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Legendary Mentor
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Everything posted by Gladiator

  1. It is possible already to have 10%+.. 2.9% stun is on 1 handed lvl21 weapon, buddy. On lvl23, I assume it'd be 3.2% or so.. and multiply the amount by 2 to have the 2 handed weapons stun amount, also if crit enchanted... And don't forget 5% from the weapon itself... Gg bro.
  2. I will break the routine this time and be on in this time when I usually don't be on. Julie
  3. I am pretty chill... And I wouldn't mind if he insults but at least with some reason to do so... But he is a little ignorant, who is just good at typing behind the computer screen.
  4. -Did I say that they are fleeing from those attacks? I didn't. -I didn't say that you are proud of killing civilians either. -I didn't defend ISIS, I didn't say that they are good, and you are bad, they are humanitarians, and you are terrorists. Wait... Was that reply to me or someone else in the thread? Oh... Lol, why would I lie. Believe or not, it is not my problems, but at least I know from where I can get news. And lemme tell you, the Media is the worst to get news from nowadays.
  5. Did you literally see the screenshots? Did you see how the damage didn't even change although lifesteal did? What the duck are you still arguing about? Are you retard or you are just acting like one? I expected a grownup mind would accept the fact that he sucks, when he sees proofs, but what you did is that you still argue without any evidences for your bs talking... And you call me a "kid"? Get a life ffs.
  6. It can actually be obtained 5 times, each time is around 50% or so, so my 650 went to 2.3k.... OH what did I just say? I amped, yeah, amped to +21.
  7. I could have argued without showing screenshots, but I know if I don't, you would keep on arguing pointlessly like an idiot. So, here you go... And now if you argue more, then that means you are a total dumb and a mental retard. It was clear from the examples you gave about Dota and League of Legends that you don't know anything about this game, one doesn't simply compare two different games, because both can have different concepts for the same given item. And you came here to argue bullshit with someone of about two years and a half of Pala experience, and without even showing screenshots. How about instead of talking, you try this combo vs me and let's see if you can pull it up.. Your opponent must be a noob if he doesn't see the Banner coming.
  8. 0 opens bag too.. And like what Noso said F1-2 and numbers 1-9. With those, and with more practice, you can develop your own combos for fast opening menus. For example, F2-1-1 opens equipment, F2-2 for map, etc.. I can't imagine me playing on phone as fast as I play on PC
  9. What kind of logic are you using in your talking? So basically if only 66 civilians died that wouldn't be counted as "Terror action"? Dude.. Even if 1 innocent civilians was killed that'd be as Terrorism, because they don't have the right to kill. Or maybe you are trying to say that killing 1 ISIS member is as killing 1 innocent human? So they are safe to kill as long as they are killing ISIS members? Oh and yeah... speaking of sources, I have my family there in Syria, I think they would be enough as a source.
  10. Oh yeah.. Nvm that 2k dmg and +20 spear.. I amped +21 recently.
  11. Excuse me for being a newbie in this, but.. What advantages does the Steam or Greenlight provide?
  12. Balance... No one liked when max magic def could barely go 2k. However, they re-disturbed the balance when they gave Bds and Rogues axes and some sh*tty Expert Skills for several classes.
  13. They way you're talking with is disturbing me, I can't handle the amount of dissatisfaction.
  14. I think it is pretty clear for me, or maybe someone can explain for me, why are people seeing Russian weapons in Syria between ISIS hands. (Neglecting Russian weapons with Assad's Troops and their support for him, that is not our topic). It is all planned that wars and conflicts in the Middle East, especially in Syria, last more. Some support from this side to this side, and from that side to that side would do.
  15. Of course, France and Russia have been bombarding Syria, aiming IS. I believe more innocents died than IS battalions themselves. But, no worries, they weren't seen as "Terrorists" in the world's eyes, since they were fighting the "Actual terrorists". And now when IS attacked Paris, the world was like "OMG, SEE THOSE TERRORISTS, PRAY FOR PARIS". I am not defending ISIS, they already killed many innocents in the Middle East, however, the world doesn't give a sh*t about them. Because that's what Russia and USA want through those supports they provide ISIS with. Yes they support them, don't you know? But IS are dirty, each time they get strong, they betray their allies, so they need to hit them from time to time, so actions, like those happened in Paris, don't happen somewhere else, maybe Washington DC? And more innocents pay the prince, talking for both in France as well as in Middle East. I don't know, I actually think that things are going out of USA's control, although I still highly doubt it.
  16. Wuuuuutttt?? How did 700 become 840 by using 20% lifesteal? How you can Fetter immediately after Banner? Performing the skill takes 1 second which is enough for the opponent to stun you if he is fast enough, and if he doesn't lag. You think enemy is gonna watch you while you perform your combos? Wuuuuuuuttt m8? Wuuuuttt?
  17. Paladin: A Paladin puts a label on a selected target, it lasts only few seconds, if the target dies during the effect of the skill, the skills cooldown of the paladin and his allies in a party is partially restored with some percentage. (Maybe 5%-6%-8%-12% at levels 1-2-3-4, respectively). And the skill's duration stays the same at all levels, 5 seconds.
  18. Hmmm, *sniff* *sniff* I smell new skills in Russian Forum
  19. I have! But, imaginary :/ http://ws-db.ru/calculator?code=4OzTlBuiHn5ZBt/1pRQYfNVVqpK4SWGOg6eZXxDXUxgOZcqUyjLj3vqNFXVyqlfs2cg5rfYiDfIg93mRhDwYaFPpnGfdo/xYx98/NVJIfTduhfZNNKsoZc6/hHu0bo/I/qdSNqEHrnwVwT4s6QZhstG6gxbYGsWXBR1nHmTyc6GfyCRm3OWiCTtVc6vKuORQNTRl5H16PzJTOryD41NfFxmQvRd2aP31vwFOUyLywXYyotjbuPIAZEB4XXlxoXF4LSiM31komr7/0h46liiMx3VakEteXZoh42DB22ZAS84sJzQ/xARxWdMmgTr5EWFr4PTEiKFpPqHjCpMVoWR9d1zRa7rp2SDLXAFociwzPjzzbqqGUO/DElup0IavdIQlkl3ddhTf0FRhIX1wcrN8H37f752M8I0x3w___sOaVYAwQ9Acte2Ac=
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