstros é ilimitado. À medida que a habilidade se desenvolve o tempo de recarga, a duração da habilidade, a duração do efeito e o número de jogadores alvos aumentam. 5/5: Cria uma zona de vórtice na área especificada por 8 segundos. A cada segundo, a zona lança todos os inimigos dentro dela a 2 metros de distância da borda e aplica atordoamento a eles por 1,5 segundos, Quando uma certa quantidade de inimigos é afetado, o fluxo se dissipa. Os inimigos não podem se mover nem usar habilidades, e causar dano a eles não remove o efeito. O número máximo de jogadores é 3, o numero alvos de monstros é ilimitado. À medida que a habilidade se desenvolve o tempo de recarga, a duração da habilidade, a duração do efeito e o número de jogadores alvos aumentam. Motivo das alterações e adições: atualmente o templário está sendo muito requisitado nas guildas por causa especificamente dessa habilidade, essa habilidade em aí é muito poderosa e torna inviável as batalhas em massa pois proporciona uma vantagem absurda para os aliados tornando impossível entrar na cidade deles nas batalhas por território, em GvGs e etc... espero que os moderadores e administradores considerem essa ideia pois atualmente está impossível ganhar as batalhas em massa sem tem os melhores equipamentos do jogo. 😓 obrigado pela atenção 🙃
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Hello, I would like to report a bug in the templar skill, reverse flow under the use of "Guild blessing". The skill is pushing enemies away even though there is supposed to be no interaction with enemies while blessing is on. This bug is already causing a major impact in all GvGs and Territory wars. In the sapphire server during the last war, elves charged into legion town under guild blessing and templars used this to clear the center of the flag so they could free attack. Sadly I don't have the video for this. Please watch the video below. There was a similar situation where mages and paladin could freely attack with guild blessing on and it took months to fix resulting in many losses to one faction. Please look into this situation and do the needful at the earliest in order to avoid misuse of this scenario. For example, the territory war is in 10 hours and this situation can cause 100s of players of the a particular faction to lose out. @Holmes@snorlax@Peony@Nolan@Akasha@Higgings@Jcbreff
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Mantra of healing is a very good expert for gives support to weakest allies but is useless to help the tank or templar tank 'cuz not allow to use skills and enemy can't keep atacking the tank or can be used for trolling. I suggest this, 65%/70%/75%/80% damage reducction for 1,5/2/2,5/3 secconds and heals 3%/3,5%/4%/4,5% max hp of the target and slows 90%/80%/70%/60 and not make the ally or templar target invulnerable, also silences target while it last. Thanks for reading.
Hi! All. In view of "[2021.10.15] Skill Rebalance. News", I have decided to add my thoughts on skill suggestions for Templar. There is about a month...maybe more, when the rebalance happens. Logically, I am skeptical to what extent any of suggestions listed will be considered/implemented given the short time frame... To note, the below contents are based on my perspective. Readers are free to agree/disagree with this post. My suggestions will be based on overall gameplay (levelling to 18, unlocking the experts and finally reaching endgame) General suggestions for the class, have been noted after going over each skill. Basic Skills Blame [Review]: This skill shines best with staff from a dps perspective. It adds a good stun if the target has stepped on 'Touch of Truth' area effect. However, its more or less useless for mace build from a dps perspective. [Suggestions]: I feel the damage should scale based on both physical and magic attack stats. As the main damage skill when starting out, I feel the Cooldown should be reduced a bit. Grace [Review]: Arguably the 'bread and butter' skill of Templar. It offers very good percentage increase to physical and magic stats. Not to mention the nice looking animation aura. However, the issue with this is, it does not last long. The player has to constantly spam it even when maxed to 5/5. [Suggestions]: I feel it should not be spammed over and over again. On this from overall game play I suggest any one of the following improvements: i. Increase in Duration....or ii. Make it a passive skill with reduced stats...or iii. Skill with constant energy consumption with reduced stats...or iv. Completely replace it with a healing skill that can be cast on others. While this may seem like a Paladin heal...I feel most of Templar heals are not straightforward. Stun proc heals have lot of RNG involved while Mantra of healing disables the target from combat. Combat Support [Review]: Its quite useful now in both PVP and PVE, once maxed to 5/5. [Suggestions]: Either reduce the Cool down or Increase the duration of skill. Fine as it is. Whirlwind of Repentance [Review]: The only aoe skill for Templar (excluding talent skill - 'Defense in Attack'). Its useful only in mace build. And more or less useless when using staff. [Suggestions]: I feel the damage should scale based on both physical and magic attack stats. And it should be a ranged aoe skill. As this will help a lot when playing with staff. Reverse Flow [Review]: The trademark skill of Templar. Its quite effective and fun in wars, pvp and Gvg. [Suggestions]: Either the Cooldown should be reduced or duration should be increased. In addition, I feel the push effect should not be resisted, in the event stun fails. Expert Skills Harad's Teachings [Review]: This passive is completely dependent on stun procs. Without a successful stun, its useless. The heal is not very helpful, given its based on position of the character and a small percentage of magic stat. The damage is based on physical attack stat, which is negligible when playing with staff. [Suggestions]: Instead of being dependent on stun, its best, if the buff procs based on various skills used like Mage's "Overload" or Chieftain's "Clan's Help" passive skills. In addition, in place of damage proc, I would suggest, the heal that occurs also restores energy in addition to health, given Templar, uses up lot of energy on its skills. Mantra of Healing [Review]: Very situational and quite useful Overall. [Suggestions]: In current meta, I think its good as it is. Touch of Truth [Review]: Its useful in PVP. At max level it gives a reasonable period of silence. However, its best used when using mace. Quite useless with staff. While its the opener for getting stun proc with Blame, stun in general gets resisted a lot. [Suggestions]: This skill should become ranged. In order to make it applicable when playing with staff. In addition, I feel it should have a debuff for reducing defense stats for a limited time, to make it more viable for either pve or pvp. Sucker Punch [Review]: The highest single target burst skill for Templar when using mace. Used with 'Reverse Flow', it causes a 'ping-pong' effect on the target (which is fun to watch when it procs!!). Unfortunately, its useless for staff players from a dps perspective. The throw effect is helpful only if the target is within range. [Suggestion]: I feel the usage range should be increased to 2 to 3 yards mainly to benefit staff users. And damage should scale on both physical and magic stats. Deity Statue [Review]: Its more or less useless in any scenario. Apart from being a decoy of sorts when used on general mobs or to distract charmer pets in arena. The damage absorption is not useful. [Suggestions]: I feel this skill can be made similar to a Totem. Players standing near it, get some useful buffs like increased health/energy regeneration, skill cooldown speed, etc Branded by the Sun [Review]: Good aoe aggro skill which gives a heal marker. Unfortunately, the heal marker might me taken up by a different part member, if their attack speed is higher. [Suggestions]: As this is the only aggro skill in Templar's arsenal, the cooldown has to be reduced. In addition the 'Stigma' debuff could be changed to have effect similar to Paladin's "Sun Seal". Onslaught [Review] Another very good physical dps skill. And a much needed gap closer for Templar. Unfortunately, its useless with staff. [Suggestion]: Unfortunately I'm unable to think of anything to improve it. Given the other skills, I think its good as it is. Power of the Heaven [Review]: It gives decent buffs for either mace/staff build. However, it consumes lot of mana. Personally I prefer Merman equipment buffs than using this skill. [Suggestions]: Its best to make this a passive skill. Particle of Life [Review]: While the AI of Pet may require improvement, its a very good dps skill that works in any build. [Suggestions]: In current meta, I think its good as it is. General suggestions on Templar gameplay: a. Templar skill sets consume lot of energy. Would suggest if the overall consumption can be reduced. Now granted, all classes consume energy. However, I personally felt, unless I have a very huge energy pool, I had to constantly use energy pots. b. Templar, as I understand it was based on stun stat and its procs for healing. Unfortunately in the current meta, stun is easily resisted in general. This as a result, effects the survivability of the class. I would suggest a rework of the stun stat in general. Thinking again, I think its fine as it is in regards to stun stat. I guess that concludes my thoughts on this topic. (Changes made in violet after thinking about it again.)
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templário Melhorias no Templário no PvP e PvE
Gustavo Azevedo posted a topic in Discussões e Sugestões
Atualmente o templário vem sendo uma ótima classe PvP, porém ainda com problemas em seu lado PvE e mágico de cajado . • Os problemas PvE que trago são em relação ao seu "fraco" agro e à sua pequena cura , ou "inútil", quando usando um mantra, perdendo o seu agro do mob (adversário) enquanto encontra-se em uso na habilidade. - Como solução eu trago as seguintes ideias: Tornado do arrependimento - Terá uma nova combinação com uma habilidade "Marcado pelo sol". Marcado pelo sol - Aumento na força do agro da skill; - Aplica um efeito "Estigma" o qual pode ser combinado com a habilidade "Tornado do arrependimento", (desta forma, dando ao templário o poder de uma pequena cura em área (apenas em mobs, de forma à não prejudicar o seu balanceamento no PvP ); - Quando aplicado o efeito "Estigma", reduzir em x% o dano recebido pelos Monstros (Mob's) (dando mais força ao modo "tank" da classe quando o assunto é o seu PvE). Estátua de Deity - Não irá perder o agro do adversário ao se encontrar sobre o efeito da habilidade "Mantra de Cura", (desta forma, no modo PvE, quando o templário entrar na habilidade de "Mantra de cura", o Mob irá de encontro com a estatura e não com os membros do Grupo, não prejudicando a classe em seu modo "Tank"); - Dano periódico ou explosão ao ser quebrada (desta forma, a habilidade pode impedir que o templário seja surpreendido por classes ou personagens vindo invisíveis em sua direção, além de auxiliar em seu dano de combate). WhatsApp Video 2021-10-21 em 17.17.13.mp4 • Um grande problema para a classe também, vem sendo o grande consumo de mana com as habilidades. - Como solução eu trago a seguinte ideia: Reformulação no Gasto de energia das habilidades , uma vez que a classe também contém uma habilidade que contém um consumo de energia constante. - Servidor BR-Turmalina. Obs: por gentileza, comentários apenas que somem com o post, e não ofensivos com intenção de causar intrigas. Minha maior intenção é a melhora da classe PvE, pois o PvP físico me agrada.- 13 replies
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Well, i thought about doing this topic in the charming section, but this is a problem that affects other classes as well. Summary: I believe that to add critical damage to pets, an individual nerf would be required in them. and the removal of the two Christmas relics from the wolves of the charmer. this change would mainly benefit players with level lvl 32 and people who play in the guild. Currently, critical damage represents a considerable increase in power for those who have it, especially when combined with high critical hit statistics. skill of guild, half set of the men fish of fabric, book of the black elm. these statistics end up being less valuable in a class that depends on pets to cause damage, and this is more felt in the charmer. However I know that simply adding critical damage to pets in the way they are today could be something toxic to the game, especially in the case of the charmer, so I come here to try to bring a solution to the problem. So that critical damage could be added to pets, looking at all classes, their respective pets would need to have their damage reduced Druid the druid's water elemental does a lot of damage, as well as attacking from a distance. with a good cooldown of skill a druid can keep 1.5 elementals active. solution to reduce elemental damage, it would affect pvp as well, but I don’t think it’s a problem for druids. Templar on my server there are few templars who use this skill upada, i never particularly saw one. you may not need any adjustments to add critical damage to this pet. Necromancer the totem of bones of the necromancer does not inherit any of the offensive and defensive parameters of the class, I believe that this skill needs a rework, because in its current state, it is very weak or very strong, being difficult to balance Charmer the charmer has two pets, and I will talk about them separately. wolves wolves have some small problems with this. first the wolves are a basic skill, and you can put on a Christmas relic that makes this ability critically hit every attack while you have the active rage effect. second, wolves currently have relatively high damage, in addition to the ability to be stacked multiple times, a single enchanter can place up to 4 wolves. for the first problem the solution would be the removal of the wolf's relic of rabies, this would prevent the abuse of critical damage by the pets. for the second problem, a direct nerf on the damage or duration of the pets may be ideal, however a physical charmer has only this ability as a source of damage. wolves represent a major problem in arena fights, where critical damage does not influence much. bird the bird is not such a strong skill in the pve to cause damage, it is the main source of damage for the magic charmer, I don’t know if it would need a direct nerf in the ability to add this statistic, it’s worth remembering that critical cures should affect this skill too .
Не для кого не секрет, что слабая сторона храмовника - пве составляющая игры. Данная нам пассивка, а именно "Учения Харада" достойно справляется со своей задачей в пвп, ведь скиллы храмовника направленны на оглушение оппонента, в следствии чего мы получаем отхилл, зависящий от процента нашего магического урона, в этом плане претензий нет. С проблемами навыка мы сталкиваемся в ПВЕ-контенте игры, ведь все наши оглушения со скиллов на боссах улетают во всеми нами любимое "Сопротивление" Собирать оглушение как стат не всегда практично. Сразу же хочу парировать назревающее "Вот стражи собирают блок и вы собирайте, бу-бубу" Кап блока - 25%, чисто собирающийся характеристикой, когда оглушения в чистом виде можно получить лишь ±12% Разницу прока от наших тычек с руки и блоком, который работает из вне я думаю приводить не нужно, верно? Но всё это писалось для обращения внимания на: 1) Как Хилл-поддержка храмовник нигде не упал из-за ситуативности и непостоянности подхила 2) Для пве-игры, пассивка по союзникам хиллит просто-напросто мало Храмовники: *верят в ребаланс*
A habilidade do escudo do templário precisa se trocada por outra ela so está servido parar corre atualmente deveria por uma outra skil no luga uma sugestão seria fazer como a do seker so que em ver de aumento de dano aumento da taxa e e no caso de mostros a duração do stun ja que a cura passíva do templário depende do stun dele