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Posts posted by Fynn

  1. 2 hours ago, Kyrai said:

    Is super effective :kill-crazy-rabbit-emoticon:

    Better I tested eagle eye and I see it useless :idontcare:

    only works for hybrid or magic chieftain
    at 1/5 isn't good skill but you could have a opportunity for silence many enemies and can use the same skills :idontcare:

    except eagle xD

    Expand the range a little and add silence At all levels, Cuz chief lack of stun or control. so its okay... and  that skill sometimes fails or only root 1 mob

  2. 13 hours ago, Kyrai said:

    Chieftains need to stun
    It would be great if the thrashing skill would silence enemies like paladins and make it active immediately without having to click and select the area later

    It would be very good in combat to do against the paladins in 5x5 because in reality they do too much support with 2 paladins they silence for too long and 2 of our allies die during the stun


    It would also be good in pve because sea monsters are actually bother


    I would like that "thrashing" and "wolf alacrity" works as one,. I mean:  When you use wolf alacrity  And wherever you run you will apply the "thrashing" 

    Like the "rush" of the bd, but applying the thrashing instead of aggro. 


    I don't know if it's very op, I just came up with xd

  3. 2 hours ago, Kyrai said:

    no because it would be a nerf
    you need to study the other damage characters
    Seeker: Inspiration
    Hunter: Mountain Instincts                                     :dunno:

    Ranger: Bitterness (Passive)

    all those increase attack speed without energy consumption
    and compare seeker buffs vs rogue:
    seeker passive class faction Increases character's maximum Energy by 10% (Spirituality)

    and rogue is increases character's Health by 4% (Mountain's power)

    seekers can use exacerbation with that passive without problems, instead hunters consume a lot of energy, and for that the relic is put to both classes
    and rogue with energy consumption skill need reworks 1 basic skill and increase attack strength and penetration parameters with others skills actives passives

    seeker is still spending a lot of energy, passive buff faction it is useless, especially when all the skills of the "chosen" spend too much energy per use.


    an option would be, do extermination as passive  and that it works exactly  as "clan's help" increasing penetration, crit, speed.  + frenzy, as energy consumption, that increases strenght and critical damage, with a penalty of 5% damage taken at max level, just like the seeker


    and everyone happy ..... perhaps :cat1:

  4. 5 hours ago, Kame said:
    First, the rogue has no ability to use Shield Skill to protect himself and no AOE Stun or Bind Skill that can be used in case the opponent outnumber him. So atleast give the rogue the skill with the ability to escape against the enemy.
    >This skill is Rogue's way to escape against the enemy. 
    Forbidden Technique: 4/4
    Active: Character throws a Dagger in any specific area. (5 yards). Using this skill again within 3 seconds allows the character to dashes onto his dagger. Passive: After a successful dashes the Character leaves a Doppelganger at his place which gains 35% of his attributes and is maintained for 12 seconds.
    Passive: After using this skill, the Action in Fight on the character will disappear.

    - Rogue user comment down below if you are agree to my suggestion. And for some people saying this is unfair. I'm telling you that rogue is very useless in Castle Defense, GvG's Event and in any massive battle for being a offensive class with a single target. And rogue is the only Class using Lightweight Equipment without energy consumption. (BD is not included because BD is also a Heavy Equipment user and not only offensive class but also a Tank class)

    I have a suggestion


    1-  passive

    2-  allows you to use stealth in the middle of combat, and that when using it you leave the doppelganger

    3- finally add speed movement by 30% and  remove the combat action when using stealth


    It would be a kind of improvement to the basic skill instead of another expert. And would not occupy more slots in the panel. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Santa Claus said:

    What do u mean every class have stun for single target expect chief . And its not the same when 1 pala can almost perma stun whole group in arena

    paladin can permanently bring stun? wow....... I am using the paladin incorrectly I guess


    and yes..

    in basics skill not all have stuns


    legion:                                                              centinels:                             exempted:

    -barbarian                                                       - warden                            -bladedancer (small silence,movement denial)

    -rogue (gouge works exactly like a stun)       -templar                             -ranger (silence + something similar to fear) 

    -hunter                                                           -seeker (low chance)          -paladin (movement denial,if maxed it adds silence)

    -deathknight                                                   -mage (low chance)           -druid (movement denial, if maxed it adds silence)

    -charmer                                                                                                    - chieftain (movement denial)

    -necromancer (sleep works exactly like a stun)                                          - shaman (just like fear with different animation)

    -warlock                                                                            ANY DOUBTS?                                              + (movement denial)      

  6. 42 minutes ago, Speedom said:

    Yea it's True Sentinel have more aoe Stun class with a higher success rate. Charmer have aoe stun, but the that's about it. Unless chief go full stun enchant to combo with Eagle eye, but nobody thought about that(does that even work?)

    1-Same with single target(no combo) stun/fear/silence , The legion has more than the sentinels. 




    17 hours ago, nilozero said:

    give a stun for chieftain, rugged hide already sucks lasting only 12s no to mention is a active skill so you have to active it then you get a control abililty next you rugged hide end then you die miserably,  the classe is good for gvg but for x1 & arena is fragile , like seekers was in the past. talking in seekers this classe has 3 control abilitys and chieftain has zero

    I suggest removing the side effect of wolf alacrity and adding stun instead. 


    The bad thing about receiving stun is that ppl want more and more

    In this case the chieftain needs one and only one

    The class works with resistance, so "support of the pack" should last a little longer

  7. 4 minutes ago, Danfake said:
    Regardless if the player is rich or not, it is not the point that I wanted to imply, the Seeker does exaggeratedly high damage with a PvE set, his basic dps destroys you, I was using a PvP set, he was using PvE equipment, in addition to the ease that it has certain classes to do anything alone, it is not the same with all classes.

    It's a dmg character, which you expected. 

    Tbh the necro/priest don't have many options in front of them.

  8. 4 hours ago, Danfake said:

    @Nolan @Holmes

    Here you can see how ridiculously strong the Seeker is in PvE, the basic damage level is very high, I kill myself with 2 punches and I'm supposed to have my PvP set and he uses PvE set. 

    I don't have as much faith in rebalancing when the Developers tell you "It's not a game to play alone" but every day they make certain class is OP and independent, to kill a BOSS who isn't supposed to kill him alone. 


    Screenshot_20211104-094156_Warspear Online.jpg

    A rich seeker maybe, obviously will destroy you in 2 hits xd

    These types of players are the ones that ppl  use as Examples of how "x" class is strong.

  9. 20 hours ago, Rhaast said:

    it's no secret that the charmer is being an above average class at the moment with the physical build. spam from dogs in the area can be problematic for some classes (not so much for others). but I'm not here to talk about the charmer's dogs, I believe the DEVs will do their best to balance the class in the next update.

    I came to make some suggestions for changes in some of the charms' skills


    GOADING (aggro skill)

    the only aggro skill of the charmer. i don't think the charmer and the templar need any other aggro skill, but the aggro skill of these two classes need to be improved to make up for that.

    in the case of the templar and the charmer, this skill should have a lower DC, something like 10 seconds, as it's the skill used both for aggregating a target and for multiple targets. 

    and in the case of the charmer, the skill's range should be increased, to be standardized with the templar, which is 3m.



    CD: 14s to 10s

    area of effect: 2m to 3m.

    with these changes it would be much easier to play as a tank with these two classes, without needing to add another aggro skill unnecessarily.



    this is a weak ability, even on buildings aimed at magic damage.
    its cooldown is very high, damage is low, area is small, and stun chance is low.

    this skill needs a good targeting, being a skill with a single function, in this case it would be to deal damage in area. 

    increase skill's range of action to 2m (5x5), remove skill's stun chance, reduce cooldown, increase skill damage depending on character's spell power, add chance to burn enemies hit, dealing damage over time.



    CD: 24s to 20s

    area of effect: 3x3 (1 m) to 5x5 (2 m)

    increase damage

    add a chance to burn targets hit for 8s equal to the character's ''critical hit''

    remove chance of stun


    SUMMONER SKILL (interaction with relic)

    this is a very good skill, actually for her I come to make a small suggestion.

    this ability cannot critically hit normally. however if the charmer uses an ''Icy relic if cruelty'' it makes the area damage of that skill critical, ignoring a barrier that exists within the skill.



    my suggestion is: make this skill critically hit even without using the relic, or completely remove the possibility of this skill causing a critical hit, even with the Christmas relic.


    EYE OF DARKNESS (buff)

    this is an ok skill, not very good, but not bad. I suggest increasing the effect duration at all levels, to avoid skill spam, and maybe add some new effect to the skill as well.



    increase skill effect time


    HELP OF CHAOS (buff bird atk range) 

    arguably the charmer's best magical ability, but he's a support pet, and often when he gets into melee range to perform a basic attack he dies. my suggestion is to simply add some attack range to the bird.



    increase attack range: melee to 3~4m  


    visual update for pets

    without further ado, it would be nice to make some updates to the look of the charmer's pets, the game evolved graphically, and the pets summoned by the charmer turned out to be ugly and outdated, it would be amazing to make some visual improvement on both

    First time I see someone asking for improvements to the charmer without exaggerating so much:not_okay:

  10. 6 hours ago, Zedeght said:

    I only see no no no and no
    nobody use rogue character all of yours are ELFS
    wait bd nerf pls and buff rogue
    I love all that bonuses I put 9/10

    1 Yes bcs in pvp rogues lose Dodge parameter and resistance is good for pve bcs not haves shield
    2 Is a good idea is balanced for gvgs or 5x5 or pvps vs charmers

    Are you kidding?? so how rogues can use speed attack? you are elf, delete bd speed they are tanks no dmgs so :suspicious1:

    Flurry of steel is 2 seconds :suspicious1:is super useless how you can call it permastun?, and sounds nice combo bcs I hate when enemy blocks dodge or parry everthing, and 2 seconds with a combo for only ignore parry sounds nice :shake-crazy-rabbit-emoticon:

    Ok trickiest need a fix I tested it too when I put poison and I never get heal bcs hunter or another rogue removes my combo heal :suspicious1: I hate it is cause of many of my deaths

    and I like that reworked frenzy and the name :teehee-crazy-rabbit-emoticon:

    idk but I only show many rogues haters here :shake-crazy-rabbit-emoticon:for me all these buffs and fix rewors are fine

    rogue is super useless in gvgs come EU-Emerald make a rogue and see how they rejects you for chiefstains or aoe dmgs

    You take for granted that I have not played with Rogue for not agreeing with you ...


    1- keep in mind that people ask for balance, this means that if the rogue gets resistance the seeker will do the same

    2- I still don't understand how this will help in gvg / wars.

    3- HE  mentioned penetration, dmg, and accuracy, a skill with 3 buffs is unacceptable
    also the barbarian has a slight increase in speed as well, being a "tank", he has a lot of damage too. is on the same footing as the bladedancer with the difference that the BD is no longer a tank.

    4-If you know how to combine them, you can keep someone at bay under the effect of stun, and in case you fail, the dodge is useful there ... dodge that HE  want to change for resistance. (just ignoring parry sounds good .)

    5-This would be fixed by increasing the duration of the poison and that it only works if you put the poison


    to finish, yes .. I have played on both sides and with all the available classes.
    and no .. I have no favoritism for any class or faction:come_on:


  11. 1- No .. The dodge is the best for a damage character, and the rogue is the only one who can take advantage of this.


    2- The idea is strange ..
    It feels like the only change is that it would work in aoe,
    Also it would still be useless in gvg (if it is what you want it for), and in pvp it would be 100% perma dodge, as ultra instinct ..


    3-No ... just accuracy and penetration is enough


    4-No ... The rogue only needs 3 seconds of stun to remove at least half of the life points in pvp, also in combination with gouge and trickiest skill, it is almost a permanent stun


    5-I do not see the sense to improve this skill that is currently very good


    6- All good until you mentioned bleeding, I suggest reducing the skill's current debuff to 5% would be the best, the seeker also has this debuff

  12. Извините, если у меня есть орфографические ошибки, я использовал переводчик Google


    Это некоторые из изменений, которые я придумал, они могут быть изменены.


    1- обострение.


    удалите медленный дебафф и добавьте уменьшение урона на 1 ярд вокруг ищущего, дебафф будет применяться, если противник находится близко к ищущему, количество уменьшения урона будет таким же, как и при уменьшении движения


    2-разделительный удар.


    сделайте его дальнобойным, увеличьте урон от кровотечения (30%/40%/50%/60% текущего урона персонажа) и, помимо уменьшения передвижения, уменьшите скорость атаки

    5 ярдов

    кд 16 секунд


    3-опасный удар.


    Удар, который использует 80% / 90% / 100% / 110% урона персонажа и накладывает штамп, который снижает точность и увеличивает потребление энергии при использовании способности на 10%

    (Продолжительность, 10 секунд) 


    .Расход энергии такой же, как у текущего навыка

    CD, такой же



    что ты думаешь....

  13. 9 hours ago, Lwn said:

    Well you should try some mc class too  and I had been played a bd for pve , I finish my quests more faster than my barbarian and rogue.

    I do... And I'm aware of the advantages and disadvantages of legion.

    I also play with the sentinels, it makes no sense to stay on one side, to throw hatred towards the other. so it is easier to comment for both In general. 

    9 hours ago, Lwn said:

    A bd can use hurricane strike without sacrificing anything and gets 7% speed and cd at 1/4 for some time.


    A Barbarian uses Berserk power , when the skill is at 1/4 gives 7% speed and penetration , sounds both same and good but why need to sacrifice 30% hp and allows enemies to do 30% more damage on the barbarian for that?


    This same in Rogues when they use frenzy at 1/4 , allows enemies to do 25% more damage on them


    I don't see any elf class have such disadvantages while using skills , hope they Re-work on these skills sooner.


    Seeker Sunpower Increases Damage Received

    Also the inner rage of the seeker, you need to be up to a certain amount of life for a little more damage, damage that they will never use. 

    Mantra reduces Templar movement

    Ranger has a skill that also reduces his movement (or something like that xd, I haven't played with ranger) 

    9 hours ago, Lwn said:

    Cheiftain aren't same like bd and they don't do truck damage if he doesn't have physical damage build. It's just a 0 stun class which can be kited by almost all class in Warspear.


    The only things they can do damage is only by dd Skills and rogues same as well.


    Almost all damage class in elfs have "Auto hit" damage skill which are very op and a fine thing.


    There is nothing to nerf in Cheiftain rather than buffing them in some skills.

    Chief does not need stun, just running towards you without being able to be stopped, silenced, stunned, This in conjunction with rugged hide to avoid taking a lot of damage it is much more effective than relying on only stuns. 

    Like a berserker:i_know_what_you_did_there: It's actually pretty cool.

  14. 1 hour ago, Lwn said:

    Rogues need do a combo to get heal + extra stun with Poison blades. The poison blades duration is too low and if any elf control a rogue then the combo can't be performed.


    to carry out the combo you need to apply the poison ... this means, poison - auto attack -trickiest technique.
    is on equal footing with the seeker, both need combo, both fail, one for the duration of the poison, and the other because the bleeding is easily dodgeable, both are weak against control skills


    1 hour ago, Lwn said:

    "Tank Class" Blade Dancer can do more damage or equal to a ranger and seeker.


    Why can't a damage class (Rogue) can be tanky? Well Rogues aren't good in damage compared to other elf classes ranger or seeker. 


    because no other damage character is tanky ..
    the bd is a special case, since the addition of the warden, the bd is considered semi-tank, of course .. it has a lot of damage to be just a secondary tank, this should be fixed


    1 hour ago, Lwn said:

    3x dodge buff will good if they bring back instead of kick skill. Kick skill is irrelevant and can be resisted by the enemies.

    now i get your point 

    if this happens,
    The kick in the back should be reworked

    1 hour ago, Lwn said:

    A shaman doesn't have any stun skill in expert build and the sentinels already have everything.

    I really don't think the shaman needs stun when currently the shaman does a lot of damage in 1v1 cases, he also has buff and debuff that he can apply  it doesn't always to have stun to win
    I suggest that the earthquake should apply silence, maybe this will solve your disagreement


    1 hour ago, Lwn said:

    A bd with Octopus book is more broken than any other class use that book in game. No one could defeat them , they just win opponents easily. Even without that book.


    there are few books currently dropped, but you are right


    1 hour ago, Lwn said:

    Elfs are populated much in majority of the servers and they can buff elf classes after nerfing those particular op skills which 6x times better than the mc skills. 


    - this depends on whether you still like your class, always in action  despite the nerfs, it's not a bad idea to try all classes

  15. 5 hours ago, Lwn said:

    Run wild for long time?Doesn't make any sense , Rangers blind skill is wild which makes u move far away from your partner in arena where as shaman blind skill makes u move around him or in a random direction.(Doesn't makes you move far from your partner)


    Druids root does the same which casts root for a long time , which can be cycled with the stun combo. As I said , heal totem is an aoe heal skill which can be counter by most of the elf classes. The cleansing skill of sham doesn't save anyone Instantly and the buff stay on only for 8 seconds. It heals only 400heal points every 2 seconds and that doesn't save anyone instantly in arena point of view and in war it is limited.


    Critical damage and Critical healing are different , don't confuse youself with that. The critical damage is only for pve purpose and it doesn't do anything in war area. Attack speed buff no shaman will max that for arena purpose , it's only good for pve.


    Ofcourse you will get 2hits from a fire totem if you don't wear arena gears. Imagine a rogue have 50% Resilience but still he dies by 3-4 hits from a bd.


    Shamans weakness totem is a trash skill too and they just use it to de-buff bds resist skill and it doesn't reduce penetration for a long time , still elfs can hit hard. Also alot of elf classes have accuracy buff so elfs hits won't get dodge even a single hit. 


    I have a better suggession for the weakness totem re-work. The skill should reduce Critical hit , Penetration and attacking speed of the enemy instead of accuracy.


    I wish there will a swap skill rework like Rogues get that Bds resist buff and bds gets one more dd skill instead. This rework sounds fair enough.




    Let rogues have dodge buff which can be stacked 3x max and each dodge  buff should get stacked for every 5seconds while the enemy removes it with each auto hit. This sounds fair comparing with bd resist skill.



    Ofcourse healing and running only wins the game , elfs do that most of the time with paladins immortal shield skills and druids immortal heal skills.


    If I were a Paladin , I would go full magical damage build and max all magical damage skills including banner and kill mcs faster than a Dk. 


    Druids also have decent aoe damage skill but no one max them as I see because all they need is to heal and run for a win as you mentioned above.



    Shamans spend points 4/4 to make that fire totem better also the skill do only damage with 0 stun but why don't the druids do the same? Their aoe damage can also control enemies for a period of time.


    All elf users do the same mistake and moving forum for skill rebalance doesn't make any sense.


    The mistake all they do is following the same skill build , never maxing other skill in which they think those are trash.


    Mcs side each player have their unique build and they don't max anything particularly for arena like elf do it always. 


    Elfs only know heal , stun and run. They exclude to max  thier DD skills and they think those skill are trash.


    Trash skill are only found in MCS side , even 1/4 useless


    Ancestors Hand skill

    Shaman Hp buff skill

    Berserk power


    Absolute Reflexes

    Rogues Frenzy

    Necros rain+poison trash heal combo (doesn't gets time to fullfil the heal skill) 

    Charmers Otherworld fire(A trash chance based stun skill with low aoe damage) 


    Hope devs buff these skills during Skil rework and nerf those elfs op heal and shield skill which are 6x8x times better than the Mcs skills. Also the Bd high damage need a nerf too.

    Summary: He implies that he wants buff for shaman or nerf some elf so the shaman can shine. 


    2: Understand that if that were to happen, the seeker would receive something similar,... After all you want balance don't you? 


    3:If that skill returns to its previous state + the current kick in the back. You can get an idea of how incredibly resistant it would be compared to the other dps classes, Of course damage characters aren't supposed to be that Resistant, do not expect to survive More than a semi-tank, as is the bd, charmer, Templar ... 

    Oh, and it's a mistake to compare a rogue to a bladedancer


    4:Summary 2:

    -elfs have many shields, 

    -The paladin's shield is still strong

    -The legion has few shields, 

    -The druid has a lot of aoe control

    -Sentinels play dirty, stun heal and run

    -The shaman.. Again..  needs stun, because the druid has many

    -The legion has a lot of trash skills

    -Sentinels copy each other in skill builds

    -Finally, nerf some elf, nerf shields, and nerf bd. 


    Try to summarize a little and be clear, I have no problem reading them, but it is more comfortable for those who want to know your disagreement 

  16. On 10/25/2021 at 3:33 AM, Josue Bonilla said:

    The bd nowadays is obsolete in the sense of gvgs events like years and grotto needs some kind of aoe because nobody wants them in the dungeons because there are not enough tanks also the bd is the only character that cannot be cured with Relic or passively in% of health and running should be as before they revealed the rogues also the seeker far exceeds the bd in dps the bd is surpassed in its tank and dps aspects and it is useless if it comes to gvgs and events

    With the addition of wd, bd is not tank anymore...  No longer comparing with barb

    Yes, he still have 2 aggro skill

    One of those should be removed, to leave it as a semi-tank like the charmer, Templar. 

    It would be a semi-tank that works alone, because it does not have any support skill


  17. 1 hour ago, Deimus said:

    I going to put the finger in the wound!! Sentinels (elfs) want a weak easy defeating Legion (mc)!! When they are defeated by Legion they come to forum crying and asking to nerf that class that they lose against. The Portuguese have a saying: "Quem tudo quer tudo perde"

    It's exactly what you are doing dude... :i_know_what_you_did_there:

  18. Wew... I did not know that the paladin was an immortal godlike, super healer, the best tanks of warspear, a destroyer in gvg, a farmer who can alone against everything, the god of the pvp, the one who resists a punch of chuck norris and lives to tell it, with epic beard, steel muscles, with the cry of spartan, who kills you just by looking at you,  with haoshoku no haki, ok enough.... 


    I think it's an exaggeration to put it in S rank just because of the shield... Without that shield It would surely go very down in the ranks , and this why? 

    1: there are runes of resistance and the resistance of the guild

    2: stun is with chance to work

    3: apart from the shield has two other defensive skills that are adornment

    4: it really is not so good at tanking, just because it has heal skill does not mean that it can only against everything, in fact a paladin tank (before his shield was upgraded) is to take great care of it to fulfill its function, (dk also suffers from this, but to a lesser extent). 


    In pvp you are right, but it is not so godlike, it needs an incredible amplification to not depend on the shield (which is what currently makes them very annoying when it comes to pvp) 

    I have faced several paladins, and indeed... The shield is very strong, but without the shield they are very simple to kill... I'm not for or against paladin, it's just my opinion

  19. 8 hours ago, Mjtov said:

    Chieftain!? Lol👌

    The one of classes that need to get buffed in terms of control

    Imo seeker mage bd ranger druid nerf. paladin templar pvp nerf pve buff. 

    Charmer nerf. necro rogue dk buff. warlock balance. 

    I honestly believe that chiefs are more dangerous running like a truck without brakes than stunning, think about it you have no way to get rid of them when they are near you.

  20. 1 hour ago, Diego Ferreira said:


    1. Gain of mobility
    That's right, simply add movement to the Warlock while under stone, with the same limitation as the Templar, where it would be slowed.


    2. Completely change the mechanics of the stone
    In this case my suggestion would be to turn it into a kind of armor that reduces the damage done to the Warlock by some %, I let your imagination act, but let's say it was 20%, but the Warlock would still receive a cure when the stone was used, it would make it a little more resistant.


    3. Self-defense system
    In this case it would be to add a passive where the Warlock could trigger a self-defense system where the stone could apply the zone skill around itself to prevent melee classes from catching the Warlock in its moment of weakness, I believe this option is a little more complicated lol.

    Which of these 3 did you find the most viable?

    Well, I believe we all agree that Warlock's only problem is its lack of survival, so what other improvements would be more needed than increasing its survival kit?



    This post was made using google translator.

    1: How is that?, add movement while the skill reduces the movement? I didn't understand xd


    2: I would say that it is better to add a total of 3 stack of stone skin After finishing the stony body effect, gives you a chance to resist a little


    3: hmmm when the warlock reaches a certain amount of life points (20% for example) he automatically uses stone body? Doesn't this make you lose the target? 

  21. 1 hour ago, Zedeght said:

    Anyway blade dancers make much damage, they are strongers, not easy to kill, and have many resist and stun, what do u want? more buff?

    1: I've been talking about bd and barb, I'm not in favor of either... :dunno:


    2:In the event that you survive that combo, (Which is  Likely with the addition of resistance runes) you would know that there is a pause that gives you a chance to counter attack ... (It is not possible to see it because they have immense damage, you always die before) but This can be seen if they attack a dummy.


    3:Perma-stun means that you are stunned and silenced continuously with no chance to attack back,  (this could be seen with the warlock, charmer and druid before being nerfed) The only option you had was to look for popcorn and see how it slowly killed you without letting you do anything... I clarify in case you don't understand. 


    4: When I asked for more buff? :fuck_that:

  22. 8 hours ago, Lwn said:

    Seekers have 2x auto hit damage skill + they can do high area damage just by each auto hit than charmers dogs do.


    Also they can nuke charmer dogs in 1hit and gets heal up by Bloodthirsty skill + Life steal skill in accessories.

    If it were true, there would be no people complaining about that lol

    4 hours ago, Zedeght said:

    No perma-stun? then what my eyes see? I think im blind lol 👁️👅👁️

    Yep isnt perma, You can check it out for yourself. It will kill you before its combo ends, after that you have a chance to fight back, but of course we do not all have 10k of hp To resist the combo... Do you want to see a real perma-stun/silence? Fight against a full cd druid or a dk


    I guess you have a different concept of "perma-stun" 

  23. On 10/22/2021 at 2:03 AM, Lwn said:


    Blade dancers can perma control any classes and even if thier "Rush" aoe stun fails , they can use SAP(reduces 33% damage and 45% dps) , Hamstring (100% control skill for 4 seconds with high chop damage) , power of the blades ( 40% auto hit damage , can kill any high resilience rogues in 3-4hits) and finally the resist skill.( which can be used again faster with thier cd skill) 



    No.... It's just like barb, they are not perma-stun, it is just that both have a lot of damage, and it is desperate that they lower you many life points while they have you stunned, 3 - 4 sec will be eternal, and worse when they apply another stun at the end of this, it will not give a chance to counterattack.


    And this does not only happen with them,..... rogues, seekers, hunters (if they have high dmg) apply this in their fights, and it is very annoying. But it is not perma-stun

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