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Lord of Knowledge
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Everything posted by Zurp

  1. Google usually just does a mess
  2. Exactly, better keep it low. Last spring people sold all their drops to npcs because the werent worth anything.
  3. Each dg has recommended lvl. As Jope said, tower has lowest and tech has highest.
  4. Used to be that mcs won wars quickly. Nothing changed and now elfs are winning. Wars end quickly because one faction doesnt try to defend. Wars have nothing to do with mage being op.
  5. Yeah I never get the same hp from calc as I have ingame. The calculator isnt official anyway.
  6. All these % buffs come all at once. If your base health is 4k then you add 9% from guild buff, 6% from book and maybe some other from craft gear if you have any. 4k*1.15=4600 would be the hp in this case not 4k*1.09*1.06=4621
  7. In recent update seekers shield was fixed so the dmg buffs now replace. Idk why it wasn't announced anywhere. Just wanted to let the few ppl that still might play seeker know..
  8. There are also blue relics which can be only made in castles.
  9. Yeah, I agree with most of them aswell. Seeker really lacks accuracy and atk speed. And I would like to see a skill that does damage to seeker himself so the shield wouldnt be useless in most of the dungeons.
  10. You can spend money on equipments, but dont buy them too often. Armors from quests are good enough till lvl17. And those should last you untill you get lvl26-28 gear.
  11. Dont make seeker. Ranger can solo bosses much easier and does much more dmg in dgs. If you really wanna make seeker you should still wait a little bit and see if seeker gets any buffs in future updates.
  12. I reported one bot website month or so ago. It's still running and doing well...
  13. The runs only count if you are the party leader. Is this supposed to work that way or is this bugged? @Reivenorik
  14. Most of the relics in the game aren't worth anything anymore. Most ppl already have all relics they want. (at least purple ones, which drop from dgs.) So I suggest that relics could be sold to npcs for some gold. Maybe 5k for great relics and 1-2k for small relics.
  15. Please say you are buffing seeker in next update
  16. Thanks man! I can change them too, just say which one ☺️
  17. Captain Torpid has mastered the magic abilities of the trident to the fullest. He can cast powerful spells to his allies and protect them from damage. He lost his other eye in a battle which may hinder his abilities to cast the spells on correct targets. Captain Torpid is heal type minion. Skills: Captain's blessing Decreases energy cost of players skills by 20% (passive) Torpid's wrath Casts a powerful electric shock to the player. All enemies around him will take continuous damage and their speed is reduced. Effect time 5 sec. Cool down 30 sec. Healing wave. Heals player 20% of their maximum health and 10% of near by allies' health. Cd 15 sec. Shell shield Gives player shield that bounces back all incoming damage for 3 seconds. Cd 30 sec. Zurpi Eu-Emerald
  18. Zurp

    Max level

    ++++ Dungeons give drop to you if your level is recommended level +2. So if the recommended level is 20, lvl22 can get drop from there. Nadir dg is different and it gives drop to everyone. Max level to get drop from bosses. Everyone in party has to meet these requirements. Irselnort lvl20 Old lab lvl24 Satrap lvl26? (not sure, might be 24) Ponti lvl26
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