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Everything posted by Sulti

  1. Sulti


    Anyone play Nba 2k13?
  2. I'm so noob that if you look all the way at the beginning of the topic there is a screen shot of me admitting that im a noob
  3. Psh I think people forget what year it is.... We live in a day and age where technology is part of our everyday lives. It can make you or break you. Money doesnt even have to be in physical form anymore it can be somewhere through a computer only accessible by guess what?? An internet connection. People can get their lives saved by a technological machine. I dont care to much about E love all im saying that its possible.. but you wont ever catch me doing it :dirol:
  4. You can find love anywhere..... where there are humans love is possible end of story
  5. tried my friend's druid level 20 with a +9 staff full moon hitting 340 i almost lost to a warlock hitting 182 on me he got me down to 200 hp both times what does that tell you oh and he had 1.9k fortitude to my 2.4k fotitude
  6. Elf needs op because mc skills are op One op mens over population the other means over powering i rather have double elves then mc anyday if mc is winning all the wars what fun is that
  7. Playing both sides is lame and noobish to me thats why im for allowing only one side to choose per profile they should bring that back but no your not a traitor youll be a traitor to play both sides but if you switch to elf you wouldn't be a traitor at least not in my eyes go ahead bring your clan there elves need it.. after all whats the fun in hunting without more game
  8. my talent is ganking mastrubating and taking nudes oh and i drink hotdog water when im thirsty
  9. Sulti

    Photo Spam

    To bored to hunt now a days
  10. I hate how people claim they "hunt" when all they do is kill in one area (pvp cave) i really dont consider pvp cave as legit kills because any noob can kill there because its easy to get into and no one is really expecting to get ganked
  11. Male is racist he even told me he was in faxt most of the dutch people here are racists... what a a stupid country.. but zhu has changed ever since hangin around these dutch cunts
  12. Tweek ill pay you to do my dailies.......
  13. Quiet you hippie :diablo: Perhaps you want us to add marijuana to the game ;)
  14. Well the topic speaks for itself but why would people wanna add pets to this game? I dont understand what pets would accomplish this game isnt like any other mmo it adds its own style and uniqueness that makes it extremely addicting... But if anyone is for the idea of adding pets please tell me why
  15. Internet arguing should be a national pastime
  16. Psh if only this game had recognition of best hunter.... we all know who it would be
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