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Everything posted by SaltyCoffe

  1. No way u said that, this shows the 0 knowledge on seeker class... 1st of all to even reach as you said a " backline rogue " would mean me to go frontline with either low hp talent or middle talent, meaning a suicide in the mass 2nd even if somehow i don't die ( won't happen ) and I use attraction on you it definitely won't work as this skill is 1 of the most " resisted " in the game, especially now with all these resist % someone can gain just from buffs + enchants And If I would grab you on sides ( evading the mass ) and hunter can easily use 2 skills and I'm gone meanwhile u could survive my combo by passive+gouge+stealth under that stun or maybe not stunned; ( because grabbing someone from invis won't automatically stun you , because you have chance to resist the stun )
  2. Every day that passes , warspear is more and more just a super end-game content with a " must " of class-less books ( more or less for any classes ) So I had an idea in mind to even improve these ones. We know that there are talents for the " holiday books " , for example Rage book going from 6% to 7% or Attack strength book going from 4% to 4.75% , so my idea was to create some talents that can improve the " non - holiday books " like Attack speed or Penetration book or even raid books like critical damage or critical healing. My idea was to create a different section for those and put for example a " 50.000 knowledge cost " for a "level-up book" talent , for example you spend 50k knowledge to make Penetration book go from 3% to 4% The idea was to use knowledge as it becomes useless after you maxed all your talents and you don't have to switch branches. This would bring more ppl to invest on a book and make usage of the excess knowledge at end-game
  3. Weekly rating takes into another argument such as the castle that the " class " spamming has and ecc.... , for example if the rogue has t5 castle , there's no way the rogue losing the rating top if he spams hard with a good pt ( counting the fact that the " seeker pt " is gonna use 1000000 stam to cover the missing castle ) But yeah , that goes back to my saying of being different classes with different strengths , doubt they gonna do a huge change like : " op rogue pve now "
  4. Using the reverse grab , completely removes lot of the seeker dmg , and you still have to take the factor that " if you manage to survive " you have to re-use it to have that resist back ( which means putting yourself in a bad position or losing momentum on the dmg ) There's no way you call shield " OP " .... even 5/5 it basically shields so low ( the talent in 3rd branch works best with low hp talent . but then you lose the resist from Reverse Attraction ) ; any damage class can easily pierce through shield + kill you easily Rogue needs buff yes , but don't compare it to seeker , classes must have their unique skill set + different playstiles otherwise devs should just make a " mc seeker " and " problem solved " for you ;/
  5. I don't know what goes in US , but in EU been years that top guilds don't recruit seekers because they are garbage class for gvg , not because " the guild has too many " Funny thing by the way how you compare rogue to seeker , basically saying "seek op" " rogue trash " , while it's not as you say . Yes, i've said it too, many times that rogue need some different type of buffs, but I can't stand you guys glazing seeker strength like it's destroying every class with +5 items ( If this happens it just means that the enemy was a 40% resil with no buffs or an afk guy ) In the current state of the game : " good rogue > good seeker " The ONLY time a " seeker " in terms of class strength / utility ( in this case pvp scenario ) surpasses " rogue " class strength and utility is when the seeker has full end-game gear with greatness ( with whatever varion one can use ) and 20+ books So yes , while I agree with rogue buff , pls don't say things like " seeker has this much op , while rogue sucks fully " , I would love to have that dodge passive instead of our shit shield that tanks 1/4 of an enemy dmg skill ( barely )
  6. They will never do something like this. You kinda stated it already in your sentence, they basically changed the entire server of SEA-PEARL because they couldn't fix a lag problem ( that appeared from nowhere few months ago ) and basically said " fak your chars ( even 50 booked ) if you still lag , change server and restart ; oh and don't forget to spend some more $ while you are restarting another char in another server xD. Oh right , selling chars is bannable too ! . Pretty much you just lost everything without even being your fault
  7. Strange suggestion but I feel like the activation animation of this book should be at least changed to a green color to make it same as the icon; because right now it's basically the same animation and same color as the other Book " Critical Might "
  8. Np mate, I have a guide ready with 90% images and 10% info that's already given in game about 2handed pve seeker with speed gears as new way to see it that can work ! We've found the trick to win now !
  9. Interesting guide and nice tips for newcomers !
  10. Great guide for newer people coming to Almahad !
  11. A while ago it was said that they are working on something like " choosing the achievement skins " related to your char , i don't know when and if it will come
  12. I was wondering , why not make Underground speed book give 10% movement speed in Tombs and Outposts too ? Considering that they can be considered to something similar to a dungeon , I guess it would be a good help that won't hurt anyone
  13. Why is that ? This is just a feature for some classes who wants to not lose the original skill buffs
  14. I think the talents makes an enemy auto or skill impact you with 5% less accu It doesn't directly affect enemies accuracy % but the "attack" itself , so indirectly it says " little bit less chance that the attack hits you "
  15. for seeker spring bracelets are better
  16. Noty . Better release in horror after all holiday bracelets are out Spring bracelets will come , don't wanna spend 100m for lvl 34 gear attk strength
  17. Wanted to make a suggestion on the last talent " Inner Harmony " of Seeker's 3rd branch Is there any way to make it so it's numbered, so we can actually see how much " skill cooldown speed " actually increases? Because right now you have to open the stats and try make some fast math calculations
  18. A cooldown in the change could be another idea but that could stop hard people who are slowly building a branch like me for example where i invest some knowledge and then switch back , ecc... And 7 days ( still better than 25k knowledge in terms of cost ) I think it's a bit too much , taking me for example again , I would have to sacrifice my whole pve potential just for 2 weekly mermen gvgs ( without counting holidays events gvg ) and switch back the next week to lose the pvp gvg potential So I would say a reduced cooldown might work better
  19. This topic has been talked about many times since the release of new branches for the main talents. We know that to change into an inactive branch from an active one you are required to sacrifice a certain amount of knowledge that depends on how many talents you unlocked in that inactive branch ; we also can see that the majority of these were created to divide 1 branch pve , 1 branch pvp , 1 branch support ( random examples ) , so my point is that investing on 1 branch ( in 90% of the cases ) locks you in either pve or pvp playstyle and this might hurt more or less depending of course on the class you play. My suggestion was to leave the "amount of knowledge required to change" to an inactive branch BUT if the branch you are trying to change into is MAXED ( 3/3 , 4/4 , 1/1 talents ) where basically you can't invest more knowledge in that specific branch, the cost of the change is to be completely removed . I feel like this change could bring people to try out even more playstyles without suffering a lot for the knowledge cost change or the hard-grind invested on it ; yes , it might be "useless" to gain knowledge when you have maxed all the talents available , but that is a really long grind and on a top-guild matter , you can adapt to the situation better than having to waste 50k knowledge ( change and change back of maxed branches ) just for 1 mermen gvg fight. As you can see 50k knowledge is not something so easy to obtain, so it's basically a : " you are forced to stay on 1 branch " , even when you have all maxed out branches you can do this move 1 time per weeks ... I don't really see the " versatility " on that mechanic . Let me know your opinions
  20. Just to update this post Knowledge discount ( except for rare updates ) COMES OUT ONLY FOR ANNIVERSARY PERIOD ( few weeks of discount if i'm not wrong )
  21. They don't even require an healer if you have strong party ; Dungeon has always been an hard thing to do for average players, that's why the recommended thing is to bring every type of character ( tank, healer , dmg , ecc... ) in dungeons
  22. The 3rd branch seems like a "More tanky " way but it really isn't , it just gives infite energy, the cd bonus isn't really that effective as seek doesn't have any cd stat+skill , yeah it lowers some cooldown but after 1 combo it's not like you can easily survive 6+ seconds to re-use other skills ( you need to stack the talent too to be able to arrive at 30% cd ) 2nd branch have nearly same problem as i've stated now, skill and BLEED reliable but all of our bleed comes from the skills which are easily resisted ; as far as i've tested even if you can manage to apply some bleeds with the 1st Big talent in 2nd branch ( which is really low % ) it's not like you can effectively lifesteal a lot or apply that much dmg in a long-term
  23. This is basically what i've said in some of my other suggestion : The other talents part is something that needs a change as they are completely useless as of now, especially combos with the 2h middle branch and middle block talent skill The pve aspect i agree , maybe a slight nerf but yeah , I still think seeker and rogue have to superior in pve to other classes, otherwise why even pick seeker anyway when you can have ranger / bm / bd stronger in pve like seeker but having stronger pvp / GVG The class , as I've stated in another forum post, might need a slight adjustment on the talents that apply in PVP too, after that either keep the class dmg like this ( keeping in mind that it's a dmg dealer class and not a supporter ecc... ) or if nerf even more dmg pvp, increase tankyness or completely rework buff the 3rd branch + other skills
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