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The Mercs (Lvl 12) <This is Mercs>


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woah nice missions  :clapping:


i like it  :clapping:


like a ......... if u knw wh i mean  O:-)


sadly idk wht u mean  :blush: but thx ^^
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CONGRATS to the new enlistees just passed the 3TKM  :give_rose: Blackdncer Deadsword Rawboy ur officially MERCS  :diablo:

Blackdncer 8/10points and 1STAR

Deadsword 6/10points and 1STAR

Rawboy 8/10 points and 1STAR




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Update name in 1st post



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OMG!!!! :shok: :shok: :shok: ders a ninja in ur clan ;D


yes :shok: these ninjas r the mystirous warriors who walks among us o.O
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Due to having my exams recently xD i wasnt able to post missions so now im gona post operation Killing Spree (this mission is only for those who arent afraid to kos anyone) ill explain details and prizes of the mission in our meeting.. Ill pm each one of u to estimate a perfect time to do the mission and the meeting Tc have fun :crazy:


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Due to having my exams recently xD i wasnt able to post missions so now im gona post operation Killing Spree (this mission is only for those who arent afraid to kos anyone) ill explain details and prizes of the mission in our meeting.. Ill pm each one of u to estimate a perfect time to do the mission and the meeting Tc have fun :crazy:



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PVP cave is always a problem with most people its making us elfs/chosen afraid to go in there and stand.. each second making us nervous if some mc/forsaken is gona jump us.. well today we say lets bring the surprise to them  :diablo:

at a specified time ill pm each one of u when at that moment u have to invade pvp cave and kill on sight each mc/forsaken u see to avenge the years of mc jumping elfs for no reason  :aggressive: OPERATION KILLING SPREE is in motion u have to reach 20kills each one of u to complete the mission and get 1star.. who finishes first and second gets a unique prize and the most points.. the rest will earn half the points and 1star if mission complete.. i got spies and watchers who will count ur killings my fellow MERCS only kills inside pvp cave will be counted as a hit kill..  :crazy: pm me in game for more details


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mc/forsaken is gona jump us.. well today we say lets bring the surprise to them at a specified time ill pm each one of u when at that moment u have to invade pvp cave and kill on sight each mc/forsaken u see to avenge the years of mc jumping elfs for no reason OPERATION KILLING SPREE is in motion u have to reach 20kills each one of u to complete the mission and get 1star..



Endorsing ganking will not help end the vicious cycle. Not a cool move i'm afraid.

Respect the few that still respect the old code.

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Endorsing ganking will not help end the vicious cycle. Not a cool move i'm afraid.

Respect the few that still respect the old code.


:blush: i do respect it but its a mission im not endorsing anything.. its the only place i can count the kills would u suggest an other thing?  ;D
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:blush: i do respect it but its a mission im not endorsing anything.. its the only place i can count the kills would u suggest an other thing?  ;D



Have small raids on t5 or t4.. same idea except mc wont just stand there.

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Have small raids on t5 or t4.. same idea except mc wont just stand there.


they wont be standing after they kill them the first time  :blush: and how do u except me to count 20kills at mc towns thats if they can kill 1 without mc noticing them xD im not disturbing anything let them fear THE MERCS :diablo:
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This guild need mission kill 1 terrorist but hard to kill and almost most elves hate him. :aggressive:



I meet a picture abt s.w.a.t O:-) from video "Everything wrong with dark knight in 3 minutes or less"


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This guild need mission kill 1 terrorist but hard to kill and almost most elves hate him. :aggressive:



I meet a picture abt s.w.a.t O:-) from video "Everything wrong with dark knight in 3 minutes or less"


lmaoz xD ok ill check with my adivisory and fix the missions ^^ ill see whts best and ill do it asap ;) need to rank u up guys xD
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Ppl tend to get confused with Thizzin the ranger...that's not me  ;)...that was my original account but hasn't been mine for about a year now...just an fyi  ;D

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Ppl tend to get confused with Thizzin the ranger...that's not me  ;)...that was my original account but hasn't been mine for about a year now...just an fyi  ;D


oh haha :rofl: yea i thought so xD well than i remember our contact once at kota beside captives when i jumped ur rogue iluvweed and killed u than u revived and killed my paladin than u came and pm me why i jumped u xD so i revived and killed ur rogue before his body dc xD idk if u remember this :P (i jumped u becuz i thought u were another rogue u had same appearence and lvl :blush: )
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Lol ya i remember that...because of that i spent the rest of the day campin Kota killing elves looking for u  ;D...so u caused many many elf deaths lol  :drinks:

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Due to the wars and chaos at pvp cave we shall not have the mission there so i decided to work on a new mission suggested by our advisory the mission is 'PROTECT THE VIP' easy at it sounds but harder as it goes  :diablo:




MISSION INFO: Fellow elf/chosen members u r assigned on a mission to deliver a VIP member to a location in mc land without him dying if he dies or if all MERC members dies the mission will be restarted.. location will be told when mission begins to prevent any mc interferences.. if any party member dies we wont go back to him unless all members dies or the VIP dies  :dirol: THE TIME OF THE MISSION : PM ME IN GAME TODAY ILL CHECK WHEN IS THE BEST SUITED TIME TO BEGIN  :clapping:


POINTS AND STARS: Who ever survives till end of mission will earn 1Star and the points will be based on his bravery, skillz and intelligence.. + Upon arriving at destination the VIP will equipy his weapon and he will fight/kill mcs with his fellow remaining member/s.. each kill made by them will add extra points to their record and the last to survive (while fighting and not running) he will earn first place and claim the prize.. :yahoo:


RESTRICTED THINGS: A MERC member will not be allowed to use mana or health pot, neither use revive button, if he runs away from an enemie and leave his pt members or the VIP he will be deducted points from his score, he will not let the VIP die under any circumstenses, at the end of the mission when fighting with the VIP, the remaining members will kill mcs with the VIP so if they run away to survive longer they will be eliminated from first place and the other who stood by the VIP will get first place  :spiteful:


PRIZE: The 1st place prize will be 5x[sign Of Imperishability] + 5x [Crystal Of Dexterity] :friends: :give_rose:


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A devious mc has killed one of our members friend it is our task to find that mc and assassinate him at any means necessary.. His pussyness  ;D  knows no boundaries cuz hes hiding at his own faction land and location unknown but ive managed to find some griffins which helped me by giving me this last seen pic of him hiding like a coward mc he is in the tree  :diablo:  but unfortunatly he only goes online for a period of time which is after 2hours from now the warlock bloodyelie will be online for 1-2hours..

TIME IN GMT+3: 9:00pm GMT: 6:00pm (when warlock will log in)

Whoever assassinate the warlock first and brings a screenshot of killing him or saying where his location was will get mission completed and earn 1STAR and points depending on how much time he took.

If u think ur smart and try to come with an mc to spy and search of him ill see u and move his place  :spiteful: remember in the pic location when he was last seen so hes close to there gdluck THE MERCS  :diablo:



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A devious mc has killed one of our members friend it is our task to find that mc and assassinate him at any means necessary.. His pussyness  ;D  knows no boundaries cuz hes hiding at his own faction land and location unknown but ive managed to find some griffins which helped me by giving me this last seen pic of him hiding like a coward mc he is in the tree  :diablo:  but unfortunatly he only goes online for a period of time which is after 2hours from now the warlock bloodyelie will be online for 1-2hours..

TIME IN GMT+3: 9:00pm GMT: 6:00pm (when warlock will log in)

Whoever assassinate the warlock first and brings a screenshot of killing him or saying where his location was will get mission completed and earn 1STAR and points depending on how much time he took.

If u think ur smart and try to come with an mc to spy and search of him ill see u and move his place  :spiteful: remember in the pic location when he was last seen so hes close to there gdluck THE MERCS  :diablo:



MISSION SUCCESSFULL BY BLACKDNCER  :give_rose:  he earned 8points and 1Star for completing his daily mission first :good:

and to ninja 1 he earned 5points for participating and getting to the warlock but 3min late  :tease:

points, stars and personal prizes has been updated in the first page  :yahoo:


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Welcome to our new member Buszek  :diablo: for his fast and swift actions he got 8points and 1Star for completing his TKM and the rank enlistee  :friends:



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welcome new member :friends:

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adding new features today: The Black List, Mercs Rage, S.W.A.T. Cotumes will be the 5berengards skeletone, More daily missions (killing spree, Hit kill, Infiltrate n Eliminate) and more Primary missions (Protect The VIP, The Boss Job, Last man Standing)

ACHIEVMENTS later will be added needs time to be in motion ;)


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blacklist :spiteful:


The Black List (sneak peak) ;) :

Each member is required/obliged to assassinate these people listed in the black list without asking any question or why :dirol:

how and who will be listed in the black list.. As u know each one has his enemies.. So in our weekly meeting we will have votes on who enemie u want in the black list and if 50%+ of clan members agrees on having this person inlisted in THE MERCS Black list than he will be and will forever be Killed On Sight from all members of THE MERCS..

Only the MGL and members ranked as colonel can deleted or over ride the votes of a black listed name :diablo:

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Welcome to our new member Aragons Опубликованное фото for his fast and swift actions he got 9points and 1Star for completing his TKM and the rank enlistee Опубликованное фото

THE MERCS KNOWS NO FEAR Опубликованное фото


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