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Ahmed Didar

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Everything posted by Ahmed Didar

  1. I don't really like word luck in drops. it just doesn't make sense for a game. it needs to be more fair to everyone playing
  2. As a matter of fact, there could a 2nd one of them. Some guy in EU dropped 2 books from elm i think. And a half set of light mermen was dropped in our server
  3. You aren't unlucky, they obviously have some systems to determine how someone gets a drop. Yes I have been getting the same shit ass craft materials which I barely use. I have over 2k-3k craft items of each (except purple ones). That's how bad the drops are. Not even chances of the drop of such items are mentioned. It is simply nothing but a gamble. Because the only way for you to keep spamming is by buying stamina which requires miracle coins which is bought by real money and no other way around. Even if you buy with gold, it's just the same thing because stamina can't come out of anywhere else. I have seen so many players getting frustrated over the drops. I absolutely don't find it fair to anyone.
  4. Update Guild name, NoMercy now and it is lvl 11 now with most guild perks on mc side with marbs back. We all are up and running, more activity on raid bosses and most events are being completed. Come join us all, we all help newbies who are new to SEA-PEARL. This is a place of opportunities unlike other populated server. We all are united here, pure elf vs mc. We have NoMercy for elf. Come fight this warzone if you have the balls.
  5. This guide is so top notch that it made me shed a tear.
  6. @Nolan bro lol, i can't find a single mc characters who has such skill as these. unique? that looks REAL BROKEN even if resistance was there, let's not forget the templar can stay invisible for some amount of time mean the cd of that skill charges up fast enough to do another ping pong
  7. Yeah makes no ducking sense I swear because the attack strength skills all goes to elfs and they specialize in it. Meanwhile there 0 legion class with such stats.
  8. The timer of seeker replenishment indeed do suck. It's completely fine that such mechanics are required for running dungeon with stamina but the real point how much do the consumer benefit by putting in the money from it. I would make a statement that the drops really suck most of the time. You get lucky sometimes. But what's the point of putting in money for something that you have no idea you will get or not. It's a complete gamble.
  9. He meant that he should take only 1 skill damage among the 5 chieftains, so the other 4 will just sit there doing absolutely nothing. I don't think he meant the dodge parameter, cuz there isn't a single video of mentioning it.
  10. That's what he mean, lol
  11. Keep crying elves, you got whole arsenal of crazy skills in on almost all characters. Your whole faction doesn't make sense.
  12. and what about templar, bd, paladin, ranger, druid? they all can survive vs many any day with right build
  13. doesn't change the fact that it is god on pvp, definitely needs a nerf
  14. But I see almost 2 bonuses on most speed skills, is that fair?
  15. might be fun for you, could be annoying to others
  16. I think everything about seeker is just fine now.
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