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King Death

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Everything posted by King Death

  1. Management needs to be aware that the shaman's healing totem can accumulate on top of each other over and over again, drastically affecting the survival of the entire guild, in addition to debuffs in the area that the same class has while in the rival faction, it only has this ability, but nowhere near heals as much as the shaman's healing totem. Legion now has a lot of survival with damage debuffs and crowd control, in addition to massive area damage compared to mages, while sentinels do not have good survival and crowd control is nowhere near as effective even with the arrival of the templar
  2. Is it just for you a skill that you can't take damage that loses part of the effect? In the arena it is impossible to keep 100% of the potential of the skill bitterness. Ranger is the only class that doesn't move as fast as the others, it already makes it fragile enough
  3. If silence and fear skill of Hunter cant bê dodged ir blocked, Just do the same to ranger.
  4. этот класс действительно хрупок в пвп, им почти никто не пользуется ... ему срочно нужен ребаланс!
  5. Seria ótimo se você levasse esse tópico ao fórum internacional pela perfeição na qual foi escrito, meus parabéns! Eu ja tenho falado bastante que é necessario impulsionar o lado pve dos MC's e principalmente com algo que seja aumento de dano crítico, pois a maioria de nossas skills são por debuffs, geralmente de defesa e isso não funciona na maioria de bosses, ou seja, 90% inútil... E sim, a nossa maior dificuldade em encontrar xamã principalmente no servidor BR é por conta da dificuldade de achar grupo para farm e isso impacta diretamente na estrutura de classe das guildas para GvG, e essa seria realmente a solução para um dos nossos problemas, até eu uparia um xamã com essa skill 🙂
  6. I agree that to have balance you should have similar skills for both sides, such as critical damage and support that increases critical damage as well to boost the legion's PvE, as well as shields that absorb absurd amounts of damage, and skills that will not let you die for 3x, Oh I also couldn't forget to resist, since they gained control too... ⚠️I - The Legion's PvE has long been incomparable to that of the Sentinels and is mainly due to the fact that the two skills that increase the critical damage of the game, are only in the Sentinels, as well as pala's shield, like patron of druid ⚠️II - If you don't know, the templar already has a passive ability that heals itself and in the area, without having to press any buttons, just "stun" someone, and priest can heal in area and remove debuffs
  7. Você tem que pensar nos eventos de batalha em grupo, que hoje, é o que tem de melhor e mais importante no jogo! Inverter a mecânica da classe desse modo o faria totalmente inútil, pois o DK não controla de longe, ele é melee ou seja, precisa de aproximação, porém essa aproximação dele é puxar um único alvo, só daí já percebe-se o quanto seria um dano em área (que já é inferior ao do lado sentinelas) jogado apenas para um inimigo, além de que, para resolver esse problema, dk deveria sair andando até o meio dos inimigos para atingir o máximo de alvos possíveis e isso não seria possível, pois sabemos o quanto DK não tá tankando nada hoje em dia além de que seria facilmente controlado não sendo possível chegar na área desejada por não ter uma skill de fácil aproximação ou resistir a controles, ou seja, não chegaria ou morreria antes de chegar ao local desejado tornando mais uma skill totalmente inútil pra classe... Creio que a solução mais sabia seria assim que jogar a habilidade, o fogo aparecer de imediato e o alvo no qual o DK jogou a skill, receber a porcentagem a mais de dano, mantendo as jardas de distância para mandar a skill e o dano, simplesmente mudar o tempo para aparecer o fogo...
  8. Idéia ótima amigo! Eu creio que iria facilitar e muito a organização dentro da guild, excelente!
  9. Sim, e essa mecânica é horrível para a legião, pois sua maneira de causar dano é na maioria por debuffs de defesa, tal como grimório de Lock, marca do caçador, etc até o próprio sangramento do cacique não pega na bandeira... Enquanto os elfos tem atributo de auto ataque como seeker e BD, tiro duplo de ranger, dano critico do seeker tbm... Isso é terrivelmente vantajoso para os sentinelas... E sinto muito revelar, mas essa vantagem não fica apenas na WAR... Pilares de mermem tbm são da mesma mecânica... Sad, but true
  10. Прошу прощения за возможные языковые ошибки, сейчас пользуюсь переводчиком. 😉 Я согласен с автором, разница в DPS между классами легиона очевидна: задержка дуги теперь составляет 3,3 секунды, кроме того, у разбойников и варваров есть навыки, которые дают гораздо больше скорости и больше атрибутов, кроме скорости, поэтому нравится CD и проникновение. И даже не говорите мне о метке охотника, эта способность может противостоять большинству боссов, что делает ее практически бесполезной. И разница становится еще более разительной по сравнению с классами дозорных, такими как исследователь с + 25% автоатакой урона, BD с 40% автоатакой, рейнджер с двойным выстрелом и некоторыми другими атрибутами, такими как проникновение, точность, которой нет у охотника ни в каком навыке. Охотник полностью забыт в этом игровом режиме и все еще откладывает атаку из лука ... Они делают идеального охотника бесполезным ... 1-й дал нам способность, которая дает только скорость без каких-либо других атрибутов (в отличие от всех других классов) 2º убрал скорость с 22% до 18%, что и так было плохим умением. 3-я задержка в скорости атаки луков и арбалетов (арбалет худшее оружие в игре, самый медленный из всех сейчас) 4-й. У всех остальных классов есть что-то особенное, мы можем уменьшить защиту врага, но что хорошего, если это не что-то эксклюзивное для охотника? Весь физический урон использует эту способность (Примечание: стоит помнить, что в спорах, таких как GvG и Castle, эта способность не применяется в «Pylons of mermem trials», и, как и в троне замка, в этом отношении сторона стража имеет бесконечные преимущества) 5-й патрульный аналогичный класс часовых имеет такое же количество оглушения, плюс больше навыков нанесения урона и что-то совершенно уникальное, что является благословением (двойной выстрел), которое всегда делает его лучшим выбором в отличие от охотника Определенно это / будет худшим выбором для Legion PvE
  11. Почему так мало жизни? В замке, где могут участвовать 70 человек, троне с таким небольшим количеством жизней, защитить почти невозможно.
  12. присмотритесь к волшебнику, и вы увидите, что обе способности принадлежат одному и тому же волшебнику.
  13. Противоположное происходит сейчас в войне на одном сервере, узлы благословения и тамплиеры умудряются оглушать и толкать своими навыками, при этом невозможно атаковать вражеский флаг, однако я не смог записать.
  14. Здравствуйте все! Первое прощение за возможные языковые ошибки, так как в настоящее время я использую переводчик. Я пришел, чтобы сообщить об ОШИБКЕ, которая произошла в GvG Mermem Trials на сервере BR-Tourmaline. Как видите, этот волшебник сумел повредить меня и контролировать меня с помощью способности гильдии, которую я не должен отпускать! Благословение гильдии должно сделать членов неуязвимыми, они не смогут атаковать или подвергнуться нападению, однако это не так. Прошу вас исправить это, чтобы мы могли играть честно и весело. Спасибо! WhatsApp Video 2020-09-19 at 18.59.05.mp4
  15. when I think it can't get any worse, i know that skill inflige 250% physical dmg... Templar with 900dmg can hit 2250 with one skill... Its a prank? Where is the Cam?😃
  16. Hi, I'm sorry for possible spelling mistakes, I'm using the translator... Right Right too... But i dont believe... The macro mechanics that the game provides, actually now a sentinel side that has a lot of area damage (Mages, seeker, now BD with counter atk, paladin, ranger) good for GvG and PvE, while the legionary side has periodic area damage (Necro, Warlock, DKs, "shaman" and hunter) hunter has only one good skill, but if you block or dodge the first target, do not sequence the skill. Area Damage: Sentinels Wins Area Control: As for area control, the legion had more and better skills: with this update, I am happy that it is now balanced. Note: I- Sentinels won over time spells that can easily neutralize control (Warden, BD, Mages with skills and priest what can remove debuffs/stun and heal area) + runes, scroll, pots, guild skill, equipment and accessories all with resist; II- Legionnaire control is only good for PvP in general, because even defense debuffs, for the most part, are not possible to apply to bosses, as they resist almost all debuffs / stun. Group Defense: Clearly it is indisputable that the sentinel side has more and better support and group defense skills (Paladin with this absurd shield and defense buff, Druid who does not allow to die with a patron in addition to several other healing skills of the class, Warden who also has group support skills in addition to several damage debuffs, priest with good control and area damage, as well as skill that heals and removes debuffs, and now a Templar who is another support class) Result: The sentinel side has the advantage of being offensive with a lot of area damage and resists (invading legionary defense in GvGs and castle) as defensive (With great group support, stuns and now more stuns with the new class) A new problem will arise if that really happens, the legionary side doesn't have enough potential to be offensive like the sentinels because you don’t have strong enough support skills. (Something that happens a lot in GvG mermem trials on my server, a warden takes the crown, 3 paladins and 2 druids support it and it is impossible to kill even with 15 rogues attacking him, but we have already been invaded and lost the crown for not having skills that soak up efficiently, or let it not die as the patron of the druid.) As for the new legionary class, I congratulate the developers for meeting the needs of the game, because as I said before, the legion needs something similar to the damage of the sentinels, because if they have more damage in single targets as in area (as ranger with 'double shot', BD with a lot of auto attack damage skill and Seeker with a lot of automatic attack damage and increased critical damage skills) make them very strong in PvE, managing to make DGs in less time and affecting drops and even GP on the side legionary. But we need to see the new class, if is really good for PvE. I have only one suggestion for this class regarding the skill that increases the movement speed, if it cannot be invisible, it will have to pass fighting against enemy mobs and players, so it would be fair to resist with this skill. Congratulations to the developers for their hard work, I understand how difficult and complex it is to try to balance the game, but I ask you to look attention and affection at who really plays the game.
  17. I think the best way to solve this would be to require targets to use the skill, as well as legion.
  18. ok, but this influences the choice of factions and makes one grow and become populous while the other does not grow, and this is very visible on the BR server.
  19. Especially in GvG mermem trials, whenever someone from the legion gets the crown, the sentinels always reach first that if someone from the sentries had taken the crown. Sentinels have the advantage of regrouping, of reaching the opponent faster, in addition to the enormous defensive advantage with the paladin's shield both to attack in groups and to defend who has the crown, the legion has neither equal defensive power nor the same mobility.
  20. Okay, but what about the paladin's shield? The ability absorbs a lot of damage, unmatched by any other support class. In the merman event, when someone takes the crown and receives the paladin's ability, it is much more difficult to get the crown back than any other legion support. It is also worth remembering that paladin, wizard, BD and explorer have movement advantages in GVG while the legion side does not have equivalent skills.
  21. Ok, but and the paladin's shield? The ability absorbs a lot of damage, unmatched by any other support class. In the merman event, when someone takes the crown and receives the paladin's ability, it is much more difficult to take the crown back than any other legion support.
  22. Você mesma disse que dessa forma poderia ser facilmente burlado com membros da guilda sempre vencedora ir para outras guildas, e mais uma vez, impossibilitando as guildas da legião visitarem a masmorra. Gosto mais da opção de abrir a masmorra por um tempo menor se você conseguir passar para a segunda fase, assim não torna a masmorra exclusiva e jogadores (como eu) podem desfrutar de todo o jogo. Já tentei jogar lá, e o que conheço desse servidor é que a guilda que hoje se chama WIN, sempre foi dominante no servidor e consegue sempre as vantagens de ter o pódio no servidor, e você pode dizer "Ah, mas acontece isso da mesma forma com a ANCESTRAIS no servidor BR", tá mas em todos os 7 servidores, somente 1 a legião conseguir "dominar" (visto que no lançamento do castelo não conseguiram pegar de uma guilda nível 10) e os 6 restantes serem dos sentinelas. Me diga, isso não seria indício de um desequilíbrio e não de falta de estratégia? Não falo necessariamente equivalente, mas algo a mais de defesa além do controle, pois o que acontece na prática é: ancestrais vem pra cima com seus 50 magos com enobrecer pulando em cima dos caçadores, bruxos, xamãs, e necromantes, além do dano atordoando todo mundo, além do escudo que eles tem, precisão e possibilidade de ver inimigos invisíveis, o grande dano em área aliado ao vampirismo, faz com o que a classe tenha grande durabilidade e facilita aniquilar toda a nossa linha de defesa (bruxo vai fazer o que? Virar pedra? Enquanto todo o resto morre) Amei 😍💕 Give me link plzz 🥰
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