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Lord of Knowledge
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Everything posted by Arthas

  1. Mesmo não sendo um Bug, provavelmente será mudado. Talvez não a skill, e sim o sistema de tp/ entrar ou sair de combate. Temos que aguardar p ver o que será feito para solucionar o problema. A respeito do MOD, não acho que seja relevante ser ou não MOD. Se o player tem o conhecimento para ajudar , ele pode ajudar independentemente.
  2. I think you and that person went really overboard on that discussion. Maybe our Admins can judge it better then myself. @Nolan
  3. @Trollzin O fórum é BR Haha Tudo nosso aqui, pode postar em Português, os dois Admin falam português. Essa situação do DK já foi conversada extensivamente, e com certeza haverão mudanças em breve. Vamos ter paciência, estamos no fim do ano e os desenvolvedores tem muito trabalho nessa época , devido aos eventos.
  4. The problem is. As melees, rogue and seekers can do nothing in those situations. If we get anywhere close to battle, we will be stunlocked, so maybe rogues do live a few seconds longer then seeker, but stunlocked it'll do nothing , so in the end it doesn't change much. In those kind of battles , tanks can be used as dps taking sponges, and be sent first just so enemies will target them and take longer to kill the damage dealers. (DKs cant do much as physical tbh, for them to be usefull, have to play as magic, and use every stun crystal/item possible) But melee damage dealers need something that helps them atleast have some mobility. Blade Dancers already do. They have a sprint and an anti stun skill. But seekers and rogues can't do much.
  5. When and Where could you ever quest without getting ganked? On first map from 1-14 right? Because after that, there are almost no PvP Free zones. About group dungeons, that is literally what MMORPGs are all about. It seems to me , that what you want to play isn't an mmorpg, but rather a solo rpg. And that, its going to be impossible for you to get in Warspear. As an MMORPG, its always trying to get you together with people to do the game's content. Wether its GvGs , War , Dungeons, Battle for Castles , PvP or anything really.
  6. Montarias acho praticamente impossível de serem implantadas por distoarem bastante do sistema do jogo como um todo. Skins é algo aplicável, porém talvez em um futuro distante, já que os desenvolvedores devem estar de mãos cheias com conteúdo mais relevante para o jogo. Premiar jogadores por sugestões seria impossível, muitos iriam fazer uma enxurrada de sugestões que não são plausíveis, dariam um trabalho gigante pros admins só de ler isso, e no fim pouquíssimas teriam alguma aplicabilidade real. Os admins precisam gerenciar seu tempo, e levar especificamente aquilo que é funcional para os desenvolvedores.
  7. Isso com certeza já chegou até os desenvolvedores. Agora é só uma questão de tempo até eles modificarem o funcionamento da skill do DK / ou o sistema de tp. E para corrigirem a benção. Demora um pouco devido a existirem diversas soluções , mas eles precisam realizar testes pra saber qual delas terá menos impacto no restante do jogo. Qualquer mudança mínima pode ter reações catastróficas em cadeia em um jogo tão complexo.
  8. As higgings said. The problem isn't the book itself. THe problem is that all those players weren't taking the book into consideration when using their skills. I also possess that book, and it isn't that powerfull unless you achieve a ridiculous % of vampirism with consumables. And even then, when surrounded by 10+ players, you are going down.
  9. I mean, o still see a lot of Open World PvP. Mostly underwater and on Irselnort. The game is still really alive and kicking. And i'm certain its community is about to grow a lot, with all the investment in Advertising that AiGrind is making. I hope christmas map brings a lot of diversity on the PvP side of things.
  10. In every server really. But i'm not sure i have any plausible ideas on how to fix it. Any thoughts?
  11. It reminds me of saitama from one punch man, i dont know why 🤣 Nice job!
  12. I dont think that is something that will happen. Because classes that use maces, are melee. Chief , templar , dk. So even if the mace could basic attack from range, they still would need to get to melee range to use skills. So it would be pointless.
  13. What you want is the magic mace to be able to attack from range? Or do you want the mace to change its dmg type from magic to physical depending wether the player is at melee range or not? Or do you just want mace's damage to be increased? Because it's damage is already high. Explain in a bit more detail. DK attacks mostly from melee, even when focused on magical attack. And the same goes for the chief.
  14. Acho que a melhor saída é você criar um post mais completo com o que você acha que deve ser mudado, talvez idéias de skills, e mecânicas. Pra que isso possa realmente ser sugerido. O próximo balanceamento de classe ainda deve demorar alguns meses, então você tem tempo.
  15. AiGrind has said before that this is not bannable. Atleast not yet, maybe one day they are going to include such a rule.
  16. This. You absolutely dont have to get top 5 to achieve the end goal. It'll just take you longer , ofc . And in the end @Rayotenper , you'll be able to tell people that you achieved greatness gear without the need to participate in the "corrupted guild arena system"
  17. If you have them all, try storing them on a guild bank and then taking them out again. Maybe that works. If it doesn't , probably 1 of your items is not correct.
  18. O Kronus renasce de 6 em 6 horas. A respeito do Polvo e do Orcinus, não tem restrição de vezes que pode matar. A única restrição é no Polvo, que para iniciar a luta contra o boss você precisa de no mínimo 30 players.
  19. Acho que depende muito. Se você tiver amigos pra te ajudar na arena 6, você pode esperar até comprar a grandeza. Se não tiver, vai precisar comprar algum item prévio para conseguir disputar na arena.
  20. Talvez em um patch futuro. Mas o que eu realmente acho que o xamã precisa , é de uma utilidade PVE. Um buff, e um dos bons. Tipo Dano Crítico ou dano base. Algo que fizesse ser uma classe que gerasse interesse nas pts de farm. Porquê atualmente ninguêm quer levar xamã pra farm Tower, pelo fato de que necros tem mais dmg e dão buff de dano para a pt. Porquê pra Arena e PvP de grande escala a classe já está bastante forte.
  21. As a free player , winning those battles is certainly more rewarding. Try it more often, maybe you'll end up loving it. Get some of your friends to participate with you, with time you are going to have a lot of synergy when playing together.
  22. I do agree that rogue's dodge is incredibly strong atm. But its use on Large scale PvP is close to none. I think most rogues would accept a nerf on kick if they were going to get something that helps them be useful for a guild. AoE stun skill or Anti stun skill. Nowadays a lot of the endgame guilds are avoiding recruiting Rogues just because how they bring almost no utility to GvGs , War, and battle for castles. All you can do it try to run around and 1v1 people, and that rarely ever happens. So, the point isn't getting rogue into being OP, just to a point where it can stand its ground on those situations. Because nowadays , most of the game is focused on Large Scale PvP. And i'm certain sentinels have classes with that same problem. Hopefully the next class balance patch will help us
  23. Usually the 3x guild points week is followed by either a last week with no "weekly event". Or by the end of the event. We will have to wait and see I already miss the event haha
  24. Boa cara! Faça de todas as classes, e se der chama uns players que tem experiência na classe p/ te dar idéias diferentes também.
  25. Provavelmente Mas pense positivo, jajá está chegando o Natal, e com certeza vai vir cheio de novidades interessantes. 🤩
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