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  1. In my opinion it was fine tbh. It had some challenge by mobs hitting high and mass of mobs. It was do-able maybe u should nerf Hydro crowdcontrol in mermen Dried jelly fish doesn't work there I still get perma bubbled.
  2. Servers are in maintenance, but where is the test link? 😮 edit* Or do you mean closes to the end of the maintenance like before the update is live?
  3. I'd really like to see something like Seasonal buffs and nerfs. Like after every arena season buff and nerf classes and if that may be too much then every 4 seasons of the year spring, summer, autumn & winter
  4. Hi there, I wanted to discuss today about necro their ranges on skills. I have a feeling necro's lack on PVP since the introducing of resist. I played priest and necro, but I have a strong feeling that the shield from priest is way stronger at 5/5 then necro his shield? is this something that could be looked upon? I noticed that in most of the fights vs these healing class that it is mostly one sided because of their longer range. There are also other classes like warlock who has a 4 yard fear I dont know if u can put the relic on it. My suggestion would be to make necro their range also 5 yards or maybe rework the nightmare sleep into a stun and keep it 4 yards? Necro: Nightmares - 4 yards Necro: Ancient seal (heal) - 4 yards Necro: Boneshield - 4 yard Priest: Exhuasting burden- 5 yards Priest: Armstice - 5 yard Druid: healing dew - 5 yards Druid: entangling roots - 5 yards Shaman: Blind - 5 yards Healing spirit - 5 yards Barb and charmer both have 5 yard stun with relic 7 yards. btw, BD 16 secs resist and still killing my necro on 56% resi with 1400dmg+ ... Regards, Mistake
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