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Mohammad Mujtaba

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Mohammad Mujtaba's Achievements

Rookie I

Rookie I (1/27)



  1. Druid new root skill will make old roots to cooldown or no? And also if u provide any info about new roots effect time I will appreciate it.
  2. Hello everybody! As title says I am tired of harsh people on EU EMERALD server so I am suggesting GM of creating some kind of rule against abusers if not all kind of them just family abusers and relegion abusers who trash talk about others family or relegion this should be stopped so people can enjoy game!
  3. Pumpkin ride real hard for casters I can reach 700 magic with spheres but still not got to kill 3 Night rider solo I kill alone 15 in one ride still 6 tokens reward But night rider party I got maximum 38 tokens so I am gonna put all my money on that
  4. I too was talking about casters/two handed weapon class u have to lose 40+ magic for stun which is not much if it was to be put on in boots I would happily sacrifice dexterity or cooldown for it but if takes my magic almost more than 10% of my total power I ain't gonna go for it but its true it will be cool for dagger users anyways thanks for reply all @}-
  5. I guess putting dmg and def spheres to arena shop is a good for non mcoin users I wish devs put Signs to arena shop as well so non mcoin users can get it from there too cuz nowadays in EU-Emerald server they costs like 15k++ so if it was in arena shop it would have been better idea!
  6. Hey there guys! I think stun crystal is a pretty useless cuz u have to sacrifice ur dmg/mdmg for it and no one is ready for it so I hope GMs make it to be used on at least one other item than weapon like gloves or boots I personally like the idea of being used in boots I currently have one and before getting it I thought its like CD crystal so I was happy but now I think of it as a useless item plz GMs do something about it! I hope this post makes sense to all of u!
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