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SHADY STUFF on mc side USS: hacks n scams


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Few days ago a lv20 barb SHERAA lost acc and the next day his buddy shaman lv20 WHITENESS too. i only knew sheraa cz he frm my country, but whiteness is my friend, we help each other inter-faction chainlesses. he told me 2 hours after he lost account. he said only me and sheraa know his acc login. if sheraa is stolen then who is using whiteness at the same time. whiteness knows my acc too and he knows i'd delete my all lv20 acc if he asked ever.


I investigated every minor details frm whiteness and retrieved his acc in 4-5 hours the next morning (thanx to the quick and fair support system).  bye the time of retrieval, almost everyone knew that whiteness is stolen/hacked. i logged in quick to check what he lost. turns out he lost a lv17 sword drop, and some lv17 drops. but his items were in tact. poor stealer didnt know wt was gonna happen. sadly sheraa still stolen though.


Suddenly i got pm from 6 people: kanliu (cursing the scammer), vlcc (whiteness himself, asking his acc back), sodiac (asking for help as if he knew the new whiteness), xnoelx (some stranger who was continuing an interrupted chat about shaman lv20 rong skills in whiteness), neelamm (normal hi-hello, seemed like talking to real owner)


My question is what the f*** were these guys doing talkin to a scammer, except kanliu, neelam and vlcc. Pummy told that he pmed bcoz he wanted to know what the scammer is upto. But idk bout stealthx and xnoelx who r to b blamed. i was confused as to what to talk to a stealer gang, but i talked to him.

they also added some new friends in the frnd list, i dnt remmber all but DVSTATE and STEALTHX. im so cnfused but a gang is goin around in US sapphire with looting people's profiles.


Another frend lost +7 rogue/+7archer lv18 (EXII/Indr). but this time the sadistic guy deleted the chars. pathetic luns...


Anyone knows anything on these guys or ever get some proof. pm me here or in-game. xnoelx challanged me to do watever i can and said i wudnt get a proof.


I swear ill track u and wreck u people. u got the rong guy in ur way. if u r reading this change ur ways, cz u stole my bros' profile.



[[[[[[elfs: xmetronx/ gagalady/ raxit..............MC: eridnas]]]]]]


btw, people called whiteness as scammer wen he returned. they wudnt believe he was stolen. so i am here to give proof of mail id SS, id and pass edited.


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So it was pummy...in camp legion....with the keylogger?    :unknw:


Or it was sheraa...in nadir....with the ID and pw?  :unknw:


Seriously more dirt Raxit need more facts. 

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I was just asking help to hack ur noob accounts >:D :wacko: :shok: And pming hacker fr help is trying to be friendly with him so whiteness gets sm chances to get back account, u better mind ur lang on calling me  a hacker. If u got any fking issue with me uk my phone number call me or whatsapp me.

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Sup with old whiteness n new whiteness? :wacko: u hacked old whiteness account? :shok: and wtf u talking abt sodiac char being mcoined? :shok: I never buyed mcoins  ik u hav sm personal issue with me bt calling a hacker shows ur cheap attitude ♥♥♥♥♥  ;D .  Snorlax sir pls unblock the topic,Sodiac is my friends char n I dnt want him to to be blammed frm sm retard. :give_rose:

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I was just asking help to hack ur noob accounts >:D :wacko: :shok: And pming hacker fr help is trying to be friendly with him so whiteness gets sm chances to get back account, u better mind ur lang on calling me  a hacker. If u got any fking issue with me uk my phone number call me or whatsapp me.


i never asked u for anything or kept any terms/tradings/help from u. i was shocked too when i saw u pming hacked white. thats why i said, idk what to say. read properly.



My question is what the f*** were these guys doing talkin to a scammer, except kanliu and vlcc. the elf archer PUMMY is SODIAC, hard to figure wt to say, but a friend from elf side. why wud he ask help from a person who is using his frnds stolen acc!!? idk bout that but stealthx and xnoelx r to b blamed. i was confused as to what to talk to a stealer gang, but i talked to him.




about this...



Sup with old whiteness n new whiteness? :wacko:  u hacked old whiteness account? :shok: and wtf u talking abt sodiac char being mcoined? :shok: I never buyed mcoins  ik u hav sm personal issue with me bt calling a hacker shows ur cheap attitude ♥♥♥♥♥  ;D .  Snorlax sir pls unblock the topic,Sodiac is my friends char n I dnt want him to to be blammed frm sm retard. :give_rose:


white is so scared now, he wont talk to people now. and now that u said about personal issues, i come to know that u have some with me. if u were at my place and i pm u, u wud think the same. btw the post was for stealthx and xnoelx, and not u. u r so full of revenge, u calling me bad words, anyways i didnt say u r a hacker, u ur self saying that in ur post... :wacko: :tease:

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next day i see sodiac's other char mcoined. im so cnfused but a gang is goin around in US sapphire with looting people's profiles.
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wats all abt tat? Saying my other char gt mcoined nxt day? Can please name which char gt mcoined? Do u hav any proof? Dnt just blame if u dnt know things dnt be a retard :pleasantry:

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just after whiteness got hacked he pmed me by his 'vlcc' char we had a chat fr more than 30min. Suddenly if tat char cms ol wat would one do without pming him. Zzzz, U just wanted to show ur aggression on me n u just using this topic for tat. Even 'sorceressz' pmed right after u ignored Sodiac y wasnt tat mentioned? U r one who hacked 'gagalady' account n didnt giv it back to real owner n tat poor girl nvr complained n changed server coz of u

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just after whiteness got hacked he pmed me by his 'vlcc' char we had a chat fr more than 30min. Suddenly if tat char cms ol wat would one do without pming him. Zzzz, U just wanted to show ur aggression on me n u just using this topic for tat. Even 'sorceressz' pmed right after u ignored Sodiac y wasnt tat mentioned? U r one who hacked 'gagalady' account n didnt giv it back to real owner n tat poor girl nvr complained n changed server coz of u  :facepalm: :tease: :spiteful:

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wats all abt tat? Saying my other char gt mcoined nxt day? Can please name which char gt mcoined? Do u hav any proof? Dnt just blame if u dnt know things dnt be a retard :pleasantry:


ur new shaman is having costumes, too cheap for lv14s who dnt buy mcoins. ryt?


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Muhahahaha ur sooo noob having a costumes means u got mcoined? :shok: Actually 'neelamm' my friend Gav me 30k gold to develop myself n buyed tat costume for 12k. Ur such a retard to come to conclusion tat I hack acc n get mcoins. I thought ur one of my old friends bt ur just a jealous geek. Soo sad nvr knew u wer like this  :facepalm:

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Also the secret I kept tat 'Sorceressz' is 'Pummy' is now been reveiled by ur stupidity.I gt start all over again  :clapping:  :search:  I think I shud change server too like hw u did to 'gagalady'  :facepalm:

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C'mon.. Stop this. Actually to prevent all this bad thing happen, just never share all your account info to anyone. And from what i heard from kanliu, whiteness shared his email to someone(he didn't mention which one). After that his account got hacked(idk how).

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People picked one rong thing out of this discussion. I nvr blamed pummy for scamming. I just came to this point in that moment, that he knows the scammer... Thats wat it seemed like. Its basic instinct. And NB- i only say xnoelx and xstealthx r behind this all.

@lordguans ty for advice bro. White gave acc to 1 frnd only. Whose acc got stolen few days befor his own.. Well watever, im against acc leaking too...altho i myself share acc with frnds and know like 10 of theirs, bt we real life frnds now. And we give stuff free to eachother.


Sharing with random people is absolute foolishness. PDTT@home

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The same person that hacked sheraa whiteness and strikex has been trying for over a month to scam cypres off me by pretending to be original cypreshill (me and original cypreshill traded accounts over a month ago)...at first i thought it was really him but then when i asked him to get on thizzin to prove he was real cypre he said no..then he said he gave em away lol now he pretends to be different ppl everytime he pms me hes even pretended to be kuz... Hes sent multiple threats to kill me my family and get me banned lol...when he first hacked strikex he sent me a pm sayin he wanted to  trade whiteness, sheraa, and strikex for cypreshill lol. this guy is an idiot and i would love to see some gm interaction with ppl like this...i spend a ton of money on this game..like a ridiculous amount lol i would really appreciate it if the staff of this game would atleast act like they give a shit lol....and if your reading this u piece of shit hacker duck u and duck yo couch ♥♥♥♥♥  8)

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nope that wasnt me lol my other names r iluvweed/weedfiend...i get pms daily of ppl trying to scam my info off me like ima dumbass or something lol ive gotten to the point to where i have to delete names on ignore list to add more...really annoying lol

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Two things. 


1. Thizzin are you cypress?  If so cool but practice your Spanish  ;D

2.  Since this entire thread is about ELVES and their ELF drama as they make mc characters I think we should rename it: Shady stuff when Elves show up on MC side.


Thanks  :lol: 

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Two things. 


1. Thizzin are you cypress?  If so cool but practice your Spanish  ;D

2.  Since this entire thread is about ELVES and their ELF drama as they make mc characters I think we should rename it: Shady stuff when Elves show up on MC side.


Thanks  :lol: 


he is pretty fine on english here, which u should probably learn. from where do u get the idea that it is a problem about elf-to-mc guys?  :wacko:

ya i play elf n mc both, but im telling problems of my old frnds who r here playing only mc. so read n think twice. and unless u r related with it, dont add spam posts.....cz its not relevant ur dissing and sniffing.


so, thanx but no thanx

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he is pretty fine on english here, which u should probably learn. from where do u get the idea that it is a problem about elf-to-mc guys?  :wacko:

ya i play elf n mc both, but im telling problems of my old frnds who r here playing only mc. so read n think twice. and unless u r related with it, dont add spam posts.....cz its not relevant ur dissing and sniffing.


so, thanx but no thanx


First of alo Raxit I was talking to thizzin.  He knows what i mean about practicing Spanish.  Who is spamming?  Almost everyone in the thread was a former elf.

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in the post right. its ur fault that u guys dnt take interest in saving urself. we r talking bout saving pro elf acc from the new scammers.

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