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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Khrone

  1. Khrone


    Nos servidores russos, a galera upa o Mickey Mouse
  2. Since it also applies a debuff, probably it does
  3. You can try, AIGRIND... BUT YOU WON'T HIDE IT FROM ME! Source:
  4. I don't even play with the class but i hope the same
  5. Yeah, idk why the devs did the skill like that Saying it again: Brb aggro increases its own defense, so it applies a buff WD, Templar and Charmer aggro causes debuffs that are applied to enemies around the character Healing skills are buffs applied to the ally So it probably wouldn't be that hard for the devs to mix all of these mechanics and rework the Templar aggro so it would apply a buff to allies that would periodically heal them
  6. It would be good if the War worked like the Clamont Island event
  7. Os únicos stats de evento realmente úteis do jogo são Fúria e Vampirismo
  8. Ok, just saw the video again, the debuff was resisted but the aggro wasn't, so no bug at all However, it's still sad that you can't heal allies because of that
  9. @Nolanso it's most likely a bug What about Templar's Aggro? Is the Estigma and the aggression debuffs the same?
  10. I just asked if WD's debuff can also be resisted If not, then Templar's aggro really has a bug If it does, then sadly there is no bug in the skill and there isn't too much to change, unless the devs rework the mechanics of it
  11. Also, no magical swords or DK buffs
  12. Don't worry, he/she just made a lil @Mistakee
  13. So it would be almost the same as a constant skill i don't see any reasons to change it Let's say the actuall debuff heals 100% of the Templar's magical damage, so you could make the new effect heal 50% to the player who attacks and 50% to the one with the lowest HP, or something like that. Another idea (that would solve the resistance problem) would be that instead of applying a debuff, the Templar would periodically heal alies around him. People were complaining about Shaman, so the Templar would become a walking Healing Totem
  14. It would be kinda a nerf What about something like: The Estigma debuff activates on the first hit to enemy, healing the character who attacks it and the character in the party with the lowest HP. So it would heal 2 players just like Harad's Teachings.
  15. Ele não precisaria necessariamente usar um instrumento musical. Se ele fosse full suporte, provavelmente ele não precisaria de cura, afinal já tem o Druida que é um hospital ambulante, e como skills que aumentam stats só precisam serem upadas pra serem eficazes, ele poderia usar literalmente qualquer arma. Seria bom um DMG + Suporte, já que o mais próximo que temos disso é o Bruxo (se você considerar controle e redução de defesa como suporte). Então o Bardo poderia muito bem usar Arco, Adaga ou Cajado Mesmo que ele esteja muito nerfado, já temos o Cavaleiro da Morte que já é um tank, apesar dos Primogênitos terem recebido o Guarda mesmo já tendo o BD como tank. Mas vamos combinar, BD tá mais pra DMG do que tank, até mesmo pelas habilidades. DK só precisa de uns buffs que vai poder tankar bem. Na minha opinião, essa classe seria a mais provável de vir pros Primogênitos. Outra classe mágica? Já não basta o Lock, Necro e Charmer? Já tá na hora de vir uma classe de dano físico, pois os Proscritos são a única raça do jogo sem nenhum dmg físico Lançeiro que usa martelo Se fosse off-tank, seria outra classe que só usariam como dmg que nem o BD pelo fato de já existir o WD.
  16. So the first player to get out of the dungeon would get the achievement? I literally didn't understand
  17. So you're saying you're suggesting that because you would get advantages from this, but other people like free-players wouldn't?
  18. The devs already said that the game wasn't planned to be played alone (for some reason they created Vampirism and Spring DGs tho)
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