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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Khrone

  1. Skull Smasher (Full Physical) Personal Rating: ☆☆ (because the Basic Skills doesn't help so much) Basic Skills Bear's Stamina 3/5 (because there is no better skill) Wolf's Alacrity 5/5 Thrashing 5/5 (same as Bear's Stamina) Expert Skills Bestial Wrath 4/4 Frenzy 4/4 Clans Help 4/4 (just because it's a passive, and now, instead of Dodge we get Penetration) Hard Skin (tanky) Personal Rating: ☆ ( w h y ? ) Basic Skills: Bear's Stamina 5/5 Thrashing 5/5 Any other skill 3/5 (it won't work so you can just mess it up) Expert Skills: Rugged Hide 4/4 Support of the Pack 4/4 Spiritual Purification 4/4 Spiritual Warrior (full magical damage) Personal Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Basic Skills: Blow of the Spirits 5/5 Eagle Eye 5/5 Bear's Stamina 3/5 Expert Skills: Swooping Army 4/4 Cat Reflexes 4/4 Clans Help 4/4 (if you need Mana Regeneration, you can use Spiritual Purification instead) True Chieftain (mix of the other 3) Personal Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ Basic Skills: Eagle Eye 5/5 Wolf's Alacrity 5/5 Bear's Stamina 3/5 Expert Skills: Swooping Army 4/4 Rugged Hide 4/4 Clans Help/ Cat Reflexes 4/4 Gladiator (PvP) Personal Rating: ??? Basic Skills: Eagle Eye 3/5 Wolf's Alacrity 5/5 Thrashing 5/5 Expert Skills: Support of the Pack 4/4 Any other skill 4/4 (depending on your needs) Spiritual Purification 4/4 NOTE: ALL OF THESE BUILDS ARE JUST MY OPINION, YOU CAN USE IT OR NOT
  2. Na minha opinião, o "Sugestões" é para o jogo em geral, e não que afete apenas uma classe, vou me aprofundar melhor nisso depois Pse, seria ótimo um rework no Tributo Sangrento, q NGM usa
  3. Eu amei esse ícone, bem moderno, seria legal ver ele de novo, só que com as classes dos Elfos e dos Proscritos
  4. Se não for uma skill ativa, tudo bem, afinal, o Bruxo é a classe que mais come mana (ou uma das) e não tem nenhuma passiva. Obs: Movi o tópico pra cá
  5. Iria bugar o agro (o mob teria 3 personagens diferentes pra focar) e as invocações não suportam tanto dano quanto o próprio Charmer.
  6. Block and Parry doesn't work with Long-ranged Weapons.
  7. Templar: Chosen Charmer Got AoE Aggro in less than six months Charmer: GoADing
  8. Eu lembro desse post no fórum russo, obrigado por trazer pra nós
  9. Como eu não posso pedir mais pedidos, eu pediria o poder de realizar desejos (incluindo os meus próprios) Qual é a classe que você mais gosta de todos os RPGs que você conhece?
  10. What about an open map where is nobody to help the BD or the Legion guy?
  11. Na minha opinião, o Xamã é uma ótima classe, principalmente para Locks e Caciques que comem mana.
  12. I tried to make this Chieftain
  13. It's a site Called... Heroforge
  14. Sam Hein is evolving to... Sum Hell
  15. I think you know who this guy is
  16. That's not Warspear related, i just don't know exactly where to post, so i think this is the right place. "Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"
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