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Lord of Knowledge
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Everything posted by lore

  1. dosent the mage have eugth damage already with all other skills?
  2. from when these are mistakes?
  3. By playing and watching videos If you could teleport everywhere, wich is the first place u would go?
  4. lore

    Stay safe

    stay safe during this hard times
  5. i placed multiple ideas together since each one would be too small and i have of them together on i mind so meh. Stats increase by each lvl up here i want talk of add extra boosts when the characters lvl up wich are different for each class and faction (not for necro and priest) that will make each class even more unique even if some have same weapons or similar skills heres the idea for each class - muntain clans: - forsaken: - first born: - chosen: here the first idea goes away. Change of the aspect of magical and physical damage recived the most simple ideaof all, make all magical attack number a bit more blue/with a tone of blue for be able to dinsiguish em end of the idea Change in the creature caratteristics in the playable world the thing that most creatures only does auto attack is booring, i suggest to add a skill to all facion map minibosses, irselnort and and also a extra skill to all elite tier creatures in avyondill. in order to add an extra challenge to the game here some examples druid - healing dew 3/5 dark elf queen - shadow orb 1/5 pirate captain - stoneskin 1/4 spider queen - poison blade 1/4 bear clan berseker - extremination 2/4 zombie bear - strong blow 3/5 necrocontruct - blood protection 3/4 pointy eared spy - combat stance 4/5 deathdancer - sap 3/5 marakasha - chop 4/5 lake elemental - water orb 3/4 bloody fire genie/griadur - fire aura 2/4 spirit of gray hollow - fire ball 2/5 chupacabra - stoneskin 3/4 arachatrons - fortification 4/4, also give 50 enrgy regen shadder matriach - healing touch 5/5 copper faced champion - roar 5/5
  6. theres a way for see it?
  7. check this guide out for that part specificely, i suggest you to moderate on destroying the ring master because faster u kill it, more it spawns. before u were able to run towards the lions and prevent the dmg (if u were lucky and glitch it). if you still want deal the highest run poeeible go to the bottom and trow him all u got, as till you can kill it before the second group comes on you u will be fine
  8. ok for lake, its normal as hell be attacked by some high lvl player (also happens in us), then for nardir those are a bunch of gankers. the suggestion of remove the chainless' league quests i dont kinda like it, because rushers will be more. id' better say to have an secondary series of daily quests for make the reputation required in order to keep the players on doing some grind. also for prevent to be targeted for now u can only take secondary roads and stay hidden,
  9. lore

    Seeker damage

    go make crit version
  10. thanks, i usualy tend to think the skill range higher than them are due to thier sprites or miss sync
  11. i thinked n came out with these necro soul charge passive. the necromancer will periodicaly or each time an nearby living thing dies gain a soul, the soul will boost the necromancer's "secret seal", "boneshield", "revive" and "dark power" maximun stacks increase with skill level maximun stocks: 3-4-5-6 recovery time of each stock: 20-17-15-12 seconds range of soul gain: 3-4-5-6 yards *the cast of secret seal will use one soul boost of "secret seal": 10-15-20-25% *the cast of boneshield will also use one soul boost of "boneshield": 10-15-20-25% *the cast of revive will use all souls, the boost depends on how many souls used 1. soul buff | bonus health when revived (5-7-9-11sec duration): 5% of total hp each soul used, the hp increased will also be healed 2 souls buff | generated an shield around the revived ally (8 sec duration) : 5-10-15-20% of necromancer's magical attack for each soul used 3 souls buff | instantly recovers an part of the cooldown: 5% of total cd for each soul used dark power (use all souls) bonus atk strength buff for each soul used: 3% basicaly, go to an war ground for be totaly op priest *this one is like the wd's death immunity but taken and considered in another way, its way stronger but with a longer cd and alsohas an higher support rate. second wind passive. when a nearby ally (or the priest's) hp goes into a critical level it will recover an huge amount of health n gain a strong shield. out of 100% crit chance for a short period of time cooldown: 120 seconds range: no range, just need a pt n be in same area healing strength (from priest's magical attack): 150-170-210-230% of priest's magical attack healing strength (from target's hp): 10-15-20-25% of total target's hp shield duration: 10-15-20-25 secs shield strength (from priest's hp): 20-30-40-50% of priest's total hp shield strength (from target's hp): 40-60-80-100% of target's hp 100% crit buff duration: 2-3-4-5 secs (eugth to clear from anyone, resilience dosent apply any opposition to it) yes its the "death immunity" but only looks better, an such energy use for a priest can be an true issue to himself, i also used the class "stats" wich indicates the maximun of support so here, the thing is that "death immunity" is on a already tough as hell tank wich at maximun can go in a cycle of immortality or with just the support of a druid for the energy during the block, recover half hp for a tank its a damn huge heal and garant a way longer party in the ground, yes the skill stats are better because of its application (on himslef) othercase it would be useless, and the priest needs its own op af skill like all classes *important edit, the skills i suggested "second wind" and "death immunity" can be disabled and activated at command. once disabled the player will have to wait its cd time before active it again. there was a typing mistake there (i fixed) wich it should mean an chance to gain "rage" active when blocking an attack, on the concept of an infinite rage coming from the barbarian (and make an full rage equipment an fun idea) i thinked of these trowbacks due the power of the skill it self (on my calculations up to 3.6k damage (no crit) by the mage's meteor) capable of terminate groups of players. but the thing of one damage and the charge is doomed now you can tell me seems too much easy to stop (not in a mass pve scenario). i hope to see them too, mainly because them would cause an massive changes in the way we do pvp n pve at high lvl. and include new mehanics the dmg redu could be only up to 30% if its limited as parry and i didnt tought that can be bad, now that i see probaly is due the bladedancer's huge dmg, or you mean "parry combo" 's add of parry ranged attacks? wich would make it useless on casters attualy i have no idea of wich deffence skill can the seeker gain... wich can suit its class and what it is. i keep my concept of walking deathmacine kept up by cardboard paper, and also the seeker can try roam on "lifesteal" like the mage yes it is, of both enemy hp and ur energy. but the 4sec cast time gives eugth time to block it thats the reason of high energy use, maybe it needs to be a bit more higher no idea of these type of skills on necro and priest (well on necro there are the skeletons) maybe we can think of those together. one more minion, a tank now. so the charmer can be a tank class whiout being a "tank" and get able to be that support can can help to cover any missing class in there. i hope some moderator sees this thread n shows it to the devs and i like that there are opinions on these skill ideas (more that mostly are positive), when i was thinking these skills i intentionaly made some skills for try "rebalance" the classes whiout taking out skill power wich means less power in pve. sorry if i took time to reply. now i go to toss a coin to the fountain and wich these skills comes out (that would be an fun mess at start). i invite you all to suggest skills too so we have higher chance to have some new skill on the next updates since we do part of the dev's work and they should only pogram em instead of design them too
  12. it looked bigger, my bad. on any case if they want remove the chance they should also do on the other skills on chance
  13. barb's charge n shield trike is on chance, blade dancer's rush its a chance, palas' charge is a chance... also forest song sleeps multiple enemy for a long period of time in a huge area. tell me why all druid's song should be 100%
  14. the warden its the tankiest class in the whole game, you should try a different build for do pvp and also there other classes that are not equaly strong in pvp and pve, like the seeker and the warlock, also almost all classesrequires to change the build for do pvp
  15. its the third drawing i see from u, you deserve some mcoins and i hope u win the next drawing contest
  16. better make that it drops to evryone that figths it (or at least a chest then also the boss drop to the party). othercase there wil be the same 5 players farming it 24/7, 500 atk its not that high as you think, better go for 700phy n mag attack, 1.5m hp, 12k phy n mag deff and as skills faithfull connection 4/4, poisonshield 4/4, combat healing 8/5, and multi quake 5/5 wich casts on 4 places. so the boss itself is a challenge, then its adds should have 25k hp, 400 phy n mag atk (sword n shield), 6k phy n mag deff, and as skills fear 4/4, grimoire 3/4, deathcall 4/4. and automaticaly cast grimoire at 10/5 and shadow orb 10/5 (with illimited range, and with 0 energy cost, and shadow orbs reads the boss' energy at maximun and crits 100% and 100% penetration) on who dosent attack it, the mobs or apply some healing effect to the ones figthing in the next 15 secs, for get the reward there will need to be in area for 5min (anti afk) this wont have any cd and continue spam till the afk is dead so it can be sure that it kicks off a single party easly, by making more to come unless ur a filthy rich that loves waste minions in it attualy a total waste as i said for the chest, make also that the boss drops at least 1k gold sure to the killing party out of the chest and boss drop thats nice but as all raidbosses there will be an achivement attached to it, so for lv21 or more they will go to an lv32 version of it (for the sake of the achivement) wich will have all the stats of the following lv20 version increased by 300%, 25% extra penetration to all, 20% block n parry,50% dodge, 30% resilience and all the skills it has increased by 2 levels, so its an good endgame content (and a living nigthmare for those 5 players thinking to do it by themselfs) by not forgetting an extra 100% skillcooldown and 50% atk speed, just for make sure that will require many players at once more dailies with better rewards and more dailies with 0 exp reward (like a quest for each boss at irselnorth) better say 6h, or the same grop of ppl will get it always, so its acessible to ppl on all the time zones yes we spoke in game but now i made my ideas clear (because at the moment it was 11pm), and the low level content usualy in the mmos has much of nothing.
  17. Today kiickass (lv20 warlock) scammed 20 seeker's stamina elixirs. I accidentally ranked him to exporer while checking his rank. Im telling this for warn evryone here of this player and stop his roaming. Consider that sanhiro is an his alt. Be aware of his actions an way of talk (bad english) Be aware of him and make this player dont attack any other guild again. If you are an elf i will not stop you from killing him, i will even consider to give small awards for his hunt down with following proofs (100~ gold) till tomorrow. Post down here the proofs. I will provvide the award as in the legion side to the char named by you. Only one time i will provvide an award to each. Good hunt
  18. attualy my name here its an abbreviation of my rl name wich casualy ends to be also an way to say "the story" of something.i was interestedin the roles but i think i should make guides in order to make evryone capable to beat the game way easier and with less influence of massive strong players. i have my eyes on 4 dgs for now. attualy i want make an guide for allow them to complete it within one stam period, and as i can see i need limit myself on not so strong gear. but i will set on the guide all the tattics for cause massive area dmg, single target dmg and make tank easly by exploiting each class skills. so i will have to at least look closely at the sentinel classes wich i will not play each one of them (lack of interest, i dont find them fun). thats why i was so general on the sentinel's party. othercase i would have focused more on the skills
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