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Everything posted by Splendor

  1. hey, audience choice awards? is it a voting contest, or adm opinion contest? whats wrong with the guy that has half thousand of likes? why he loose it?
  2. i have a question... is the bd a tanker or dmg?
  3. R0land, it would be better to put HP increase instead of increased resilience, many ppl go to war for other bonuses, but prefer PvE and resilience is bad for it ... HP can be good for both PVP and PVE as well...
  4. I think when the system shows how long before the war started , each char could vote for a nick by typing a command for example : " @splendor " . And the system would count the votes for the most votes had its highlighted name to facilitate . I think riding and other things exaggeration , only the name of a different color is already very good, and maybe free teleport to t3, t4 and t5 during the war...
  5. only now I read and understood the topic , shit ahsuashuh
  6. We've been through a time when we did not know which skills improve, not know what would change it so serious very useful if it had beside the skills which would improve the next skill level. What would change in damage, ability time and stuff ... we are never sure what is best and not everyone can buy a book of forgetting so easily. isnt just for me, but for all and the newbies
  7. depois desse torneio vai ter o torneio lendário, os +10 e vencedores de torneio de arena serão convidados. o 1° e 2° colocados do torneio de amp até +9 tb serão convidados a participar do torneio de lendas
  8. Informo que todos os participantes pagaram a taxa de inscrição (2500 gold) mas boa parte não compareceu ao evento, fazendo com que fosse desclassificado por W.O. GRUPO 1 Physton x aramiis -- physton win 3x0 Bluefiire x tormentoo -- bluefiire win 2x1 gataobr x chiicooo -- chiicooo win W.O. decksnor x nightmarez -- nightmarez win W.O. GRUPO 2 Xiz x inspixaz -- Inspixaz win 2x0 Allquimia x wantakey -- Wantakey win 1x0 popozinho x naracu -- Popozinho win W.O. cierra x planck -- Planck win W.O. Vídeo dos pvps narrados na integra: canal chicoo dk e splendor ws.
  9. Mas que eu saiba, é assim: Necro vs priest Druid vs xamã Rogue vs ranger dk vs bd pala vs brb lock vs mage essas seriam as equivalencias das classes. o bd ter essas skills é desculpa pra deixa-lo op... se tivesse q fazer algo do tipo, seria pro ranger q é o dmg dos elfos e nao o bd q é um tanker
  10. cabou arena season, cabou os eventos e nenhuma novidade no jogo, que triste... so quando o tio r0land voltar de férias?
  11. não deve ter problema se for só uma estrategia contra uma skill, é mais pra prevenir "runners", pq nem todas as classes conseguem atacar de longe... mas eu to confiante que o torneio vai ser muito bom
  12. but what about complaint? bug , whatever ... there is a Portuguese forum that we use to complain, ask or give suggestions that are completely ignored ... have to use the international forum as it is the only one the moderators read really ... if there is no reason other forums , it was better to have just left the international forum ... forum is for discussion about the game and the news, anyway the news we already see in the launcher of the game. I hope you understand me
  13. the Portuguese forum is not used just because no moderators to meet us there. almost no event posts or something because the moderators team forgot that we are also users of the game and not care about us , only with the sale of miracle coins.
  14. and what about the bug in the keyboard? we just cant erase the words... since 5.7.0... please check that. (android version)
  15. o R0land ja disse que nao vai ter novas classes e não pode tirar o drop de arcos dos mcs por causa que iria tirar o drop dos elfos também. eles pensam na possibilidade de aumentar o valor de venda no npc, ou um npc especifico para a venda desses itens no lado mc
  16. REGRAS: 1. Se o jogador não comparecer no dia do confronto ou desistir, será eliminado por W.O 2. Depois de pagar a entrada para o torneio, o gold não poderá ser devolvido. 3. 3.1. Jogadores lendários (jogadores +10 ou que possuam itens de grandeza) não farão parte do torneio. 3.2. Haverá um torneio para até 8 jogadores lendários. 3.3. O 1# e 2# colocados do torneio, serão convidados a participar do torneio de lendas contra os jogadores +10. 4. Durante o pvp, os jogadores não poderão sair da área de combate, a distância permitida é a que uma classe mágica possa atacar. 5. Os pvps serão feitos na arena, e ganhará quem tiver mais vitórias em 3 lutas. 6. Os nicks serão sorteados e qualquer inscrito poderá enfrentar outro inscrito, independente de lvl (22 ao 26) ou amp (+0 ao +9). 7. Quem perder, será eliminado do torneio, sem direito a receber o gold de volta ou à repescagem. 8. A taxa de entrada do torneio será de 2,5k para o total de 16 players, que dará 40k de gold. Os 40k serão dividido entre o 1# e 2# colocados, ficando 30k pro 1# e 10k pro 2# ( valores ainda a serem definidos) 9. Os pvps não serão todos no mesmo dia, cada dia será uma etapa do torneio até chegar à grande final. Mais regras poderão ser adicionadas. Quem quiser participar, por favor se pronuncie aqui, falando o lvl do seu personagem, amp e classe. Se for no jogo, basta dar pm no Splendor dizendo o nick. QUE COMECEM OS JOGOS!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=upWWL1GhlY4
  17. i think that aigrind must be faster to ban scammers and "buggers"... 90% of the ppl that play warspear already accessed another account ever... I think if someone does this error is it, and if it loses the account aigrind, should not care ... it is already warned forever. well, that was not my case, but it is fair? they block and then see that the account is clean? enter the house and then knock on the door? they should have more respect for their customers (players). respecting all the s that are part of the aigrind team, but has enough people unfairly harmed. as hyedra said, I answer for myself, not for others.
  18. today dozens of players had their game accounts banned and many unjustly ... it would have been a game error? or they know what they are doing? if this was a game error, they already are aware? leave your opinion or your anger down there.
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