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  1. These stats seem kinda low to me, since everyone is running on really high resist stat nowadays and many resist and debuff remove skills. Should be increased to be useful in my opinion, since you need to cut back from other useful skills to make this work and with these stats i dont see it being worth it.
  2. When branch talents were released. I got excited for this talent branch instantly because im a staff user in pvp. Its very fun and different branch, but it dont really make my character any stronger. Instead it makes me very vulnerable because of lack of healing from bird skill. Against weaker players this isnt a problem, but vs any high amped pvp character this is instantly a huge issue. The dmg on this branch is nice, but it makes the character so much weaker that its not worth using this branch. My suggestion to fix this problem is to add a dmg reduction buff on the character that the gloom skill is cast on. Not huge buff like beastmaster 35% dmg reduction buff, but like about 20% would be reasonable enough to make gloom user charmers be able to survive in pvp battles. Other suggestion is to add the healing back, but reduce it a bit. But in my opinion the dmg reduction fix would be more reasonable. Lets say we compare charmer to beastmaster, since they both rely on their summons. Beastmaster gets 35% dmg reduction when their moon is full hp, and has aoe heal that heals pretty much same amount as charmers single target heal, while beastmaster has huge aoe dmg too from aura. Charmer lacks all this aoe effect from healing and dmg while having pretty much similar dmg on single target and doesnt have any defensive skill except this basic heal skill. 1 additional suggestion that isnt "spawn of gloom" related. Since charmer doesnt have any group buffs like every other support class. Would be nice if skill "eye of darkness" would be reworked to give some group buff. For example it could give penetration and def for whole pt. While giving the possibility to see invisible enemies for charmer. Or making blessing a group buff. That could give continuous healing for whole party for example. Or instantly restore hp for whole party and giving buff that increases resistance stat of every pt member. Feel free to give your opinions and some improvement suggestions to my ideas :)
  3. Charmer as a support needs to have some kind of buff, since every supportive skill it has works only for 1 person unlike every other support class. For example shaman has cd/mana regen buff , necromancer and priest have dmg buff and druid can give penetration for whole party. Sentinels have significantly more whole party buffs compared to Legion. In sentinel side there is paladin, which increased defence , priest that gives dmg, druid with penetration buff and templar which has a statue that decreases dmg taken for whole party in that statues range. Legion Only has necromancer with dmg buff and shaman with cd/ mana regen buff. Nowadays support class main job in dungeons is to buff team mates, and dont need focus healing that much since in Pve situations most players have high lifesteal parameter, so charmer as a support class is often overlooked when making party for dungeons. My suggestion is to rework Otherworldly blessing a bit so that when its used it would apply buff for whole pt instead of one target and the charmer himself. That would increase support charmers buffing capabilities enough to get invited in dungeon parties. Also physical build dmg charmer has been nerfed so much that it cant be count as dmg class anymore, so maybe by making this little adjustment charmer could be useful in some way again. :)
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