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Хотелось бы, конечно, бесплатно. Но лучше платный вариант, чем ничего
Only sending one screenshot of results cannot be used as evidence though because we cant tell what happend in the fight, how long it lasted etc. Half of that heal could simply be from distortion book for example, get stunned > bd vortex or flash you > dostorion trigger = heal 5k hp in 1 hit. Besides, a barb that is built to be able to tank good, is just a wall the same way as warden is, they can be built the same way. You look at these clips here about godofwarr for example, he cant kill anything he just stands there, can only kill some random PvE elf at their dg. Generally speaking i do agree that last wish needs a change, but i suggest a complete rework rather than just a nerf. Theres no reason to have skills in this game that are one-time use per battle. As far as i know, only barb and dk even have such skills that are great while they last but then have a minute and a half of cooldown without abusing stuff like warcry.
By Badshooter · Posted
Найди бд, это 1е. 2е, найди у этого бд 3 стака антика, если не нашел, то иди дальше искать - небольшой тебе мини квест с образовательной функцией. -
не. Задача игроков - понять, что гриндить скучно и нудно, и проще задонатить. Больше мотивации ходить в инст, а ещё нужно больше донатить чтобы купить книжку. Профит для компании
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