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Is "Attack speed" bonus useless?


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My Attack speed bonus is 10.3% which according to formula Mioco gave us is 103ms.

I'm using two swords so my attack speed would be:


((2000-103)+(2000-103))/1.34 = 2831ms


And attack speed without any bonus:


(2000+2000)/1.34 = 2985ms


so difference is just 154ms = 0.15s


Should I replace all my speed runes then?  :bad:


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Every smart ass says it works  :wacko:  But I don't really think it works cause we all attack the same time  :facepalm: not even 0.2 second more than the other will help you  :wacko:  I just use speed crystal on boots only since it can't use any other, I hope devs make speed more effective  :unknw: We need a GREEN reply  ;D

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it's easy to notice, that twice increased attack speed corresponds to 100% stat

accounting the real items, there seems to be no possibility to get some effective bonus(

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it's easy to notice, that twice increased attack speed corresponds to 100% stat

accounting the real items, there seems to be no possibility to get some effective bonus(


So that would mean 50% would make you attack per 1.5 second but 100% would be 1 second since we hit everyone 2 seconds?  :wacko:
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So that would mean 50% would make you attack per 1.5 second but 100% would be 1 second since we hit everyone 2 seconds?  :wacko:


now i saw the mathematical logic of the above calculation:

((2000-x)+(2000-x))/1.34 = 2*(2000-x)/1.34

that is supposed to be attack speed for dual swords. But the author is wrong. The initial formula for time of attack, that is


must be not multiplied, but devided by 2, as the time should be decreased twice.

Now let's try to calculate time for 50% (x=500)


while initial (x=0) is 1493ms

you may compare

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then use dagger lol,,,a dagger has equal as 30% speed bonus,,with two dagger u will have equal as 60%speed bonus  :wacko:


3.0% speed u mean  ;D But if attack speed works, explain how 1 sword hits faster than 2?  :wacko:
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equal as 30% not 3.0% :wacko: count it agen  :wacko:


i can't be sure, as i'm elf, but it doesn't seem to be true, 30%. It's too much
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Sakray and the original poster are correct. 


I took attack speed out of my build when I realized 6% change only made me .15~ faster. 


The formula is correct according to mioccos post in a bd thread.  I'll dig up the link later.


One handed swords: (2000-x)/1.34


Dual wield swords: (2000-x)+(2000-x) /1.34


Miocco did not post the formula for two handed weapons but my calculations seem to imply that its the same as dual wield. 


The reason you're confused is because 2000 is not a fixed number.  That's swords swing speed 2.0.  So for two daggers the formula is this: (1700-x)+(1700-x)/1.34 because dagger swing speed is 1.7.  For one dagger the formula is (1700-x)/1.34. 


Last time I ran my numbers I was swinging two swords every 2.8~ seconds and two daggers every 2.1~ seconds.  Not quite 30% but close.  One dagger was around 1.4~ seconds  :shok:


Cheers  ;D

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Found the link:

right hand/left hand = 2000 msec - 91 msec = 1909 msec (1.91 sec)

hwo hands attack speed = (1909+1909)/1.34 = 2849 (2.85 sec)







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My Attack speed bonus is 10.3% which according to formula Mioco gave us is 103ms.

I'm using two swords so my attack speed would be:


((2000-103)+(2000-103))/1.34 = 2831ms


And attack speed without any bonus:


(2000+2000)/1.34 = 2985ms


so difference is just 154ms = 0.15s


Should I replace all my speed runes then?  :bad:


for months iv agreed that atk speed bonus is useless, as 100% makes u 50% faster 10% makes u 5% faster, it is useless iv already got rid of my speed crys, and things like cape i would much rather use grinchs durable cape rather than grinchs secret cape for example
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Attack speed definitely. Is the best shit i my record is 21 or 22% i forgot ...i lose one blade  :facepalm: and dont see differences using 22% too 12%  :bad: if u want speed use daggers  :bad: :bad: :bad:

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thanks а lot) i'm sure that there is no any sense to argue, but still i'm confused. It appears that mounting a second weapon decreases your attack speed twice, no?
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thanks а lot) i'm sure that there is no any sense to argue, but still i'm confused. It appears that mounting a second weapon decreases your attack speed twice, no?


Yea, 2 weapons hit slow but 1 hits faster.
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thanks а lot) i'm sure that there is no any sense to argue, but still i'm confused. It appears that mounting a second weapon decreases your attack speed twice, no?


Assuming you go from one dagger to two daggers, Yes a second weapon doubles your swing speed yes exactly! Sword+Dagger falls into a different category.


Assume 10% attack speed, and two daggers:

(1700-100)+(1700-100) /1.34 = 2388 or 2.388 seconds swing speed. 


Assume 10% attack speed and one dagger:

(1700-100)/1.34= 1194 or 1.194 seconds swing speed. 


Assume 10% attack speed and one sword, one dagger:

(2000-100)+(1700-100) /1.34=2611 or 2.611 seconds swing speed. 


Assume 10% attack speed and two swords:

(2000-100)+(2000-100)/1.34=2835 or 2.835 seconds swing speed. 


Assume 10% attack speed and one sword:

(2000-100)/1.34=1417 or 1.417 seconds swing speed. 


Now let's say you actually decided to invest lots and lots of % into attack speed and you get it up to 20% which is a little lower than where I had it when I was testing all this:


Assume 20% attack speed and two daggers:

(1700-200)+(1700-200)/1.34= 2238 or 2.238 seconds swing speed. 


So for a HUGE investment of 10% extra swing speed, someone with two daggers would go from 2.4~ seconds swinging to 2.2~ seconds swinging.  :bad: 


A massive 0.2 second increase for 10% invested.  Considering that lag or delay in connection speed makes a 0.2 second difference almost negligable, it's very safe to say that Attack Speed is the most worthless stat in the game.  If you want to improve your speed, use daggers or one handed.


If you're asking yourself why people don't use one handed weapon more?  Well the answer is simple.  All these formulas only apply to basic swing speed.  Attack Skills are on an independant timer.  They're for a fixed amount of time and do damage based on your attack power.  While one handed is much more damage over time, the attack skill damage is much higher with two swords than one.  This difference makes up for the lose of dps (damage per second) when you go to two weapons. 


The only way attack speed would be useful, would be if it lowered the resuse timer on skills.  Now that would really make a difference, but until it does attack speed isn't worth the investment.  Better to put dodge or parry in your build. 


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Is the formula for 2h weapon (3000-100)/1.34 = 2164 (2.2%)


No I don't think so.  I'm not 100% sure because Mioco didn't speak to two handed weapons, but I'm betting its the same as dual wield. 


Let's calculate bows which have a 2.8 base swing speed, two handed sword which is 3.2 base, and staff which is 3.1 base:


Assume 10% attack speed and bow:

(2800-100)+(2800-100)/1.34= 4029 or 4.0 seconds swing


Assume 10% attack speed and 2H axe:

(3200-100)+(3200-100)/1.34= 4626 or 4.6 seconds swing


Assume 10% attack speed and Staff:

(3100-100)+(3100-100)/1.34=4477 or 4.4 seconds swing


If you calculated bow like it was a one handed weapon is would be:

(2800-100)/1.34= 2014 or 2.0 seconds swinging. 


For that reason I'm pretty sure two handed weapons are calculated like dual weild. 

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No I don't think so.  I'm not 100% sure because Mioco didn't speak to two handed weapons, but I'm betting its the same as dual wield. 


Let's calculate bows which have a 2.8 base swing speed, two handed sword which is 3.2 base, and staff which is 3.1 base:


Assume 10% attack speed and bow:

(2800-100) (2800-100)/1.34= 4029 or 4.0 seconds swing


Assume 10% attack speed and 2H axe:

(3200-100) (3200-100)/1.34= 4626 or 4.6 seconds swing


Assume 10% attack speed and Staff:

(3100-100) (3100-100)/1.34=4477 or 4.4 seconds swing


If you calculated bow like it was a one handed weapon is would be:

(2800-100)/1.34= 2014 or 2.0 seconds swinging. 


For that reason I'm pretty sure two handed weapons are calculated like dual weild.


Actually mioco said left/right hand weapon time-attk speed%=,reduced time eg;1h sword=2000(2 secs) attk speed=100(10%)

2000-100=1900(1.9 sec) now /1.34 comes in case of a 2nd weapon 2h weapon allready are slow so it would be just 2800-100=2700 (2.7sec)

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Hmm perhaps.  I may have missed that.  But I really don't see barbs swinging at around the same as me (2.8 seconds vs 3.2 seconds).  I'd time it to be sure. 

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