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A way to reset talents like the book of oblivion for skill points could be interesting


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Tiny introduction : I haven't played since probably around 9.4 or something like that ; I just joined sometimes to get rewards and check new things...


I want to talk about the new block of 3 talents ( for me seeker ones ) : 

when I came back I found that big boost of knowledge from lvl up update and I was kinda excited and started to play again a bit and decided after some reading to upgrade the talent "Remaining Acceleration" , only to find out about the new block of 3 talents , especially the " Inner rage talent one ( the less dmg received ecc... ) which was better. 

First of all I want to say that after getting informations and reading skills description I need an answer to this : Is the skill intended to give 40% strenght boost or is it just a bug ? Because it doesn't say anywhere about getting a big boost with Inner rage skill thing.

Second thing : I wanted to make a suggestion about getting a "reset talents" way as for skill points. Taking the example of myself , I wasted, for a bad skill description , 42k knowledge on a skill upgrade , which otherwise would have helped me a lot reach the new talents faster ; as you know you need to unlock both sides with a skill point + 63k as the talent cost.

You need to count about talents discount week ecc... for the refund process, but I think that could be a good way to help people that come back like me or new players to "find a solution" to a wrong take.


Thank you for your time, have a great day :D

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